SAUNDERS’ POCKET MEDICAL FORMULARY. WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING POSOLOGICAL TABLE; FORMULAS AND DOSES FOR HYPODERMIC MEDICATION; POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES; DIAMETERS OF THE FEMALE PELVIS AND POSTAL HEAD; OBSTETRICAL TABLE; DIET LIST FOR VARIOUS DISEASES; MATERIALS AND DRUGS USED IN ANTISEPTIC SURGERY; TREATMENT OF ASPHYXIA FROM DROWNING; SURGICAL REMEMBRANCER; TABLES OF INCOMPATIBLES; ERUPTIVE FEVERS; WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Etc. BY WILLIAM M. POWELL, M.D., a ttor of “essentials of diseases of children;” one of the , associate editors of the “ annual of the universal medi- I cal sciences;” attending physician to the children’s SEASHORE HOUSE FOR INVALID CHILDREN, AND THE MER- CER HOUSE FOR INVALID WOMEN AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.; MEMBER OF THE PHILADELPHIA PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED, PHILADELPHIA : W. B. SAUNDEKS, 913 Walnut Street. 1802. Copyright, 1891. By W. B. SAUNDERS. Ifiis kittle IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED TO MY FRIEND, WILLIAM H. BENNETT, A.M., M.D., OF PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. In o tie ring this Formulary to the Profession, the com- piler wishes to state that he has endeavored to introduce, so far as possible in the many prescriptions contained therein, a considerable number, of the more important recently discovered drugs. Especial thanks are due to Dr. Richard C. Norris, of Philadelphia, for his aid in furnishing the diameters of the female pelvis and foetal head, and to the many pro- fessional friends, who have provided the author with valu- able prescriptions from their private practice, hitherto unpublished. Indebtedness is acknowledged to the following text- books : Starr on Diseases of the Digestive Organs in Infancy and Childhood; J. Lewis Smith, Meigs and Pepper, Ashby and Wright, Ellis, Eustace Smith, Good- hart and Starr, and to Keating’s Encyclopaedia of Diseases of Children ; The Annual of the Universal Medical Sci- ences; Wood’s, Bartholow’s, Hare’s, Ringer’s, Potter’s, and Napheys’ Therapeutics ; Duhring, Shoemaker, Stel- wagon, and Van Harlingen on Skin Diseases ; Goodell’s Gynaecology ; Hirst’s System of Obstetrics; Ashhurst’s, Agnew’s, and Martin’s Surgeries ; Sajous on Nose and Throat; Seiler on the Throat; and Pepper’s System of Practice of Medicine, etc. In conclusion, the author would gladly acknowledge any corrections or additions. W. M. POWELL. 26 South Indiana Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Sept. 1891. AUTHORITIES. Abadie. Abercrombie. Agnew. Ainslie. Aitken. Aldridge. Alison. Alrich. Andeer. Anders. Anderson. Anglada. Annals of Gynaecology and Paediatry. Annual of the Universal Med. Sciences. Armaignac. Aschenbach. Ashhurst. Atkinson. Atlee. Aubert. Audhoui. Aulde. Austie. Baer. Baker. Balfour. Balzer. Barbacci. Bareges. Barker. Barnes. Barrett. Barthez. Bartholow. Barwell. 'lasham. ilazin. Beall. Bean. Beauperthuy. Bellevue Hospital. Benedict. Bennett, W. H. Bernardy. Bertarelli. Bezold. Bibron. Billroth. Bird, Golding and George. Bixby. Blachez. Blackwood. Blasius. Bonjean. Boteler. Bouchard. Bouchut. Brande. Breima. Brensinger. Brinton. Brockes. Brodie. Brondel. Brooke, H. G. Browne, Crichton. Brown-Sequard. Bruns. Brunton. Bucknell. Bulkley. Bumstead and Taylor. Bundy. Burgess. Burnett. Campi. Canada Lancet. Canada Med. Record. Canquoin. Capitan. Carmichael. Cazeaux. Chambard. Chambers. Chapman. Charity Hospital, N. Y. Charteris. Cliauvin. Chaves. Cheatham. Cheron. Christie. Churchill. Clark, Alonzo. Clark, E. G. Clarke, Andrew. Clouston. Cohen, J. S. Cohen, Solomon Solis. College and Clinical Record. Condie. Cooper, Sir A. Copland. Corpe. Corvisart. Coster. Covert. Cruice, R. B. Da Costa. Dalton. Danet. D’Ardenue. Davidson. Day. Deboue. Debove. Delafield. Demarquay. Descroizilles. Dessau. Devergie. Dewees. Dick. Diday. Dixie Doctor. Dixon. Dobell. Dobish. Donovan. Dorr. Druitt. Duckworth Duguet. Dujardin-Beaumetz. Dukes. Dunglison. Dunn. Duparc. Dupont. Dupuytren. Easby. Eberle. Eillard. Eller. Elliott. Ellis. Enable ton. Emmet. Engel, Hugo. Erichsen. Everson, M. W. Fahnestock. Farquharson. Faust. Ferraud. Flemming. Fliesburg. Forbes. Fothergill. Fox, G. H. Fox, L. W. Fox, Tilbury. Frantzel. Fraser. French Hospital. Fronmueller. Fuller. Furev. Galezowski Garretson, J. E. Garrod. Gazette M4d. de Montreal. Georgi. Gerhard. Gimbert. Girwood. Holden. Gooch. iGoodell. Goodfellow. Goodhart. •;Goodhart and Starr. Graet'e. Grandmont. Granville. Graves. Grossicli. Gross, S. W. Gubler. Guild. Guiteras. Guthrie. Guy. Guy’s Hospital. Halford. Hammond, J. 11. Hammond, W. A. Hare, H. A. Harkins. Harley. Hartmann. Hartshorne. Hay. Hazard. Headland. Heath. Hebra. Heinzelmann. Henry, F. P. Henson. Hermann. Higgins. Hildreth. Hillier. Hirst, B. C. Hirtz. Hodson. Hogg. Holt. Hooper. Hope. Howard. Howe. Huchard. Hudson. Hugenschmidt. Hughes. Hutchinson, Jonathan. Ihle. Ingalls. Jaccoud. Jacobi. Jamieson. Janeway. Jefferson Hospital, Phila. Jenner. Johnson. Johnston. Jolly. Jones, Wharton. Jorissenne. Jour, de Medecin. Jour, de Medecin. de Paris. Joy. Judkins. Kaposi. Kappesser. Kassowitz. Keating. Kennard. Keyes. Keyser. Kinder-A rzt. Knaggs. Kobert. Koch. Koebner. Kossorndski. Kraft-Ebing. Labbe. Laborde. Labric. Lafargue. Lancereaux. Laplace. Lardier. La Tribune Medical. Lawrence. Lawson. Leahy. Le Bulletin Med. Le Courier Medical. Le Union M6dieale. Lee. Leffert. Leishman. Lemare-Picquot. Lerry. Lettsom. Levi. Levis. Leyden. Lichtwitz. Liebreich. Lisfranc. Lister. Little. Loomis. Lopez. Lublinski. Luton. MacConnell. Mackenzie. Mackintosh. Madigan. Magendie. Magitat. Mann. Markoe. Marshall, E. Marshal, John. Martin, Edward. Mason. Mauriac. Mays, Tlios. J. Med. Mirror. Medical News. Med. Press. Medical Progress. Med. and Surg. Rep. Meigs and Pepper. Meniere. Metcalf. Miall. Minot. Mitchell, S. Weir. Monin. Monoe. Monti. Moreir. Morris, Henry. Morrow. Morse. Morton, S. G-. Mosler. Mund6. Munk. Murchison. Napheys. Neale. Neligan. Nichols. Niemeyer. Norton. Notta. Noyes. Nussbaum. Ortille. Osier. Otto. Pacific Record, The. Palmer. Pancoast, Jos. Pancoast, W. H. Parinaud. Paris. Parkes. Parrish. Parry. Parvin. Patton. Pavy. Payne. Peabody. Pennypacker. Penrose. Pepper, Win. Peschek. Pharmaceutical Record. Pharmaz. Zeit. Phila. Hospital. Phillips. Phoebus. Pick. Pinard. Piorry. Playfair. Plumbe. Potain. Potter. Poulet. Preston. Prideaux. Priestley. Puche. Quain. Rabow. Radius. Ravoghi. Read. Reece. Reimer. Revillout. Rex, Oliver P. Reynolds. Rhode. Richardson. Ricord. Riess. Ringer. Robinson. Roche. Rochester. Rodet. Rodier. Rokitansky. Roosevelt Hospital. Rosenberg. Rotlie. Rush. Sajous. Salaman. Salter. Sansom. Saterlee. Scanlan, M. Schmidt. Schneck. Schrimmer. Scott and McCormack. See. Seguin. Seifert. Seiler. Selwyn. Semmola. Seymour. Shinn. Shoemaker, J. V. Sliufford. Simes. Simon. Simpson. Skoda. Smith, A. A. Smith, Chas. R. Smith, Eustace. Smith, F. A. A. Smith, Heber. Smith, J. Lewis. Smith, Tyler. Soden. Sonnenberger. Spitzka. Squibb. Starr, Allen B. Starr, Louis. Startin. St. George’s Hospital. St. Luke’s Hospital, N. Y Stelwagon. Stewart, D. D. Stille. Stokes. Stone, E. R. Stubbs. Sturges. Sweringen. Tait. Tanner. Taylor, R. W. Thiersch. Thomas. Thomas, T. GL Thompson, A. T. Thomson, W. H. Thor. Thornton. Tilt. Trousseau. Tuke. Turnbull. Tyrell. Tyson, Jas. Tweedy. University Hosp., Phila. Unna. Van Buren. Van Buren and Keyes. Vanderbilt Clinic. Van Harlingen. Van Winkle. Velpeau. Venot. Vidal. Vigier. Vulpian. Waakes. Walshe. Ward’s Island Insane Asylum. Waring. Waters. Watkins. Watson, E. Watson, Wm. Perry. Waugh. Weiss. Weller. West. Wharton, H. K. Whepley. White, J. W. Wichmann. Widerhofer. Widowitz. Wilde. WTillard. Williams. Wilson, Erasmus. Wilson, J. C. Win ton. Winzar. Witherstine. Wolfenden. Wood, H. C. Woodbury, Frank. Young, Jesse. FORMULA. ABORTION. 1—I* Tr. opii, .... rtbxx-xxx. Sig.: Mix with one or two ounces of starch-water and inject into the rectum. Parvin. ABSCESSES. 2— I* Acid, carbolici, . . . gr. viij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Inject into swelling, and repeat every ■liABT,N' 3— Sodii hypopliosffliitis, . . p'w. Calcii bypopbosphitis, . . Syr. simp., .... fgiss. Aq. fceniculi, . . q. s. ad f§iv.—M. * Sig.: Two teaspoonfuls four times a day. Churchill. 4— Iodoformi, . . . • 3J- Glycerime, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Inject into the abscess cavity after evacua- ting the pus. Billroth. 5— I* Calcii sulphureti, . . . gr. vj. Pulv. glycyrrhizse, . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill every three hours. Waugh. ACIDITY (See also Pyrosis). 6—ft Sodii bicarb., . . . • 5J* Pulv. rhei, .... ,^ss. Spt. menthie pip., . . . fgij. Aquse, . . . q. s. ad fijiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful after meals. ' /2 ~ a Bellevue Hospital. 1 ACIDITY (Continued). 7— Hydrarg. cum cretae, . . gr. viij. Bismuth, subnit., . . . gr. xij. Pulv. nucis myristicae, . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. vi. Sig.: One powder night and morning. (For chil- dren.') Gerhard. 8— Liq. calcis, Aq. cinnam., . . . aa fgij-—M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls in ice-water as required. StarbJ 9— Sodii bicarb., .... 3iij* Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder in wineglassful of cold water after meals. Clark. 10—Tr. nucis vomicae, . . . f^j. Sig.: Five drops in water before meals three times a day. Ringer.1 ACNE (See also Skin Diseases). 11— I* Huile de cade, . . . 3SS- Adipis preparat., . . . 3l—M. Et ft. unguentum. Sig.: Apply night and morning. Tilbury Fox., Tia # fov'Ausv'jw err ~yi/'~0u£Y". 12— Magnesii sulph., . . U. Ferri sulph., .... gr. viij. Acidi sulphurici arom., . . fjj. Aquae mentli. pip., . . f.^iv. Sig.: Tablespoonful in cup of water, p. r. n. Dchrino. 13— In a severe case of acne associated with rosacea Wash the face in hot water, as hot as can lx borne. Drink a cupful of hot water upoi retiring and upon rising. Take internally: Ifc Liq. potassi arsenitis, ; Tr. nucis vomicae, . . aa gtt. lxxij. 1 Aloini, ..... gtt. ij. Aq. menthae pip., . . q. s. f.^ii.j-—M. I Sier.: Teaspoonful three times a dav. 2 ACNE (Continued). Apply externally: 14— Acidi borici, .... 9j. Lanolini, .... 59 • 01. eucalyptol, . . . gtt. v. Ung. zinci oxidi, . . . §j. Bisrnuthi subnit., . . . 3j*—M. Sig.: Ft. unguentum. Shoemaker. 15— Hydrarg. oxidi rubri, Hydrarg. ammon., . . aa gr. v. Adipis, ..... —M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. (In obstinate cases.) Fox. 16— I* Liq. potassae, . . . . f'5j- Aq. rosae, .... f§iv.—M. Sig.: Apply with sponge twice daily. Bartholow. 17— I* Sulphuris iodid., . . . 3SS* Adipis, ..... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply freely night and morning. Ringer. AGAL/ETIA. 18—I* Ex. pilocarpi fl., . . f^ij- Sig.: Teaspoonful two or three times a day. Bartholow. ALBUMINOID KIDNEY. 19— I* Ammon, chlor., . . . Aq. menthag pip., . . . fjiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. ALBUMINOID LIVER. 20—I* Syr. ferri iodid., . . . f^ij•—M. Sig.: Ten drops in water three times a day. Hughes. ALBUMINURIA (Bright s Disease). . 21—I* Auri et sodii chlor., . . gr. iij. "j Hydrarg. cblor. corr., . . gr. v. Ex. gentian, . . . . q. s.—M. Ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One pill morning and evening. Bartholow. I* 01. erigeronitis, . . f§ss. Sig.: Five drops on a lump of sugar every three or T four hours. (In chronic forms.) Bartholow. 3 ALBUMINURIA (Continued). 23— 1* Ferri sulpliat., . . . 3j. Ex. nucis vom., . . . gr. x-|j)j. Pil. galbani co., . . . T)ij—iij.—M. Ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: A pill two or three times a day. ( When dys- peptic symptoms are present.) Goodfellow. 24— Potass, acetat., . . . gr. x-xx. Infus. digitalis, . . . fjij. Infus. juniperi, . . . fjij.—M. Sig.: Every two or three hours. 25— I* Mist ferri et ammon. acetat. (U. S. P.), . . . . fSvj. Sig.: One to two teaspoon fills well diluted three times a day. Basham. 26— Ferri sulph., . . . . gr. xv. Magnes. sulpli., . . . f^i.i- Potass, bicarb., . . . 3*ij- Infus. buchu, .... f^viij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful once or twice daily in water. {When constipation exists.) Fotheegill. 27— I* Pulv. jalapse comp., . . 5ss-5i- Sig.: Take before breakfast. 28— Acid, gallici, .... oj-O'J- Acid, sulphuric, dil., . . f^ss. Tr. lupuli, . . . • foJ- Infus. lupuli, . . .ad f3v j -—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. (If urine is smoky.) Aitken. ALCOHOLISM. 29— I* Tr. nucis vomicse, . . . tt^lxxx. Tr. gentian co., Tr. calumbie co., . . aa f3bi•—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful before each meal, in water. Loomis. 30— $ Spt. ammon. aromat., . . f5'j- Tr. campliorse, . . . fjiss. Tr. liyoscyami, . . . 5iiss- Spts. lavandulse co., q. s. ad f.^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or two until relieved. Aitken. 4 ALCOHOLISM (Continued). 31— Zinci oxidi, ... gr. xxiv.—M. Div. in pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Morris. 32— Zinci oxidi, .... 3j. Piperin*, .... Qj.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three or four times a day. [In chronic form.) Chapman. 33— Tr. capsici, Tr. zingiber., . . . aa fgj. Tr. valerian* ammon., Tr. gentian, comp., . aa f.3ij.—M. Sig.: Take dessertspoonful in a teacupful of hot tea three or four times a day. Gerhard. 34— Sodii brom., .... 3SS* Chloral, liydrat., . . . 3*iss- Syr. aurant. cort., . . . f.^ss. Aqn*, .... ad fjiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful at night. Repeat if neces- sary. Aitken. ALOPECIA (See also Skin Diseases). 35— ft Ext. jaborandi fluid., Tinct. cantharidis, . . aa f,3ss. Glycerin*, Olei vaselini, . . . aa gj.—M. i Sig.: Apply locally with a sponge at night. /V -> >9. • „ Bartholow. 36— Tr. macis, '' . . . fjiss. 01. olivse, ... ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply two or three times a day to affected spots. Hebra. 37— 3: Ext. pilocarpi, fld., . . f^j. Tinct. cantharidis, . . fjss. Linimentum saponis, . q. s. f§iv.—M. Sig.: Rub in the scalp daily. Bartholow. 38— Tr. cantharidis, .... f3iss. Tr. capsici, .... rr^xx. Glycerin*, .... f.^ss. Spt. odorat*, ... ad f*yj.—M. Sig.: Apply two or three times daily. Gross. 5 ALOPECIA (Continued). 39— Quinise sulpliat., . . . 5SS- Tr. cantliaridis, . . . t'3j. Spt. amnion, aromat., . . f^j- 01. ricini, .... f,3iss. Spt. myrciae, .... f§vss. 01. rosmarini, . . . gtt. v.—M. Sig.: Shake well. Apply with stiff brush two or three times a day. Gerhard. 40— Tr. cantharidis, . . . f.^ss. 01. ricini, .... f^iv.—M. Sig.: Rub well into roots of hair night and morning. Waring. AMENORRHCEA. 41— Ex. Aloes aqueosi, . . 5.1 • Ferri snlpliat. exsiccat., . . 3U* v Asafcetidse, .... 5iy*—M. Ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: One to three pills three times a day. Goodell. 42— I* Hydrarg. bichlorid., . . gr. iv. Sodii arsenit., . . . gr. iiss. Strychn. sulph., . . . gr. Potass, carb. pur., . . . gr. ix. Ferri sulph. exsic., . . gr. ix.—M. Et ft. pil. No. x. Sig.: One thrice daily after meals. WlNTON. 43— Terebintliinae alb., Pulv. aloes, Ferri sulph. exsic., . . TUi Qj.—M. Et ft. pil No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Parvin. 44— Fol. artemis. pulv., Herb, millefol. pulv., . aa gr. xl. Croc, hispan. pulv., . gr. xx.—M. Ft. in chart. No. v. Sig.: One powder daily for five days preceding menstruation. Potain. 45— I* Tr. Ferri clilor., . . . fjiij. Tr. cantliaridis, . . . f5j. Tr. guaiac amnion., . . f5iss. Tr. aloes, .... f^ss. Syrupi, . . . q. s. ad fjvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Dewees, 6 AH/EM IA AND CHLOROSIS. 46— I* Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . fjj. Vini ferri amar., . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day, after meals. F. P. Henry. 47— I* Tr. ferri chlor., . . . f5'v- Acid, phosphor, dil., . . f'3vj. Spts. limonis, .... f5ij. Syr. simp., . q. s. ad f3yj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful, well diluted, after meals. GoODELL. 48— Quiniae sulph., . . . gr. xx. Ferri sulph. exsiccat., . . gr. xl. Strychninse sulpli., . . gr. ss.—M. Et div. in pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Barthoeow. 49— Vini ferri amar., . . . f^viiss. Tr. nucis vomicae, . . . f^iv. Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . fjij-—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in water after each meal. T. Gaillard Thomas. 50— Mangan. lactat., . . . oiijss. Ext. cinchon., . . . 5”JSS-—M. Et ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: Three to six daily. Also— 51— Sodii arseniat., . . . gr. j. Aquae, ..... 3X-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful daily during meal times. 52— I* Acid, pliosphorici dil., Acid, nitro-muriatic dil., Acid, sulphuric, aromat., Tr. ferri chloridi, . . aa f^ss.—M. Sig.: From twenty to thirty-five drops in half a glassful of cold, sweetened water. Given as a tonic in the anaemia of children, espe- cially when this is associated with loss of appetite and general debility. Mays. 53— Ferri sulph. exsiccat., Potassi carb., aa gr. j.—M. Ft. pil. j. t. d. Da Costa. AN /EM / A AND CHLOROSIS (Continued). 54- Ext. cinclionae, Ext. gentianae, Ext. rhei, Ferri et potassae tart., . aa gr. lxxv. Ext. nucis vomicae, . . gr. vijss. 01. anisi, .... gtt. v. Glycerinae, . . . . q. s.—M. Et div. in pil. No. c. Sig.: Two pills before each meal. Huchard. 55- Acidi arseniosi, . . . gr. j. Ferri sulpliat. exsiccat., . . gr. ss. Pulv. pip. nigr., . . . 3j. Pil. aloes et myrrliae, . . 5b—M. Et div. in pil. No. xl. Sig.: One twice a day after meals. Fothergill. 56- Hydrarg. chloridi corrosivi, . gr. ij. Liquoris arsenici chloridi, t'3j. Tincturae ferri chloridi, Acidi hydroclilorici diluti, aa f5iv. Syrupi simplicis, . . . f3iij- Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in a wineglassful of water after each meal. 57- I* Liq. potass, arsen., . . f5,j. Tr. ferri chlor., Acid, plios. dil., . . aa fjss. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water taken through a glass tube t. i. d. after meals. Nichols. AN/ESTHESIA, LOCAL In such cases as opening a bone felon, scraping a small fistula in the gums, removal of epithelioma in the face, or, in fact, any small operation requiring a local anaesthetic lasting from two to six minutes, Dobisli recommends the use of the following solution in a Richardson spray :— ' 58—$ Cliloroformi, .... fjiiss. iEther. sulphuric., . . . fjiv. Menthol, .... gr. xv.—M. Sig.: As a spray. 8 ANEURISM. 59— ft Potass, iodid., . . . §ss. Syr. simp., .... fgj. Aq. menthae pip., . . ad fgiij—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful three times daily, gradually increased to double the quantity. Balfour. 60— ft Antipyrin, .... 5'ss- Syr. tolu., .... f^iss. Aquae, .... ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful from one to four hours, to re- lieve pain. Germain See. 61— ft Tr. digitalis, .... fgss. Ex. ergotae fl., . . . fgiiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. Da Costa. ANGINA PECTORIS. 62— ft Sol. nitro-glycerin (1 per cent.), f^ss.—M. Sigi: One to two drops internally. {When pallor of face exists.) Pepper. ft Methylal, .... f3ix. Amyl nitrite, .... f3j.—M. Sig.: Drop thirty or forty drops on handkerchief and inhale. Richardson. 63— ft Tr. digitalis, .... f5iiss. Spt. chloroform., . . . f5vj. Ex. buchu fi., ... fgj. Spt. juniperi comp., q. s. ad f^iv-—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day. Fothergill. 64— ft Amyl nitrite, .... n^v. Sig.: For inhalation. Murchison. 9 ANTHRAX. 65— ft Acid, carbol., .... flkx-xxx. Aqute, ..... fgj.—M. Sig.: Inject with hypodermic needle five drops into and around the pustule. Martin. APHTH/E. 66— ft Sodii salicylat., . . . 5iss- Aquae rosae, .... f%j.—M. Sig.: Apply several times daily. IIirtz. 9 APHTH/E (Continued). 67— 1* Potass, chlorat., . . . £)ij. Tr. ferri chlor., . . . t5j. Syr. simp., .... f3vj. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of two years. Stubbs. 68— Potass, chlorat., . . . gr. xx. Vini opii, n\,v. Glycerin*, .... f^j. Aq. ros*, . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Use as mouth-wash. Starr. 69— Mel boracis, . . . . gj. Sig.: Apply several times daily to patches. Ringer. 70— Potass, iodid., . . . gr. i.-v. Aqua?, —M. Sig.: Use locally. Bartholow. 71—1* Zinci chlor., . . . . gr. iij. Alcoholis dil., . . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use as mouth-wash. Simon. APOPLEXY. 72— I* Tr. veratri viridis, . . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: Three to five drops every three or four hours. Hughes. 0 73— 01. tigli, gtt. j. Glycerin*, .... Tt^xij.—M. Sig.: Place on tongue. ASTHMA. 74— * Potassii iodid., . . . 5vjss> Tinct. lobeli*, . . . tr^x. Syr. sarsaparilla comp., q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours till relieved. Anders. 75- Tr. sanguinari*, Tr. lobeli*, Ammon, iodid., . . aa 3b Syr.tolu., .... gvj.-M. _ (> Sig.: Teaspoonful every two to four hours. 10 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. A DD1TIONA L FORM ULJK. ASTHMA (Continued). 76- Ammon, brom., . . . Ammon, chlor., . . . 5iss. Tr. lobelise, .... fjiij. Spt. aether, comp., . . . f5j. Syr. acaciae, ... ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in water every hour or two during paroxysms. ‘ Pepper. 77— Potass, brom., . . . Ss. Ex. grindeliae rob. A., Syr. ipecac., . . . aa fgj. Aquae, fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Rochester. . 78—ft Ammon, iodid., . . . Ex. grindeliae rob. 11., . . fgss. Ex. glycyrrliizae fl., . . f^iv. Tr. lobeliae, Tr. belladonnae, . . aa fjij. Syr. tolu., . . q. s. ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day; extra doses during paroxysms. ‘ Covert. 79— ft Potass, nitrat., . . . giv. Aquae, Oss.—M. Sig.: Blotting-paper dipped in this solution and dried to be burned in the room during the existence of imminence of spasm. Salter. 80— ft Amyl nitritis, . . . f^j. Sig.: Inhale three to five drops from a handker- chi«f- Fraser. 81— Ex. euphorbke piluliferae 11., . f^j. Sig.: Thirty to sixty drops, as required. Payne. 82— Pulv. stramonii fol., Pulv. belladonnae fol., . aa Pulv. potass, nit., . . . 5iss. Pulv. opii, .... gr. xv.—M. Sig.: Burn a little and inhale the fumes. 83— I* Potass, iodid., . . . Jviiss. Tr. lobeliae, .... f^viiss. Aq. destillat., . . . fgxvss.—M. Sig.: From a tea- to a tablespoonful in a glass of beer before meals. Dujaedin-Beaumetz. 11 BED SORES. 84— Hydrarg. perehlor., . . gr. ij. Spt. rect., .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Ericiise.n. 85— Alumin., Sodii chloridi, . . aa 3SS> Aquae, Alcoholis, . . . aa Oj.—M. Sig.: For local use, twice daily. (To prevent bed- sores.) Forbes. BILIOUSNESS.. 86— Sodii sulphat., Potass, et sodii tart., . aa 3b Infus. cascarillse, . . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. Fotherc.ill. 87— i* Fellis bovini purif., . . 5b Manganesii sulpli. exsiccat., . Resinse podophylli, . . gr. v.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx.. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Da Costa. 88— Ex. colocyntli. comp., . . gr. iiss. Podophyllin, .... gr. —M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: 89— I* Acid, nitro-muriat. dil., . . fgij. Sig.: Ten or fifteen drops, well diluted, before each meal. Bartholow. 90— I* Ammon, clilor., . . . 3iib Aq. mentliae pip., . . . f^iij•—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three tjmes a day. Starr. BITES (Insects). 91—I* Pulv, ipecac., . . . 3SS. Spt. vini rect., Ether sulphur., . . aa f^ss.—M. Sig.: Apply to bite. Neal. BITES (Snakes). 