GENERAL ORDERS, No. 193. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, May 7, 1864. Acting Ordnance Officers of Divisions, Brigades, S\;c. For the purpose of more perfectly organizing the service of the Ordnance Department, as connected with Armies in the field and the Military Departments, and at the same time securing for that Depart- ment the services of a body of efficient officers, trained to its special duties, it is ordered— 1. That there shall be attached to the General Staff of every Division in the Army of the United States, and to that of each Brigade or Mili- tary District where no Division organization exists, an Acting Ordnance Officer, who shall be held directly responsible to the Chief Ordnance Officer at the General Headquarters of the Army or Department in which he maybe serving, for the manner in which he shall perform the special duties of his office. 2. These officers shall be Captains aud Lieutenants in the line of the Regular or Volunteer Service, selected for the position on account of their peculiar fitness for it, and, if possible, from those who have already had some experience in Ordnance duty. They shall be appointed and assigned to duty by the Commander of the Army or Department, and by him alone, upon the recommendation of the senior Ordnance Officer on duty at General Headquarters; and all removals or changes of station of these officers are to be made by the same authority, and on the recom- mendation of the senior Ordnance Officer. 3. It shall be the duty of such officers to keep themselves thoroughly acquainted with the armament of each Regiment and Battery in the Division, Brigade, or District with or in which they serve; to see that all arms, accoutrements, and equipments are kept in a serviceable condition by timely repairs, aud to promptly report to the Chief Ordnance Officer of the Army or Department all injuries to, or losses of, Ordnance property, which may be due to the neglect or carelessness of regimental or company commanders. 4. They will have charge of the ammunition supply trains attached to the Division or Brigade, and will be held responsible that ample supplies of ammunition are, at all times, in the hands of the troops, and that there is a full reserve supply in the train or the District depot. 5. Immediately after aa engagement, iu case our forces hold the field, they will take charge of all Ordnance and Ordnance stores found on that portion of it occupied by the Division or Brigade in which they are attached; they will see that regimental and company commanders collect and secure all arms, accoutrements, and ammunition belonging to soldiers of their companies or regiments, who have been killed or wounded, or who have abandoned such supplies; they will give receipts for all such Ordnance stores as are no longer needed by the regiment, and will cause them to be sent, together with all captured Ordnance stores, of whatever description, to the nearest Ordnance depot or Arse- nal, for deposit and repair. All defects in arms, ammunition, or any other Ordnance stores, coming under their observation, will at once be reported to the Chief Ordnance Officer of the Army or Department, together with all the information to be obtained, which may aid the Ordnance Department to correct the evil. 6. It shall be their duty to ascertain, at the close of every official quarter, whether the Ordnance and Ordnance stores in hands of the troops have been duly accounted for by the officers responsible for them, for the whole time they are so responsible, and to report all delinquent officers to senior Ordnance Officers at General Headquarters, to be, by him, reported to the Chief of Ordnance, at Washington. 7. All requisitions for Ordnance and Ordnance stores for the use of any troops in the Division, Brigade, or District, must be duly approved by them before being transmitted to General Headquarters, and they will be held respons;ble that all requisitions, so transmitted, are made in strict compliance with the regulations of the Ordnance Department. 8. In addition to these duties, they will promptly execute all special orders which may, from time to time, be given them by the Chief Ord- nance Officer to whom they report. 9. In order that the Ordnance Department may be kept fully advised of the names of all officers who are thus temporarily attached to it, a report of the Acting Ordnance Officers in every Army or Department, designating the Division, Brigade, or District to which they are attached,' shall be made, on the last day of every month, to the Chief of Ordnance, at Washington, D. C., by the senior Ordnance Officer of each Army or Department. 10. Hereafter, whenever it may become necessary to establish tem- porary Ordnance depots for the service of an Army in the field, it shall be done only by the order of the officer commanding the Army or Department, on the recommendation of his Chief Ordnance Officer. The officers to take charge of such depots shall all be selected by the Chief Ordnance Officer, and assigned to duty, or transferred from one depot to another, by the officer commanding the Army or Department, and by him alone. The names of all such depots, and those of the officers in charge of them, will at once be forwarded to the Chief of Ordnance, at Washington, D. C., and their names will be included in the monthly report of Acting Ordnance Officers of Divisions, prescribed in the preceding paragraph. Bf order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.