GENERAL ORDERS, No. 67. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, June 17, 1862. The supervision of Prisoners of War sent by Generals commanding in the field to posts or camps prepared for their reception, is placed entirely under Colonel William Hoffman, Third Infantry, Commis- sary General of Prisoners, who is subject only to the orders of the War Department. All matters in relation to prisoners will pass through him. He will establish regulations for issuing clothing to prisoners, and will direct the manner in which all funds arising from the saving of rations at prison hospitals, or otherwise, shall be accounted for and disbursed by the regular disbursing officers of the Departments, in providing, under existing regulations, such articles as may be abso- lutely necessary for the welfare of the prisoners. He will select positions for camps for prisoners, (or prison camps,) and will cause plans and estimates for necessary buildings to be prepared and submitted to the Quartermaster General, upon whose approval they will be erected by the officers of the Quartermaster’s Department. He will, if practicable, visit the several prison camps once a month. Loyal citizens who may be found among the prisoners of war, con- fined on false accusations or through mistake, may lay their cases before the Commissary General of Prisoners, who will submit them to the Adjutant General. The Commissary General is authorized to grant paroles to prisoners, on the recommendation of the Medical Officer attending the prison, in case of extreme illness, but under no other circumstances. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.