GENERAL ORDERS, No. 187. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, June 24, 1833. I..Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Camp Mont- gomery, Mississippi, September 23, 1862, pursuant to General Orders, No. 22, dated September 8,1862; Special Orders, No, 64, dated Septem- ber 15, 1862; and Special Orders, No. 67, dated September 16, 1862, Headquarters, 2d Division, and of which Colonel T. W. Sweeney,52d Illinois Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and tried— First Lieutenant Thomas C. Baldwin, 7th Iowa Volunteers. Charge.—“ Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.” Specification 1st—“ In this; that Thomas C. Baldwin, 1st Lieutenant Of Company‘A,’7th Regiment Iowa Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Elliott W. Rice, did, on the 20tli day of August, 1862, in camp, two miles east of Corinth, in the presence of the Com- pany, get drunk while in command of the Company.” Specification 2d—“In this; that Thomas C. Baldwin, 1st Lieutenant*of Company ‘A,’ 7th Regiment Iowa Infantry, commanded by Colonel Elliott W. Rice, did, in camp, two miles east of Corinth, in the presence of Companies ‘A’ and ‘ C,’ of the 7th Iowa Volunteers, on the afternoon of the 2d day of September, 1862, get drunk.” Specification 3d—“In this; that Thomas C. Baldwin, 1st Lieutenant of Company ‘A,’ 7th Regiment Iowa Volunteers, on the night of the 2d day of September, 1862, did take a negro wench into his tent, took her in bed with him, and lay with her until nearly midnight, with his tent doors open.” To which charge and specifications the accused, 1st Lieutenant Thomas C. Baldwin, 7th Iowa Volunteers, pleaded “Guilty.” 2 Finding. The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused, 1st Lieutenant Thomas C. Baldwin, 7th Iowa Volunteers, as follows: Of the 1st Specification, “Guilty.” Of the 2d Specification, “ Guilty.” Of the 3d Specification, “Guilty.” Of the Charge, “ Guilty.” Sentence. And the Court does therefore sentence him, 1st Lieutenant Thomas C. Baldwin, 7th Iowa Volunteers, “To he dismissed from the service." II..The proceedings in the foregoing case have been forwarded for the action of the President of the United States. The record is fatally defective in not showing that the Court was properly organized, and the sentence is therefore inoperative; but as the accused admitted his guilt of a most gross and debasing offence, the President directs that he be dismissed the service, and 1st Lieutenant Thomas C. Baldwin, 7th Iowa Volunteers, accordingly ceases to be an officer of the United States Army from the 16th day of June, 1863. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.