92—I* Tr. iodinii, .... f^j. Sig.: Apply freely to wound. S. Weir Mitchell 12 r/TES (Continued). 93—$ Aq. ammoniae, . . . n\,xxx. Aquae f3iss.—M. Sig.: Inject in vein. Halford. BLADDER. AFFECTIONS OF (See Catarrh). BOILS (See Abscesses) BREATH, FETID. 94— $ Sodii bicarbonat., Saccharin., Acid, salicylic, . . aa 3D Alcoholis, .... —M. Sig.: A teaspoonful in a glass of water to rinse the moitth. 95— $ Sodii biborat., . . . gr. xv Thymol, ..... gr. viiss. Aquae, ..... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Mouth wash. BRIGHTS DISEASE (See Albuminuria.) BROMIDROSIS. 96—$ Ex. geranii mac. fl., . . f^ij. Sig.: Use externally. Pepper. BRONCHITIS. 97— Vint ipeeacuanhae, . . . Liq. potass, citrat., . . f.^iv. Tr. opii camphorat., r, *[? Syr. acaciae, . . . aa f* j.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day in the first stage. Da Costa. 98— $ Tr. veratri viridis, . . . TT\,xij. Syr. scillae comp., . . . f^ij- Syr. tolu., .... f3xiv.—M. - Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours for a child five years old, in the first stages. J. Lewis Smith. 99— $ Apomorph. mur., . . . gr. ss. Pot. bromidi., . . . 3D* Syr. senegae, . . q. s. ad f.^ij-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. (First or dry staae.) 13 BRONCHITIS (Continued). 100— Am. mur., Am. brom., . aa 5j. Spts. setheris nit., . . . f.^ss. Syr. pruni virg., . q. g. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful t. i. d. (Second stage.) 101— IJ. Terebene, .... 5ijss. Mucl. acacia, Aqu*, . aa f£ss. Syr. zingiberi, . q. s. ad f§ij—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful t. i. d. (In bronchitis with profuse mucopurulent expectoration.) Nicholls. 102— Ammonise muriat., . . gj. Ext. euphorbise pil. lid., . f^ij. Tinct. digitalis, . . . f^iss. Syr. tolu., . . . . fgj. Syr. simplici, . . . q. s. fgij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every two or three hours. (In subacute bronchitis.) Mays. 103— Potass, citrat., . . . Ss. Apomorphise hvdrochlor., . gr. j. Syr. ipecac., '. fgss. Succi limonis, . . . f^ij. Syr. simp., . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful, in water, every three hours. (In first stage.) Wood. 104— Ammon, clilor., . . . Mist, glycyrrhizse comp., . f^iij.—M. Sig.. Dessertspoonful three times a day. (In chronic form.) Da Costa. 105— Ammon, carb., . . . Qjj. Spt. chloroform, . . . f^ss. Infus. senegse, . . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls every four to six hours. Fothergill. ft r* aconiti, .... gtt. xij. Syr. ipecac., .... fgss-j. Liq. potassii citratis, q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful every three hours. 107—$ Terebene, .... fgss. Sig.: Two to five drops on sugar every four hours according to child’s age. Carmichael. 14 BRONCHITIS (Continued). S108—I* Apomorph. muriat., . . gr. |-§. Acid muriat., . . . gtt. iij. Aquae, f£iiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or two. (Keep in a dark glass.) Kinder-Arzt. 109— ft Tinctura veratri viridis, . . rt^xv. Syrupi ipecacuanliae, Spiritus aetheris nitrosi, . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Fifteen drops every three hours. {For a child one or two years old.) Schneck. 110— Be Ammonii chloridi, . . . 5.1 • Ext. glycyrrhizae 11., . . t'3iv. Aquae dest., . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful three times a day. 111— ft Morphin. bimeconatis, . . gr. j. Ammon, muriatis, . . . gj. Aquae camphorae, . . . fgiss. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful as required. Jour, of Resp. Organs. 112— ft Liq. ammon. acetat., . . fgss. Syr. ipecac., .... fgj. Liq. morphiae sulph. (U. S. P.), TT\,xl. Syr. acaciae, .... fgj. Aquae, fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of two years. Meigs and Pepper. 113— ft Ammon, muriat., . . . 3b Syrup, senegae, . . . fgss. Tr. opii camphorat., . . f3j. Syrup, tolutan., . . . fgss. Aq. gaultheriae, . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. Rex. 114— ft Syrup, tolu.. Syrup, pruni virg., Tinct. hyoscyami, Spirit, aetheris comp., Aquae, aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Dose, a teaspoonful. ’ Janeway. 115— ft Capsulae morrliuol No. xxiv. Sig.: One after each meal and at bedtime. (In chronic forms.) Lafargue. 15 BRONCHITIS (Continued). 116— ft Ammon, carb., . . • gr. xxiv. Syr. tolu., .... fjvj. Spt. vini gal fjiij. Syr. senegae, .... fjiiiss. Syr. acaciae, . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. (In capillary form.) Goodhart and Starr. 117— ft Acid, liydroeyan. dil., . . ffLxvj. Syr. prun. virg., Aq. camphorae, . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours. Hartshorne. 118— ft Tr. sanguinariae, Tr. lobeliae, aa fgj. Vini ipecac., .... fjij. Syr. tolu., .... fgss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. Bartiiolow. 119— ft Vini ipecac., .... f^ij. Vini antimonialis, . . . f^j. Vini xerici, .... ijiij. M. Sig.: Three drops every hour to a child six months Dessau. 120—ft Ammon, carb., . . jay. Spt. chloroform., . . . f^ss. Infus. senegae, . . fgviij. M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four to six hours. Fothergill. BRUISES. 121—ft Potass, chlorat., . . . Ss. Tr. iodi., Aqua?, . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Brensinger. 122— ft Tr. capsici, Tr. myrrh., Tr. opium, . . . aa f^ij. Tr. guaiac., .... f£j. Spts. camphor., . . . f=jj. jq. Sig.: Use locally. /7 J , 123— ft Tr. aconiti rad., 0S( , Tr. opii, Chloroform., . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: Shake well before using. (Poison.) 9.1 C / f /} / , WIIELPLEY. 16 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. BUBO. 124— I* Tr. iodi., . fgj. Sig.: Paint well every other day until skin be- comes tender. Van Boren. 125— Cadmii iodid., . . . gr. xxx. Adipis, ..... 5.1-—M. I Sig.: Apply twice daily. Martin. 126— t* Hydrogen peroxide (March- and’s solution), . . . fgvj. Sig.: Apply with an atomizer after suppuration has begun. Ringer. BUNIONS. 127— ft Argenti nitratis, . . • oJ- Aquae, fgj.—M. Sig.: Paint twice daily. Martin. 128— I* Acid, tannic., Ungt. petroleii, . . aa —M. Sig.: Apply to joint after the skin has been re- moved by blistering. _ Gross. 129— I* Tr. iodinii, Tr. belladonnae, . . aa f^j•—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily. BURNS. 130— Wash with 1-4000 bichloride lotion ; dust lightly with iodoform ; apply protective and dress anti- septically. Or, instead of the antiseptic dress- ing, use— 131— Acid, boric., Ungt. petroleii, . . aa ,^j.—M. Sig.: Apply on lint. Martin. 132— I* Acid, borici, . . . • 3h Aquae, ..... f^iv.—M. Sig.: A piece of oiled silk a trifle larger than the lesion is dipped in the solution and applied ; then a larger piece of lint dipped in the same solution placed over the silk and held loosely by a bandage. Lister. 133— I* Sodii bicarb., .... ,^ij. Aquae, ..... Oij.—M. Sig.: Apply freely on lint. Martin. 17 BURNS (Continued). 134— ft 01. lini, * Liq. calcis, aa fgij. Acid, carbol., .... gtt. xv.—M. Sig. : Wring out dressings of sterile gauze in this mixture and apply. Charity Hospital, N. Y| 135— ft Acid, carbol., . . . gr. viij. Vaseline, .... Sig.: Spread on lint and apply where the skin is broken. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. 136— ft Cerat, resinse, .... 5*1 • 01. terebinth., . . . f3ib Phenol sodique, . . . f3j•—M. Sig.: Apply on lint. Read. 137— ft Cerat. resinae, . . • 3J- 01. terebinth., . . . f^j•—-M. Sig.: Apply freely on lint. Agnew. 138— ft Acid, salicyl., . . • 3j- 01. olivae, .... fgiij.—M. Sig.: Apply to burn covering with lint. Bartholow. 139— ft Cocaini, ..... gr. x-xx. Boroglyceridi, . . . fSlb—M. Sig.: Apply locally on absorbent cotton. Eller. CALCULI, BILIARY. 140— ft Morphias sulphat., . . . gr. vj. Atropiae sulphat., . . . gr. Aq. destillat., .... f3ss.—M. Sig.: Ten minims hypodermically during par- oxysm. Bartholow. 141— ft 01. olivae, . . . . Oj. Sig.: Take in divided doses before breakfast. D. D. Stewart. 142— ft Chloroformi, .... - Sig.: Inhale in small quantities until paroxysm ceases. Ringer. 143— ft Sodii phosphatis, . . . 5SS* Ft. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder before each meal. Bartholow. 18 7ALCULI, RENAL AND VESICAL, WITH ACID URINE. 144— I* Lithii citratis, . . . Syr. aurant. cort., . . f^j. Aquae, .... ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. Guy. 145— I* Sodii benzoat., Lithii carbonat., Ex. stigmat. maydis, . aa 5.1 • 01. anisi, .... gtt. iv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. lxxx. Sig.: One pill four times a day. Huchard. 146— I* Liq. potassae, .... f^ij- Infus. buchu, .... f^viij.—M. Sig.: Three tablespoonfuls an hour after meals. Reece. CALCULI, RENAL AND VESICAL, WITH ALKALINE URINE. 147— I* Ammon, benzoat., . . . 3ij- Syr. simp., .... fgiss. Aquae, .... ad fg vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Seymour. 148— Acid, nitric, dil., Acid, hydrochlor. dil., . aa f3iij• Syr. aurant. cort., Aq. aurant. flor., . . aa f^j- Aquae, ..... f^xiiiss.—M. Sig.: Wineglassful three times a day. Druitt. 149— Strychniniae sulphat., . . gr. j. Acid, nitric, dil., . . . f^j- Aquae, ..... f^xij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. Bird. CANCER. 150— 1* Syr. ferri et manganesii iodid., f.^ss. Syr. simp., .... fgiss. Aq. destillat., . . . f§ij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day. Stille. 151- Bismuth, salicylat., Magnesiae (English), Sodii bicarb., . . . aa 5"ss-—M. Et ft. chart. No. xxv. Sig.: One before each meal. Dujardin-Beaumetz. 19 CANCER (Continued). 152— Bismuth, subiiit., . . . jib Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . . fjss. Syr. acaciae, Aq. menthae pip., . . aa fjij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day in milk. (In cancer of stomach.) Bartholow. 153— $ Iodoformi, .... gr. xv. Ex. opii, .... gr. viij. Ess. menthae., . . . gtt. x. 01. tlieobromae, . . . 5bss*— Ft. supp. No. xii. Sig.: A suppository to be introduced into the va- gina in cases of cancer of the cervix uteri. In case this remedy be insufficient, one may prescribe hypo- dermic injections of morphine in the following for- mulae :— 154— $ Morpliinae sulphat., . . gr. xvj. Sulph. (neut.) atropinae, . gr. vj. Aq. destill., .... gij.—M. Sig.: Inject six drops of this solution into the vicinity of the great trochanter to calm the pains of uterine cancer. L’Union Medicale. 155— $ Morpliiae sulphat., . . . gr. j. Bismuth, subnit., . . . jib—M. Et ft. chart. No. vi. Sig.: One powder three times a day. (In gastric cancer.) Bartholow. 156— $ Iodoform., . . . . jj. Sig.: Use as dusting powder to the broken surface and cover with lint soaked in glycerine. Ringer. 157— Bismuth, salicylat., Salolis, Sodii bicarb., . . aa 5i)ss-—M. Et div. in chart. No. xxx. Sig.: One three times a day. Le Bull. Med. 158— $ Zinci chlor., .... jij. Pulv. rad. altliaeae, . . . jv.b Aq. destillat., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. magma. Sig.: Apply to affected part. (In epithelioma.) Canquoin. 20 CANCER (Continued). 159—$ Liq. ferri subsulphatis, . . f,^j. Aq. destillat., . . . f^iij.—M. Sig.: To inject into the uterus, in hemorrhage from cancer. Barnes. CARBUNCLE. 160— Acidi carbolici, . . . gr. viij. Aq. destil., .... f^j.—M. Sig.: Make several injections into different parts of the induration. Not more than 5j of this solution should he used at one treatment. The injection may' he repeated, if necessary, in three days. 161— $ Tr. iodi., .... fgss.—M. Sig.: Paint around the carbuncle until vesication is produced. Furneaux-Jordan. 162— $ Pulv. opii, Unguent, hydrarg., , Saponis dur—M. Sig.: Apply spread on thick leather. 163— Apply a flaxseed poultice, over the centre of which has been spread a little coarsely pow- dered crude soda. Subsequently dress with compound resin ointment, which should he applied-very warm and should he covered with oiled silk. Change the dressing every six hours. Agnew. i 164—$ Calcii sulphidi, . . . gr. iij. Ft. pil. No. xxx. [ (/ySig.: One pill every two hours. Ringer. r V -vyQ^CUf<& . . 3SS- Tale, f3iss—M. Sig.: Enough to cover a silver five-cent piece insuf- flated into each nostril every two hours. (For acute coryza.) Sajous. 178— I* Acid, carbol. liq. . . . n\,xxx. Sodii biborat., Sodii bicarb., . . . aa 3h Grlycerinae, .... f3iiiss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: To be used as a spray. Dobell. 179— I* Sodii salicylat., . . . 3ib Sodii biborat., . . . 3^U* Glycerinae, .... t‘3iv. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fjvj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in a pint of water, used as a douche. Bean. CATARRH. BRONCHO-PULMONARY. 180— I* Morphiae sulphat., . . . gr. ss. Quiniae sulphat., . . . gr. x.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take at bedtime. Bartholow.. 181— I* Tr. opii, gtt. iij. Spt. frumenti, . . . f^j- Aq. bullientis, . . . f^iv-. Sacch. alb., . . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: Take at bedtime. (Incipient catarrh.) Ringer. 182— Ammon, carbonat., . . gr. xxxij. Ex. senegae fl., Ex. scillae fl., . . . aa fgj. Tr. opii camph., . . . f3vj. Aquae f3iv. Syr. tolu., . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three or four hours. Stokes- 23 CATARRH (Continued). 183—1* Tr. eucalypti, Syr. simp., . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.. Teaspoonful every three hours. Gubler. CATARRH, GALL-DUCTS. 184— I* Ammon, iodid., . . .5b Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . t'5ss- Tr. calumbae, .... f.^ss. Aquae destillat., . . . fgiss.—M. Sig.: Take a teaspoonful three times a day before meals. {With jaundice.) Bartholow. 185— Potass, carbonat., . . . 5b Vini ipecac., .... t'5j. Ex. rhei 11., . . . f3ij. Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in boiling water before each meal. Waugh. 186— [* Sodii phospliatis, . . . Ft. in chart. No. xvi. Sig.: One powder every four hours. Bartholow. 187— I* Ammon, chlor., . . . gss. Ex. taraxaci fl., . . . f^iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times daily. Bartholow. CATARRH, GASTRO-INTESTINAL. 188— Caflfeinae citratis, . . . 5SS- Syr. aurant. dor., . . . fgiss. Aquae destillat., . . . fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every two hours. (With migrain e.) Aubert. 189— Tr. opii deod., . . . gtt. xvj. Bismuth, subnit., . . . jib Syr. simp., .... f^iv. Aq. cinnam., .... f^iss.—II. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two to four hours. (For child one year old.) J. Lewis Smith. 190— 1* Zinci oxidi, . . . 5.1 • Sodii bicarb., .... £)iiss. Piperinae, .... —M. Et ft. chart. No. xx. .*>. Sig.: Take one powder three or four times a day. L, Revillout. 24 CATARRH (Continued). 191—Ex. liydrastis li., . . fgss. Sig.: Five to fifteen drops before meals, in water. (Chronic with jaundice.) Bartholow. CATARRH. GENITO-URINARY. 192— Ex. buchu fl., . . . f^j. Potass, citrat., . . . Spt. aether, nitro., . . . fgss. Syr. limonis, . . q. s. ad f^iij•—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. (Subacute cystitis.) Wood. 193— Potass, citrat., . . . 5SS- Spt. chloroform., . . . t^iiss. Tr. digitalis, .... nplxxx. Infus. buchu, . . . f^viij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three or four times a day. Fothergidl. 194— Atropiae sulphat., . . . gr. j. Acid, acetici, .... gtt. xx. Alcoholis, Aquae, aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Four drops in water before each meal. (In acute cystitis.) Goodell. 195— Iodoformi, . . . . gr. if. Ex. hyoscyami, . . . gr. j. 01. theobromae, . . . gr. xiv.—M. Sig.: Make one suppository and introduce high up into the rectum. The bladder should be washed morning and even- ing with lukewarm water. If there be any urethral irritation, a pill containing one and three-fourths grains of terpin should also be taken morning and evening. 196— ty. Tr. aconit., .... fjj. Spt. aether, nitros., . . fgj. Liq. potass, citrat., q. s. ad f^vj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every four hours until all fever ceases and the pulse is quiet. (Cystitis.) Hare. 197— Cubebae, . . . . • 5j- Sodii bicarb., Potassii bitartrat., . . aa 5ib—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder three dimes #a day. Drcitt. CATARRH (Continued). 198— Potass, bicarbonat., . . 3iv. Ex. hyoscyami fl., . . . t'3U- Ex. ergotfe fl., ... f'3iv- Syr. simp., .... fgij. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoouful every two to four hours. (Cystitis.) Martin. 199— # Argeuti nitrat., . . . gr. vij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiiiss.—M. Sig.: Inject into the bladder every third or fourth day after washing it out with warm water. Ricord. 200— # Copaibse, Spt. lavand. co., . . aa gij. Syr. acaciae, . . ... fgss. Syr. simp., .... f3iij. Aquae, ..... fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful twice daily. Wood. 201— Uvae ursae, . . . . gj. Lupulin., .... 3ss. Aq. bullient., . . . . Oj. Dein. adde— Sodii bicarb., .... 39* Tinct. opii camph., . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: fgij every four hours. Brinton. CHANCRE. 202— # 01. lavand., .... rr^xx. Iodoformi, Lycopodii, aa gij.—M. Sig.: Dust on part and cover with lint. 203— # Cupri subacetat., Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . aa gr. x.—M. t Sig.: Dust over sore. Ellis.' 204— # Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. viij. Liq. calcis, .... fgij.—M. < Sig.: Shake and use as a wash. (Black wash.) s 205— # Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . . gr. iv. Liq. calcis, .... fgij.—M. > Sig.: Shake and use as a wash. (Yellow wasli.)^ 26 CHANCRE (Continued). 206— Hydrogen peroxide, fgj. Sig.: Use as a wash and apply on lint. If too strong, may be diluted. Ringer. 207— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . 5SS* Sig.: Dust on and cover with dry lint. Van Buren and Keyes. CHANCROID. 208— Actual cautery and dress antiseptically. 209— Acidi sulphurici, Pulv. carbonis ligni, . aa 5SS-—M. Q. s. ft. magma. Sig.: Dry the sore and apply thoroughly by means of a wooden spatula. Allow artificial eschar thus formed to separate spontaneously, using no dressing. Ricord. 210— Cauterize with nitric acid, protecting the sur- rounding parts by oil. 211— Iodoform., .... 39* 01. menth. pip., . . . rr^x.—M. Sig.: Dust on sore and cover with moist lint. 212— Bismuth, subiodid., . . 59 • Sig.: Dust on sore and cover with dry lint. Chassaignac. 213— Pulv. acidi salicylici, . . 59- Sig.: Dust on sore and cover with dry lint. Anglada. 214— Succi limonis, . . . fjiss. Vini opii, .... ttpxlv. Liq. plumbi subacetat., . . f3j. Aq. destillat., .... f5v.—M. Sig.: Soak pledgets of lint in the solution and a apply locally. {In phagedenic form.) Rodet. CHILBLAINS. < <*" tAy'* 215—Calcis cliloratse, . . . 3.1 • Boracis pulv., . . • 5i- Adipis, ..... gj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Trousseau. CHILBLAINS (Continued). 216—]* Acid, carbol., . . . . gr. x. Cosmolini, 01. terebinth., . . aa gj.—M. Sig.: Apply to affected part. Davidson. CHLOROSIS (See Anaemia). CHOLERA. 217— I* Strycliniae sulpli., . . . gr. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . . f^ss. Morphiae sulpli., . . . gr. ij. Aq. camphorae, . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or two, well diluted. Bartholow. 218— Plumbi acetat., . . . gr. iij. Ex. opii, . . . • gr. j. 01. theobrom., . . . q. s. Ft. suppos. No. i. Sig.: Repeat in one hour if the diarrhoea continues. Morris. 219— Tr. opii, Tr. capsici, Spt. camphorae, . . aa f%j. Chloroform., .... f5iij. Alcoholis, . q. s. ad ft. fgv.—M. Sig.: Twenty to forty minims diluted. Squibb. CHOLERA INFANTUM. 220— I* Naphtlialiui, .... gr. xx-lxx. 01. bergamii, .... gtt. i-ij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two or three hours. Holt. 221— ]* Tr. opii deod., . . . gtt. xvj. Spt. ammon, aroraat., . . fjj. Bismuth, subnit., . . . Jij. Syr. simp., .... fjiv. Mist, cretae, .... fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours for a child of one year. J. Lewis Smith. 222— I* Potass, brom., . . . 5vi- Syr. simp., .... f^ss. Aq. menthae pip., . . . f^iss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or two. Bartholow. CHOLERA INFANTUM (Continued). 223— ft Acid, sulphuric, aromat., . Tr^Nxiv. Liq. morphise sulphat., . . f3j. Elix. curacoae, . . . fgij. Aquie, . . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours for a child one year old. Goodhart and Starr. 224— ft Hydrarg. cum cretse, . . gr. ij. Saccli. lactis, .... gr. x.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig. One powder every hour. Ringer. 225— ft Acid, sulph. aromat., . . gtt. xxiv. 01. caryopliylli, . . . rr^vlij. Tr. opii campli., . . . f3j. Spt. chloroform., . . . gtt. xlviij. Syr. zingiberis, . q. s. ad f.^iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of one year. Hare. CHOLERA MORBUS. 226— ft Tr. opii deod., . . . f3ij. Acid, sulphuric, aromat., . f'3iij •—M. Sig.: Twenty drops every hour or two in ice water. Bartholow. 227— ft Acid, nitrosi, .... f3.b Tr. opii, .... gtt. xl. Aq. camphorse, . . . f^viij.—M. Sig.: One-fourth to be taken every three or four hours. Hope. 228— ft Acid, sulph. aromat., . . f3ij- Ex. hsematoxylon, . . f3ij - Spt. chloroform., . . . f^ss. Syr. zingiberis, . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. Hare. CHORD EE. 229—ft Ex. opii, .... gr. vj. Ex. hyoscyami, . . . gr. iij. 01. theobrom., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. suppos. No. vi. Sig.: Introduce one into the rectum at bedtime, and repeat if necessary. Martin. 29 CHORD EE (Continued). 230— Ex. opii, .... gr. j. Camphor®, . . . . gr. x. 01. theobrom., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. suppos. No. i. Sig.: Use at bedtime. Ricoed, 231— I* Pulv. opii, .... gr. vj. Pulv. camphor®, . . . gr. xij. Sacch. alb., . . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. cap. No. vi. Sig.: One capsule at bedtime, and repeat in two hours if necessary. Stuegis. CHOREA. 232— I* Liq. potass, arsenit., . . Tipif). Aq. mentli. pip., . q. s. ad f3j.—M. Sig.: Dose one drachm. Vandeebilt Clinic. 233— !* Zinci bromid., . . • 3J* Syr. simp., .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Ten drops three times a day, increased as rapidly as the stomach can bear it. W. A. Hammond. 234— Lobelin® hydrobrom., . . gr. j. Aqu®, ..... f5v.—M. Sig.: Three to fifteen minims hypodermically. Baetholow. 235— I* Eserin® sulphat., . . . gr. j. Aqu® destillat., . . . fjvj.—M. Sig.: Six minims hypodermically twice daily with tonics. Riess. 236— 5c Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . fgss. Sig.: One to five drops three times a day gradu- ally increased. Wood. 237— I* Ferri citrat., . . . • 3ii- Syr. simp., .... t'3iv. Aq. aurant. flor., . . . fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful before or after meals. {When ancemic.) Haetshoene. 238— ]* Ex. cimicifug® fl., . . . f^ij. Sig.: Half teaspoonful increased to a teaspoonful three times a day. (Six to ten years old.) Jesse Young. 30 CHOREA (Continued). 239— £ Zinci valerianat., Ex. hyoscyam., Bismuth, subnit., . . aa gr. xv.—M. Et div. in pil. No. xxv. Sig.: Three to six pills daily. Descroizilles. 240— Liq. pot. arsenit., . . . rqjij. Chloral, hydrat., . . . gr. v. Aq. menth. pip., . q. s. ad f3j.—M. Sig.: Dose, one drachm. Vanderbilt Clinic. 241— $ Ex. cimicifug® fl., Elix. simp., . . . aa —M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful four times a day. Bartholow. COLIC. 242— ]£. Spt. chloroform., Tr. cardamom, co., . aa fgij.—M. Sig. Teaspoonful every half hour until relieved. Bartholow. 243— Tr. opii deod., . . . gtt. xij. Magnesii calcinat., . . gr. xii-xxiv. Sacch. alb., . . . • 5.)‘ Aq. anisi, .... fgiss.—M. Sig.: Shake well. One teaspoonful for a child of one year. J. L. Smith. 