GENERAL ORDERS, No. 267. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE, . Washington, October 4, 1864. The following named officers and enlisted men, have been duly exchanged as prisoners of war, near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on the 22d of August, 1864 : Captain W. F. Raymond, 1st Lieut, and Adjt. J. R. Wood, 2d Lieut. J. C. Davis, Q. M. Sergeant W. R. Dyer, Q. M. Sergeant W. Atkinson, Q. M. Serg’t George Anddleson, Sergeant Thomas Townsend, Sergeant C. E. Barnes, Commissary Serg’t J. G. Ross, Corporal C. M. Dennison, Corporal R. Vanderhoff, Corporal Corp Williams, Flospital Stew’dAlonzo Freeman, Corporal John Lane, Bugler Frank Miller, Private William Lattimer, Private J. Mannery, Private R. Foskey, Private J. D. Cooper, Private James Helmer, Private A. Wessel, Private W. Brown, Private W. Lynch, Private James Walker, Private W. Windcook, Private H. Finley, Private W. 0. Cross, Private J. Jordan, Private A. Wait, Private H. Osier, Private F. Morton, Private W. Champion, 11th New York Cavalry. Private C. Cypper, Private Jasen Tapper, Private W. L. Scovil, Private James Brown, Private James Daley, Private James Rawly, Private J. McCarty, Private J. Manning, Private F. Kent, Private James Reynolds, Private William Hipburn, Private John Zengel, Private A. Picket, Pi'ivate J. Stewart, Private E. McEntire, Private Charles Murray, Private Arthur Holmes, Private J. B. Slauson, Private Joseph Jackson, Private John Beckwith, Private John Murray, Private Robert Dillon, Private R. Schilling, Private F. Lambert, Private M. Wadry, Private John Malia, Private F. M. Sillick, Private J. W. Gray, Private Francis Allen, Private T. Donaver, Private J. Fitzgerald, Private J. B. O’Neal, 2 Private W. B. Ross, Private E. W. Orborne, Private C. Bombay, Private F. Sweetland, Private C. Reese, Private AV. Gordon, Private A. Sliber, Private Oliver Graft, Private David Rivers, Private George IT. Miller, Private Pat Thompon, Private Martin Burzen, Private Frank Pierce, Private John Roberts, Private John Wagner, Private C. Chapman, Private Francis Gokey, Private William Andrew, Private C. Mayer, Private John Shaver, Private A. L. Haynes, Private Michael Foot, Private George Lazelle, Private L. Worden, Private Thomas McHugh, 1st Lieut. B. F. Shirley, 114th New York Volunteers. Private John Meyer, 14th New York Cavalry. 2d Illinois Cavalry. Private J. H. McCune, Private L. C. Burkholder, Private J. H. Lowe, Private H. Day, Private W. E. Montgomery, Private R. C. Patten, Private Solon C. Morgan, Private 0. H. Ives, The officers and enlisted men whose exchange is announced above, will proceed to join their respective regiments at the expiration of the leaves of absence which may have been given, Private M. O'Brien, order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.