GENERAL ORDERS, No. 279. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERA 1/ S OFFICE, Washington, November 10, 1864. Return of furloughed officers and men. The efficiency of the army in the field requires that the furloughs of all regimental officers and enlisted men fit for duty will terminate on the 14th instant, and they will report at the several rendezvous which may have been appointed for them, or to their respective commands in the field. In case no rendezvous shall have been appointed, they will report at the nearest Draft Rendezvous, and will be forwarded by the commanding officer without delay. The Provost Marshal General will immediately take measures to have all officers and men who are fit for duty in the field, and absent from their commands, on furlough or otherwise, after the 14th instant, returned to their proper commands. order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.