244— Camphor® monobromat®, . gr. i-ij. Ex. hyoscyami fl., . . . gtt. v-viij. Syr. laetucarii (Aubergier’s), f^ij-—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful p. r. n. (In infantile colic.) 245— Tr. assafcetid®, . . . f.^ss. Tr. opii, .... f5j. Decocti hordei, . . . Oss.—M. Sig.: One injection. (For adults with flatulence.) Hooper. 246— f£. Aq. camphor®, . . . f^ij. Sig. Teaspoonful when necessary. Neligan. 247— Naplithalini, . . . . gr. viiss. Iodoform., .... gr. iij. Acid, tannic., Antipyrin, aa gr. xv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. x. Sig.: Three or four pills in succession until pain ceases. Capitan. 31 COLICA PICTONUM. 248—!£. Magnesii sulpliat., . • Acid, sulphuric, dil., . . f‘3.1 - Aquae, ..... f^iv.—M. Sig.: Give- one tablespoonful three times a day, preceded by ten grains of iodide of potash. Brunton. Strychniae sulphat., . . gr. j. Confection, rosae, . . . 5SS-—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In lead palsy.) - 250— Radicis rliei, .... 3ij. Fol. sennae, .... 5“.!-—M. Et ft. infusum ad Dein. adde— Magnesii sulphat., . . f^j.—Solv. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours until bowels are moved, then every six hours. Gerhard. 251— !£. Aluminis, .... 3U- Magnesii sulphat., . . . gj. Syr. simp., .... fgiij. Aq. rosae, .... fgv.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls in two wineglassfuls of water daily, before breakfast. Aldridge. 252— !£. Pulv. opii, .... gr. xij. Ex. belladonnae, . . . gr. ij. 01. tiglii,. .... gtt. xij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill every two hours until relieved. Looms. CONDYLOMATA, COMMON. 253— Acid, acetici glacialis, . . f3j. Sig.: Apply a drop once daily. Gerhard. 254— Acid, cliromici, . . . gr. c. Aq. destillat., .... f^j.—M. Sig.: Apply locally with glass rod. Bartholow. 255— ]£. Acid, salicylici, Spt. vini ree., . aa 5SS- iEtheris sulph., . . . rtblxxv. Collodii, ..... fjiiss.—M. Sig.: Apply daily with camel’s-hair brush. Vidal. 32 CONDYLOMATA, VENEREAL 256— I* Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . 3ij. Sig.: Wash with solution of chlorinated soda, then dust with the powder. Ricord. 257— Wash well with soap and water, then with bichlo- ride, 1-1000 ; then touch with the following solution :— I* Hydrarg. clilorid. corrosiv., . £)j. Aq. destillat., .... fgj.—M. Sig. Gross. 258— I* Pulv. sabinae, Pulv. aluminis, . . aa 5j —M. Sig.: Dust on the parts every night. (In condylo- mata of the vulva.') Blachez. CONJUNCTIVITIS. 259— ]* Atropiae sulpliat., . . . gr. ss-j. Morphiae sulpliat., . . . gr. ii-iv. Zinci sulpliat., . . . gr. ii-viij. Aq. rosae, .... fgj—M. Sig.: For the eye. Barthold w. 260— f* Zinci sulpliat., . . . gr. ss. Sodii bibora t., . . . gr. ij. Aq. camphorae, Aquae, . • . . aa 5«— M. Filter. Sig.: Two or three drops in the eyes twice or three times daily. Dixon. 261 —F* Argenti nitratis, . . . gr. ii-v. Aq. destillat., .... f^j.—M. Sig.: Two drops in eyes daily. (In granular con- junctivitis.') Noyes. 262— Acid, boracici, . . • oJ- Aq. rosae, .... fgiv. Sig.: Bathe the lids freely. Trousseau. 263— Acid, boracici, . . . gr. vj. Aq. camphorae, Aq. destillat., . . . aa f^j.—M. Sig.: Bathe the eyelids and drop two drops in the ; eye three times a day. , Fox. 33 CONSTIPATION. 264— IJ Pulv. aloe Socot., . . . gr. vij. Pulv. rhei, .... gr. xxiv. Ex. belladonnse, . . . gr. j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One or two pills as required. Da Costa. 265— IJ Ex. stillingise fl., . . f3v. Tr. belladonnse, Tr. nucis vomicse, Tr. physostigmat., . . aa 3h—M. Sig.: Twenty drops in water three times a day. Baktholow. 266— IJ Ex. belladonnse, . . . gr. Pil. aloes et myrrh., . . gr. ix. 01. cari, gtt. ij.—M. I Et ft. pil. No. vi. Sig.: One pill at bedtime for a child of six years, j Goodhart and Starr. 267— IJ Ex. cascarse sagrad. fl., . . fgj. Sig.: Three drops three times a day, to be in- creased, if necessary, for a child of five years. 268— IJ. Sodii bicarb., . . . . 3b Tr. nucis vomicse, . . . n^vj. Tr. card, comp., Syr. simp., aa f^ij- Aq. chloroform. (Br. P.) . . fgss. Aquse, . ... fjij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every six hours for infant. Eustace Smith. 269— IJ Mannse opt., Magnesii carb., ' . aa 3b Ex.sennaefl., .... fjjiij. Syr. zingiber., . . . f^j. Aquse, . . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls three times a day for a child of two years. Goodhart and Starr. 270— IJ Aloes purificat., . . . gr. xx. Ex. belladonnse, . . . gr. iv. Ex. nucis vomicse, . . . gr. v. Oleo resinse capsici, . . gr. iv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill at bedtime. Waugh. 34 CONSTIPATION (Continued). 271— $ Tr. aloes et myrrh., . . fgj. Sig.: One to three drops in sweetened water three times a day, according to age of child. 272— $ Mann* opt., .... Jj- Syr. simp., .... fgss. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day for an infant. Starr. 273— Ext. cascar. sag li., . . Tr. nucis vom., . • * • 5v. Tr. bellad., . . . gij- Glycerini, . q. s. ad gij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful t. i. d. {Habitual constipation.) 274— Ex. nucis vom., Aloes Soc., Ferri sulph., Pulv. ipecac., Pulv. myrrh., . . aa gr. ss.—M. Ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: To be taken after meals. Clark. 275— Pil. hydrarg., Ext. coloc. comp., . . aa gr. j. Pulv. jalap*, . . . . gr. ss. Pulv. hyoscyami, . . . gr. j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Pill at bedtime. Pancoast. 276— $ Ex. belladonn*, . . . gr. j. Glycerin*, .... fgj. Vini ferri amar., . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day at the age of six years. Goodhart and Starr. 277— $ Magnesi* sulphatis, . . gj. Ferri sulphatis, . . . gr. iv. Sodii chloridi, . . . Jss. Acidi sulphurici diluti, i . f3j. Infus. quassi*, q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in goblet of water half hour before breakfast. This is the well-known mistura ferri acidi. It is unsurpassed as a tonic laxative, and is much used in acne rosacea, erythema multi- form*, urticaria, etc., that is where the patients are robust, and the condition otherwise demands such a combination. Van Harlingen. 35 CONSTIPA TION (Continued). 278— $ Aloin, . . . . . gr. i. Strychnin*, . . . . gr. Extract, belladonn*, . . gr. tl. Extract, cascar. sagrada, . gr. j.—M. I Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Pill three times a day. 279— Resin* podophylli, . . gr. ij. Quini* sulphat., Ex. aloe Socot., . . aa gr. viij. Fellis bovini, .... gr. xvj.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xvi. Sig.: One or two pills at night. Goodell. 280— $ Pulv. belladonn*, Ex. belladonn*, . . aa gr. —M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Take at bedtime. Trousseau. 281— Mann*, ..... gvj. Magnesi*, Sulphur, loti., . . aa giss. Mellis, f 3 vj -—M. Sig.: One or two dessertspoonfuls in milk for an infant. FerrandJ 282— Resin* podophylli, . . . gr. ij.-iv. Ex. nucis vomic*, . . . gr. iv. Ex. physostig., . . . gr. iij. Ex. belladonn*, . . . gr. iv.—M. h Ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill night and morning. Hare. 283— $ Aloin., ..... gr. vj. Atropi* sulphat., . . . gr. Strychnin*sulph., . . . gr. j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill two or three times a day. (Chronic form.) ‘ Wood. 284— Euonymin, . . . . gr. ij. Ex. ignati*, . . . • gr. ss. Ex. belladonna, . . . gr. 1. Piperini, . . . • gr. j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: One pill three times a dav after meals. 36 CONSTIPATION (Continued). 285—ft Podophyllini, . . « . gr. Alcoholis, .... Ublxxv. Syr. althaeae, .... fgiij.—M. Sig.: A dessertspoonful is given daily. (For in- fants.) Bouchut. CONVULSIONS. 286— ft Moschi, gr. iij. Camphor®, .... gr. xv. Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. viiss. Vitelli ovi, .... No. j. Aq. destillat., .... f^iv.—M. Sig.: Wash out the rectum with a simple enema and then use the above as an injection. J. Simon. 287— ft Mist, assafoetidae, . . . fjij. Sig.: Tablespoonful per rectum. Waring. 288— ft Moschi, gr. xij. Sacchari, .... £)ij. \ Spts. ammon., . . . I\xxx. lini co., . . . —M. Sig.: An injection for infantile convulsions. Ellis. 289— ft JEtheris fort., . . . fgiv. Sig.: To be used as an inhalation mitil the par- oxysm is broken. J. L. Smith. 290— ft Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. xv-xxx. Syr. acaciae .... f^j. Aquae, ..... f,3iv.—M. Sig.: Inject a tablespoonful into the rectum and repeat in fifteen or twenty minutes, if required. WlDERHOFER. 291— ft Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. xv. Potass, bromid., . . • 3i- Syr. simp., .... f3v. Aq. destillat., .... fj^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. (Convulsions of teething.) Kinder-Arzt. 292— ft Auri bromidi, . . . gr. j. Arsenici bromidi, . . . gr. j. Ferri bromidi, . . . gr. xl.— M. Et div. in pil. No. xx. Sig.: One after each meal. (For convulsions in a chlo- rotic woman.) Waugh. 37 CONVULSIONS (Continued). 293—Dr. Jacobi first orders a purgative dose of calomel, and then follows in a few hours by— IJ Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. iv. Potass, bromid., . . . gr. viij. Aquae, Syrupi, . . . aa f3i•—M. Sig.: One dose for a child two years old. CROUP, MEMBRANOUS. 294— IJ: Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. ij. Sodii bicarb., . . . . gr. xxiv. Pulv. ipecac., . . . . gr. j. Pulv. pepsinse, . . . gr. xxiv.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Starr. 295— IJ. Acid, lactic, .... 3“iss- Aquae, ..... f,5x.—M. Sig.: Use with spray or mop. Mackenzie. , 296— IJ Tr. ferri chlor., . . . f3i-iss. Potass, chlorat., . . . 3.1 • Glyceriuae, .... fjj. Aq. cinnam., . . .ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of- four years. Meigs and Pepper.} 297— IJ. Pulv. aluminis, . . . 3”ss> Mellis albi, .... 3X-—'M. Sig.: Half teaspoonful every hour and insufflations of powdered alum every four hours. Trousseau. ■ CROUP, SPASMODIC. 298— IJ Apomorphiae hydrochlor., . gr. fa. Sig.: Use hypodermically. Da Costa^ 299— IJ Syr. ipecac., .... f3iss. Tr. opii camph., . . . fjij- Syr. scillae, .... f^j.—M. Liq. potass, citrat., q. s. ad *—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. (After vomit- ing has been secured.) Powell.' 300— IJ: Potass, brom., Chloral hydratis, . . aa £)ij. Syr. acaciae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful or less, according to age. Ellis.' 38 ADDITIONAL FORMULA. ADDITIONAL FORMULJE. A DDITIONA S.FORMULA!. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. CROUP, SPASMODIC (Continued). 301— Decocti senegae, . . . fgiiiss. Oxymel. scillae, . . . fjij. Vini ipecac., .... fjij. Antim. tartar., . . . gr. j.—M. Sig.: Ten to thirty drops every fifteen minutes to an infant to produce vomiting, or every two hours as an expectorant. Frexch Hospital. 302— Tr. belladonnae, . . . gtt. iv. Tr. opii camph., . . . gtt. 1. Pulv. aluminis, . . . gr. vj. Syr. acacise, .... gss. Aquae, fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two’or three hours at six months of age. Meigs and Pepper. CYSTITIS (See Catarrh). DEBILITY. 303— $ Tr. nucis vomicae, . . . f^ij- Elix. calisayae, . q. s. ad f.^iv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day in water. 304— $ Strychniae sulpliat., . . gr. j. Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. iss. Ex. belladonnae, . . . gr. viij. Ferri redacti, .... 5j-—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One after each meal. Wood. 305— $ Hyd. chlorid. corros., . . gr. j. Elixir calisaya, . . . f^viij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful before meals for three months. {In strumous children.') Blackwood. 306— Tr. cinclionae, Tr. valerinat., . . aa f|jj. Tr. cardamomi comp., . . f3ij. Aq. menthae pip., . . . fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Ellis. 307— Ferri lactat., Pulv. glycyrrliizae, . aa 3j- Mellis, . . . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. xl. Sig.: One to six pills daily. Trousseau. 39 DELIRIUM, TRAUMATIC. 308— I* Potass, brom., Ammon, brom., . . aa jij. Syr. zingiber, . . . fjj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f.^iij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every two hours. .Johnson. 309— I* Chloral hydrat., . . . 5SS’ Syr. aurant. cort., Aquae, aa f,^ss.—M. Sig.: To be taken in one dose. Liebreich. DELIRIUM TREMENS. 310— £ Potass. brtfmid., Sodii bromid., . . aa gr. xv. Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. x. Tr. zingiberis, . . . rr\,x. Tr. capsici, .... upv. Spt. ammonii arora., . . 3J- Aquae, 5ij<—M. Sig.: Dose a dessertspoonful. Vanderbilt Clinic. 311— I* Potass, brom., . . • oj- Div. in chart. No. viii. Sig.: One powder in half tumblerful of cold water every four to six hours. Bartholow. 312— I* Ex. cannabis indicse, . . gr. vi-xij. Div. in pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill every two or three hours till sleep is procured. Phillips. 313— Sodii brom., .... gr. xv. Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. x. Syr. aurant. cort., Aquae, . . aa q. s. ad fjj.—M. Sig.: As required. Da Costa. 314— Liq. morph, sulph. (U. S. P.), Ex. valerian, h., . . aa M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls as required. Hartshorn e. 315— I* Tr. lupulinae, Syr. amygdalae, . . aa f^j. Aq. destillat, .... f^i.j.—M. /.Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours. Hazard. 40 DELIRIUM TREMENS (Continued). 316— Infus. digitalis, . . . fjiij. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four hours. (In amende cases with effusion and oedema.) Baktholow. 317- Hi Sodii brom., .... gr. xv. Chloral liydrat., . . . gr. x. Syr. aurant. cort., Aqu*, . . aa q. s. ad ft. fjj-—M. Sig.: As required. Also to be taken, fluid extract of coca fifteen minims, increased to tolerance. Da Costa. DENGUE. 318— Tr. aconiti rad., . . . n\,xxx. Syr. limonis, .... fgss. Liq. ammon. acetat., q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three hours. Thomas. 319— I* Ex. nucis vomic*, . . . gr. iv. Quini* sulphat., . . 5SS-—M* Et ft. pil. No. xvi. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Da Costa. DIABETES INSIPIDUS. 320— IJl Codein*, . . . . gr. viij. Glycerin*, Aquae, . . . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Half teaspoonful three times a day gradually increased to two teaspoonfuls. Pavy. 321— Tr. opii f5j. Tr. ferri clilor., . . . f5ix.—M- Sig.: Twenty drops well diluted three times daily. Wellek. 322— 1£ Pulv. opii, . . . . gr. iv. Acid, gallici, .... 3i1*—M. Et div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One three or four times daily. H. C. Wood. 323— ft Sodii salicylat., . . . 5’v* Glycerin*, .... f*ij- Aqu*, . . q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Two teaspoonfuls three times daily. Da Costa. 41 DIABETES INSIPIDUS (Continued). 324—1* Ex. ergotae fl., . . . f^ij. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day, increased tc two teaspoonfuls. Da Costa. DIABETES M ELL IT US. 325— I* Sodii salicylat., . . . 3iij- Liq. potass, arseuitis, . . f3j. Glvcerinae, .... fgj. Aq. cinnam., . . .ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day. J. C. Wilson. 326— I* Sodii salicylat., . . . 3*V-VJ- Glycerinae, .... fgj. Aquae, .... ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day. Da Costa. 327— I* Tr. opii, . . . . f3j. Tr. ferri clilor., . . . f3ix.—M. Sig.: Twenty drops in water three times a day. 328— I* Iodoform., . . . . gr. ij. Div. in pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day after meals. Levi. 329— I* Ex. ergotae fl., ... fgij. Sig. One-half to one teaspoonful three times a day. DIARRHEA, CHILDREN. 330— I* Naphthalin, . . gr. xii~5j. Saccli. laet., . . . gr. xii~3ss.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every three hours. Starr. 331— Pulv. opii, .... gr. v. Bismuth, subnit., . . . 30•—M. Et div. in chart. No. xx. Sig.: One powder every two to four hours for a child of five years. J. L. Smith. 332— Magnesii sulphat, . . • 5J- Tr. opii deod., . . . gtt. xij. Syr. simp., .... fgss. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of one or two years. Meigs and Pepper. 42 DIARRHEA, CHILDREN (Continued). 333— ft Bismuth, subcarb., . . 3ss~o’ss- Spt. myristicae, . . . n\,xx. Spt. yini gal., . . . f^ij. Syr. acaciae, .... fgiss. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad f^iij•—M. Sig.: (Shake well.) Teaspoonful every two hours. W. H. Bennett. 334— ft Argenti nitrat., . . . gr. j. Syr. acaciae, .... fjij. Aq. cinnam., . . q. s. ad f,5iij-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of two years. Starr. 335— ft Tr. krameriae, Tr. opii camph., . . aa f^ij• Mist, cretae, . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of two years. | 336—ft Ferri sulph., Sodii salicyl., . . aa gr. x. Glycerinae, .... - Aq. destillat., . . . fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every one, two, or three hours. Canada Lancet. 337— ft Pepsinae pulv., . . . gr. xxxv. Bismuth, subnit., . . . 5-b—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One every two hours. Powell. 338— ft Tr. camphorae, . . . - Tr. capsici, .... fjiss. Tr. lavandulae comp., . . f^j. Spt. vini gallici, . q. s. ad f^ij•—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours. Rex. DIARRHEA IN ADULTS. 339—ft Cretae praep., .... 39' Tr. catechu, .... f§ss. S Tr. opii, rtLlxxx. Aq. cinnam., .... viij•—M* Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls after each stool. | v Fotherchll. 43 DURRHCEA IN ADULTS (Continued). 340— I* Aq. camphorae, . . . f^iij. Spt. lavaiid. co., . . . ft^j. Sacch. alb., .... 3.1 •—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours. Parrish 341— Ex. ergotseaq., . . • 3j- Ex. nucis vomicae, . . . gr. v. Ex. opii, .... gr. x.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill every four to six hours. Da Costa 342— 1* Tr. opii camph., Tr. lavandulae comp., . aa 5.1 • Spt. vini gall., . . . gij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. Stubbs 343— Salol, 3ij. Bismutlxi subnitratis, . . 3’v‘ Mist, cretee, . q. s. ad f.^iij.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful every two hours. 344— I*. Resorcin, .... gr. iss-iij. Infus. cliamomil., . . . f3ij. Tr. opii, gtt. ij. Tr. cascarill., .... gtt. xv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. Kinder-Arzt. 345— ]*. Potass, brom., . . . 3iij - Tr. opii, f3ij. Tr. capsici, . . . f3.1 - Syr. rhei arom., . . . f3iv.—M. Sig.: One teaspoohful as needed. 346— Catfeinse citrat., . . . 5SS- Aq. destillat., . . . f'3ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Bartholow. 347— I* Morpliiae sulphat., . . . gr. Bismuth, subnit., . . . gr. v.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: One powder three or four times daily. (In chronic cases.) Alonzo Clark. 348— I* Tr. krameriae, . . . f3.j. Liq. calcis, .... f’3vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a dav. Reece. 44 1IARRHCEA IN ADULTS (Continued). 349— I* Cupri sulphat., Morphiae sulphat., . . aa gr. j. Quiniae sulphat., . . . gr. xxiv.—M. Et div. in capsules No. xii. Sig.: One capsule three times a day. (In chronic . cases.) Bartholow. 350— Pulv. aluminis, Pulv. kino, . . aa 5'iss- Syr. simp., . . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: Two to ten pills daily. Trousseau. 351— I* Creasoti, .... gtt. v. Pulv. opii, . . . . gr. iij. Pulv. acaciae, .... vj.—M. Et ft. in pil. No. x. Sig.: One pill every three hours. Blasius. DIPHTHERIA. 352— I* Trypsin (Fairchild’s), . . 5.1 • Sodii bicarb., . . . . gr. xx. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply with atomizer every hour or two as necessary. Keating. 353— I* 01. eucalypti, .... f3ij - 01. terebinthinae, . . . f.^viij.—M. Sig.: Place in shallow vessel and keep boiling over the stove. J. Lewis Smith. _354—F* Acid, boric., Sodii borat., aa 5SS* Sodii chlor., .... gr. xx. Aquae, ..... Oss.—M. Sig.: Inject teaspoonful, warm, in each nostril every two hours. (Nasalform.) Starr. 35o—I* Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . . gr. j. Spt. vini rect., . . . t'3ij. Elix. bismuth, et pepsin, ad f*iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of- six years. J. Lewis Smith. 356—I* Tr. ferri chlor., . . . f3-fo”j* Glycerinae, . . q. s. ad fgj.—M. v's Sig.: Paint tonsils every four hours. Hex. 45 DIPHTHERIA (Continued). 357— Quiniae sulpliat., . . . gr. xij. Potass, chlorat., . . . gr. xlviij. Tr. ferri chlor., . . . t'3j* Syr. zingiber., . . . fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiij•—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water every two hours for a child of six to ten years. Goodhart and Starr. 358— I* Camphorae, .... 3V- 01. ricini, .... f'3iv. Alcoholis, .... f'3iiss. Acid, carbolic, (crystals), . 9iv. Acid, tartaric, . . . gr. xvj.—M. Sig.: For local application. La Tribune Medicare. 359— I* Pepsinae, .... 3'ss* Acid, hydrochlor. dil., . . n\j. Aq. destillat., Glycerinae, . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Paint throat. {To remove membrane.') Canada Lancet. 360— I* Papain, ..... Hydronaphthol, . . . gr. iij. Acid, hydrochlor. dil., . . gtt. xv. Aq. destillat., . . ad fgxxxij.—M. Ft. sol. Sig.: Use carefully and thoroughly, by means of hand atomizer, every half hour on throat, on poste- rior nares, and pharynx. Richardson. 361— I* Potass, chlorat., . . • 5j* Listerine, .... f^j. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Use as a gargle every two hours. Powell. 362— I* Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . .- gr. j. Sodii bicarb., .... gr. xxiv. Pulv. aromat., . . . gr. vj.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Starr. 363— I* Acid, carbolici, . . . gr. x. Acid, sulphurosi, . . . f3iij. Glycerinae, Tr. ferri chlor., . . aa f.^ss.—M. Sig.: Paint throat frequently. Hazard. 46 I1IPHTHERIA (Continued). 364—3 Potass, permanganat., . . gr. ij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours for a child of eight or ten years. Bartholow. 365—3 Acid, lactic, .... f5iiiss. Aq. destillat., . . . fgx.—M. Sig.: Use as a spray or with a mop. M. Mackenzie. 366—3 Tr. ferri clilor., . . . f5ii-iij. Potass, chlorat., . . . 5h Acid, muriat. dil., . . . gtt. x. Syr. simp., .... f§iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or two. J. Lewis Smith. 367—3 Papayotin, . . . * 5l- Aquae, ..... t'3iv. Glycerinae, .... f3vhj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally to membrane. Jacobi. DROPSY. 368— Infus. digitalis, . . . f^iv. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times daily. Baktholow. 369— Pil. scillae comp., Pil. colocynth comp., . aa Qij. 01. tiglii, .... n\,vj.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xviii. Sig.: Three pills twice a week. Selwyn. 370— 3 Digitalis, . . . . gr. xij. Sennae fol., .... gss. Aq. bullientis, . . . fgvj. Fiat infusum, et adde— Sodii iodid., .... Jij* Sodii phosphat., . . . 3VJ-—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three to six hours. (In cardiac dropsy.) Gerhard. 371— 3 Potass, iodid., . . . j^ss-j. Aq. destillat., . . . f3vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. (/« sarca with scanty urine.) Ringer. 47 DROPSY (Continued). 372— Pulv. jalapae, . . • 5i- Potass, bitart., . . . 5vj-—M. hit ft. chart. No. vi. Sig.: One powder every three hours. (In general dropsy due to kidney disease.) Chapman. 373— Mist, ferri et ammon. acetat. (U. S. P.) f3vj • Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls four times a day. Basham. 374— Ifc Pulv. digitalis, . . . gr. xxx. Ferri sulpli. exsiccat., . . gr. xv. Pulv. capsici, . . . gr. xl. Pil. aloe et myrrh., . . .^ii.—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One pill twice a day. (In cardiac dropsy with dyspepsia.) Fot h e r g i l l . 