GENERAL ORDERS, No. 203. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, July 1, 1863. The Board of Officers constituted by Special Orders, No. 262, of the War Department, to investigate the subject of the precedence in rank claimed by Major General B. F. Butler, U. S. Volunteers, over the following officers, or any one of them, viz: Major General G. B. McClellan, U S. Army; Major General J. C. Fremont, U. S. Army; Major General J. A. Dix, U. S. Volunteers ; Major General N. P. Banks, IT. S. Volunteers; have reported, that in compliance with said orders, they have examined the law and facts involved in the question referred to them, and the arguments submitted thereupon, and find as follows: The Board, after careful examination of the law and facts in- volved in the question referred to them, and the arguments submitted thereupon, unanimously find, (the question having been separately submitted as to the precedence in point of rank of each of them,) that Major Generals George B. McClellan and J. C. Fremont, IT. S. Army, and Major Generals J. A. Dix and N. P. Banks, U. S. Volunteers, have precedence, respectively, in point of rank, over Major General B. F. Butler, U. S. Volunteers. (Signed) JOS. G. TOTTEN, Brig. Gen. and Ch'f Eng'r. (Signed) M. C. MEIGS, Quartermaster General. (Signed) J. H. MAETINDALE, Brig. Gen. and Mil. Gov. D. C. (Signed) E. D. TOWNSEND, Asst. Adj't Gen. ( Signed ) J. HOLT. Approved: ( Signed ) EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. _June 29, 1863. By ordir of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.