GENERAL ORDERS, No 191. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, May 7, 1864. Declaration of Exchange of Prisoners of War. 1. It having been officially reported that Mr. Ould, Rebel Commis- sioner of Exchange, has declared, without consulting with the authori- ties of the United States, that all rebel prisoners delivered at City Point up to the 20th of April were exchanged, it is— Ordered, That all Federal prisoners of war and all civilians on parole prior to May 7,1864, he declared exchanged, and they are thus declared exchanged accordingly. 2. It is further announced, that after deducting the number of Fed- eral officers and men embraced in this order as exchanged, the rebels will remain indebted to the Federal Government, according to tables carefully prepared by the Commissary General of Prisoners from official data, 33,596—for which no equivalents have been received by the Federal Government. 3. All paroled officers and enlisted men herein declared exchanged, who are in camp, will be immediately forwarded by the commandants of camps to their regiments and commands, and will he reported to the Commissary General of Prisoners accordingly. Those who are absent on leave will, on expiration of their leave, repair forthwith to the Parole Camps at Annapolis, Maryland, or Columbus, Ohio. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.