GENERAL ORDERS, No. 99. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, August 9, 1862. REGULATIONS for the enrolment and draft of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MILITIA. In 'pursuance of an Order by the President of the United States, bearing date August 4, 1862, whereby it is provided that a draft of three hundred thousand militia be immediately called into the service ot the United States to serve for nine months, unless sooner discharged, and that the Secretary of War shall assign the quotas to the States and establish regulations for the draft; also, that if any State shall not by the 15th of August furnish its quota of the additional three hundred thousand volunteers authorized by law, the deficiency of vol- unteers in that State shall also be made up by special draft from the militia, and that the Secretary of War shall establish regulations for this purpose— It is ordered : First. The Governors of the respective States will proceed forthwith to furnish their respective quotas of three hundred thousand militia called for by the Order of the President, dated the fourth day of August, 1862, which quotas have been furnished to the Governors respectively by communication from this Department of this date according to the regulations hereinafter set forth. Second. The Governors of the several States are hereby requested forthwith to designate rendezvous for the drafted militia of said States, and to appoint commandants therefor, and to notify the Secretary of W ar ot the location of such rendezvous and the names of the com- mandants. It is important that the rendezvous should be few in number, and located with a view to convenience of transportation. lhird. The Governors of the respective States will cause an enrol- ment to be made forthwith by the assessors of the several counties, or by any other officers to be appointed by such Governors, of all able- bodied male citizens, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, within the respective counties, giving the name, age, and occupation of each, together with remarks showing whether he is in the service 2 of the United States, and in what capacity, and any other facts whicl may determine his exemption from military duty. All reasonable and proper expenses of such enrolment, and of the draft hereinafter provided, wrill he reimbursed by the United States upon vouchers showing the detailed statement of service performed and expenses incurred, to be approved by such Governors. Fourth. Where no provision is made by law in any State for carry- ing into effect the draft hereby ordered, or where such provisions are in any manner defective, such draft shall be conducted as follows: 1. Immediately upon completion of the enrolment, the lists of en- rolled persons shall be filed in the offices of the sheriffs of the counties in Avhich such enrolled persons reside. 2. The Governors of the several States shall appoint a commissioner for each county of their respective States, whose duty it shall be to superintend the drafting, and hear and determine the excuses of per- sons claiming to be exempt from military duty. Such commissioner shall receive a compensation of four dollars per diem for each day he may be actually employed in the discharge of his duties as such com- missioner. 3. The enrolling officer shall immediately, upon the filing of the enrolment lists, notify said commissioner that said lists have been so filed, and the commissioner shall thereupon give notice, by handbills posted in each township of his county, of the time and place at which claims of exemption will be received and determined by him, and shall fix the time to be specified in the order aforesaid within ten days of the filing of the enrolment at which the draft shall be made, and all persons claiming to be exempt from military duty shall, before the day fixed for the draft, make proof of such exemption before said commis- sioner, and if found sufficient, his name shall be stricken from the list by a red line drawn through it, leaving it still legible. The commissioner shall, in like manner, strike from the list the names of all persons now in the military service of the United States, all telegraph operators and constructors actually engaged on the fifth day of August, 1862, all engineers of locomotives on railroads, all artificers and workmen employed in any public arsenal or armory, the Vice President of the United States, the officers, judicial and executive, of the Government of the United States, the members of both houses of Congress and their respective officers, all custom-house officers and 3 their clerks, all post officers arid stage drivers who are employed in the care and conveyance of the mail of the Post Office of the United States, all ferrymen who are employed at any ferry on the post road, all pilots, all mariners actually employed in the sea service of any citizen or merchant within'the United States, all engineers and pilots of registered or licensed steamboats and steamships, and all persons exempted by the laws of the respective States from military duty, on sufficient evidence, or on his personal knowledge that said persons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, whether the exemption is claimed by them or not. Exemption will not be made for disability, unless it be of such per- manent character as to render the person unfit for service for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by a surgeon appointed by the Governor, in each county, for that purpose. 5. At the time fixed as before provided by the commissioner for making the draft, the sheriff of the county, or, in his absence, such person as the commissioner may appoint, shall, in the presence of said commissioner, publicly place in a wheel or box, of a like character to such as are used for drawing jurors, separate folded ballots, containing the names of all persons remaining on said enrolment lists not stricken off as before provided, and a proper person, appointed by the com- missioner, and blindfolded, shall thereupon draw from said box or wheel a number of ballots, equal to the number of drafted men fixed by the Governor of such State as the proper quota of such county. 6. A printed or written notice of his enrolmemt and draft, and of the place of rendezvous of the drafted military force shall thereupon be served by a person to be appointed by the commissioner, upon each person so drafted, either by delivering the same in person or by leaving it at his last known place of residence. 7. Any person so drafted may offer a substitute at the time of the rendezvous of the drafted militia force, and such substitute, if he shall be an able-bodied man, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, and shall consent in writing (with the consent of his parent or guardian, if a minor) to subject himself to all the duties and obliga- tions to which his principal would have been subject, had he personally served, shall be accepted in lieu of such principal. 8. The persons thus drafted shall assemble at the county seat of their respective counties, within five days after the time of drafting, whence transportation will be furnished them by the Governors of the several States to the place of rendezvous. 4 9. As soon as the draft has been made and the names marked on the enrolment lists, the commissioner will send a copy of the draft to the commandant of rendezvous, and another of the same to the Adju- tant General of the State, who will immediately organize the drafted men into companies and regiments of infantry, by assigning one hun- dred and one men to each company, and ten companies to each regi- ment, and send a copy of the organization to the commandant of the rendezvous. JO. At the expiration of the time allowed for the drafted men to reach the rendezvous, the commandant shall proceed to complete the organization of the companies and regiments by proclaiming the names of the regimental commissioned officers, which shall be designated in accordance with the laws of the respective States, the number and grade being the same as in the volunteer service; and in case the laws of any State shall provide for the election of officers, they shall be elected under the direction of the commandant of the rendezvous, and reported forthwith to the Governors of such States in order that they may be commissioned, and the non-commissioned officers may be appointed either before or after muster, as the colonel of the regiment shall decide. 11. As soon as the officers of the companies and regiments are desig- nated, the muster-rolls shall be made out under the direction of the commandant of the rendezvous, and the troops inspected and mustered into the service of the United States by the mustering officer appointed for that purpose. 12. In States where enlistments have been made by municipalities and towns, instead of counties, the Governors of such States are authorized to apply the foregoing rules of draft to such municipalities and towns, instead of counties. Fifth. Provost Marshals will be appointed by the War Department in the several States, on the nomination of the Governor thereof, with such assistants as may be necessary to enforce the attendance of all drafted persons who shall fail to attend at such places of rendezvous. Sixth. In case any State shall not, by the 15th day of August, furnish its quota of the additional three hundred thousand volunteers called for by the President on the 2d day of July, 1862, unless other- wise ordered, all incomplete regiments shall then be consolidated, under the direction of the Governors of the respective States, and an additional draft shall be made, as before provided, sufficient to fill up such quota; the number to be drafted from each county of the State to be fixed by the Governor thereof. 5 Seventh. From and after the 15th day of August, no new regiments of Volunteers will be organized, hut the premium, bounty, and advance pay will continue to he paid to those volunteering to go into the old Regiments. After order, August 14, 1862. Eighth. That in filling all requisitions for militia, the quotas of the several States will be apportioned by the Governors among the several counties and (where practicable) among the subdivisions of counties, so that allowance shall be made to such counties and sub- divisions for all volunteers theretofore furnished by them and mustered into the service of the United States, and whose stipulated term of service shall not have expired. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General.