GENERAL ORDERS, No. 76. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, July 9, 1862. I--At a General Court Martial, convened at Fort Columbus, New York harbor, by “Special Orders,” No. 108, dated War Department, Adjutant General’s Office, May 15, 186*2, and of which Bievet Briga- dier General Harvey Brown, U. S. Army, is President, were arraigned and tried— 1st. Captain E. C. Jones, 7th U. S. Infantry. Charge. “ Drunkenness on duty." Specification—“ That Captain E. C. Jones, 7th Infantry, was drunk while on duty as officer of the day. This at Fort Columbus, New York harbor, on or about the 3d day of May, 1862.” To which charge and specification the accused pleaded as follows: To the Specification, “Not Guilty.” To the Charge, “Not Guilty.” Finding of the Court. The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the accused, Captain E. C. Jones, 7th Infantry, as follows: Of the Specification, “Guilty.” Of the Charge, “Guilty.” Sentence. And the Court does therefore sentence him, Captain E. C. Jones, 7th Infantry, “ To be cashiered.” 2d. Private Peter Fay, Company F, P. P. General Service. Charge. “ Desertion.” Specification—“ That he, Private Peter Fay, Company F, Permanent Party General Service, did desert the service of the United 2 States from his post, Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, on or about the 12th day of May, 1862, and did remain a deserter until he surrendered himself on the 19th day of May, 1862. This at Fort Columbus, New York harbor, on or about the 12th day of May, 1832.” To which charge and specification the prisoner pleaded as follows: To the Specification, “Not Guilty.” To the Charge, “ Not Guilty.” Finding of the Court. The Court, after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced, finds the prisoner, Private Peter Fay, Company F, Permanent Party General Service, as follows: Of the Specification, “Guilty” of absenting himself, without leave, from his post from the 12th to the 18tli day of May, 1862. Of the Charge, “Not Guilty,” but “Guilty” of absence without leave. Sentence. And the Court does therefore sentence him, Private Peter Fay, Company F, Permanent Party General Service, “ To be confined at hard labor, in charge of the guard, for four months, and to forfeit ten dollars per month of his pay for the same period." 11.. The proceedings and sentences of the General Court Martial in the foregoing cases are approved, and will be executed. Captain E. C. Jones, 7th U. S. Infantry, ceases to be an officer of the Army from this date. 111.. The General Court Martial, of which Brevet Brigadier General Harvey Brown is President, is dissolved. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.