GENERAL ORDERS, No. 167. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, June 8, 1863. 1.. The following officers and men have been declared duly exchanged as prisoners of war since the announcement in General Orders, No. 117, of May 9, 1863: 1. All officers, naval and military, delivered at City Point up to May 30, 1863. 2. All the officers and men of the steamers Hatteras, Merce'dita, Queen of the West, Harriet Lane, Isaac Smith, Columbia, Indianola, and schooner Yassar. 3. All the officers and enlisted men captured and paroled at Holly Springs, Mississippi, in December, 1862. 4. AIL the officers and enlisted men of the Seventy-first (71st) Regi- ment Indiana Volunteers captured at Muldraugh’s Hill, Kentucky, in December, 1862. 5. All the officers and enlisted men of the Ninety-first (91st) Regi- ment Illinois Volunteers, captured at Bacon creek and Nolin, Ken- tucky, December 26, 1862, Elizabethtown, Kentucky, December 27, 1862, and Muldraugh’s Hill, Kentucky, December 28, 1862. 6. All the officers and enlisted men captured at.Mount Sterling, Kentucky, in March, 1863. 7. All enlisted men of the Fifty-first (51st) Regiment Indiana Vol- unteers, of the Seventy-third (73d) Regiment Indiana Volunteers, of the Third (3d) Regiment Ohio Volunteers, of the Eightieth (80th) Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and of the First (1st) Tennessee Cavalry, forming part of Streight’s Brigade, and captured near Cedar Bluff, Georgia, about the 1st of May, 1863. 8. All persons specially exchanged, and who have been specially notified of such exchange, either individually or through their com- manding officers. 11.. The paroled officers and men herein declared exchanged will without delay, be forwarded to the commands to which they belong, from the camps at which they have been assembled, except such 2 officers belonging to companies not yet exchanged, as the Commissary General of Prisoners may think necessary to retain to take charge of their own men. Exchanged officers, and men absent on leave, will, at the expiration of their leaves, join their respective commands. By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.