GENERAL ORDERS, No. 28 WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, March 22, 1862. 1.. A military department to be called the Middle Department, and to consist of the States of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia, and the counties of Cecil) Harford, Baltimore and Ann Arundel, in Maryland, is hereby created. Major General Dix, United States Volunteers, is assigned to the command ; headquarters at Baltimore. 11.. No troops in the United States service will hereafter pass through the city of New York without reporting to the United States military authorities entrusted with the duty of providing subsistence and trans- portation in that city. Reports must he made and information obtained at the office, No. 79 White street. 111.. His Excellency the Governor of New York has decided upon the following prices to be charged to the non-commissioned officers and privates of the several regiments from that State, now in the field, for articles of clothing heretofore furnished them by the State. The said prices have been fixed from the average cost of the several articles : For each infantry overcoat. . $8 63 “ “ jacket 5 43 “ “ trowsers.... 3 50 “ fatigue cap 85 “ pair of shoes, (pegged,) 1 20 “ “ shoes, (sewed,) 1 98 “ “ drawers 57 “ “ socks 24 “ shirt 88 “ blanket 1 95 By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.