GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 12*2. WAR .DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, March 28, I8()4. Commanders of Departments are authorized to grant furloughs to paroled soldiers within their Command, upon the approval of the officers commanding the posts at which they are stationed. The number allowed to be absent at one time to be limited to twenty per cent., and the period not to exceed thirty days, and to he graduated according to the distance of the applicant from his home; the good conduct of the applicant to be made the rule in granting the furloughs. The names of all soldiers who thus receive furloughs, and their return to their stations, will be reported tri-monthlv to the Commissary General of Prisoners. BV ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.