375— Pulv. scillae, Pulv. digitalis, Caffeine citrat., . . aa 5SS> Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. v.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In cardiac dropsy.) Wood. , DYSENTERY. \] 376— Pulv. opii, .... gr. xx. Pulv. resinae, .... gr. xxx. • ’ Pulv. acaciae, .... gr. xx. Aquae, . . . . . q. s.—M. V Et ft. pil. No. xxv. Sig.: One pill every four liours until relief is ob- \ tained. Geer.J 377— Cupri sulpliat., . . . gr. ss. Magnesii sulpliat., . . . fgj. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . . t'5j. Aquae, ..... fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four hours. (In acute form.) Bartholow. 378— llydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. ij. Pulv. opii, .... gr. iv. Pulv. ipecac., . . . gr. viij.—M. . Et div. in chart. No. viii. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Hazard. DYSENTERY (Continued). 379—Liq. ferri pernitrat., Acid, nitric, dil., . . aa fjss. Syr. simp., . . . . f^j. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours for a child. Ellis. 380— Pnlv. ipecac, co., . . gr. vj. Bismuth, subcarl)., . • 5J- Pulv. aromat., . . . gr. vj.—M. Et ft. in chart. No. xij. Sig.: One powder every three hours for a child of three years. Stark. 381— ty. Strychnin* sulphat., . . gr. ±. Acid, sulphuric. Oil., . . f?ss. Morphi* sulphat., . . . gr. ij. Aq. camphor*, . . . f^iiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or so, well diluted. (Epidemic form.) Babtholow. 382— Tr. hamamelis, . . . f'5ss. Elix. simp., .... t'3iiiss. Syr. simp., .... f'gss. Aq. destillat., .... ff^j.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours. (Where there is much blood.) Kixger. 383— Tr. opii deed., Vini ipecac., . . aa fjij. 01. ricini, Pulv. acaci*, Syr. simp., Aq. cinnam., . . aa q. s. vv:- Ft. emulsio, secundum artem ad f^vj. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours. Gerhard. 384— Naphthalini, .... jiss. Div. in capsules No. xviii Sig.: Two capsules every three hours. Holt. DYSMENORRHCEA. 385—Pulv. ipecac., .... gr. iv. Ft. in pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill every two or three hours. Emmet. DYSMENORRHCEA (Continued). 386— I* Pulv. camph., . . . gr. x. Pulv. doveri, .... gr. xx. Ex. liyoscyami, . . . gr. x.—M. Ft. pil. No. x. Sig.: Two pills every two hours till pain ceases. Canada Lancet. 387- Ex. camiab. indicae, . . gr. J. Ex. belladonnae, . . . gr. 01. tlieobrom.. . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: This is sufficient for one suppository; five such ones may be made. One suppository may be introduced every evening, commencing the fifth day before the menses. Journal de Medicine de Paris. 338—I* Potass, brom., Chloral, liydrat., . . aa Syr. simp., Aquae, . . . . aa f^ij.—M. Sig.: Use two tablespoonfuls per rectum as re- quired for pain. Meniere. 389—I* Ammon, brom., . . . 5^* Potass, brom., . . . 5^v* Spt. ammou. aromat., . . f5vj. Aq. camphor;®, . q. s. ad f §vj.—M. Sig.: From dessert- to tablespoonful, well diluted, every two to four hours. 390— Ex. cannabis indicae, . . gr. iij. Saccli. lact., .... 5SS—M. Et ft. chart. No. vi. Sig.: One powder every two or three hours. H. C. Wood. 391— I* Antipyrin, .... gr. xxviiiss. Cocain. muriat., . . . gr. iss. Aq. bullientis, . . . fjij-—M. Sig.: Ten to twenty minims hypodermically. {In (/X neuralgic and congestive form.') * Meniere. /Jn 1 ——* DYSPEPSIA. V / 392—I* Strychniae sulpliat., . . gr. j. Acid, nitro-muriat. dil., . f5j* Tr. gentian, comp., Tr. cardamom, comp., . aa f^iss. Liq. pepsinae, . q. s. ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoon ful after each meal. Wood. 50 DYSPEPSIA (Continued). 393— I* Pepsinae pari, . . . gr. xxx. Acid, liydrochlor. dil., . . f3ij * Glycerini, .... f.^j. Tr. gentians comp., q. s. ad f^iij•—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful in water after meals. Aulde. 394— Zinci valerianatis, . . . 5SS- Ex. belladonnse, . . . gr. iij. ■ Ex. nucis vomicae, . . . gr. v.—M. Ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill after each meal. (In atonic form.) Pepper. 395— I* Pepsin., .... gr. v. Bismuth, subnit., . . . gr. x. Strychn. sulph., . . . gr. Carbon, ligni, . . . gr. v. Thymol, . . . . gr. —M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Powder after each meal. Vanderbilt Clinic. 396— I* Bismuth, subcarb., . . 3iij- Morph, sulph., . . . gr. j. Pulv. aromat., . . . 3.1 •—M. Et div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: A powder in milk before each meal. Bartholow. 397— Bismuth, subnit., . . . Qiv. Mucil. acacise, . . . fgj. Sodii bicarb., . . . Qiv. Infus. calumbse, . . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls before each meal. Fothergill. 398— I* Pepsinae (Fairchild’s), . . gr. xxxvj. Carbo. lig., . . . . gr. xxiv. Sodii bicarb., . . . jj-—M. Et div. in cap. No. xii. Sig.: One after each meal. Starr. 399— I* Sodii bromid., . . . gj. Pepsin, sacch., Pulv. carbo. lig., . . aa Aquae, fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day after .meals. (Nervous form.) Hammond. 51 DYSPEPSIA (Continued). 400— $ Tr. capsici, .... n^xy], Tr. nucis vomicae, . . . fjij- Tr. gentian, comp., . ad f^ij.-—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful in water three times a day. Da Costa. 401— Ex. oasoarae sagrad. ti., Ex. berberis aquifol., . aa fjj. Syr. simp., .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Boxdy. 402— $ Pepsin, crystallizat., . • 5h Acid, muriat. dil., . . . tjss. Glycerinae, .... f§j. Vini xeriei, . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful after each meal. Oeriiai;]). I 403— $ Acid. mur. dil., . . . 5SS* Aquae, . . q. s. ad giv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water after meals. (In tea-drinkers’ form.) Nichols. 404— Aq. chloroform., . . . f*x. Aq. destillat., . . . fgviij. Aq. menthae pip., . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful before or after meals. (Flatu- ! lent form.) IIuch ard . EARACHE (See Otitis). ECTHYMA (See Skin Diseases). ECZEMA (See Skin Diseases). EMISSIONS (See Spermatorrhoea). EMPHYSEMA (See Asthma) EMPYEMA. 405— $ Liq. iodi comp., . . . f^j. Aquae, ..... f^xv.—M. Sig.: To wash out the pleural cavity after evacua- tion. Bartholow. 406— $ Mist, ferri et amnion, acetat., f.^iv. Sig.: One to two teaspoonfuls three or four times daily with quinia and stimulants. (In chronic cases.) T)a Costa. 52 AVD1TIOXA L FOKMULSE. ADD1TIONA Tj FORMUI.M. ADDITIONAL FORMULA. ADDITION A h FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONA L FORMULAE, ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITION A L FORM CUE, -.MPYEMA (Continued). 407—1* Aq. clilorini, .... fgj. Aquae, ..... fgix.—M. Sig.: To wash out the pleural cavity, after the evacuation of the pus. Ringer. ENDOCARDITIS. 408— Tr. aconiti rad., . . . fgss. Sig.: One drop every hour or two. Ringer. 409— 1* Lini farinae, Aq. hullientis, . . ad q. s.—M. Ft. cataplasma. Sig.: Apply over heart as hot as can he borne and renew frequently. Da Costa. 410— 1* Tr. digitalis, .... fgiij. Elix. calisayae, . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Wood. ENTERITIS. 411— Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . gtt. 1. Tr. opii, ..... gtt. cxx. Aquae, ..... fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful before meals three times a day. Bartholow. 412— 1* 01. ricini, .... fgj. Pulv. acaciae, Sacch. alb., . . . ail [i)iss. Tr. opii ttbiij. Aq. einnam., .... 5XJ-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours for a child of one year. Tanner. 413— 1* Tr. opii deod., . . . fgj. Sig.: Ten drops every two or three hours, to the point of tolerance. I)a Costa. 414— {* Naphthalini, . . . gr. xii-gj. Sacch. lact., . . . gr. xii-gss.—M. Kt ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every three hours. Stark. 415— Bismuth, salicylat., . gr. xxiv-lxxij. Syr. acaciae, . . . fgj. Aq. einnam., . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. Powell. 53 ENTERITIS (Continued). 416— i* Pulv. ipecac, comp., . . gj. Bismuth, subnit., . . . gij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xxiv. Sig.: One powder every two to four hours for a child five years old. J. Lewis Smith. 417— I* Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. j. Bismuth, subnit., . . gr. xxxvi-gj.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Starr. EPILEPSY. 418— Lobelinae hydrobrom. . . gr. |-j. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three or four times a day. Bartholow. 419— Ex. conii fl., . . . . f^ij. Sig.: Fifteen to sixty minims not over three times a day. Spitzka. 420— Nickel brom., . . . gr. xvj. Aq. destillat., . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful several times daily. Da Costa. 421— ]* Ferri brom., .... gr. iv. Potass, brom., . . . fgj. Syr. simp., .... fgvj. Aquae, fgviij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful twice daily. {In anaemic pa- tients.) Bartholow. 422— Potass, brom., Ammon, brom., . . aa Ex. ergotae fl., ... fgss. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad f.^ij-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day, well diluted. ( When maniacal excitement follows the attack, or cerebral congestion or hemorrhage is feared.) Charles R. Smith. 423— Potassii bromidi, . . . gj. Sodii bromid., . . . gss. Ammonii bromid., . . . gij. Syrup, fgij. Aq. gaultheriae, . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful t. d. (For a child of seven.) Rex. 54 fPILEPSY (Continued). 424— J* Potass, brom., Sodii brom., Ammon, brom., . . aa 3”j- Potass, iodid., Ammon, iodid., . . aa 3iss- Ammon, carbonat., . . 3b Tr. calumbse, .... f^iss. Aquse, . . . q. s. ad .^viij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful and a half before each meal and three teaspoonfuls at bedtime. Brown-Seqcard. 425— I* Tr. belladonnse, . . . rr^ij. Potass, bromid., . . . gr. xv. Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. v. Aquse, . . . q. s. ad 3b—M. Sig.: Dose, one teaspoonful. Starr. 426— Potass, iodid., Potass, bromid., . . aa 3b Ammon, bromid., . . . 3^s. Potass, bicarbonat., . . Qij. Infus. calumbse, . . . f^vj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful before each meal and thrice the dose at bedtime. Brown-Seqcard. 427— I* Potass, bromid., Sod. bromid., . . . aa gr. x. Ammon, bromid., . . . gr. v. Sod. bicarb., . . . . gr. ij. Liq. potass, arsenit., . . try. Aquse, . . . q. s. ad f3j-—M. Sig.: Dose, one drachm. Vanderbilt Clinic. 428— Ammon, bromid., . . . 3vj* Antipyrin, . . . . 3j.' Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . f3j. Aq. menthse pip., . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in water night and morning. Wood. 429— I* Potass, bromid., Sodii bromid., . . a& gr. x. Ammonii bromid., . . . gr. v. Sodii bicarb., . . . gr. ij. Liq. potassii arsenit., . . Ttyj. Aquse, .... ad 3b—M. Sig.: Dose, one teaspoonful. Starr. 55 EPILEPSY (Continued). 430— I* Tr. belladomi., . . . trLij. Sodii brouiid., . . . gr. xr. Chloral liydrat., . . . gr. v. Aq. menthae pip., . q. s. ad t'5j-—M. Sig.: Dose, one teaspoonful. Vanderbilt Clinic. 431— I* Pulv. sodii borat., . . • 5.b Syr. aurant. cort., . . . fgj. Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. EP 1STAX IS. 432— I* Liq. ferri persulphatis, . . f.^j. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Inject into nostril. Gerhard. 433— ]* 01. erigerontis (Canad.), . Ppj. Sig.: Five to fifteen drops on sugar every four hours, or repeated as required. Willard. 434_£ Ex. hamamelis ti., . . . fjij. Sig.: A teaspoonful every one to three hours. •J. V. Shoemaker. 435— I* Pulv. aluminis, Pulv. acid, tannic., . aa 5b—M. Sig.: Insufflate into the nares anteriorly and poste- riorly. Sajous. 436— I* Pulv. acid, tannic., . . 5il- Sig.: Insufflate a small quantity after cocaine has been applied. Ingalls. 437— Succi limonis, . . . 3ib Sig.: Inject into nostrils. 438— I* Tr. aconit. rad., . . . itpviij. Liq. aiumon. acetat., . . fjj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every half hour. (/« plethoric cases.) Thomas. ERYSIPELAS. 439—I* Antifebrin, .... 5j* Div. in capsulas No. xv. Sig.: Two capsules as required to reduce tempera- .... tUTOr , ■> . . - ' „ O.SLER. 56 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS, ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIQKA L FORM ULAi. Syr. simp., aa fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours well diluted. Charity Hospital, N. Y. 441— ft Ferri sulphat., . . • ,^j- Aquae, Oj.—M. Sig.: Apply by compresses, and renew every two or three hours. Velpeau. 442— ft Cretae praeparat., Adipis, . . . . aa ,^j. Acid, carbol., . . . fjj.—M. Sig.: Apply to part and cover with lint. Duckworth. 443— ft Ichthyol., . . . • 5.1- Lanolini, .... 5ix-—M. Nussbaum. 444— ft Creolin., . . . . 5.1 • Iodoformi, .... 5SS- Lanolini, .... 5X-—M. Ft. unguentum. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-hair brush and cover with gutta-percha. Koch. 445— ft Argent, nitrat., . . . gr. lxxx. Aq. destillat., . . . f^iv.—M. Sig.: Paint two or three times all over and a little beyond. Higginbottom. 446— ft Plumb, acetat., . . • 3J- Tr. opii, .... f5j. Aquae, . . q. s. ad Oj.—M. Sig.: Shake the bottle well, and wet cloths or lint thoroughly with the lotion and apply to the affected parts. Charity Hospital, N. V. 447— ft Potass, permanganat., . . gr. vj. Aq. destillat., . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Bartholow. ERYTHEMA (See Skin Diseases). FAVUS (See Skin Diseases). 57 FETOR OF AX/LL/E. BREATH. AND FEET. 448— Plumbi acetat., . . • 5.i* Acetat. destillat., . . . fgj. Spt. vini methyl, . . . fgij. Aquae, . . . .ad fgxxj.—M. Ft. lotio. Barrett. 449— Acid, salicylici, . . . gr. xlv. Pulv. amyli, .... 5V- Pulv. talc, .... 5xxii-—M. | Sig.: Dust over the feet. (Used in the German army.) 450— i* Sodii bicarb., .... giij. Aquae, ..... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Bathe the parts frequently. Bartiiolow. 451— Sodii biborat., . . . gr. xv. Thymoli, . . . . gr. viiss. Aq. destillat., . . . fglxxv.—M. Sig.: Mouth wash. Magitot. 452— 1* Potass, permanganat., . . gr. x-xxx. Aquae, ..... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Bartholovv. .453—I* Powdered rice, . . . gij. Bismuth, subnitrat., . . 3vij. Potass, permanganat., . . 5”J- ? Powdered talc, . . . f3iss.—M. Sig.: To be dusted upon the perspiring parts. Coll, and Clin. Rec. FEVERS— Catarrhal. 454— ]* Antifebrin, . . . gj. Spt. viiii gal fgss. Elix. simp., . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Heinzelmann. Intermittent (See Relapsing Fever). Relapsing. 455— I* Quiniae sulphat., . . [>)iv. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . q. s. ut ft. sol.' Spt. aether, nitro., . . fgss. Syr. tolu., Aquae, . aa q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three or four times daily. Da Costa. 58 FEVERS— Remittent. 456— $ Acid, carbol., . . . fjj. Tr. iodinii comp., . . f-—M. Sig.: Four drops every four hours, well diluted. Barthoeow. Scarlet. 457— Tr. ferri chlor., . . t'3j- Potass, clilorat., . . gr. xlviij. Glycerinae, . . . fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of four years. Morris. 458— Acid, boracie., . . . 3SS- Potass, chlor., . . . 3}j* Tr. ferri chlor. . . . t'3ij. Glycerinae, Syr. simp., . . aa f§j. Aquse, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of five years. J. Lewis Smith. ■459—$ Infus. digitalis, . . fgiv. Sig.: One-half to one teaspoonful every two or three hours. Bartholow. 460— $ Acid, carbol., . . . tl\,xx. Vaselin., .... 3J-—M. Sig.: Apply to body night and morning. Starr. 461— $ 01. menthse pip., . . h\,xv- 01. olivse, .... fgiij.—M. Sig.: Apply to body night and morning. Starr. 462— $ Tr. digitalis, . . . f3ss- Liq. ammon. acetat., . f.^iss. Spt. aeth. nit., . . . f^ij• Syr. tolu., . . . f,5SS. Aq. cari, . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of six or eight years. Goodhart and Starr. Simple. 463— $ Liq. ammon. acetat., . f.^iiiss. Spt. aether, nitros., . . f^iv-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful to tablespoonful every two hours. Hartshorne. 59 FEVERS— Spotted (See a/so Meningitis; Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis). 464— $ Morphiae sulpliat., . . gr. ss. Acid, sulphur, aromat., . f^.j- Elix. cinclionae, q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of twelve years. Meigs and Pepper. 465— $ Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . Tqxxx. Sodii bicarb., . . • 5.1- Syr. simp., . . . fgss. Aquae, . q. s. ad f.^iij-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three or four hours for vomiting. Delafield. Typhoid. 466— $ Antipyrin, . . . Qviij. Syr. simp., . . . fgj. Aquae, . q. s. ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Two or three teaspoonfnls at first, and one teaspoonful hourly until temperature is reduced. Minot. 467— $ Bismuth, subnit., . . 3'ib * Spt. vini gal., . . . fjvj Spt. myristicae, . . f’5ss- Syr. acaciae, . . . fgj. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: From one to two teaspoonfuls every three or four hours. W. H. Bennett. 468— Acid, nniriat. dil., . . t’3j- YV[vis( ; Syr. rubi idaei, . . . f5vij. . -I/O'' Aquae, .... fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every two or three hours. Gerhard. Typhus. 469— $ Quiniae sulpliat., . . Qiv. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . t'3ss. Syr. simp., . . . fgss. Aquae, . q. s. ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours until tempera- ture is lowered. Golden. 470— Tr. belladonnae, . . f^ss. Tr. aconiti rad., . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: Ten drops every two hours. {For dry tongue and rapid pulse.) H arley. 60 FEVERS— j Yellow. 471— ft Pilocarpi® muriat., . . gr. iij. Aq. destillat., . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: Tq,x hypodermically. Heber Smith. 472— Hi llydrarg. chlor. mit., Pulv. jalap®, . . aa gr. x.—M. Et ft. pulv. No. i. Sig.: Use at the onset of the disease. Rush. FISSURE OF ANUS AND NIPPLES. 473— !£. Ex. hydrastis 11., . . f3jj. Sig.: Apply to fissure. Bartholow. 474— Acid, carbol., . . . gr. xxiv. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply several times daily. Parvix. 475— ft Cocaine liydrochlor., . . gr. iv. Aq. destillat., . . . fjj.—M. Sig.: Apply to nipples and wash off well just before pursing. 476— If the fissure is deep and slow to heal, touch with solid stick nitrate of silver. 477— ft Bismuth, subnit., . . 5.1 • 01. ricin., .... tjij.—M. Sig.: Rub in affected parts. Hirst. 478— ft Salol, . . . 5j. iEtlieris, .... fjj. Cocain. hydroclxlorat., . gr. ij. Collodii, .... f5v.—M. Sig.: Apply to the affected part. 479— Hi Acid, boric., . . . gr. xlv. Cocain. hydroclilor., . . gr. xv. Lanolin, .... %j.—M. Sig.: Apply first to fissure, then apply solid stick of silver nitrate. L’Union Medicare. 480— ft Acid, boric., . . . gr. xx. Mucilag. acaciae, . . f^j-—M. Sig.: Use a nipple-shield, and after nursing, dry the nipple well with absorbent cotton and apply the lotion with a camel’s-hair brush. Starr. 61 FISTUL/E. 481— Hydrogen peroxide, . . f^vj. Sig.: Inject once daily ; dilute if necessary. 482— ]* Cupri sulphat., . . . gr. ii-iv. Aquae, .... f^iv.—M. Sig.: Inject once daily. Sir A. Cooper. 483— 1* Argent, nitrat., . . . gr. ij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgviij.—M. 1 Sig.: Inject once daily. (Fistula in ano.) Druitt, 484— 1* Tr. iodi., .... f^j. Sig.: Inject once daily. Waring. 485— Touch with solid stick of argent, nit. 486— I* Camphor., . . . • 3j- Salol, gss. Ether, f3j.—M. Sig.: Use as an injection. Medical Record. FLATULENCE (See also Acidity and Dyspepsia). 487— Sodii sulpho-carbolat., . Syr. zingiber., . . . fgiss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful before meals. Sansom. 488— Tr. nucis vomicae, Tr. physostigmatis, Tr. belladonnae, . . aa fjj.—M. Sig.: Fifteen drops in water two or three times a day. Bartholow. 489— Creasotae, .... gtt. xxiv. Syr. simp., .... f^j. Spt. lavandulse comp., q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day after meals. Powell. 490— I* Pulv. calumbae, Pulv. zingiber., . . aa 3SS- Sennae fol., . . . • 3.b Aq. bullientis, . . . Oj. Ft. infusum. Sig.: Wineglassful three times a day. Bartholow. 62 FLATULENCE (Continued). 491— $ Pulv. carbol. lig., . . 3i-bb Div. in capsul. No. xxiv. Sig.: Two capsules three times a day. Ringer. 492— $ Aq. anisi, Liq. calcis, . . aa fgss. Syr. acaciae, . . . f^j.—M. Sig.: Add from ten to thirty drops of chloroform according to age of child, and give a teaspoonful every two hours. Oondie. 493— 01. cajuputi, . . . f5ss. Spt. lavandulae comp., . f.^ss. Syr. zingiberis, . . . fjij. Mucil. acaciae, . . ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful as required. Hartshorns. 494— $ 01. terebinthinse, . . f3j. Sig.: Three to five drops on sugar. Bartholow. FRECKLES, SUNBURN, AND TAN (See Skin Diseases). FROSTBITE (See also Chilblains). 495— $ Acid, earbolici, . . . 3b Tr. iodinii, .... • Acid, tannici, . . • 3j- Cerat. simplicis, . . . ,5^-—M- Sig.: Apply two or three times a day. Morrow. 496— $ Lini. camphorae, Lini. saponis comp., 01. cajuputi, . . aa f§j.—M. Sig.: Apply locally to the unbroken skin. Brande. 497— $ Acid, sulphurosi, . . • Glycerinae, Aquae, . . . aa f 3,i •—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Bartholow. 498— $ Iodi., 9j. Potass, iodid.. . . . gr. iv. Aq. destillat., . . . tr^vj. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply once daily. Hebra. 63 FROSTBITE (Continued). 499— I*. 01. caryopliylli, 01. succini rectif., . aa fgss. 01. olivae, .... fjj.—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily. Roche. 500— ffc Cerati resinae comp., . . 5j* 01. olivae, .... f5ij-—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Witherstine. FURUNCLE (See Carbuncle). GALACTORRHEA. 501— Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. ivi Aquae rosae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply on lint around the breast and remove when the throat becomes dry. Bartholow. 502— Potass, iodidi, . . . Jbj- Syr. sarsap. comp., . . fgiss. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three or four times a day. Hirst. GALL-STONES (See Calculi). GANGRENE. 503— Pulv. carbo. lig., Miese panis, Lactis, . . aa q. s.—M. Ft. cataplasma. Sig.: Apply to correct fetor. 504— Potass, brom., . . . 5i.i~f~9i.i- Aq. destillat., . . . fgij. Solve. Dein. adjice— Bromi, • • ■ oj (by weight). Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad f,^iv.—M. Sig.: Apply to slougli. {In hospital gangrene.') Smith. 505— Pulv. acid, salicylici, . . gj. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. {To destroy fetor and change morbid action.) Bartholow. 506— Brominii, . . . • Si- Sig.: Apply to slough with glass rod. {In hospital gangrene.) Bartholow. 64 ADDITIONAL FORMULAC. additional formulae. ADDITION A l FORMULA! A DDJTIONA L FORMUL Au ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. AUDITION A A FORMULAE. GANGRENE (Continued). 507—ft Acid, carbol., . . . fgij. Grlycerime, .... t'^viij.—M. Sig.: Apply on lint. Lister. GASTRALGIA (See Neuralgia). GASTRIC ULCER (See Ulcer). GLAND, ENLARGED LYMPHATIC. 508— ft Syr. ferri iodid., . . . fgj. Sig.: Fve to thirty drops, well diluted, after each meal. 509— ft Oleat. liydrarg. (U. S. P.), . gj. Sig.: Rub over the enlarged glands once daily. 510— ft Tr. iodi., .... f^j. Sig.: Paint over enlargements thoroughly and re- peat as soon as the dark color commences to disap- pear. 511— ft Cadmii iodid., . . . gr. xx-xxx. Adipis, .... 3-j.—M. Sig.: Apply morning and evening. 512— ft Iclithyol., .... Adipis, .... 5vij.—M. Sig.: Use as inunction morning and evening. Agnew. 513— ft Acidi carbolici, . . . gr. viij. Aq. destillat., . . . f^j.