GENERAL ORDERS, No. 17. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, January 21, 1863. I--At a Military Commission, which convened at Thibodeaux, Louisiana, on the 18th day of November, 1862, pursuant to General Orders, No. 25, dated November 17, 1862, from Headquarters Reserve Brigade, near Thibodeaux, Louisiana, and of which Lieutenant Colonel R. B. Merritt, 75th New York Volunteers, was President, was ar- raigned and tried— Granson, or Granville, a colored man. Charge.—“Attempt at rape.” Specification—“In this; that he, Granson, or Granville, did, by force and violence, attempt to have carnal knowledge of the body of Miss Louise Duferne, against her will.” To which charge and specification the prisoner pleaded as follows: To the Specification, “Not Guilty.” To the Charge, “Not Guilty.” Finding. The Court, after mature deliberation upon the testimony adduced, finds the accused as follows: Of the Specification, “Guilty.” Of the Charge, “Guilty.” Sentence. And the Court does therefore sentence him, the said Granson, or Granville, “ To be hanged by the neck till he be dead, at such time and place as may be designated by the Commanding General;” all the members of the Court concurring therein. II..In compliance writh the 5th section of the act approved July 17, 1862, the proceedings in the case of Granson, or Granville, a colored man, have been submitted to the President of the United States, and the sentence is by him approved. By ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: L. THOMAS, Adhitant General. Official :