GENERAL ORDERS, No. 73. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, September 7, 1861. 1.. Paragraph 152 of the Army Regulations, ed. 18G1, in relation to the reward to be paid for the apprehension of deserters, is so far modified as to substitute Five instead of Thirty Dollars as the amount to be paid in such cases. II-.That portion of General Orders No. 15, current series, from this Office, whicli prescribes one Major for a Regiment of Cavalry, has been so far modified as to allow three Majors for a regiment of twelve companies and two for one of eight or ten companies. 111.. The attention of Officers, and all others having business with the War Department or its different Bureaux, is called to the excessive use of the telegraph in cases where it is entirely unnecessary, and in which the business would be much more certainly and correctly trans- acted through the mail. A large majority of the telegrams received are of this character, whilst the telegraph should be used only in cases of urgent and imperative necessity, where the delay of the mail would be actually predjudicial to the public interest. No despatches will be noticed here unless this necessity is recognised, and in such cases they will be paid for by the party sending them, who may look for re- muneration to the Quartermaster’s Department, on presenting a copy of the telegram to show that it was upon public business and that the matter demanded this mode of communication. IV..Hereafter, no discharges will be granted to volunteers in the service of the United States on the ground of minority. By order : L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.