—M. Sig.: Inject five to ten minims into the enlarged gland. 514— ft Potass, iodid., . . . Syr. aurant. cor., . . fgj. Aq. cinnamomi, . . ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. Ringer. 515— ft Ungt. plumbi iodidi, . . gj. Sig.: Apply locally. Bartholow. GLEET (See Gonorrhoea). 65 GOITRE. 516— ft Tr. iodinii comp., . . fgj. Sig.: Apply locally with brush ; also five to fifteen minims in water three times a day internally. Bartholow. 517— ft Picrotoxin, . . . . gr. Aq. ex. ergot., . . . gr. iiss.—M. Ft. pil. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Watkins. 518— ft Potass, brom., . . . ,^ss. Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: Powder, well diluted, three times a day. Jon. Hutchinson. 519— ft Ungt. hydrarg. iodid. rubr., gj. Sig.: Rub in a piece the size of a pea and expose to heat. Ringer. 520— ft Iodoformi, . . . . 3.1- Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. 521— ft Tr. iodinii, . . . f^j. Sig.: Inject an hypodermic syringeful into the tumor every week. After three weeks, inject every two weeks until cured. Duguet. GONORRHEA. 522— ft Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . gr. iij. Sodii chlorodi, . . . gr. vj. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig..- Add one teaspoonful of the mixture to one pint of hot water and flush urethra thoroughly once or twice a day. (Males.) 523— ft Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . gr. xv. Sodii cliloridi, . . . gr. xxx. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Add two teaspoonfuls of the mixture to two pints of hot water and flush vagina thoroughly three times a day. ( Females.) 524— ft Liq. plumbi subacetat. dil., f^j. Ex. opii aquos, . . . gr. vj.—M. Sig.: Use as an injection two to four times daily. Van Boren and Keyes. 66 GONORRHOEA (Continued). 525— I* Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. i£. Zinci sulpho-carbolat., . gr. ii-x. Acid, boric., . . • 3J- Hydrogen peroxide, . . fgj. Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use as an injection from four to six times a day, immediately after urinating. White. 526— £ Zinci sulpho-carbolat., . gr. vj. Morph, sulpli., . . . gr. iij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiij.-—M. Sig.: Use as an injection from four to six times a day, after urinating. 527— I* Zinci sulpliatis, Acid, tannici, . . aa gr. xv. Aq. rosae, .... fgvj.—M. Sig.: A tablespoonful injected two or three times a day. Ricord. 528— I* Zinci*chloridi, . . . gr. i-ij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Inject once or twice daily. Levis. 529— Zinci sulphatis, . . . gj. Aluminis, .... Jiij.—M. Sig.: Dissolve a teaspoonful in one pint of water and inject three times a day. (Females.) Hazard. 530— I* Zinci sulphat., . . . gr. i-iij. Liq. piutnbi subacetat. dil., fgj.—M. Sig.: Shake and inject three to four times daily. Yak Buren and Keyes. 531— Ex. hydrastis 11., . . gtt. xxx. Creolin, .... gtt. x. Aquae, .... fgviij. Sig.: Use undiluted, as urethral injection. Journ. de Med. de Paris. 532— Salol, Oleores cubebae, Copaibae, . . . aa Jj. Aluminis, .... Jiv. Pepsinae saccli., . . . 01. gaultheriae, . . . gtt. x.—M. Ft. capsul. No. xx. Sig.: Two every three hours. MacOonnell. 67 GONORRHEA '(Continued). 533— # Creasot., .... tr^x. Ex. hamamel. tl., Ex. liydrast. canad., . aa ir^xc. Aq. rosae, .... fgiv.—M. Sig.: This should he slightly diluted with warm water before using. {In chronic form.) Bkeima. 534— Zinci sulphat., . . . gr. ij. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Inject three times a day. Agnew. 535— Aristol, .... 5ss. Fluid cosmoline, . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Half a teaspoonful to be injected through a soft rubber catheter passed into the tender spot in the urethra. (For feet.) Waugh. 536— # Acid, boracic., • • • ol* Hydrarg. bichlor., . . gr. \. Zinci sulpliat., . . . gr. xij. Morpliiae sulph., . . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . f,5iv.—M. Sig.: Inject three times a day. Simes. 1 537— # Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. ii-iv. Zinci sulpho-carbolat., . gr. ii-x. Acid, boric., . . • o.b Hydrogen peroxide, . . f^j. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fjviij.—M. Sig.: Use as injection. White. > 538— Zinci sulphatis, . . . gr. vj. Tr. opii, .... t'3j. Tr. catechu, . . . fjij- Aq. rosae, . . . ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Use as an injection three times a day. (//< chronic form.) Withhkstinh. 1 539— # Camphorae, .... gr. c. Ex. opii, .... gr. lxxv. Alcoholis, .... f 3.i • Ex. belladonna?, . . . gr. lxxv.—M. Et ft. cataplasma. Sig.: Apply over joint from ten to twelve hours. (In gonorrheal rheumatism.) Med. Progress. 68 GONORRHOEA (Continued). 540—$ Hydrarg. salieylat., . . gr. -t. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Use as injection three times a day. SCHRIM.VIER. GOUT. 541— 01. gaultheriae, 01. olivse, Lini. saponis, Tr. aconiti, Tr. opii, aa f^ij.—M. Sig.: Apply freely and cover with cotton batting. Satterlee. 542— $ Colchicini, .... gr. j. Ex. colocynth. comp., . 5SS- Quinise sulphat., . . •—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One pill every four hours. Bartholow. 543— $ Magnesii sulph., . . 5>j- Potass, bicarb., . . . gr. xv. Tr. colchici sem., . . n\,x. Infus. buchu, . . . f^j. Et. haustus. Sig.: To be taken every four or six hours, followed by a large draught of water, not too cold. Fothergili,. 544— Tr. colchici sem., . . rr^xv. Magnes. carb., . . . gr. yj. Magnes. sulph., . . . Aq. mentlise pip.. . ad fgj.—M. Ft. haustus. University Hospital. 545— $ Chloroformi, Spt. amrnon. aroinat., aa f^ij. Spt. aetheris comp., Tr. opii campli., . . aa f^ss. Mucil. acaciie, . . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful at once. Hartshorne. 546— Vini sem. colchici, . . f.^ss. Potass, iodid., . . . 5’j- Liq. potass., . . . f^ij. Tr. zingiberis, . . . f^iss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful twice daily in warm water. Hodgson. 69 GOUT (Continued). 547— 1*. Tr. iodiuii, .... tr^clx. Glycerina;, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Granville. 548— £ Veratrinae, . . . • 9j- Adipis, .... 3j.—M. Sig.: Apply to painful joint at onset. (Not when skin is broken.) Turnbull. 549— Ex. colchici acetat., . . gr. ij. Pulv. ipecac, comp., . . gr. v.—M. Et ft. pil. No. ii. Sig.: One night and morning. St. George’s Hospital. 550— Potass, carbonat., Potass, nitrat., . . aa 5iiss> Aquae, fgviij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. (In gouty attacks.) 551— !£. Potass, iodid., . . . gr. v. Potass, bicarb., . . . gr. x. Mist, annnoniaci, . . f^j.—M. Et ft. haustus. Sig.: To be taken three times a day. Fothekgill. 552— Litliii benzoat., . . . . J)ij Aq. cinnamomi, . . . f^iiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water every four to six hours. Jaccoud. 553— ]£. Paraldehyde, . . . gss. Syr. simplicis, . . . fjiss.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, well di- luted, when required. (For gouty insomnia.) Hodgson. 554— Potass, brom., . . . gr. xx. Tr. liyoscyami, . . . fjss. Tr. lupuli, . . . • foj. Aq. camplione, . . . fgj.—M. Et ft. haustus. Sig.: Take at bedtime. (For gouty insomnia.) Fothekgill. GUMS. 555—Glyeeriti acidi tannici, . fgj. Sig.: Apply with soft brush. (For spongy or bleed- ing awns.) Bartholow. 70 A DDITTONA L FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULA?. GUMS (Continued). 556—1J. Chloral liydrat., Tr. cochleariae (Ph. P.), aa f3iss.—M. Sig.: Apply to gums with pledgets of cotton, every day or two. (For gingivitis of pregnancy.) Pinard. H/EMAT EMESIS. 557— Ergotini, .... gr. xij. Aq. destillat., . . . l'3j.—M. Sig.: Five to ten minims hypodermically every three hours. Ringer. 558— Liq. ferri subsulphat., . f^ss. Sig.: One or two drops in ice-water frequently. Bartholow. 559— Plumbi acetat., . . . 3ss. Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. v. Confection, rosae, . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. x. Sig.: One pill every two to four hours. (From ulcer.) Ellis. 560— Acid, gallici, . . . gr. x. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . . ir^x. Aquae, fgj.—M. Ft. haustus. Sig.: To be repeated in four or six hours if neces- sary. Brinton. 561— fy Tr. hamamelis, . . . fgss. Sig.: Two to four drops in water every two or three hours. Ringer. H/EMATURIA. 562— Tr. ferri chlor., . . . rr^xxx. Tr. digitalis, . . . tr^xv. Aq. mentliae pip., . . fgiss.—M. Sig.: Take one dose every four hours. Aitken. 563— Acid, gallic., . . . 3SS- Acid, sulphuric, dih, Tr. opii deod., . . aa t'3.1. Infns. digitalis, . . . f^iv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four hours. Dbuitt. 564— IJl Ex. ergot, fl., fgij. Sig.: 20 gtt.-3j every two hours. Morris. 71 H/EM AT UR! A (Continued). 565—$ Tr. hamamelis, . . . rr^xxiv. Elix. simp., Aquae, . . . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours. Ringer. H/EMOPTYSIS. 4c. (AA (?/ <-** ■ 566— $ Plumbi acetat., . . . gr. xx. Pulv. digitalis, . . . gr. x. Pulv. opii, .... gr. v.—M. Et div. in pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill every four hours. Bartholow. 567— $ Ex. ergotae fl., . . fgj. 01. gaultheriae, . . . gtt. iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour at first; then every four to six hours. Ringer. 568— Acid, gallici, . . . f^B* Acid, sulph. aromat., . . f3.1 * Glycerinae, .... fgj. Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful at dose ; repeat frequently. Pepper. 569— $ Tr. digitalis, . . . fjiss. 01. terebinth., . . . fjiij* 01. mentli. pip., • • • npxx. Acid, sulph. arom., . . t‘3iij. Spt. vin. rect., . . . fjxvj.—M. Sig.: Forty to sixty drops, well mixed with sugar, to which one or more tablespoonfuls of water may be added every two, three, or four hours, according to the urgency of hemorrhage. Canada Medical Record. 570— Iodoform. . . . . gr. vj. Acid, tannici, . . . gr. viij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. vi. Sig.: One every two or three hours till relieved. Chauvin. 571— $ Pulv. aluminis, . . . 5b Sacch. alb., . . . 5SS> Pulv. ipecac, comp., . . 9j.—M. Et div. in chart. No. vi. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Skoda. 72 H/EMOPTYSIS (Continued). 572— Infus. digitalis, . . . fgiv. Sig.: Tablespoonful every hour until the pulse is reduced. Brin ton. HAIR (See also Alopecia). 573— Sodii biborat., . . . 5iv> Aq. ammonite, . . . fgj. Spt. myrciae, . . . fgij. Aq. rosae, .... fgxiij.—M. Sig.: Hair-wash. Potter. 574— £ Quiniae sulphatis, . . gr. x. Spt. myrciae, . . . fgiij. Glycerinae, .... fgj. Sodii chloridi, . . . 3b • Aquae, . q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use as hair-wash. 575— {£. Barii hydrosulpliat., . . gr. x. Amyli, Zinic oxidi, . . aa gr. v. Aquae, . . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: Apply once daily with a camel’s-hair pencil. {To remove superfluous hair.) Dietetic Gazette. 576— 1£. Ex. jaborandi 11., Tr. cantharidis, . . aa fgss. Glycerinae, 01. vaselini, . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Hair-tonic. For use after fevers. Use at night. Bartholow. 577— ft Tr. cantharidis, . . . fgj. Aceti destillat., . . . t'giss. Glycerinae, .... fgiss. Spt. rosmarini, . . . fgiss. Aq. rosae, . . .ad fgviij.—M. Sig. Hair-tonic. Use night and morning. Tilbury Fox. 578— Re Liq. hydrogenii peroxidi (10 vol.) fgiv. Sig.: Hair-bleach. Apply witli a sponge or soft brush. Wilson. 73 HAY FEVER. 579— IJ Cocaini muriat., . . . gr. v. Aq. destillat., . . . f5ib—M. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-liair brush to the nasal passages. Sajous. 580— J Zinci valerianat., . . gr. j. Pil. assafcetidae comp., . gr. ij.—M. Sig.: One or two pills to be taken two or three times daily. Sir Morell Mackenzie. 581— IJ Quiniae muriat., . . . gr. iv-viij. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply to the nares with a brush or atomizer. Bartholow. 582— IJ Nitroglycerine (1 per cent. solution), . . . gtt. v. Tr. rhus toxicodendron (recent), gtt. xij. Ex. grindelia robusta, . Ex. berberis aquifolium, . fgj. Tr. prickly ash (with Jamaica rum), . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Two teaspoonfuls in a little water after meals. Am. Prac. and News. 583— IJ. Antipyriu, .... gss. Syr. aurant. cort., . . f^j. Aquae, ... ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful one to three times daily. Cheatham. 584— IJ Pulv. boracis, . . . gr. xx. Pulv. capsici, . . . gr. xv. Ammon, carbonatis., . . gr. x.—M. Make a fine powder and place in a two ounce bottle. Sig.: Shake the bottle well and inhale the powder that rises. Granville. 585— IJ Syr. acid, hydriodici, . . f^iv. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. Judkins. HEADACHE. 586—IJ Caffeini citrat., Ammon, carb., . . ia Qj. Elix. guaranae, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour until the pain is relieved. Hued. 74 HEADACHE (Continued). 587— Ammonii chloridi, . . gr. iss. Morpliinae acetat., . . gr. Caffeinae citrat., . . . gr. Spt. ammoniae arotn., . . Aq. menthae pip., . • 3SS- Elix. guaranae, . q. s. ad 5j-—M. Sig.: Dose, one teaspoonful. 588— Tr. belladonnae, . . . fgss. Sig.: Six drops every three hours. (Congestive headache.') Ringer. 589— $ Sodii arseniat., . . . gr. Ex. cannabis indicae, . . gr. Ex. belladonnae, . . . gr. £.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Pill twice daily. Little. 590— $ Caffeinae citrat., . . . gr. xl. Sodii bromid., . . . Antipyrin, .... 5ib—M. Et ft. in chart. No. xx. Sig.: One powder in water as needed. Hare. 591— Pulv. capsici, . . . gr. xij. Ex. colocynth. comp., . . gr. iv. Ex. gentian, . . . gr. xxiv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Twenty-five grains of sodium bromide to be taken at night. {Congestive headache.) Da Costa. 592— $ Phenacetin, . . . gr. viij. Ft. chart No. i. Sig.: One powder every three hours. 593— $ Antipyrin, .... 3ij* Aq. destillat., . . . fgiss. Tr. cardam. comp., . . fgss. Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every hour until relieved. Engel. 594— Caffeinae citrat., . . . gr. xviij. Phenacetin, . . . gr. xxxvj. Sacch. alb., .... gr. xviij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xviii. Sig.: One powder every hour or two until relieved. 75 HEADACHE (Continued). 595— I* Tr. nucis vomicae, . . fgss. Sig.: One drop in a little water frequently. {Bilious headache with nausea.) Ringer. 596— I* Zinci pliospliidi, . . . gr. iij. Ex. nucis vomicae, . . gr. x.—M. Et ft. in pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill after each meal. Barker. 597— 1* Potass, citratis, . . • 9j- Spt. juniperi, . . . fjj. Spt. aether, nitro., . . tt^xx. Infus. scoparii, . . . f^j•—M. Sig.: To be taken three times a day. {Uraemic form.) Day. 598— I* Potass, acetat., . . . 5VJ- Infus. digitalis, . . . f.^vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. {Uraemic headache). A. A. Smith. HEART DISEASE. 599— Pulv. digitalis, . . . gr. xxx. Ferri sulph. exsiccat., . . gr. xv. Pulv. capsici, . . . gr. xl. Pil. aloe et myrrhae, . . 5ib—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One pill night and morning. {Chronic heart trouble, with constipation.) _ .. Fothergill. ff(so.UjO AtaM r xOAq ■ 600— I* Tr. strophanth i (1-20), . fSj. Sig.: Five to fifteen drops three times daily. {In fatty heart and valvular disease.) Fraser. 601— 1* Ex. ergotse fl., . . f^iiiss. Tr. digitalis, . . . f^ss.—3VI. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. {Enlarged heart without valvular lesion.) BARTHOiiOW. 602— 1* Ferri redaeti, Pulv. digitalis, Quinise sulphat., . . aa [►).)• Pulv. scillae, . . . gr. x.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three or four times a day. {In fatty heart, dilatation of cavities, and mitral regurgitation.) Barthoi.ow. 76 HEART DISEASE (Continued). 603— Tr. digitalis, . . . - Sig.: Ten drops three times a day. (In irritable heart with palpitation.) Da Costa. 604— Tr. veratri viridis. . . f^ss. Sig.: Five drops three times daily. (In hyper- trophy.) Babtuolow. 605— Tr. digitalis, . . . tji.j. Tr. belladonnse, . . . f^.i. Tr. cardamom, comp., . . f^ij. Elix. simplicis, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water after meals. (In hyper- trophy.) ’ Da Costa. 606— Tr. digitalis, . . . f^ij• Spt. chloroform., . . . fjv. Infus. buchu, . . . f^xij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls in wineglassful of water three times a day. (In simple cardiac debility.) Fothergill. 607— Potass, iodid., . . . gr. v. Ex. digitalis fl., . . . n\,ij. Ex. convallarise majalis fl., . Ttpxx.—M. Sig.: For a dose repeated after each meal. (Di- lated heart.) Delafield. 608— Ifc Tr. aconiti, .... gtt. j. Tr. verat. viridis, . . gtt. ii.j. Syr. zingiberis, . . . gtt. vij.—M. Sig.: This dose t. d. (In hypertrophy.) Da Costa. 609— Pulv. digitalis, Pulv. ferri, Quinise snlphat., . . . 3SS-—M. Et ft. in pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In palpitation due to ancemia and chlorosis.) Gerhard. 610— Potass, iodid., . . . 3.1- Potass, bicarbon., . . 3*9• Infus. buchu, . . . fgxij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three or four times daily. (In hypertrophy.) Fothergill. 611— Vini cocse (Mariani), . . Oj. Sig.: Wineglassful three times a day. (In over- strain of heart.) Robinson, 77 HEART DISEASE (Continued). 612— Sol. nitro-glycerin. (1 per ct.), fgj. Sig.: Two to four drops three times daily for two w'eeks ; then use the iodides. (For atheromatous con- dition of the heart.') Hiichard. 613— Tr. nucis vomicae, . . TTLxxiv. Tr. digitalis, . . . f^j* Ex.- cascarse sagrad. fl., Ex. berberis aquefol., Elix. simplex., . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. ( When constipation exists.) Van Winkle. 614— I* Ex. convallariae majalis fl., . ffj. Sig.: Five drops every four hours. {In aortic and mitral insufficiency.) See. HEM ICR AN! A (See Headache). HEMIPLEGIA (See Paralysis). HEMORRHAGE. CoJLlu 0, 7\615—Be . . gr. \. ' f Ergotinae, . . . . gr. iij.—aI.(^ f Sig- Use hypodermically. Gross. N: 616— Ergotinae, .... gr. xvj. (s' Syr. aurant. fl., . . . fgj. ’J Aquae, .... f^iij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. Bonjean. . 617— Acid, gallici, . . • 5)- Glycerinae, .... f^ss. Aq. destillat., . . . f^vj.—M. X Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. ' 4-. Farquharson. v"> 618—Bt Acid, tannici, . . . gr. xx. Glycerinae, .... fjij- Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad f.^viij.—M. Sig.: Use in atomizer frequently. Hare. Avoid using Monsel’s solution and tannic acid on same patient=Ink. 619— Acid, acetici dil., . . Sig.: Apply locally. (For cuts, leech-bites, etc.) -TV. A-O- Ringer. 78 HEMORRHAGE (Continued). 620— Plumbi acetat., . . . gr. xx. Pulv. digitalis, . . . gr. x. Pulv. opii, . . . . gr. v. Ft. pil. No. x. Sig.: One pill every four hours. Bartholow. Use opium or morphine to quiet patient. 621— $ Aluminis, . . . . gr. vj. Aq. destiilat., . . . •—M. Sig.: Use in an atomizer frequently. Hare. 622— $ Morphise sulpliat., . . gr. iij. Tr. damianse, Tr. rhois glab., . . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. (In hemorrhage from kidney or bladder.) J. H. Hammond. 623— $ Potass, carbonat., . • 3B- Saponis, .... Alcoholis, .... f.^iij.—M. Sig. Use as styptic, especially for operations about the face. Jos. Pancoast. 624— $ 01. terebinth., . . . fjiij- Ex. digitalis A., . . . t'3j. Mucil. acaciae, . . . fgss. Aq. menthae pip., . . f§j—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. (In passive hemorrhages.) Bartholow . 625— $ Argenti nitrat. fusae, . . q. s. Sig.: Wipe the wound dry and apply locally. Rinoer. 626— $ Infus. digitalis, . . • fjij- Ex. ergotae fi., Tr. krameriae, . . aa f^j-—M. Sig. Tablespoonful as required. Bartholow. HEMORRHOIDS. 627— $ Iodoform., .... 3i*-*v- Adipis benzoat., . . . §j.—M. Sig.: Apply locally after washing. 628— $ Ex. hamamelis fl., . • f^W Sig.: Inject some into the rectum and apply pled- gets of lint soaked in this solution. Hare. 79 HEMORRHOIDS (Continued). 629— I* Cocain. hydroclilor,, . . gr. ij. Ex. belladonnae, . . • 3J* Acid, tannici, . . . 5ii- Ungt. petrolati, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. Alrich. 630— Ex. opii, .... gr. x. Pulv. stramonii, . . 5j- Pulv. tabaci, . . . 3SS* Ungt. simplicis, . . . 3SS*—M. Sig.: Use locally. Shoemaker. 631— Tr. nucis vomicae, . . f^j. Ex. ergot, 11., fgj.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful three to four times a day. {For bleeding piles.) Bartholow. 632— I* Atropiae sulpli ., . . . gr. j. Tr. ferri chlor., . . . gtt. xxx. Vaseline, .... *j.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (For internal hemorrhoids.) Laplace. 633— I* Grlycer. acid, salicylic., Grlycer. acid, boraci., . aa fgiv. Acid, carbolic., . . . fjiij.—M. Sig.: Inject five to ten minims into each tumor. Shufford. 634— Cerae flavae, . . . [fjviij. Resinae, .... Adipis, .... gss. 01. sassafras, . . . n^xl.—M. Sig.: Melt wax, resin, and lard together; when the mixture shows signs of stiffness, add the oil of sassafras and stir until cold. Apply locally. Charity Hospital, N. Y. 635— I* Cocainae muriat., . . gr. xx. Morpliinae sulpli., . . gr. v. Atropiae sulph., . . . gr. iv. Pulv. tannin., . . . gr. xx. Vaseline, . . . • .Vi- 01. rosae, . . . . q.' s.—M. Sig.: Apply after each evacuation of bowels. Of course contents of bowels should be kept in soluble condition. Medical Mirror. 80 HEMORRHOIDS (Continued). 636— Acid, gallici, . . . gr. x. Ex. opii, Ex. belladounse, . . aa gr. iv. Ungt. simplicis, . . . 3*v-—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. Hare. 637— The external nodules having been washed with a solution of 2 per cent, carbolic acid, or 1 per cent, creolin, in water, and then dried with absorbent cotton, they are anointed with the following :— Chrysarobin, . . . gr. xij. Iodoform., .... gr. ivss. Ex. belladonna, . . . gr. ix. Vaselin., .... 3VH- The internal knots are treated with the following sup- positories :— 638— Chrysarobin, . . . gr. i£. Iodoform., .... gr. Ex. belladonnse, . . . gr. -jl. 01. theobrom. . . . gr. xxx. If copious hemorrhage prevails, tannin is added to this compound. Under this treatment the most violent pains and hemorrhage vanish within three to four days, and the tumors shrivel away almost completely within three to four months. . J. M. Kossornrski. 639— Liq. plumbi subacetat. dil., . fgvj. Sig.: Apply locally as a wash at bedtime. WlTHERSTINE. 640— Tr. liydrastis can., . . f3j• Sig.: Five minims three times daily, internally. Phillips. 641— J* Potass, bromid., . . . 3*ij- Glycerinae, .... fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally to ease pain. Ringer. 642— Pulv. teucrii scordii, . . gib Ungt. petrolei, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply after each action of bowels. R. B. Cri'ice. 643— Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . 3d- Ungt. petrolei, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily. Bartlett. 81 HEPATITIS (See Catarrh and Biliousness). HERPES (See Skin Diseases) HICCOUGH. . 644—Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. j. Saccli. lact., . . . 5SS-—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every hour. (In obstinate cases with extreme debility.) Gerhard. \ Pilocarpinae muriat., . . gr. Aquae, tr^x.—M. SL Sig.: Inject 11\uxklermica 11 y. . Ortille. \ 646—Zinci ralerianat., . . . gr. ix. Ex. belladonnae, . . . gr. iij.—M. " Et ft. pil. No. xij. v Sig.: One every six hours as required. Danet. I 647—Apomorphiae muriat., . . gr. -j-^. Aquae, n\,x.—M. Sig.: Inject hypodermically. Ringer. HOOPING-COUGH (See Whooping-Cough). HYDROCEPHALUS. 648— Potass, iodid., . . . 3SS-J' Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgj. Aquae, . . . .ad f§iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for an infant of six months. J. Lewis Smith. 