GENERAL ORDERS, No. 111. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, May 1, 1863. 1.. From and after the first day of May, all enlistments of volunteers shall be under the special charge and direction of the Provost Marshal General, under the rules and regulations heretofore made, which are hereby continued in force, and such other rules of the Department as may from time to time be made. All disbursing officers, and all other officers connected with the enlistment of volunteers, will report to him. 11.. 0fficers of regiments going out of service, by reason of the expiration of their term, may, with the consent of their respective Governors, re-enlist their regiments, within thirty days from the expira- tion of the original service, for a term of three years, unless sooner discharged; and upon the regiment being filled up within the thirty days aforesaid, the officers shall be restored to their rank as from the date of their original commissions. This, however, will give no claim to pay for the time between muster-out and re-entry into service. III. -The law provides that a man who enlists for three years, unless sooner discharged, is entitled to one month’s pay in advance upon the mustering of his company into the service of the United States, or after he shall have been mustered into and joined a regiment already in the service, and to a bounty of one hundred dollars, twenty-five dollars of which is to be paid in advance when his company is organ- ized, muster-in rolls made out, and the mustering officer’s certificate given thereto, or after he shall have been mustered into and joined a regiment already in the service. IV. .Hereafter, regiments of volunteers leaving the field on account of expiration of term of service will be permitted, on the application of their officers, who shall undertake to hold themselves responsible for their safe delivery, to take their arms and accoutrements to the place of discharge, to be delivered to the Governor of the State, or to officers 2 appointed by him to receive them. The arms and accoutrements will be held subject to reissue to the men on re-enlistment in their former companies and regiments. By order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.