GENERAL ORDERS, No. 236. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, July 28, 1864. The following orders of Lieutenant General Grant are approved by the President: Headquarters, Armies of the United States, City Point, Virginia, July 19, 1864. Special Orders, No. 62. [ Extract. ] IV..Subject to the approval of the President, Major General W. F. Smith is hereby relieved from the command of the 18th Army Corps, and will proceed to New York city and await further orders. His personal staff will accompany him. Headquarters, Armies of the United States, City Point, Virginia, July 21, 1864. Special Orders, No. 64. [ Extract. ] 1.. 5ubject to the approval of the President, Major General E. O. C. Ord, U. S. Volunteers, is assigned to the command of the 18th Army Corps, and will relieve Brigadier General J. H. Martindale, tem- porarily commanding. 11.. 5ubject to the approval of the President, Major General D. B. Birney, U. S. Volunteers, is assigned to the command of the 10th Army Corps, and will relieve Brigadier General A. H. Terry, tem- porarily commanding BV ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General Official: Assistant Adjutant General.