GENERAL ORDERS, No. 32. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, April 2, 1862. The following Regulations are published for the information of all concerned : ADDITIONAL PARAGRAPHS ON THE SUBJECT OF PRISONERS OF WAR. (Vide paragraphs 745 to 747, Revised Regulations for the Army, 1861.) 1. A General commanding in the field, or a Department, will make arrangements for the safe-keeping and reasonable comfort of his prisoners. 2. For this purpose he will place them under a guard already on duty, or detach a guard for the special service. 3. The General will give no order exchanging prisoners, or releasing them, except under instructions from the Secretary of War. 4. In emergencies admitting of no delay, the General will act upon his own authority, and give any order in relation to his prisoners the public interest might require, promptly reporting his proceedings to the War Department through the Adjutant General. 5. In time of war, a Commissary General of Prisoners will be announced, whose general duties will be those of an Inspector. 6. A General Depot for Prisoners will be designated by the Secretary of War, which shall he under the command of the Commissary General of Prisoners, with a body of troops as a guard under his orders. The Depot shall be the Headquarters of the Commissary General, to which communications may be sent. 7. Generals commanding Departments, or in the field, may, at their discretion, send their prisoners to the General Depot—furnishing proper rolls with them, showing when and where captured, &c. ; after which their charge of them will cease. 8. The Commissary General of Prisoners is empowered to visit places at which prisoners may be held, and will recommend to the General, whose guards are responsible for them, whatever modification in their treatment may seem to him proper or necessary, and report the same to the War Department. 2 9. Generals sending prisoners to the depots, or to special localities, will furnish the Commissary General of Prisoners with lists or rolls of all prisoners so sent, which the Commissary General of Prisoners will cause to be entered in a proper book, showing the name and designa- tion of each prisoner, the time and place when and where taken. Any special information of importance will be added from time to time in a column of remarks. When disposed of, by exchange or otherwise, the fact, and the authority for it, and the name of the person for whom exchanged, should be noted in this record. 10. The Commissary General of Prisoners shall have authority to call for such reports from officers in command of guards over prisoners as may be necessary for the proper discharge of his own duties. 11. He will make reports monthly, or oftener, if required, to the Adjutant General, showing where and in what numbers prisoners are held, and be in readiness at all times to answer specific questions as to persons. 12. The duties of the Commissary General of Prisoners do not extend to prisoners of State. By order of the Secretary of War : L. THOMAS, Official : Adjutant General. Assistant Adjutant General.