GENERAL ORDERS, No.# /✓/ HEADQUARTERS OP THE ARMY, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, December 16, 1861. 1.. The Secretary of War directs that the following change he made in the uniform trowsers of regimental officers and enlisted men: The cloth to he sky-blue mixture. The welt for officers, and stripes for non-commissioned officers of Infantry, to be of dark blue. 11.. enlisted men, or volunteers, are separated from their companies on furlough, on detached service, or in hospitals, they will be furnished by their commanding officers with descriptive lists on which will be shown all the data affecting their pay, clothing accounts, &c. 111.. 1.he numerous applications for transfer of soldiers from one regiment or company to another would, if complied with, cause con- fusion in the records, and be injurious to the future interests of the soldiers themselves. Such transfers will not henceforth be made. Br command of Major General McClellan : L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.