GENERAL ORDERS, No. 117. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, May 9, 1863. 1.. The following officers and men have been declared duly ex- changed as prisoners of war since the announcement in General Orders, No. 10, of January 10, 1863: 1. All officers and enlisted men, and all persons, whatever may have been their classification or character, who have been delivered at City Point, Virginia, up to May 6, 1863. 2. All officers who have been captured and released on parole up to April 1, 1863, wherever they may have been captured. 3. All enlisted men who have been captured in North Carolina and Virginia, and released on parole, up to March 1, 1863. 11.. The paroled troops herein declared to be exchanged will be, without delay, equipped for the field and forwarded to the armies to which they belong, from posts or camps wherever they may be collected. All officers and enlisted men absent, in virtue of being on parole, will, now that they are exchanged, immediately return to duty with their proper commands. By ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.