GENERAL ORDERS, No. 108. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, April 28, 1863. 1.. Whenever volunteer troops are mustered out of service, the entire regiment, or other organization,.will be considered as mustered out at one time and place, except prisoners of war, who will be considered as in service, until their arrival in a loyal State, with an allowance of time necessary for them to return to their respective places of enroll- ment. With officers and men of this class, commanding officers of regiments and companies will exercise great care in stating in the remarks, od the muster-out rolls, the dates and places of capture, thus: Prisoner of War. Captured at , December , 18—. 11.. 0.ficers and men absent from their commands, on detached service, sick in hospital or paroled, wdll be furnished with transporta- tion by the Quartermaster’s Department, to the place where the regi- ment is to be mustered out, in time to be present at the said muster. If from sickness, or other proper cause, they cannot be sent in time, as above directed, they will be sent to the point indicated as soon thereafter as practicable. The transportation will be furnished upon the requisition of the commanding officer under whom the officer or soldier may be serving, or of the surgeon in charge of the hospital where he may be sick. The descriptive lists of the men will accompany them, and be turned over to the officer who may be charged with mus- tering out the force, by whom (after the data therefrom has been entered on the muster-out rolls) they will be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the Army. 111.. The following extracts, from the Mustering Regulations, are published for the information and guidance of all concerned: “ Whenever volunteers, or militia, are mustered for final discharge, on the expiration of their lerin of service, a discharge will he furnished for each officer and soldier, whether present or absent. “ The blanks for these must be filled with great care and neatness, and signed, with official rank affixed, (at the left hand) by the colonel or other regimental commander for the field and staff, by the captains or other company commanders for their respective companies, and by the mustering officer, and by the mustering officer returned to the said 2 Form of Discharge. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. [Coat of Arms.] Know ye, That , a of Captain company [ ] regiment of volunteers, who was enrolled on the day of , one thousand eight hundred and , to serve years, or during the war, is hereby discharged from the service of the United States, this day of , 186—, at by reason (of being mustered out of service on the expiration of his term.) * No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist. Said was born in , in the State of , is years of age, feet inches high, complexion, eyes, hair, and by occupation, when enrolled, a . Given at , this day of 186—. Commanding Company (or Regiment.) A. B., Capt. U. S. Infantry and Mustering Officer. “Where troops are mustered out of service, final statements must not be given. The muster-out rolls take the place of final statements in such cases.” By order of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. * This sentence will be erased, should there be anything in the conduct or physical condition of the soldier rendering him unfit for duty in the army.