GENERAL ORDERS, No. 23. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, January 28, 1863. 1.. By direction of the President, so much of “General Orders,” No. 208, of 1862, as musters out of service additional Paymaster John A. Lowry, is hereby revoked. 11.. “General Orders,” No. 8, of January 20, 1863, from the Head- quarters Army of the Potomac, dismissing 1st Lieutenant Henry P. Kinney, 24th Michigan Volunteers, for tendering his resignation while under orders to meet the enemy, and expressing in his resignation unsoldierlike and treasonable sentiments, is, by direction of the Presi- dent, hereby confirmed. ♦ By ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.