[Printer’s No., 2798. :,i OOETGEBSS, "■ ■ Hk mf ■ Ist Skssion. _ 11 a B«* # l-O# IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. January 9, 1882. Read twice, referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Dezekdorf introduced the following bill: A BILL For a public building for a marine hospital at the port of Norfolk, Virginia. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- -2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 8 That the Secretary of the Treasury he, and he is hereby, au- -4 thorized and directed to purchase, at private sale, or by con- -5 demnation in pursuance of the statute of Virginia, a suitable 6 lot of ground for a site for a building suitable for a marine 7 hospital at the port of Norfolk, Virginia, and cause to be 8 erected upon the same a building suitable for the aforesaid 9 purpose; and for the purposes herein mentioned the sum of 10 fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any 11 moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be 12 expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treas- 13 ury. The lot of land to be purchased and the buildings 14 hereby authorized to be constructed and completed, upon 15 plans to be previously made and approved by the Secretary 16 of the Treasury, shall not exceed the cost of fifty-five thou- -17 sand dollars for land and building complete: Provided, That 18 the lot of land shall contain an area of not less than five 19 acres: And provided also, That no part of the money hereby 20 appropriated for the purchase of said lot of land shall be paid 21 until a valid title to the same shall be vested in the United 22 States, and the State of Virginia shall have released and re- -23 linquished jurisdiction over the same and exempted said land, 24 together with the building or buildings as may be hereafter 25 erected thereon, from taxation so long as the same are the 26 property of the United States. January 9, 1882.—Read twice, referred to the Commit- tee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. For a public building for a marine hospital at the port of Norfolk, Virginia. 47th CONGRESS, Ist Skssion. A BILL H. R. 3718.