649— Ungt. hydrarg., . . . .^J. Sig.: Rub into scalp and take— 650— Potass, iodid., . . . gr. xij. Aq. mentli. pip., . . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Hazard 651— 01. tiglii, .... rr^ij. Mucil. acaciae, . . . f§ij • Aquae, . . . . f^j*—M. Sig.: Take the fourth part every four hours. (To remove fluid from ventricles.) Dunglison. 652— Collodii cum cantharidis, . fjiv. Sig.: Paint the back of neck every few days. Hartshorne. 82 HYDROCEPHALUS (Continued). 653— I* Ungt. liydrarg. biniodid., . Cerati simp., . . . 3J-—M. Sig.: Rub into scalp every four hours. (Use in connection with the iodide of potassium.) Christie. 654— ]* Pulv. digitalis, Hydrarg. chlor. mit., Pulv. ipecac., . . aa gr. ij. Saccli. alb., .... gr. x.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every three or four hours. (In subacute form.) Condie. HYDROTHORAX (See Dropsy). HYPOCHONDRIA. 655— Auri chloridi, . . . gr. i-iss. Ex. gentian., . . . gr. xv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In anaemic cases.) Bartholow. 656— Potass, bromid., . . - 53S- Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder well diluted three times a day. Ringer. 657— I* Liq. potass, arsenitis, . . tr^xl. Tr. opii f3sH* Aq. menthse pip., • ad f.^iiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. (In old people with gloomy fancies.) Lemare-Picquot. 658— 1* Mist, assafoetidie, . . . f.^iv. Sig.: One to two tablespoonfuls three or four times a day. Bartholow. 659— F* Spt. lavandulae comp., . f.^ss. Spt. ammon. aromat., . . f^ij- Mist, assafcetidae, . . . fjvss.—M. Sig.: From one to three tablespoonfuls three times a day. Ainslie. 660— Tr. opii deodorat., . . f.^ss. Sig.: Five to ten drops three times a day. Krafft-Ebing. 83 HYSTERIA. 661— Zinci valerianat., . . gr. xxiv. Div. in pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill four times a day and the following at night:— 662— Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. x. Sodii bromid., . . . gr. xx.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take at bedtime. Da Costa. 663— Pulv. camphor*, Ex. eucalypti, . . aa gr. xij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill every three hours. Bartholow. 664— 1£. Tr. opii deod., . . . f'5iss. Tr. castorei, . . . fjiiss. Tr. valerianat. ammon., Spt. aether, comp., . aa f5vj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water every two hours. (For laughing hysterics.) Gerhard. 665— Tr. averne concentrat., . fjss. Sig.: Fifteen drops in a fluidounce of hot water at bedtime. Waugh. 666— $ Liq. potass, arsenitis, . fgss. Sig.: Three to five drops in water three times a day after meals. Bartholow. 667— Tr. opii, .... f5j. Tr. nucis vomicae, . . fjij.—M. Sig.: Three drops in water three times a day. (For weight on the head, flushings, and hot and cold perspira- tions.) 4 / - /? Ringer. 668— Ex. conii Ak Ex. liyoscyami fl., . aa tr^vij. Chloral liydratis, . . gr. x. Aquae, . . .ad f.^j.—M. Ft. liaustus. Sig.: To be taken at a single dose and repeated as required. Madigan. 669— Ex. salicis nigrae, Elix. simp., . . aa f^j.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Hutchinson. ADD ITIONA L FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAf. ADDITIONAL FORMXJLM. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. additional formulae. ADDITION.* L VORMUI.M. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADOITIONA I, FORMULAE. HYSTERIA (Continued). 670—I* Ammon, bromidi, . . 3M• Spt. ammon. aromat., . f’3.i- Aquae, .... f.^iv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful well diluted three times a dav. Hartshorne. ICHTHYOSIS (See Skin Diseases). IMPETIGO (See Skin Diseases) IMPOTENCE. 671— Zinci phospliidi, . . . gr. ij. Confect, rosae, . . . 3,j.—M. Ft. massa et div. in pil. No. xxiv. Sig.: One to three pills thrice daily. Bartholow. 672— I* Tr. cantharidis, . . gtt. vj. Tr. ferri chlor., . . gtt. xv-xx.—M. Sig.: Take thrice daily well diluted. H. C. Wood. 673— Ferri arsenitis, . . . gr. v. Ergotini (aq. ext.), . . 5S:j-— Ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One night and morning. Bartholow. 674— Ex. cannabis indicae, Ex. nucis vomicae, . aa gr. xv. Ex. ergotae aquosi, . . 3.1 •—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill morning and evening. Da Costa. 675— I* Tr. sanguinarise, . . fji'j- Ex. stillingiae fl., . . f3v-—M. Sig.: Fifteen or twenty drops in water three times a day. Bartholow. 676— Pulv. sanguinarise, . . gr. ij. Ex. ergotae, . • • 9j-—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. S. O. Potter. 677— Ex. vanillae 11., . . • f.3.i- Sig.: Teaspoonfnl at bedtime. Gerhard. 85 INCONTINENCE OF URINE. 678— ft Atropinae sulpliat., . . gr. j. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Four to eight drops in water. (For children.) Bartholow. 679— Be Lini. cantharidis, . . fgss. Sig.: Paint high up over the nape of the neck, a space three inches by two inches, till blistered. Hakkin. 680— ft Acid, benzoic., . . • oB- Aq. cinnam., . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Hartshorne. 681— ft Strychnke sulpliat., . . gr. j. Acid, acetic., . . . gtt. ij. Sacch. alb., . . . 3ib Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Fifteen to thirty drops for a child of six to twelve years. Magendie. 682— ft Fx. rlioi's aromat. 11., . . fgiij. Elix. aromat., . . . fgiss. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Half teaspoonful, to be increased to one tea- spoonful, four times a day, after eating. Powell. INDIGESTION (See Dyspepsia). INFLAMMATION— Fever Mixtures. 683— Potass, bromid., . . Qiv. Tr. belladonnae, . . n\,xxxij. Tr. aconit. rad., . . gtt. viij. Spt. aetlieris nit., . . f^iij• Mist, potass, cit., q. s. ad f^viij.—M. Sig.: One tablespoonful every two to three hours. Keep in a cool place. White. 684— Morph, acetat., . . gr, j. Sacchar. alb., . . • oij- Spt. aetlieris nit., . . f3hi• Liq. ammonii acet., . . fgiv. Aq. camphor*, q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: One tablespoonful every two to three hours. Ashhurst. 86 INFLAMMATION— Fever Mixtures (Continued). 685— ]* Morph. acetat., . . gr. |. Tr. aconit., . . . ri^x. Spt. setheris nit., . . • Mist, potass, cit., q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Two teaspoonfuls every one to two hours. Laxatives. 686— I* Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . gr. iij. Sodii bicarb., . . . 3j*—M. Ft. pulv. No. xxiv. Sig.: One powder every hour. 687— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. iv. Sodii bicarb., . . • oJ* Pepsinse, .... 3SS-—M. Ft. pulv. No. xxiv. Sig.: One powder every hour. 688— Add 3ij °f Rochelle salts to the white paper of a Seidlitz powder, take it and follow it every two hours by 3ij of Rochelle salts until bowels move. Goodell. 689— I* Syr. rhei aromat., . . f^ss. Aquae, .... fgij. Magnesii sulpli., q. s. ad sat. sol.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every hour or two until bowels move. 690— I* Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. j. Sacch. lactis, . . . 3b—M. Ft. pulv. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every one to three hours. (For children.) 691— Pulv. glycyrrliizse comp., 3SS* Sig.: One teaspoonful in water. Repeat every two hours if necessary. INFLUENZA (See Catarrh and Hay Fever) INGROWING TOE-NAIL. 692—I* Liq. potassae, . . . f3ij • Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply with pledgets of cotton-wool. Norton. 87 INGROWING TOE-NAIL (Continued). 693— I* Acid, tannic., . . . gj. Aquae, .... f 3 v-j.—M. Sig.: Paint soft parts twice daily. Miall. 694— 3c Pulv. plumbi acetat., . . 3j* Tr. opii, .... fgj. Aquae, . . .ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Shake well and apply constantly until the inflammation is reduced; then separate the granu- lating surface from the nail and insert a small pledget of cotton ; then use :— 695— Argenti nitrat., . . . gr. xxx. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply two or three times daily with a brush. Davidson. INSOMNIA. 696— I* Antipyrin, .... 5 Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgj. Aq. cinnam., . . ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonfnl every hour or two till effective. Williams. 697— Methylal, . . . . gj. Syr. aurant. tior., . ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: A tablespoonful at bedtime. Richardson. 698— F* Antimonii et potass, tartrat., gr. i-ij. Morphiae sulpliat., . . gr. iss. Aq. laurooerasi, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two, three, or four hours as required, (In the wakefulness of fevers.) Bartholow. 699— I* Atropiae sulphat., . . gr. Morphiae sulpliat., . . gr. xij. Acid, acetic., . . . gtt. x. Aquae, .... fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful once or twice daily. (In cases of depression and low temperature.) Gerhard. 700— I* Sulplional, .... gr. xxx. Syrupi, .... fgij. Mucilag. acaciae, . . . fgij. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Half to all of this at one dose, as may be re- quired. Hare. 88 INSOMNIA (Continued). 701—1* Narceinse, .... gr. viij. Confect, rosae, . . . gr. xv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxiv. Big.: One to three pills at bedtime. Laborde. 702— Ex. piscidiae erythrin. 11., . f^j. Syr. simp., . . . fgj. Aq. aurant. flor., . ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: From one to four teaspoonfuls at bedtime. Payne. 703— Antikamniae, . . . 3U* Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: Take one powder at bedtime. Powell. 704— Potass, bromid., . . . 3'v* Chloral hydrat., . . . 3U- Syr. prun. virg., . . . fgj. Aquae, . . . .ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in a wineglassful of water at bedtime. INTERMITTENT FEVER (See Fever). INTERTRIGO (See Skin Diseases). INTESTINAL CATARRH (See Catarrh). INTESTINAL PARASITES (See Worms). ITCH (See Skin Diseases.) INTUSSUSCEPTION. 705— I* Sodii bicarb., . . . [i)ii-iij. Aquae, ..... —M. Sig.: Inject into the rectum and follow at once with— 706— |* Acid, tartaric, pulv., . gr. xxxv-xlviij. Aquae, . . . v.—M. Big.: Inject immediately into the bowels after the preceding. Bartholow. 707— I* Ex. belladonnae, . . . gr. iv. Aq. ferventis, . . . Oj.—M. Sig.: Inject into the rectum. Waring. 89 INTUSSUSCEPTION (Continued). 708— ft Tabaci, . . . • oJ- Aq. bullientis, . . . Oj. Macera per sextum horae partem, et cola. Sig.: Inject one-quarter or one-half, and repeat in half an hour if necessary, carefully watching its effect. Guy’s Hospital. 709— ft Lobeliae, .... Aq. bullientis, . . . Oj.—M. Ft. infusnm. Sig.: Inject one-fourtli or one-half, and repeat if permissible. Bartholow. IRITIS. -710—ft Atropinse sulphatis, . . gr. ij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgss.—M. Sig.: One drop into each eye twice daily, continu- ing for a week. Keyser. 711— ft Atropinse sulphatis, . . gr. i-iij. Morphinse sulphatis, . . gr. iv. Zinci sulphatis, . . . gr. ii-viij. Aquae destillat., . . . fjj.—M. Sig.: Apply as a lotion. Bartiiolow. 712— ft Scopolinae, . . . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: One to three drops into the eye two or three times daily. Dunn. 713— ft Emplast. cantharidis, . . 1 in. X 1 in. Sig.: Apply behind the ear, and poultice when blistered. Hartshorne. 714— ft Hydrai’g. chlor. corros., . gr. j. Potass, iodid., . . • 5i- Tr. calumbae, . . . fgij. Aquae, . . . .ad f^vj.—M. Sig.: A dessertspoonful in a wineglassful of water two or three times a day. Lawson. 715— ft 01. terebinthinse, . . . f^j. Mucil. acaciae, q. s. ut ft. emul. Syr. simp., .... fgj. Aq. mentliae pip., . . fgiv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in water three times a day. Hogg. 90 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. IRITIS (Continued). 716— Duboisine sulpliat., . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: One drop into the eye once or twice daily. Tweedy. 717— $ Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . gr. x. Ex. glycyrrhizae, . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: Two pills twice a day. Niemeyer. JAUNDICE (See Biliousness, Catarrh, etc.) JOINTS, DISEASES OF (See Synovitis). KERATITIS, PHLYCTENULAR. 718— Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. ii-iv. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: One or two drops in each eye two or three times a day. Bartholow. 719— Hyd rarg. clilor. corros., . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiv.—M. Sig.: Use as an eye-bath. Grandmont. 720— Duboisiae sulpliat., . . gr. j. Aq. rosae, .... fjj.—M. Sig. One or two drops in the eye two or three times a day. Thompson. KIDNEYS. DISEASES OF (See Albuminuria. Nephritis). LABOR. 721- Potass, bronrid., . . . 3SS- Chloral hydrat., . . . Qiiss. Syr. aurant. cort., . . f.^ss. Aquae, . q. s. ad f.^ij.—M. Sig.: Dose, one-half of the above. {In false labor.) Gerhard. 722— Tr. opii deod., . . . gtt. xlv. Tr. lactucarii, Syr. papaveris, . . aa • Aq. aurant. llor., . . f^iss.—M. Sig.: Dose, the one-third part. {In protracted labor, due to irregular, tetanic pains.) Velpeau. 91 LABOR (Continued). 723— I* Quiniae bisulphat., . . gr. x. Ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: One dose. (In atony of the womb.') Gerhard. 724— I* Chloral liydrat., . . . gij. Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgj. Aq. aurant. flor., . . fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every twenty minutes for three doses. Playfair. 725— Chloroformi, . . . fgiv. Sig.: Let patient inhale, but not to complete anaes- thesia. Simpson. 726— I* Amyl nitritis, . . . fgj. Sig.: Three to five drops to be inhaled from a handkerchief. (In hour-glass contraction of the uterus.) Barnes. 727— ]* Tr. nucis vomicae, . . fgj. Ex. ergotie fl., . . fgvj. Elix. simp., . . ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water every three hours. (In retained placenta.) Lombe Atthill. 728— ]* Morphiae sulpliat., . . gr. ij. Aq. camphorae, . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three or four hours as required. (For after-pains.) Witherstine. 729— 1* Morphiae sulphat., . . gr. i-ij. 01. theobromae, . . . gij-—M. Et ft. suppos. No. iv. Sig.: One as required. (In precipitate labor.) Leishman. 730— I* Quiniae sulphat., . . Acid, sulphuric, aromat., q. s. ut ft. sol. Syr. zingiberis, . . . fgj. Aquae, . . .ad fgij.—M. Sig.: A tablespoonful at once, and afterwards a dessertspoonful every four hours. (In atony of the uterus.) Ringer. LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS. 731—I* Syr. ipecac., . . . fgij. Sig.: Teaspoonfal every ten or fifteen miiutes until free emesis occurs. Bartholow. 92 LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS (Continued). 732— I* Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. v-xv, Syr. simp., Aq. cinnam., . . aa 5SS-—M. Sig.: One dose. ( To arrest impending attack.) Bartholow. 733— I* Potass, citrat., . . • oJ- Syr. ipecac., . . . fjij. Tr. opii deod., . . . gtt. xij. Syr. simp., . . . . f$ij. Aquae, .... f^iss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of two years. Meigs and Pepper. 734— Tr. aconiti rad., . . . f^ss. Sig.: One drop in a teaspoonful of water every hour for three or four doses ; then every two hours. Ringer. 735— I* Potass, bromid., Sodii bromid., . . aa 5j* Chloral hydrat., . . gr. xlviij. Syr. simp., . . . f^j. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad f.'fiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every half hour or hour as re- quired. Powell. 736— I* Ferri citratis, . . . Aq. aurant. flor., . . fgvss. Syr. simp., . . . f.^ss.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful to a tablespoonful three times a day between the paroxysms. (For amende cases.) Hartshorne. LARYNGITIS. 737—J* Tr. aconiti rad., . . . f^ss. Sig.: One drop every hour, in water. Best results when following a dose of castor oil. When it has existed several days give— w -,Y38—I* Vini mariani, . . . Oj. y £ Sig.: Wineglassful every three hours, with abso- lute rest of voice. Sajous. **^739—I* Tr. pulsatillae, . . . fjj. N\ Syr. ipecac., . . . f^j. ' wj Liq. potass, citrat., . . f^v.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. Gerhard. 93 LARYNGITIS (Continued). 740— ft Argenti nitrat., . . . gr. lx. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally on cotton; then immediately apply the following :— 741— ft Cocaine muriat. (10 per cent, sol.), fgj- Sig.: Apply locally to the larynx. (Chronic form.) Seilek. 742— ft Hydrarg. cyauidi, . . gr. ij. Saech. lact., . . . gr. xv. Mucil. acaciae, . . . q. s.—M. Et div. in pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill twice daily. (Syphilitic form.) M. Mackenzie. 743— ft Potassii permanganitis, . gr. ij. Aq. destillat., . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: Use with an atomizer several times daily. (Fcetid chionic form.) Sajous. 744— ft Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. i-ij. Aquae, .... f^ij.—M. Sig.: Inhale from an atomizer several times a day. (In syphilitic form.) Df.marquay. 745— ft Acid, benzoic., . . . gr. ss. Sodii biborat., . . . gr. iss. Acaciae, . . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. trochiscum No. i. Sig.: One every hour. (In acute laryngitis.) Sajous. 746— ft Iodol 3j. Sig.: Insufflate a small portion once a day, or several times a week. (In tuberculous laryngitis.) Lublinski. 747— ft Menthol, .... gr. xxv—c. 01. olivae, .... —M. Sig.: Apply locally to the ulcerations. (In tuber- culous laryngitis.) Rosen bero. 748— ft Tr. aconiti rad., . . . tl\,xxx. Syr. limonis, . . . f3ss. Liq. amnion, acetat., . . f3ij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three hours. (In acute form.) Thomas. 94 LEAD-POISONING (See Colic). LEPRA (See Skin Diseases). LEUCOCYTH/EMIA. 749— Sodii arsenitis, . . . gr. j. Div. in pil. No. xl. Sig.: One pill three times a day. And:— 750— I* Iodi, ..... £)j. 01. bergami, . . . gtt. j. Lanolin, .... 3.1 •—M. Sig.: Rub over the spleen at night. Da Costa. 751— I* Quiniae sulphat., . . . 3h Ferri sulphat. exsiceat., . 3iss-—M- Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig.: Four or live pills daily. Bartholow. 752— I* 01. eucalypti, . . . gtt. c. Piperini, Cerae albae, . aa 3d Pulv. althaeae, . . . 3U*—M. Et ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: Three to five pills three times a day. Mosler. 753— Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. j. Pil. ferri carbonatis, Quinidiae sulphat., . aa 3j-—M. Et ft. pil. No. xl. Sig.: Two pills three times a day. Da Costa. LEUCORRHCEA. 754— I* Sodii bicarb., . . . 3.L Tr. belladonnas, . . . f3U* Aquae, ..... Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as a vaginal wash. Ringer. 755— I* Creolin, .... gtt. xxx. Ex. hydrastis fl., . . f3iiss.—M. Sig.: Two teaspoonfuls in a pint of warm water, to be used for one vaginal injection. Journal de Medecine, Paris. 756— I* Potass, clilorat., . . . gij. Sig.: A teaspoonful to a pint of warm water, as a vaginal injection. (In simple cases.) Parvin. 95 LEUCORRHCEA (Continued). 757— IJl Acid, boracic., . . . 5VJ* Aq. ferventes, . . . Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as a vaginal injection. Ringer. 758— Sulplio-calcine, . . . 3VJ- Glycerinse, .... fgj. Menthol xx.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in a quart of hot water, used twice a day as a vaginal injection. Dixon. 759— Acid, salicylic, Acid, thymic, . . aa 3SS- Ess. amber, .... gtt. xx. Alcoliolis, 90°, . . . f3viss. Cologne, .... fjiss. Aq. destillat., . . . fgix.—M. Sig. A tablespoonful of this mixture is put into about a quart of water, and it is used as an injection three or four times daily, in order to suppress the foetidity of the discharge. Presse Medicale Belge. 760— Liq. sodse clilorinat., . . f^ij. Aquae, . ... fgxx.—M. Sig.: Use as an injection once or twice daily. Trousseau, 761— Acid, tannic., . . . Glycerinae, .... f^xvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful to a quart of tepid water as a vaginal injection night and morning. T. Gaillard Thomas. 762— Potass, chlorat., . . . * Tr. opii, .... f3iiss. Aq. picis, .... f,3ix.—M. Sig.: From one to two tablespoonfuls to a quart of hot water as an injection twice daily. Cheron. 763— Creasoti, .... TT^xij. Mueil. tragacanth., . . 3U* Aquae ferventis, . . . ft3xiv.—M. Sig.: After washing out the vagina with warm water use the injection. Mackenzie. 764— Pulv. catechu, Aluminis, . . a& 3j* 01. theobrom., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. suppos. vaginalis No. vi. Sig.: Use one night and morning. Hazard. 96 LEUCORRHGEA (Continued). 765— I* Iodoformi, . . . • 5J- Acid, tannic., . . . 3b—M. Sig.: Pack a sufficient quantity in the dry state around the cervix uteri. Bartholow. 766— I*. Potass, permanganitis, . gr. xx. Aquae, Oj.—M. Sig.: Inject a small quantity several times a day. (In foetid discharges.) Girwood. 767— R Ex. yerbae santae fl., Ex. pinus canaden. 11., Ex. hamamelis 11., . aa f3iv. Glycerinae, . . q. s. ad f3v.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful four times a day. Bixby. 788—ft Zinci sulphatis, Aluminis sulphatis, . aa 3*ss- Glycerinae, .... f3vj-—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful to a quart of hot water, as an injection. T. Gaillard Thomas. LICE. 769— R. Sodii hyposulphitis, . . gij. Acid, sulplmrosi dil., . . f3iv. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^xvi.—M. Sig.: Apply once daily. (Head lice.) St a run. 770— R Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . gr. iv. Spt. vini reetificat., . . VJ • Ammon, muriat., . . 3SS< Aq. rosse, . q. s. ad f3vj.—M. Sig.: For scabies and tinea versicolor. Tilbury Fox. 771— Pulv. cocculi indici, . . Qiv. Adipis, .... 3b—M. Sig.: Apply locally, rubbing in well. Hartshorne. 772— I* Storacis, . . . . f,3b Spt. vini rectiflcat., . . f^ij-—M. Et adde— 01. olivse, .... f3j. Sig.: Rub the whole body carefully except the head; repeat in twenty-four hours. (In scabies.) McCall Anderson. 97 LICE (Continued). 773— Hydrarg. oleat., . . . gr. v. Acid, oleici, .... gr. xcv. iEtheris, . . ' . . gtt. xij.—M. Sig.: Apply twice, twenty-four hours apart. John Marshall. 774— ft Acid, carbolic., . . . f^i—U- Glycerinae, .... fgj. Aquae, ..... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Apply as a wash. (To destroy lice or relieve pruritus.) Hartshornk. 775— ft 01. rosmarini, . . . fgss. 01. olivae, .... fgiss.—M. Sig.: Apply once daily. Ringer. LICHEN (See Skin Diseases). LIVER, DISEASES OF (See Biliousness, Colic, Catarrh) LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. 776— ft Argent, nitrat., . . . gr. x. Confect, rosae, . . . £)j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xl. Sig.: One or two pills three times a day. Cease giving after a few weeks, to prevent argyria. Da Costa. 777— ft Stryclniiae sulph., . . gr. iss. Syr. liypophos., . . . fgxij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. ( When the system is saturated with silver.) Da Costa. 778— ft Ex. physostigmat., . . gr. x. Pulv. zingiberis, . . . £)j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Ringer. 779— ft Antipyrin, .... gj. Syr. zingiber., . . . fgj. Aquae, . . . .ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every one to four hours for three to six doses. {In lightning pains.) Germain See. LUMBAGO. 780—Methyl cliloridi, . . . gss. Sig.: Use locally, applying carefully. Debove. 98 LUMBAGO (Continued). 781— $ Potass, iodid., . . . 5>.i- Vini colcliici sem., . . f^j. Syr. zingiber., . . . fgiss. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three hours. Gerhard. 782— $ Potass, iodid., Potass, carbonat., . aa 3j- Tr. aconiti rad., . . . fgij. Aquae, fgx.