(JEN K R AI. ORDERS, No. 250 WAR DEPARTMENT, All.ll TANT GENERAL’S OFFICE, Washington, August 31, 1864. Rolls of Prisoners of War. Commanders of Departments will furnish to the Commissary Oen- eral of Prisoners, full rolls of all Federal prisoners of warreceived by them, either on parole or by exchange, and also of all rebel prisoners of war held by them at temporary depots, or who have been ex- changed by them. The rolls, besides giving the rank, regiment and company of each prisoner, and when and where captured, should state also the time and place of parole or exchange. It should also be stated at the foot of the roll under what special agreement or understanding the paroling or exchange is made. Commanders of Departments, or armies in the field, will furnish to the office of the Commissary General of Prisoners, whenever it is practicable, rolls of Federal troops captured by the enemy, giving the rank, regiment and company, and the time and place of capture. If known to be wounded, this should be so stated under the head of remarks. order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General