GENERAL ORDERS, No. 125. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, May 15, 1863. I..Before a General Court Martial, which convened at Union Mills, Virginia, March 6, 1863, pursuant to General Orders, No. 20, dated Headquarters, Casey’s Division, Reserved Army Corps, Defences of Washington, February 24, 1863, and of which Colonel Eliakim, 126th New York Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and tried— Private A. B. Covert, Company C, 126th New York Volunteers. Charge I.—“Sleeping on his post.” Specification—“In this ; that he, Private A. B. Covert, Company C, 126th New York Volunteers, having been duly posted as a sentinel, did sleep upon his post. This at or near Headquarters, Third Brigade, Casey’s Division, at or near Union Mills, Virginia, on or about the 12th day of February, 1863.” Charge II.—“ Quitting his musket.” Specification—“In this; that he, Private.4. B. Covert, CompanyC, 126th New York Volunteers, having been duly posted as a sentinel, did quit his musket before he was regularly relieved. This at or near Headquarters, Third Brigade, Casey’s Division, at or near Union Mills, Virginia, on or about the 12th day of February, 1863.” To which charges and specifications the accused, Private A. B. Covert, Company C, 126th New York Volunteers, pleaded “Guilty.” Finding. The Court, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused, Private A. B. Covert, Company C, 126th New York Volun- teers, as follows: Charge I. Of the Specification, “Guilty.” Of the Charge, “Guilty.” 2 Charge II. Of the Specification, “Guilty.” Of the Charge, “ Guilty.” And the Court therefore does sentence him, Private A. B. Covert, Company C, 126th New York Volunteers, “ To be shot to death with musketry, at such time and place as the Major General Commanding the Depart- ment of Washington may direct, two-thirds of the members of the Court agreeing upon this sentence.” II..The proceedings of the Court in the case of Private A. B. Covert, of Company C, 126th New York Volunteers, have been approved by the proper commanders, and forwarded for the action of the President of the United States, who, upon the unanimous recommendation by the Court to Executive clemency, is pleased to remit the sentence. By order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Sentence.