—M. Sig.: Use locally every three hours. (Mark poison.) Erichsen. 783— $ Ex. cimicifugae li., Syr. acaciae, . . . aa f^ss. Aq. amygdalae amar., . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. Bartlett. 784— $ Atropinae sulphatis, . . gr. j. Morphinae sulphatis, . . gr. xvj. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Five minims injected deeply into muscles of the back. 785— $ Antipyrin, . . . . gj. Syr. tolutani, . . . fgj. Aq. menthae pip., q. s. ad f.^iv.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every one to four hours for three to six doses. Germain See. 786— $ Tr. iodi., .... f^ij. Tr. aconitii rad., . . f^iij- Chloroformi, . . . f^iv. Liniment, sapon. comp., q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Apply every few liours locally. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. 787— $ Potass, iodidi, . . . 3SS* Tr. opii deodorat., . . - Spts. lavandulae comp., , f^j- Spts. aeth. nit., . . . fgss. Aq. destillat., . . . f.^xij.—M. Sig.: Take two tablespoonfuls twice daily. Brodie. 788— Chloroformi, . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: Twenty minims injected deeply in region of pain. 99 LUMBAGO (Continued). 789—I* 01. terebintliin®, . . . fjii—iij. Mucil. acaci®, q. s. ut ft. emul. Syr. zingiber., . . . fgj. Aqu®, .... ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four to six hours, care- fully, lest strangury and nephritis supervene. ( When urine is clear and abundant and bowels regular.) Waking. LUPUS. 790— i* Hydrargyri oleatis per cent.), . . . . gj. Acidi salicylici, . . . gr. x-xv. Ichtbyolis, .... tr^xv. 01. lavandul®, vel 01. citronell®, . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: Rub in ten minutes in the morning and twenty minutes in the evening. Mr. H. G. Bkooke. 791— I* Zinci cliloridi, . . . 3j- Morph, sulph., . . . gr. ss. Pulv. acaci®, . . . giij- Sig.: Make into a paste by adding a few drops of water or alcohol and spread a thin layer over and just beyond the ulcer. Use carefully. Agnew. 792— I* Ichthyol., . . . . gj* Adipis benzoat., . . . gv-—M. Sig.: Apply over affected part. Hare. 793— Tr. iodi., .... f3ij. Sig.: Paint around the growth ; apply to retard its spread over the surface also. 794— I* Liq. hydrargyri nit., . . f3J• Sig.: Use with a glass rod until growth is on a level with the skin ; use carefully, protecting sur- rounding parts with lard or oil. Martin. 795— Acidi pyrogallici, . . 3.1 • Cerati simplicis, . . . gix.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (For lupus of eyelids and skin.) Kaposi. 796— I* Resorcin, .... giiss. Vaselini, .... giv.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Bertarelli. 100 ADDITIONAL FORMULA!. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. LUPUS (Continued). 797— Acid, chromici, . . . gr. c. Aquae fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Bartholow. 798— $ Acid, arseniosi, . . . Hydrarg. sulphuret. rub., . 3h Ungt. simplicis, . . . §j.—M. Sig.: Spread thickly on cloth, and apply to the patch for two or three days, until the lupus nodules and points are blackish and destroyed. Hebra. 799— Acid, lactic puri, . . . fgj. Sig.: Soak a pledget of absorbent cotton and applj to the ulcer. Cover with oiled silk and bandage. Protect normal tissue with grease. Wichmann. 800— Sat. sol. cocaini inuriat., . f^ij. Sig.: Apply locally. Fowler. MALARIA (See Fever). MAMMARY INFLAMMATION (See also Abscesses). 801— F$l Morph, sulph., . . . gr. x. Hydrarg. oleat., . . . 3SS- Acidi oleici, . . . 3ixss>— Sig.: Anoint three times a day. Marshall. 802— Ex. belladonnse, . . . 3.P Liq. plumbi subacetat. dil., . Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as a lotion. (traefe. 803— A tablespoonful of granular effervescent citrate of magnesia in water, followed by ten grains of quinine if there be fever. (In incipient mammitis.) Starr. 804— $ Cerati resin® co., . . 3j. Olei oliv®, .... 3*“'.)•—M. Ft. ungt. Sig.: Apply, spread generously on a soft rag. ( When suppuration is threatened.) Witherstine. 805— Hydrarg. clilor. mit., Pulv. jalapae, . . aa gr. x.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take at once. (Brisk purge for incipient mas- titis.i Rush. 101 MAMMARY INFLAMMATION (Continued). 06—$ Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. viij. Aq. rosae, .... f§ij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally, but discontinue in case of dila- cly tation of pupils or dryness of throat. Starr. SSB07—$ Lini camphorae, . . . fjviij. Sj 5s"- Sig.: Apply locally. {In incipient mastitis.) Parky. 808—$ Pulv. camphorae, . . • 3j' Sig.: Dampen two pads of oakum and mix with the camphor, and apply under a tight body. Gerhard. >*^09—$ Tr. belladonnae, . . . foil- Lini saponis camphorat., . f^viij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Neligan. 810—$ Ammon, carbonat., . . 3.b Aquae, ..... Oj.—M. iSig.: Apply locally. Starr. ( 811—$ Ungt. belladonnae, . . Jj. Pulv. camphorae, . . . 3.)-—M. Sig.: Apply locally, supporting the breast with a bandage. Witherstine. MANIA, ACUTE. 812— $ Ex. gelsemii A., . . . f3iv-viij. Syr. limonis, . . . f^j. Aquae, . . . .ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful two or three times a day; in- crease the dose until the pupils dilate and eyelids droop. Bartholow. 813— $ Paraldehyde, . . . f,3ss. Sig.: Thirty to fifty minims in water by the rec- tum. Ringer. 814— $ Hyoscyami sulphat., . . gr. j. Aquae, ..... f5x'j*—M. Sig.: Five to twelve minims hypodermically. Ward’s Island Insane Asylum, N. Y. 815— Potass, bromid., . . . gr. xxv. Tr. hyoscyami, . . . t'3ss. Spt. chloroform., . . . tt\x. Aquae, . . . q. s. ad f.^iss.—M. Sig.: Take at once. Tyler Smith. 102 MANIA, ACUTE (Continued). 816— Potass, bromid., . . • 3J- Tr. cannabis indicae, . . fgj. Syr. simp., .... fgij. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful, well diluted, three times a day. {In periodical and senile mania,') Clouston. 817— 51 Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. xxv. Tr. cardamom, comp., . . t‘5ss. Syr. simp., .... fgij. Infus. caryophylli, q. s. ad fgiss.—M. Sig.: Take at once and repeat dose in an hour if necessary. Priestley. 818— Coninae, .... gr. ij. Spt. rectif., .... f3ss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgss.—M. Sig.: Dose, a teaspoonful. Fronmueller. 819— Metliylal, .... Jij. Syr. aurant. cort., . . fSjij. Aquae, . . .ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: From a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, to be repeated if necessary. 820— Ex. conii 11., Ex. hyoscyami 11., . aa Tt^vij. Chloral hydrat., . . . gr. x. Aquae, ' . . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: To be taken at one dose, and repeated if necessary. Madigan. MANIA, CHRONIC. 821— Caffeinae citrat., . . . Syr. acid, citrici, . . fgss. Aquae, .... fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three or four times a day. Barth olow. 822— Tr. ferri clilor., Tr. liucis vomicae, . aa fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^vj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day, after meals. Ward’s Island Insane Asylum, N. Y. 323—Tr. ferri clilor., . . . f3>j- Spt. aether, nitro., . . f^ss. Infus. quassiae, . q. s. ad f^vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Tuke. 103 MANIA, CHRONIC (Continued). 824— Ex. ergotae fl., . . fgiss. Syr. aurant. eort., . . f?j. Aquae, . . .ad f.^vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in water three or four times a day. Crichton Browne. 825— I* Tr. ferri chlor., . . . fjij. Syr. zingiber., . . . fgj. Aquae, . . .ad f^viij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three or four times a day. (In anaemic cases.) Bucknill. MANIA, PUERPERAL. 826— Ex. cimicifugse 11., . . f.^iss. Mucil. acaciae, . . . f,5j- Aquae, .... f^iiiss.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. Ringer. 827— I* Potass, bromid., . . . 3U* Chloral hydrat., . . gss. Syr. aurant. eort., . . fgj. Aq. foeniculi, . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours. Quain. MARASMUS. 828— Emul. ol. morrliuae et lacto- plios. calcis, . . . fgiij- Sig.: From one-lialf to one teaspoonful three times a day. Starr. 829— I* Syr. ferri iodid., . . l'3j. Sig.: Three to live drops in water three times a day, after meals. Eustace Smith. 830— ]* Tr. cinclionae comp., Tr. gentian, comp., . aa l'3j.—M. Sig.: Fifteen drops to a teaspoonful in water, three times a day. J. Lewis Smith. 831— I* Syr. ferri iodid., . . . fjij. Maltini, .... f^iij.—M. Sig.: From one-lialf to a teaspoonful three times a day. Powell. 104 MARASMUS (Continued). 832— Pepsinae saech., . . • 5.1- Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder after each feeding. Barthez. 833— 01. morrhuae, . . f^ij* Sig.: One teaspoonful for inunction. WlTHERSTINE. 834— Pepsinae pulv., . . . gr. xij. Sodii bicarb., . . . gr. xxiv. Pulv. aromat., . . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder after each feeding. Powell. MEASLES (See Fever). MELANCHOLIA (See also Hypochondria). 835— Camphorae, Ex. hyoscyami, . . aa —M. Et ft. pil. No. xl. Sig.: Two pills three times a day. Gooch. 836— Moschi opt,, . . . Tr. castorei, . . . f.^iss. Syr. zingiber., . . . f,3j- Aquae, . ' . q. s. ad f.^vj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three or four times a day. E. J. Clark. 837— f* Tr. ferri clilor., Syr. simp., . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Twenty or thirty drops, well diluted, three times a day. ' ' Bartholow. 838— Zinci valerianat., Ferri valerianat., Quiniae valerianat., . aa 9j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times daily. Witherstine. 839— Potass, bromid., . . . SB" Tr. calumbae, . . . f3iij- Spt. ammon. aromat., . f^i.i- Aq. cinnam., . . . f.^iij- Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Wineglassful two or three times a day. Lawrence. 105 MENINGITIS. 840— I*l Sodii brom., Chloral hydrat., . . aa 3.b Syr. aurant. cort., . . fjj. Aquae, . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful well diluted every hour until excitement abates. Hermann. 841— Tr. opii deod., Ex. gelsemii li., . . aa f'3j. Syr. limonis, . . . l'3ij- Aq. foeniculi, . . . f^iss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. Bartholow. 842— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. iij. Saccli. lact., . . . 3SS*—M. ■ Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Gerhard. 843— Morpliiae sulphat., . . gr. ij. Aquae, .... t'3j *—M. Sig.: Five minims hypodermically every three to five hours. (In cerebrospinal form.) Leyden. , 844— Tr. aconiti rad., . . . f3U- Tr. opii deod., . . . f3v.—M. Sig.: Seven drops in water every two hours during the stage of excitement. (Cerebrospinal form.) Bartholow. 845— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., Pulv. jalapae, Saccli. alb., . . aa 3.1 •—M* Et div. in chart. No. v. Sig.: A powder every hour until free purgation occurs. (In cerebrospinal meningitis.) Robert, / 846— Pulv. opii, .... gr. ij. Pulv. acaciae, . . . gr. iv. Saccli. alb., . . . gr. xv.—M. Div. in chart. No. x. Sig.: One every hour until narcotism is produced. Gazette Medicare de Montreal. 847— Potass, brom id., . . . 3SS* Syr. simp., .... f^ss. Aquae, .... f^j.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful well diluted every two hours. (In after remainina/convulsions.) Ringer. 106 MENINGITIS (Continued). 848— Tr. aconit. rad., . . . tr^xlvdij. Tr. opii deod., . . . fjij. Syr. simp., .... f3vj. Aqu®, . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours in water. (Before effusion has taken place.') Gerhard. 849— I* Acid, tannici, . . . 3.b Div. in capsulas No. xx Sig.: One capsule every three hours, with ice to the head. (In simple meningitis.) Lardier. MENINGITIS, CEREBRO-SPINAL (See Meningitis). MENORRHAGIA. 850— I* Ex. ergot®, .... 3*ss- Acid, salicylic., . . . gr. viij. Aq. cinnam., . . . f^vj. Syr. cort. aurant. amar., Spt. j uni peri, . . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Tablespoont'ul three times a day. Rokitansky. 851— Ex. geranii maculat. A., . f.^iv. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour for a few doses : then every three or four hours. Shoemaker. 852— I* Ergot, dialysat., . . . f3x- Glycerin®, .... l'3v. Acid, salicylic., . . . gr. xxx. Aq. destillat., . . . f.^iiss.—M. Sig.: Inject into the rectum once a day a teaspoon- ful of this mixture diluted with three teaspoonfuls of water. American Practitioner and News. 853— Ex. ipecac. 11., Ex. digitalis 11., . . aa f3ij• Ex. ergot® 11., . . f,3ss-—M. Sig.: One-half to one teaspoonful at a dose, as re- quired. Bartholow. 854— I* Acid, gallici, . . . 3SS> Acid, sulphuric, dil., Tr. opii deod., . . aa f3.j - Infus. ros® comp., . . f.^iv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four hours or oftener. Bartholow. 107 MENORRHAGIA (Continued). 855— Tr. sabinse, .... fgss. Sig.: Five to ten drops in water every half to three hours. Phillips. 856— I* Tr. ferri clilor., . . . f5iiss. Acid, phosphoric, dil., . . f'3iiiss. Syr. limonis, . q. s. ad f.^iv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day, well di- luted. (In anaemic cases.) Gerhard. 857— Ex. gossypii fl., Syr. simp., aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Parvin. 858— I* Acid, galliei, . . . gr. xv. Acid, sulphuric, arornat., . tr^xv. Tr. cinnam., . . . fjij. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: One dose. Take every four hours until bleeding ceases. (In profuse bleeding.) Hazard. 859— I* Acid, galliei, . . . gr. ij. Ex. maticae, . . . gr. j. Ex. opii, .... gr. ss.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Take three or four pills during the day. Tilt. 860— I* Tr. hamamelis, . . . fgij. Sig.: One-half to one teaspoonful three times a day. Ringer. 861— Ex. Rliois arornat. fl., . ., fgj. Sig.: Fifteen to sixty minims three times a day. Unna. MERCURIALISM (See Ptyalism). METRITIS. 862— I* Tr. aconit. rad., . . . gtt. xvj. Ex. gelsemii fl., . . . fjj. Ex. ergotae fl., . . ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two to six hours. (Also in uterine tumor.) Baktholow. 863— I* Tr. iodinii comp., . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Use on a probe wrapped with absorbent cotton once or twice a week and place a glycerin tampon against the cervix. In the interval let pa- tient use hot water as a vaginal injection twice a day. T. Gr. Thomas. 108 MIGRAINE (See Headache and Neuralgia). MITRAL DISEASE (See Heart Disease). MORNING SICKNESS (See also Vomiting). 864— I* Vini ipecac., . . . fgj. Sig.: One drop every hour with the following :— 865— I* Pepsin* sacch., . . . 3b Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two hours. Baer. 866— F* Cocaini hydrochlor., . . gr. j. Aquse, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times daily before meals. . Parvin. 867— Tr. nucis vomicae, . . f§ss. Sig.: One drop every hour or two in water. Ringer. 868— I* Liq. caleis, Aq. cinnam., . . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in ice-water when required. Starr. 869— I* Cerii oxalat., . . gr. xxiv. Ex. hyoscyami, . . gr. xxxvj.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig. One pill twice a day. Goodell. 870— I* Bismuth, subnit., . . 3U* Div. in pulv. No. xii. Sig.: A powder three times a day before meals. Cazeaux. 871— I* Tr. cantharidis, Tr. ferri chlor., . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Twenty-five drops, well diluted, three times a day. Higgins. 872— Cerii oxalat., Bismuth, subcarb., Pepsin*, . . . aa 5b—M Et ft. pil. No. xxiv. Sig.: Two pills three times a day. White. 873— I* Cupri sulphat., . . . gr. ij. Aqu*, .... fgss.—M. Sig.: Six drops three times a day. Barthorow. 109 MUMPS (See also Fever). . 874— Hydrarg. cum cretae, . . gr. iv. Saceh.laet., . . . £)j.—M, Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder three times a day. Ringer. 875— $ Tr. belladonna?, Tr. opii, aa f'5j- Liniment, saponis, . . f^iij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Hazard. 876— 3: Magnesii sulph., . . . 5iv- Aq. purse, .... f§iv. Antimonii et potass, tart., . gr. j. Spt. seth. nit., . . . * Sacch. alb., .... t'5vj-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours, after the bowels have been well moved. Flaxseed poultices locally. Condie. MYALGIA. 877— Ungt. iodi. comp., Ungt. belladonnse, . aa —M. Sig.: Rub in twice a day and apply heat. 878— $ Liniment, chloroformi, . fgiij. Tr. iodinii, Tr. aconit. rad., . . aa fjij. Tr. opii, .... fgss.—M. Sig.: Use externally. 879— ]£ Ammon, chlor., . . . 5j. Ex. cimicifugse, . . . fxij. Syr. acaciae, Aq. laurocerasi, . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three or four times a day. Anstie. 880— Ex. xantlioxyli ti., . . f^j. Sig.: From fifteen minims to two drachms. Bartholow. N/EVUS. 881— IJ; Creasoti, .... f-3-ss. Sig.: Paint the parts daily. Waring, 882— Electrolysis, or galvano-cautery is useful. 110 ADDITIONAL FORMCLMi. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULjE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. N/EVUS (Continued). 883—$ Acid, cliromici, . . . gr. c. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Baktholow. NECROSIS (See Caries). NEPHRITIS (See also Albuminuria). 884— $ Tr. ferri chlor., . . . • Acid, acetici dil., . . f3iss. Syr. simp., .... fgss. Liq. ammon. acetat., q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three or four hours. Basham. 885— Pulv. jalapae comp., . 3 j• Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every four hours until catharsis occurs. To be given after the patient has been rolled in blankets wrung out of hot water. (In acute nephritis.) Fothergill. 886— Potass, bitartratis, . 3b • Aq. ferventis, . . Oij. Corticis limonis, Sacch., . . . aa q. s. ad coneilian- dum gustum. Sig.: Use ad libitum. Joy. 887— $ Tr. ferri clilor., . . . TT^x. Syr. limonis, . . . Tty. Aquse, .... f3ij-—M. Sig.: Take three times daily in a wineglassful of water. Da Costa. 888— $ Potass, tartratis, . • 5J- Potass, nitratis, . . . 3SS- Mannse opt., . . • SJ1 Decoct, taraxaci, . . f^vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every hour or two. Ph■■-<: Brockes. 113 NEURALGIA (Continued). 905— Chloral liydrat., Pulv. campliorse, . aa 3^*—M. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-hair brush. George Bird. 906— I* Ferri carbonat., . . . 3U- Quiniae sulpliat., . . gr. vj. Ex. opii, . . . . gr. f. Syr. simp., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xvi. Sig.: Eight pills during the day. .Tolly. 907— I* Methyl chlor. pur., . . fgj- Sig.: Apply with brush to the painful parts. Debove. 908— I* Sol. nitro-glycerin (1 per cent.), gss. Sig.: One or two drops on the tongue every four to six hours. Trussewitech. 909— I* Aconiti*, . . . . gr. iv. Veratri*, . . . . gr. xv. Glycerin*, . . . • 5'J- Cerati, .... 3vj-—M. Sig.: To be rubbed over the parts. Do to any abrasion of the skin. Da Costa. 910— f* Pil. plienacetini (Bayer), . gr. ij. Sig.: Two pills three times a day. Powell. 911— Arsenic, iodid., . . . gr. j. Ex. belladonn*, Morphin* valerianat., aa gr. viij. Ex. gentian, pulv., . . gr. v. Ex. aconiti fl. rad., . . gtt. v.—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One to three pills in twenty-four hours. Covert. 912— Tr. cannabis indie*, . . tt^xv. Spt. vim rect., . . . tt^xlv.—M. Ft. haustus. Sig.: To be mixed with water at the time of taking. Donovan. 913— I* Antipyrin, .... 3iss- Aqu*, .... f3v.—M. Sig.: Twenty-five minims hypodermically every three or four hours till relieved. Witherstine. 114 NEURALGIA (Continued). 914— Quininae sulpliat., . gr. Morphinae sulphat., . . gr. Strychniniae sulphat., . gr. Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. Aj. Ex. aconiti, . . . gr. |.—M. Sig.: One tablet, repeated every hour. Vanderbilt Clinic. 915— Ex. hyoscyami, Pulv. valerianat. rad., Zinci oxidi, . . aa gr. j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: A pill twice a day. Day. 916— $ Delphinii (alkaloid of staph- isagria), . . . . gr. xv. Ex. Tritici repentis, . . 3SS- Pulv. altliaese, . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. 1. Sig.: Four to six pills daily. Turnbull. 917— Ferri sulphat. exsiecat., Potass, carbonatis, . aa gr. ccl.—M. Et ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: Begin with three a day and increase to six. J. E. Garretson. 918— Ex. belladonnse, . . . 3iss- Tr. opii, .... TT^xl. Chloroform., . . . f3j.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Hazard. 919— $ Veratrinse, Morpliiriae sulphat., . aa gr. x. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Rub in three times daily. Kennard. 920— $ Campliorae, .... giss. Chloroform., . . . fgss. 01. olivae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply frequently. Hazard, 921— Ex. cocae fl., ... fgj- Syr. aurant. llor., . . f3v. Aquae, .... ad fgij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every hour until relieved. (For gastralgia.') D’Ardenne. 115 NEURALGIA (Continued). 922—1* Menthol, .... gr. xxx. Cocaini hydrochlorat. crystal, gr. vj. Alcohol., . q. s. ad ?3j-—M. Sig.: Use locally. Palmer. NIPPLES, SORE (See Fissure). NYMPHOMANIA. 923— Potass, bromid., . . . f3vj. Aq. cinnam., . . . fgv.—M. Sig.: Three teaspoonfuls before dinner and four at bedtime. Brown-Sequard. 924— I* Pulv. camphorae, Ex. lactueae, . . aa Qiiss.—M. Pit ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: Four to six pills daily. Ricord. OBESITY. 925— I* Ex. fucus vesiculosus 11., . Jviij. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Chapman. 926— Potass, permanganat., . gr. iv-xvi. Aquae, .... fgiv.^—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times daily. Bartholow. 927— Ammon, hrom., . . . 3U- Aqme, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day, well di- luted. Tanner. (EDEMA (See Dropsy). ONYCHIA. 928— Pulv. pluinbi nitrat., . . Sig.: Dust on diseased tissue night and morning. Scott and McCormack. 929— Use hot flaxseed poultices for three or four days, before each renewal of the poultice thor- oughly washing with— I* Tr. iodi., Tr. belladonna, Tr. opii, . . . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: Then dust with iodoform and dress antisep- tieally. Agnkw. 116 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ONYCHIA (Continued). 930— In the early stages a couple of leeches above the nail will have a good effect. Agnew. 931— Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. j. Glycerol, amyli, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply with a soft rag. Agnew. 932— $. Ungt. hydrarg., . . . §ss. Sig.: Apply for ten minutes every hour, applying poultices at other times. Ringer. 933— 01. terebintliinse, . . fjij. Sig.: Apply a pledget of lint wet with the solu- tion. Ringer. OPHTHALMIA (See also Conjunctivitis). 934— Pulv. aluminis, . . . gr. x. Aq. rosse, .... f§iij.—M. Sig.: Apply three times a day. Bkande. 935— $. Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . 5’J- Sig.: Evert the lid and dust over once or twice daily. Bartholow. 936— Argeuti nitratis, . . . gr. iv. Aq. destillat., . . . f§j.—M. Sig.: One drop in the eye every five or six hours. (In catarrhal ophthalmia and superficial ulceration.) Mackenzie. 937— $. Hydrarg. cliloridi corros., . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . f§ix.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.) Ellis. 938— $: Acid, boracic., . . . gr. xvj. Acid, salicylici, . . . gr. ij. Glycerinse, .... TTLxl. Aq. hullientis, . . aa f^j.—M. Sig.: Instil into eye, after cauterizing trachoma follicle with the thermo-cautery. (In trachoma.) Armaignac. 939— $ Hydrarg. oxidi flav., . . gr. v. Zinci sulpliatis, . . . gr. x. Adipis, .... ,^j.—M. Sig.: Apply to the everted eyelids and on the free border of the lids. (In chronic scrofulous form.') Dcpuytren. 117 OPHTHALMIA (Continued). 