GENERAL ORDERS, No. 79. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, March 31, 1863. I..The following is announced as the Corps of Engineers established by the act of March 3, 1863, consolidating the Corps of Engineers and Corps of Topographical Engineers, heretofore existing. Corps of Engineers. Chief Engineer, with rank of Brigadier General. Joseph G. Totten March 3, 1863. Colonels. Stephen H. Long September 9, 1861. Sylvanus Thayer March 3. 1863. Ren£ E. DeRussy March 3, 1863. Hartman Bache ...March 3, 1863. Lieutenant Colonels. James D. Graham August 6, 1861. Richard Delafield August 6, 1861. Henry Brewerton August 6, 1861. Thomas J. Cram September 9, 1861. Alexander H. Bowman March 3, 1863. John G. Barnard March 3, 1863. George W. Cullum March 3, 1863. Henry W. Benham March 3, 1863. Andrew A. Humphreys March 3, 1863. John N. Macomb March 3, 1863. Majors. Daniel P. Woodbury - August 6, 1861. James H. Simpson ...August 6, 1861. Lorenzo Sitgreaves August 6, 1861. Israel C. Woodruff August 6, 1861. 2 Zealous B. Tower August 6, 1861. Horatio G. Wright.... August 6, 1861. John Newton August 6, 1861. George Thom September 9, 1861. Amiel W. Whipple September 9, 1861. George G. Meade June 18, 1862. John D. Kurtz ...March 3, 1863. Barton S. Alexander March 3, 1863. James W. Abert March 3, 1863. William F. Ilaynolds March 3, 1863. William F Smith March 3, 1863. Edward B. Hunt March 3, 1863. Charles S. Stewart March 3, 1863. Charles E Blunt M,arch 3, 1863. John G. Foster March 3, 1863. James C. Duane ...March 3, 1863. Captains. Roberts. Williamson August 6, 1861. Quincy A Gillmore August 6, 1861. Frederick E. Prime August 6, 1861. James St. C. Morton August 6, 1861. Thomas L. Casey August 6, 1861. James B. McPherson . August 6, 1861. Nathaniel Michler September 9, 1861. John G. Parke ...September 9, 1861. Gouvemeur K. Warren September 9, 1861. George II. Mendell September 28, 1861 Henry L. Abbot June 18, 1862. Charles N. Turnbull July 14, 1862. William P. Craighill March 3, 1863. Cyrus B. Comstock • March 3, 1863. Junius B. Wheeler March 3, 1863. Godfrey Weitzel March 3, 1863. David C. Houston March 3, 1863. Miles D. McAlester March 3, 1863 3 George H. Elliot March 3, 1863. John C. Palfrey March 3, 1863. Henry M. Robert March 3, 1863. Haldemand S. Putnam March 3, 1863. William C. Paine March 3, 1863. William E. Merrill ....March 3, 1863. Chauncey B. Reese March 3, 1863. Walter McFarland March 3, 1863. John A. Tardy, jr March 3, 1863. Charles E. Cross March 3, 1863. Nicholas Bowen March 3, 1863. First Lieutenants. Orlando M. Poe July 1, 1860. James H Wilson ...September 9, 1861. Orville E. Babcock ...November 17, 1861. John M. Wilson May 14, 1861. Franklin Harwood May 14, 1861. John W. Barlow May 15, 1861. Peter C. Hains June 24, 1861. Patrick H. O’Rorke March 3, 1863. Francis U. Farquhar March 3, 1863. Arthur H. Dutton March 3, 1863. Ranald S. Mackenzie March 3, 1863. George L. Gillespie, jr March 3, 1863. George Burroughs March 3, 1863. Charles R. Suter March 3, 1863. Jared M. Smith March 3, 1863. Samuel A Mansfield March 3, 1863. Henry C. Wharton March 3, 1863. II..The commissions of the officers above named will be considered as continuous with those held by them in their respective corps before the passage of the act consolidating them ; and any commissions to a higher grade which may be conferred to carry out the provisions of the act will be held to have been accepted by the officers concerned, on the date of the passage of the act, unless they shall be declined. 4 Ill. .The following assignment of officers of tlie Corps of Engineers is made to the Battalion of Sappers, Miners, and Pontoniers: Major James C. Duane to command the Battalion. Captain Nathaniel Michler and First Lieutenant Ranald S. Mackenzie to Company A. Captain Charles E. Cross and First Lieutenant Franklin Harwood to Company B. Captain Chauncey B. Reese and First Lieutenant John W. Barlow to Company C. Captain Charles N. Turnbull and First Lieutenant George L. Gil- lespie, jr., to Company D. Captain Thomas L. Casey to Company E, (late Company A, Topo- graphical Engineers.) Companies A, B, C, and D will remain with the Army of the Potomac ; and the officers assigned to the Battalion, not now with that Army, will report for duty to Major General Hooker as soon as their present com- manding officers can dispense writh their services. Captain Casey will continue at Portland, Me , and, in addition to his present duties, will, under the direction of the Chief Engineer, recruit for the Engineer Companies in the field, after filling which to their full complement he will organize his own Company. By order or the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Atsisfant Adjutant General.