GENERAL ORDERS, No. 39. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, July 1, 1861. I-.No volunteer will be discharged upon Surgeon’s certificate of disability until the certificate shall have been submitted to the Medi- cal Director, and shall have been approved and countersigned by him. 11.. Captain JohnMcNab, 10th Infantry, having, while in command of Fort Laramie, given satisfactory evidence of his disloyalty to the Government, the President directs that his name be stricken from the Rolls of the Army. He also directs that the name of Assistant Sur- geon Lafayette Guild, Medical Staff, be stricken from the Rolls for refusing to renew his oath of allegiance. 111.. Chaplains of New York Volunteer Regiments mustered into service for two years, will receive the pay and allowances that are granted to Chaplains of three years’ regiments. Bt ORDfiR : L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official: Assistant Adjutant General.