GENERAL ORDERS, No. 147. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, May 26, 1863. 1.. By direction of the President the sentence of dismissal published against First Lieutenant John G. Walsh, 28th Regiment New York Vol- unteers, in General Orders, No. 68, of March 8, 1863, from the War Department, is hereby revoked. 11.. By direction of the President of the United States the sentence “to be shot to death,” published against Private Ezekiel Ennis, Company E, 6th Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, in General Orders, No. 68, Headquarters Department of the Cumberland, May 11, 1863, is re- mitted, he having voluntarily joined his Regiment and gone into action before his arrest and trial. 111.. The commutation by the General Commanding of the death sentence in the case of R. W. Burrows, published in General Orders, No. 39, Headquarters 14th Army Corps, December 19, 1862, not being authorized by law, and being, therefore, inoperative, the proceedings have been submitted to the President of the United States. The President directs that the sentence be commuted to imprisonment at hard labor during the war. By order of the Secretary of War : E D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.