GENERAL ORDERS, No. 44. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, April 21, 1862. All the lock-houses, boats, scows, and other property belonging to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, on the line of said canal, now held, used, or occupied by the United States officers or troops, will be forthwith given up and restored to the President of the said Company. All officers of the Army will respect Alfred Spates, Esq., as President of the said Company, and are hereby prohibited from interfering in any manner with him in the management of the canal; hut are directed to give him such aid and assistance as is consistent with the good of the service, in keeping it in repair, and removing all restrictions which have been imposed upon the boats navigating the said canal. The President of the said Canal Company is author- ized to give all passes that may be required to be used on the canal, subject to the approval of the Commander of the District. By order op the Secretary op War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.