GENERAL ORDERS, No. 2!). WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, June 4, 1861. The following order litis been received from the War Department and is published for the information of the Army : War Department, June 4, 1861. 'ihe death of a great statesman, in this hour of peril, cannot bo regarded otherwise than as a national calamity. Stephen A. Douglas expired in the commercial capital of Illinois yesterday morning at 9 o’clock. A representative of the overpowering sentiment enlisted in the cause in which we are engaged. A man who nobly discarded party for his country. A Senator who forgot all prejudices in an earnest desire to serve the republic. A Statesman who lately received for the Chief Magistracy of the Union a vote second only to that by Avhich the President was elected, and who had every reason to look forward to a long career of usefulness and honor. A patriot, who defended with equal zeal and ability the constitu- tion as it came to us from our fathers, and whose last mission upon earth was that of rallying the people of his own State of Illinois, as one man, around the glorious flag of our Union, has been called from the scene of life and the field of his labor. This Department recognising in the loss one common to the whole country, and profoundly sensible of the grief it will excite among mil- lions of men, hereby advises the Colonels of the different regiments to have this order read to-morrow to their respective commands, and suggests that the colors of the republic be craped in mourning in honor of the illustrious dead. SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. By order: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.