GENERAL ORDERS, No. 25. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, March 15, 1862. The Provost Marshal General of the Army of the Potomac, and his subordinates, will turn over to Brigadier General Wadsworth, Mili- tary Governor of the District of Columbia, the buildings and premises occupied in the city of Washington, and all the public property belong- ing thereto; and from and after it being so turned over, the Provost Marshal’s office will be withdrawn from the city of Washington, and all the force employed in the Military Police of the city will be hence- forth under command of Brigadier General Wadsworth, as Military Governor of the District. General Wadsworth will establish his Head- quarters in the building heretofore used and occupied by the Provost Marshal in the city of Washington. The Provost Marshal General, and his subordinates, will also turn over to Brigadier General Wadsworth, as Military Governor of the District of Columbia, all the military prisons and prisoners within the District of Columbia, and all contrabands now in custody, and the same shall henceforth be under command of the Military Governor of the District of Columbia. General Wadsworth will forthwith assume command as Military Governor of the said District. By order of the Secretary of War: L. THOMAS, . Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.