GENERAL ORDERS, No. 198. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, Man 12, 1864. Duties of Assistant Surgeon General. To facilitate the prompt transmission of medical supplies to points developed by emergencies, secure the proper distribution and presence of medical officers and their assistants where services are most required, and to provide comfortable, abundant, and available hospital accommodation for the sick and wounded of the Armies of the West and Southwest, the office of the Assistant Surgeon General is estab- lished at Louisville, Ky. To fully accomplish these important objects, Assistant Surgeon Gen- eral R. C. Wood will have immediate control, under the general direc- tion of the Surgeon General, of the Medical affairs in the Military De- partment of the Northwest, the Northern Department, the Departments of Kansas, Missouri, and those composing the Division of the Missis- sippi, except that officers assigned to duty with any Army or Depart- ment will not be removed therefrom, unless by order of the War Department. The orders, circulars, and instructions heretofore published by the Assistant Surgeon General, and such as may in future be required, will be obeyed and respected by all under his jurisdiction. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General, Official : Assistant Adjutant General,