GENERAL ORDERS, No. 92. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, October 26, 1861. 1.. All plans for the hospital accommodation of the sick, involving outlay of funds, and all proposed transfers of sick and convalescent soldiers, by Medical Directors, involving a change of department, will be submitted to the War Department (through the Surgeon General) for the decision of the Secretary of War. 11.. A new military department, to be called the Department of New York, is created, and placed under the command of his Excellency Governor Morgan, who has accepted the commission of Major General of Volunteers in the service of the United States. Headquarters, Albany. 111.. guard against accidents such as have in several instances caused seiious injury, it is hereby ordered that troops transported by railroad through disaffected parts of the country, shall march on foot over bridges, where possibility exists of the cars breaking through. To this end there will be an agreement in the contract for transporta- tion, that the trains shall be stopped, to permit the troops to alight, before crossing a bridge. IV. Representations having been made to the Secretary of the Treasury that funds other than such as are authorized by law to be paid on account of the United States, are tendered by disbursing officers of the War Department to creditors of the Government, such officers are hereby notified, that all payments made by them, on account of the United States, must be made in checks upon their deposits in a public depository—as required by law—in lawful coin, or in United States notes. No discount upon any funds remitted to disbursing officers, can be lawfully allowed in the settlement of their accounts. V. Abercrombie is announced as a chaplain post, and the 2 camps in the vicinity of the city of Harrisburg, Pa., will likewise con- stitute a post for a chaplain. order: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.