GENERAL ORDERS, No. 269. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE, Washington, October 11, 1864. Money and property taken from prisoners of tear. I. The attention of officers or agents of the Government receiv- ing Confederate bills, notes or bonds, with a view to transmitting the same to the Adjutant General of the Army, under General Orders, No. 89, current series, is invited to paragraph 746, G. A. Regulations, and paragraphs 88 and 72 of General Orders, No. 100, of 1863. II. The legitimate funds of the United States belonging to pris- oners of war, and political or State prisoners, deceased, or funds accruing from the sale of their effects, will be turned over to Com- mandants and be credited to the Prison Fund, in accordance with, the Regulations of the War Department, promulgated in the Circu- lar dated: Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners, April 20, 1864. III. All funds not current in the loyal States, and those men- tioned in General Orders, No. 89, current series, belonging to de- ceased prisoners, and all money or other valuables, such as bills, notes, bonds, shares in bank, railroad and other stock, watches, jewelry, &c., found in deserted places, or belonging to unknown persons and escaped prisoners, will be transmitted to the Adjutant General of the Army, with the specified statement required by General Orders, No. 89, of 1864. IV. In cases where it is probable that money or other valuables, such as bills, notes, bonds, shares in bank, railroad and other stock, watches, jewelry, &c., found upon the persons of prisoners of war, and political or State prisoners, are public property, the same will be transmitted to the Adjutant General of the Army; but in cases where it is evident that such articles are the private property of persons in arrest or confinement, the same will be so controlled as to prevent the circulation of the funds of disloyal States in the loyal States. The funds of the United States Gov- ernment, or of the loyal States, and the watches, jewelry, &c., be- longing to such persons, may be expended for their benefit upon 2 their orders ; and when they are released, exchanged or paroled, their private property, and the balance of the money due, will be turned over to them, unless the same shall be forfeited by crimes or by offences of the owner, or shall be seized by way of military ne- cessity, as prescribed by General Orders, No. 100, 1863. Y. Requisitions made by officers or agents of the Government, for such funds as are mentioned in General Orders, No. 89, current series, will receive proper attention at the War Department. By order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant, Adjutant General.