STATE OF NEW-YORK. No. 346. IN ASSEMBLY, 3Iay 9, 1840. REPORT Of the standing committee on medical societies and colleges, relative to the restrictions on unlicen- sed practitioners. Mr. Marvin, from the committee on medical societies and colleges, to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of this State who, believing that a well regulated system of the practice of medicine is essential to the welfare of community, pray the Legislature not to repeal the present restrictions, but to pass a law more effectually re- straining unlicensed practitioners ; and also to require from the medical student a still more extended and thorough course of study, REPORTS: That the committee have had the subject of the above petition under consideration, and although it is thus brief, they are aware that it em- braces objects and interests in which community feel too deeply con- cerned, not to require at their hands a thorough and careful examina- tion. Your committee, regarding the subject as one of great moment, and being convinced that the guardianship of the public health is a measure of sound policy with which it would be hazardous to the public welfare unnecessarily to meddle, would avail themselves of the opportunity to express their views somewhat at length, with the hope that this House as well as the community at large, may be led to wise and judicious conclusions on a subject, upon whkh-aaeh and every individual have so much at stake.