GENERAL ORDERS, No. 100. HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, November 16, 1861 Complaint lias been made to the President of the United States that certain persons within the State of Virginia, in places occupied by the forces of the United States, claim to be incumbents of civil offices, state, county, and municipal, by alleged authority from the Common- wealth of Virginia, in disregard and violation of the “Declaration of the people of Virginia represented in Convention at the city of Wheel- ing, Thursday, June 13, 1861,” and of the Ordinances of said Conven- tion, and of the Acts of the General Assembly held by authority of said Convention. It is therefore ordered, by direction of the President, that if any person sba.ll hereafter attempt, within the State of Virginia, under the alleged authority of said Commonwealth, to exercise any official powers of a civil nature within the limits of any of the commands of the occupying forces of the United States, unless in pursuance of the Decla- ration and Ordinances of the Convention assembled at Wheeling on the 13th day of June, 18(51, and the Acts of the General Assembly held by authority of said Convention, such attempt shall be treated as an act of hostility against the United States, and such person shall be taken into mi itary custody. Commanding officers arc directed to enforce this order within their respective commands. II. Captain Garden Chapin, of the 7th Infantry, who, in General Orders No. 66 of the current series from this Office, was declared to be dismisstd the service, is now by direction of the President restored to his former rank and position in the Army. He will repoit in person to the commanding officer of the Department of b\cw Mexico toi duty. Command of Major General McClellan L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.