GENERAL ORDERS, No. 204. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, Dec. 11, 1862. On examination of the case of 1st Lieutenant Frank C. Goodrich, 2d Regiment U. S. Infantry, sentenced to be cashiered for misbehavior before the enemy on the day of the engagement of Gaines’ Mill, Ya., June 27,1862, which sentence was promulgated in “General Orders,” No. 141, from the Headquarters Army of the Potomac, dated July 21, 1862, the President of the United States has been pleased to order that the said 1st Lieutenant Goodrich be restored to his commission in the 2d Regiment of U. S. Infantry, and that he be suspended from rank, pay, and emoluments, for six months from the date of his sentence. The President is moved to this act of clemency by satisfactory evidence, not before the Court, that the accused left his command on account of sickness. By ordek of the Secretary of War: E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General.