GENERAL ORDERS, No. 154. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, October 9, 1862. The commanding officer of each regiment, battalion, and battery of the Kegular Army in the field, will appoint one or more recruiting offi- cers, who are hereby authorized to enlist, with their own consent, the requisite number of efficient volunteers to fill the ranks of their com- mand to the legal standard. The enlistments will be made in the usual mode, and for three years, or for the remaining portion of the period of three years which the volunteer has yet to serve, if he so prefer. The recruiting officers will furnish to the commanding officers of companies to which volunteers whom they may enlist belong, lists of such volunteers, exhibiting the dates of enlistment of each in the Regular Service. All the men upon such lists will be reported as hon- orably discharged the day previous to the date of their enlistment, on the first subsequent muster roll of their company. As an inducement to volunteers to enlist in the Regular Army, it will be remembered that promotion to commissions therein is open by law to its meritorious and distinguished non-commissioned officers; and that many have already been promoted. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.