GENERAL ORDERS, No. 102. HEADQUARTERS OP THE ARMY, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, November 25, 1861. 1.. Isaac Lynde, 7th Infantry, for abandoning his post—Fort Fillmore, N. M.—on the 27th of July, 1861, and subsequently sur- rendering his command to an inferior force of insurgents, is, by direction of the President of the United States, dropped from the Rolls of the Army from this date. 11.. The Secretary of War directs that all officers and enlisted men of the volunteer service, now prisoners in the hands of the enemy or reported as “ missing in action,” or that may be hereafter taken prisoners or reported “ missing in action,” be transferred to skeleton regiments to be formed by the Governors of the respective States, and to consist entirely of such prisoners and missing officers and men. The vacancies thus occasioned in the organized regiments will be filled by the Governors of the various States to which the regiments belong. 111.. 1. time of actual field service, officers of Cavalry, Artillery, and Infantry are permitted to wear the light blue overcoat prescribed for enlisted men of the mounted corps. IV..The uniform for Chaplains of the Army will be plain black frock coat with standing collar, and one row of nine black buttons ; plain black pantaloons ; black felt hat, or army forage cap, without ornament. On occasions of ceremony, a plain chapeau de bras may be worn. By Command of Major Genebal McClellan : L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.