940— Iodoform., .... 3SS> Sacch. lactis, . . . 3'’.b—M. Sig.: Evert the lids and dust over. (In granular form.) WlTHERSTINE. 941— Cocain. sulphat., . . gr. iv. Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. ss. Vaselini, .... J)v.—M. Sig.: To be applied with a camel’s-hair brush. Leahy. 942— I* Hydrarg. oxidi rubri, . . gr. vj. Plumbi subacetat. cryst., . gr. iij. Vaselini, .... 3V>—M. Sig.: Apply to the free border of the eyelids once daily. (In chronic blepharitis.) Parinaud. 943— Argenti nitrat., . . . gr. ii-x. Liq. plumbi subacetat., . Cerat. cetacii, . . . 3b— Sig.: A piece the size of a pin’s head to be put within the eyelids and repeated according to the de- gree of inflammation produced. (In opacity of the cornea.) Guthrie. OPIUM HABIT. 944— I* Zinci oxidi, .... 3SS< Div. in pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill once daily, increasing to tolerance. (For vomiting and diarrhoea.') Da Costa. 945— Tr. nucis vomicae, . . gtt. xij. Acid, phosphoric, dil., . gtt. xx. Syr. pruni virg., . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: To he taken twice daily. Witherstine. 946— Tr. capsici, .... f3iv. Potass, bromid., . . . 5^v- Spt. ammou. aromat., . . fjiiiss. Aq. camphorae, . . ad f^vj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful several times daily for the depression. Ringer. 947— I* Strychninae sulph., . . gr. ss. Tr. helladonnae, Tr. capsici, . . aa f3iij-—M. Sig.: Ten drops in water every three hours, increas- ing three drops daily. Potter. 118 OPIUM HABIT (Continued). 948— Acid, phosphoric, dil., . f5x- Tr. lupulini, . . . f5xx-—M . Sig.: Dessertspoonful in a wineglass of water every four hours, one hour before food. Fleming. 949— Tr. cannabis indicae, . . tr^xl-lx. Spt. aetheris, . . . fjj* Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: One dose, if insomnia is very protracted. Fleming. 950— $ Zinci valerianat., . . gr. xxiv. Quiniae sulphat., . . gr. xij. Ex. lupuli (B. P.), . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill morning and evening, every second day, alternating with some form of iron. Fleming. ORCHITIS. 951— $ Keep the testicles elevated. 952— $ Strap with adhesive strips. Sig.: First envelop scrotum in thick layer of cot- ton ; over this rubber-dam ; then use an ordinary suspensory that is close fitting. Horand-Langlebert. 953— $ Iodi., gr. iv. Lanolin, .... —M. Sig.: Apply locally after acute symptoms are past. Martin. 954— $ Ungt. hydrarg., Ungt. belladonnae, . aa 3SS>—M. Sig.: Apply locally morning and evening. Martin. 955— Potass, iodid 3iv-viij. Syr. sarsaparillae comp., . f^iij• Aquae, . q. s. ad f^vj.—M. Sig.: Two teaspoonfuls three times a day. 956— $ Tr. aeoniti, . . . . try. Morphiae sulphat., . . gr. Antimonii et potassii tart., . gr. Magnesii sulphatis, . . gr. xj.—M. Sig.: Give at one dose, and repeat thrice daily or oftener if required. (Have testicle strapped.) Philadelphia Hospital. 119 ORCHITIS (Continued). 957— I* Tr. iodi, .... fgij. Sig.: Paint affected parts after acute symptoms are over. 958— Ammon, chloridi, . . 3U- Spt. vini rectificat., Aquse, . . . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: Saturate thin cloths and apply frequently, allowing the fluid to evaporate. Bartholow. 959— Morphise sulphat., . . gr. xvj. Hydrarg. oleatis (10 per cent.), gij-—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily. (To remove induration.) Marshall. 960— I* Tr. pulsatillse, . . gtt. xxiv-xlviij. Syr. zingiber., . . fgj. Aquse, . q. s. ad f§iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour or two. Sturgis. OTITIS AND OTORRHOEA. 961— F* Tr. aconiti rad., . . . fjiss. Glycerinse, .... f^iissfc—1.1. Sig.: To be warmed and dropped into the ear. (In earache.') Gerhard. 962— ]* Sol. boroglyceride (50 per cent.), t'gj- Sig.: Drop a few drops into the ear, after cleansing it, two or three times a day. L. W. Fox. 963— ]* Chloral camphorat., . . gr. v. Glycerinse, . . . . gr. xxx. 01. amygdal. dule., . . gr. x.—M. Sig.: Apply a little on absorbent cotton and place in ear. (In earache.) Journ. de Medecin. 964— Acid, carbol., Zinci sulphat., Plumbi acetat., . . aa gr. x. Aq. destillat., . . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Inject twice a day. ( When discharge is offen- sive.) Hazard. 965— I* Glyceriti acid, tannic., . fgj. Sig.: Fill meatus and plug with cotton. (In chronic form.) Ringer. 120 OTITIS AND OTORRHCEA (Continued). 966— I* Liq. hydrogenii peroxidi (10 vol.), 3iv'- Sig.: Syringe the ear carefully with one part solu- tion to two of water, and when cleansed drop in a few drops of the above solution. C. H. Burkett. 967— Ungt. hydrarg. nitrat. rub., gss. Sig.: Apply a small quantity to the affected skin. (In chronic inflammation oj external meatus.) Bartholow. 968— Acid, carbol., . . . Glycerin®, .... f'3ix.—M. Sig.: Drop a few drops into the ear two or three times daily, after cleansing. Hartmann. 969— I* Pulv. iodoform., . . • oU- Sig.: Insufflate into the ear, after thoroughly cleansing and drying it. (In chronic cases when dis- charge is slight.) Behold, OXALURIA. 970— I* Acid, liydroohlor. dil., . fgss. Tr. ferri chlor., . . . fgij. Syr. simp., .... fgiiss. Aquae, .... f.^iij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day through a glass-tube. ( With ancemia and nervous atony.') Hazard. 971— Glyceriti pepsinae, . . f^iss. Acid, lactic., . . ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful after meals three times a day. Bartholow. OZ(ENA. 972— F* Ex. hydrastis tt., . . fgij. Sig.: Five minims in water three times a day. 973— |* Ex. hydrastis fl., . . f5.i- Aquae. .... Oj.—M. Sig.: Use for syringing the nares. Bartholow. 974— Sodii biborat., Ammon, chloridi, ~ . aa 7)j. Potass, permanganat., . gr. x.—M. Sig.: To be dissolved in one pint of water, and used with a syringe three times a day. Sajous. 121 OZCENA (Continued). 975— ]* Hydrarg. clilor. rait., . . gr. xv. Saccli. alb., . . . —M. Sig.: For insufflation. Trousseau. 976— Plumbi nitrat., . . . Qij. Aquae, .... fgiv.—M. Sig.: Inject into nostril night and morning. Stille. 977— {* Potass, permanganat., . 3SS- Tr. myrrhae, . . . fgij. Aquae, .... Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as a douche three times a day. Hazard. 978— I* Tr. iodi, .... f3iv. Acidi carbol., . . . f‘3i—ij.—M. Sig.: Use on sponge in a wide-mouthed bottle as inhalation. Potter. 979— Creolin, .... gtt. v. Aquae, .... Oj.—M. Sig.: For douching the nose. Lichtwitz. 980— I* Pulv. saloli, Pulv. talc, . . . aa 3U*—M. Sig.: Insufflate the nose every two hours. Georoi. 981— I* Acid, carbol.. . . . tr^xx. Aq. calcis, .... Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as a wash or spray. Potter. 982— I* Sodii earbonatis, Sodii borat., . . aa 3vh Liq. sodae chloratae, . . f^ss.—ij. Glycerin ae, .... fj j. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f,5vj.—M. Sig.: Use as a spray. Thornton. 983— Bromi, .... 3SS> Alcoholis, .... f^iv.—M. Sig.: Place in wide-mouthed bottle. Hold in the and and snuff the vapor well into the nose. Bartholow. PAIN (See Neuralgia, Myalgia, etc.). PALPITATION (See Heart Disease). 122 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. A DD1 'FIONA L FORMULAE, ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. PARALYSIS. 984— Hyoscyam. sulph., . . gr. ss. Aquae, .... t'3vj.—M. Sig.: Five minims hypodermically once daily or by the stomach twice daily. {In paralysis agitans.) Seguin. 985— Strychniae sulph., . . gr. ij. Aquae, n^e.—M. Sig.: Two to four minims hypodermically every second day or daily. {In all forms of paralysis except cerebral and spinal paralysis.) Harwell. 986— Ammon, iodid., . . . 5.1- Ammon, carbonat., . . 3'j- Liq. ainmon. acetat., . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. {To ab- sorb thrombi in incipient hemiplegic paralysis due to endar- teritis deformans.) Bartholow. 987— I* Phospliori, .... gr. ij. Alcoholis absolut., . . f5xxij. Tr. vanillae, . . . f^ss. 01. aurant. cort., . . rr\,xij. Alcoholis absolut., q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Twenty to forty minims two or three times a day. (In cerebral softening and hysterical paralysis.) Hammond. 988— Strychniae sulpli., . . gr. ij. Aq. destillat., . . . f^j.—M. Sig.: One to five minims hypodermically. (In in- fantile paralysis, etc.) Bartholow. 989— Ex. pliysostigmatis, . . gr. j. Ex. gentian,- . . . J)j.—M. Et div. in pil. No. xxx. Sig.: One pill every two hours. (In general paraly- sis of the insane.) Crichton Browne. 990— l* Strychniae sulphat., . . gr. j. Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. ij. Ex. helladonnae, . . . gr. v. Quiniae sulphat., Pil. ferri carbonat., . aa Qij. Ex. taraxaci, . . . —M. Et ft. pil. No. xl. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In paralysis agi- tans.) S. W. Orohs. PARALYSIS (Continued). 991— Eserinae, .... gr. ij. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Instil into the eye. (In ocular spasm and paralysis.) Wharton Jones. 992— Ex. bucliu fi., Ex. uvae ursi, .• . aa f3i.j. Syr. acaciae, . . . f^ss. Aq. mentliae viridis, . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three hours. Hazard. PARTURITION (See Labor). PEDICULI (See Lice). PEMPHIGUS (See Skin Diseases). PERICARDITIS (See also Heart Disease). 993— Hydrarg. clilor. mit., Pulv. ipecac., . . aa gr. vj. Potass, nitrat., . . . 3'ss>—M. Et div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: Powder every three hours. Hartshorne. 994— Antimonii et potass, tart., . gr. iv. Tr. opii, . . . - f3j. Aq. campliorae, . . . f^viij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours. (In acute form.) Graves. 995— Tr. veratri viridis, . . fjss.—M. Sig.: From three to five drops. ( To reduce heart's action.) Hazard. 996— Tr. aconiti rad., . . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: Half a drop to a drop in a little water every fifteen minutes for two hours ; then every hour or two. Ringer. PERIOSTITIS (NODES). 997—Iodini, .... gr. ss. Potass, iodid., . . . 3SS- Syr. zingiberis, . . . fjj. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. Tyrkll. 124 PERIOSTITIS (Continued). 998— Potass, iodid., . . . 3b- Ammon, iodid., . . . 3j- Tr. cinchonae comp., . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoon ful well dilated with water after eating. Van Buren and Keyes. 999— Iodi., Terebinthinae canaden., aa 5j* Collodii, .... fgiv.—M. Sig.: Apply with a brush. Shinn. 1000— Cadmii iodid., . . . 3SS- .ditheris, .... rr^xl Terre simul. et adde— Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Oarrod. 1001— !£. Sodii iodid., . . . 3J-— Decoct, sarsaparillae comp., fgviij.—M. Sig.: One-sixth part three times a day. Tanner. 1002— Potass, iodid., . . • 9j- Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgj. Aq. aurant. llor., . . f^v.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful twice daily in hop tea. Lisfranc. 1003— Cadmii iodid., . . • 03* Adipis preparat., . . %j. Liniment, aconiti, . . —M. Sig.: Use locally. Tanner. 1004— Hydrarg. biniodidi, . . gr. vij. Potass, iodid., . . • 9j- Adipis, .... 3.j.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Hildreth. 1005— Zinci iodidi, . . • 3h Adipis, .... 3i-—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. Hooper. 1006— Morphiae, . . . . gr. viij. Hydrarg. oleat. (10 per cent. ad 20 per cent.), . . 3j.—M. Sig.: Apply with a brush. Marshall. 125 PERITONITIS. 1007— Tr. aconitii rad., . . fgij. Tr. opii deod., . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Eight drops in water every hour or two. Bartholow. 1008— Magnesii sulpliat., . . giss. Div. in pulv. No. xii. Sig.: A powder in hot peppermint water every hour until the bowels are freely opened. ( Use in be- ginning of attack.) Munde. 1009— Morph, sulph., . . . gr. iv. Aq. destillat., . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Ten to fifteen minims as required, hypoder- mically, to control the vomiting. Tait. 1010— I* Tr. aconiti fol., . . ' . fgv. Ex. veratri viridis fl., . fgj-—M. Sig.: Twelve drops in water every two hours. ( Where opium is inadmissible.) Ellis. 1011— I* Acid, tannici, . . . gr. iii-clxxx. Glycerinae, ... q. s. ad.ft.sol. Sig.: To be taken in divided doses during the day. (In localized peritonitis)) Deboue. 1012— Tr. opii, .... n\,xvj. Syr. zingiberis, . . . fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of five years. Starr. 1013— i* Pulv. opii, . . . gr. i-ij. Sacch. lact., . . . gr. xij.—M. Et ft. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every two hours for a child. Goodhart and Starr. 1014— Potass, iodid., . . . Ferri pyrophos., . . gr. xlviij. Tr. lavandulae comp., . fgss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every six hours. Hughes. PERTUSSIS (See Whooping-Cough). PHAGEDENA. 1015—1* Acid, salicylic., . . . gss. Sig. Dust over the slough. Bartholow. 126 PHAGEDENA (Continued). 1016— I* Acid, nitric, dil., . . rt\,x. Ex. opii, .... gr. v. Aquae, .... fgj.— M. Sig.: Locally. (In sloughing, incised wounds.) Erichsex. 1017— Saloli, .... gr. v—1. Amyli, .... 3j.—M. Sig.: Dust over locally. Seifert. 1018— Iodoform., . . . 5iigs> Thymoli, .... 3V> Sacch. lact., . . . gr. ij.—M. Sig.: Dust over sores. Howard. 1019— I* Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. j. Iodoformi, Ferri redacti, . . aa £)j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In sloughing phagedena.) Bartholow. PHARYNGITIS. 1020— Cocaine rnuriat., . . gr. x. Aquae, .... fgss.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Sajous. 1021— I* Zinci sulphat., . . • 5-i* Aquae, .... f^j.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Morris. 1022— I* Pilocarpinae muriat., . gr. ij. Aquae, Glycerinae, . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. (In dry pharyngitis.) Sa.jous. 1023— I* Tr. ferri chlor., . . fjiij. Potass, chlorat., . • 3j- Syr. zingiber., . . . fgij. Aquae, . q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours. Starr. 1024— Ex. ergotae aq., . . . gr. xx. Tr. iodini, . . . fjj. Glycerinae, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Use locally with camel’s-hair brush. (2 /n a Hazard. 127 PHARYNGITIS (Continued). 1025— ]* Tr. guaiaci ammon., fgj. Sig.: A teaspoonful in a half-glassful of milk, used as a gargle and swallowed every three hours. (In rheumatic subjects.) Sa.iocs. 1026— I* Ex. rhois glab. 11., Ex. liydrast. canaden. 11., aa l'Jj. Potass, chlorat., . . 5*ss* Aquae, . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Use tablespoonful in water as gargle. Wood. 1027— 1* Ergotin., . . . . gr. xv. Tr. iodinii, . . . fjj. Glycerinae, . . ., fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply with brush three times a day. (In chronic pharyngitis.) Canada Lancet. 1028— Tr. myrrliae, Aceti, . . . aa fgij. Mellis, .... 3j. Infus. serpentariae, . . Oiiss.—M. Sig.: Use as a gargle. Fothergill. 1029— F* Argenti nitrat., . . gr. xl. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply to the throat after cleansing it. (In chronic cases.) Sajous. PHLEGMASIA DOLENS. 1030— Ex. liamamelis A., . . f^j. Elix. simp., Syr. simp., . . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: One to two teaspoonfnls three or four times a day. Prestos. 1031— I* Pulv. liiii, Aq. bullientis, . . . q. s. Ft. cataplasma. Sig.: Sprinkle with laudanum and apply locally. Leishman. 1032— fi Ex. belladonna; A., . . f\j. Tr. opii, . . . . fSj Tr. iodini, . . . fjj. 01. olivae f^viij.—M. Sig.: Apply as warm as can be borne by the leg and bandage. Smith. 128 PHLEGMON (See Carbuncle). PHTHISIS (See also Bronchitis, Diarrhoea, Sweating, and Hcemoptysis). 1033— ft Codeinae sulphat., . . gr. Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . ttl ii. Syr. tolu., .... i'3j.—M. Sig.: Take four times a day. Da Costa. - iO£tc AAJLG' 1034— ft Ex. ergotae fl., . r . . Sig.: Twenty drops three times a day. {To relieve diarrhoea and night sweats.) Hodgson. 1035— ft Quiniae sulphat., . . gr. j. Pulv. digitalis, . . . gr. ss. Pulv. opii, . . gr. j. Pulv. ipecac., . . . gr. —M. Sig.: One pill three or four times a day. (For fever.) Niemeyer. 1036— ft Tr. benzoin, comp., . . fjj- Aq. bullientis, . . . Oss.—M. Sig.: Inhale twice daily. Ringer. 1037— ft Morphiae sulphat., . . gr. j. Acid, muriat. dil., . . tlbv. Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . tTLxxx. Syr. scillae, Aquae, . . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful when the cough is troublesome. Thompson. 1038— ft Acid, camphoric., . . gr. xx. Sig.: Give dry on tongue for night-sweats. Hare. 1039— ft Tliallin., .... gr. xxx. Div. in pil. No. xx. Sig.: A pill three times a day. 1040— ft Antipyrin, . . . gr. iij. Quiniae sulphat., . . gr. ij. Camphorae monobromat., . gr. j.—M. Ft. capsula. Sig.: Use one three times daily. Da Costa. 1041— ft Creasoti, .... tr^vj. Glycerinae, . . . fgj. Spt. frument., . . . f^ij. /' Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Benedict. 129 PHTHISIS (Continued). 1042— Iodoformi, .... gr. xxiv. Creasoti (Morson’s) . . n\,iv. 01. eucalypti, . . . TT^viij. Chloroformi, . . . Tt^xlviij. Alcoholis, iEtheris, . aa q. s. ad fgss.—M. Sig.: Five to twenty drops to be used in inhaler every three hours. William Perky Watson. 1043— Cupri acetat., . . . gr. ij. Sodii carbonatis, . . gr. xij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill night and morning on an empty stomach. Luton. 1044— Terebene, .... 3'v> Pulv. acacise, . . . Syr. zingiberis, . . . fjviiss. Aquae, .... fjxv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. (Relieves dyspnoea and flatulence.) Vigier. 1045— Creasoti, .... Tqxxxij. Tr. capsici, . . . f^iss. Mucil. acacise, . . . f,3iiss. Aquae, .... fgij,—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful, well diluted, after meals. Roosevelt Hospital. 1046— !£. Pilocarpinae rnuriat., . . gr. iij. Aq. destillat., . . . *—M. Sig.: Five minims three times daily hypoder- mically. {In paroxysmal dyspnoea of phthisis.) Riess. 1047’—Antipyrin, . . . [j)ij. Spt. vini gallici, . . f^iij.—M. Sig.: From a dessertspoonful to a tablespoonful two or three times a day. {For hectic of phthisis.) Faust. 1048— Creasoti, .... n^xv. Tr. gentian, . . . rtpxij. Spt. vin. reet fjvj. Vini xerici, . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Frantzel. 1049— Bismuth, subnit., . . 3U* Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every four hours. {In diarrhoea.) Thompson. 130 PHTHISIS (Continued). 1050— Ammon, carb., . . . gr. v. Ammon, iodid., * . . gr. v-x. Syr. tolu., . . . .I3ij. Syr. prun. virg., . . fjij.—M. Sig.: Take a dose every five hours, alternating with— 1051— Liq. potass, arsenitis, . rrpv. Mass, ferri carb., . . gr. v. Vini xerici, . . . f3.1 - Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad fgiss.—M. Sig.: For one dose. Hughes. 1052— IJ. Chloral hydrat., . . Syr. tolu., . . . . fgj. Aquae, . q. s. ad fgii.j.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful at bedtime. {Toprocure sleep.) Walsh. 1053— IJ. Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. j. Morphiae sulphat., . . gr. viij. Acid, sulphuric, arom., . f5ij. Aq. mentliae pip., q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Five drops every three hours at night. {For night-sweats.) William Perry Watson. 1054— Terpinol, Sodii benzoatis, . . aa gr. xv.—M. Et div. in capsulas No. x. Sig.: A capsule every hour or two. {To diminish the expectoration and remove its odor.) Rabow. 1055— ft 01. delphinidae (porpoise oil), Oss. Sig.: A teaspoonful to a tablespoonful after meals. West. 1056— Ferri sulphatis, . . . 3-b Magnesiae, .... gr. x. Sacch. alb., . . . gj. Aq. cinnam., . . . f3viij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. (As a tonic.) Donovan. 1057— IJt Iodi, . . . . gr. iij. Potass, iodidi, . . . gr. vj. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Ten drops in cold water three times a day. ( With glandular disease.) S. Gr. Morton, 131 PILES (See Hemorrhoids). PITYRIASIS (See Skin Diseases). PLEURISY. 1058— I* Tr. opii deod., . . . f'5vj. Tr. aconiti rad., . . f^ij•—M. Sig.: Eight drops in water every hour or two. (In acute stage before effusion.) Bartholow. 1059— ifc Potass, acetat., . . . 5VSS* Spt. aether, nit., . . f'3ij- Aquae, ... ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three or four hours. (In pleuritic effusion.) Hartshorne. 1060— Potass, acetat., . . . gr. xv. Spt. aether, nitro., . . t'5ss. Vini ipecac., . . . gtt. iij. Sy. tolu., .... t'5ss.—M. Sig.: Take four times daily. (In subacute pleurisy.) Da Costa. 1061— i* Morphiae sulphat., . . gr. Quiniae sulphat., . . gr. xv.—M. Et div. in chart. No. i. Sig.: Take at once. ( To abort an incipient pleurisy.) Bartholow. 1062— I* Tr. iodinii, . . . fjss. Potass, iodid., . . . 3b* Aquae, . . . . f.^ij-—M. Sig.: Apply on the affected side of chest. Niemeyer. 1063— I* Morphiae acetat., . . gr. ss. Potass, acetat., . . . gss. Tr. veratri viridis, . . npxxiv. Syr. tolu., .... fgss. Liq. potass, citrat., . . f^iiss.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three hours. (In dry pleurisy.) Da Costa. 1064— I* Syr. ferri iodid., „ . f5iiss. Potass, iodid., . . • 3J> 9J* Syr. sarsaparillae comp., . gj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad §ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful four times daily, in water. Anders. 132 PLEURISY (Continued). 1065— Ex. jaborandi fl., . . 3b Sig.: Take at once, in a cup of hot water. 1066— Sodii citrat., Sodii acetat., Sodii salicylat., . . aa Jij • Aq. mentli. pip., q. s. ad fgv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful: every two to four hours. Hot flannels to chest, sprinkled with laudanum, and a towel pinned tightly around body ; dry diet ; rest in bed ; flannel underclothing and night-dress. Waugh. 1067— !£. Potass, iodid., . ... . 3iv- Aquae, .... fgv.j.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful in milk every four hours with the following :— 1068— Tr. iodinii comp., . . fgiij. Sig.: Divide the surface of the affected part into three sections, and paint one section each day. (For chronic pleuritic effusion.') Bartholow. 1069— Ifc Collodii cum cantharidi, . f^ss. Sig.: Apply with a brush over a small area, heat quickly, and repeat. (In pleuritic effusion.) Ringer. 1070— £ Tr. iodinii, . . . fgj. Potass, iodid., . . . 3SS- Camphorae, . . 3ib Spt. rect., .... f£x.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Starr. 1071— ]£ Potass, acetat., . . . gr. xxx. Infus. digitalis, . . . 3lb—M. Sig.: Take every three or four hours. (For effu- sion.) Hughes. 1072 —The treatment should consist of rest in bed, animal broths, and milk. The following feb- rifuge mixture should be given to a child four years of age:— Spt. aetheris nitrosi, . . gtt. xx. Liq. ammon. acet., . . f3«s. Chloroformi, . . . gtt. ij. Aq. menthae vir., q. s. ad 3b—M. Sig.: One dose. Take every two hours. 133 PLEURISY (Continued). 1073— ft Mist, ferri et ammon., Acetat., .... fgvj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful to tablespoonful. {In the second stage.) Potter. 1074— ft Pulv. sinapis, . . . 3SS> Pulv. lini, . . . 3viij* Aq. bullientis, . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. cataplasma. Sig.: Make the poultice wet and place it between two pieces of muslin, covered with oiled silk, and renew when beginning to cool. (In pleurisy of chil- dren.) J. Lewis Smith. 1075— ft Magnesii sulphat., . . gvi-viij. Div. in chart. No. viii. Sig.: A powder in two tablespoonfuls of water before food, and no fluids for some time afterwards. (In pleuritic effusion.) Hay. 1076— ft Acid, tannic., . . . gr. xxx. Div. in pil. No. xv. Sig.: Four to eight pills daily ; one-half in the morning, the remainder in the evening. (In purulent pleurisy.) Duboue. 1077— ft Tr. opii deodorat., . . gtt. xx. Tr. digitalis, . . . gtt. xvj. Syr. pruni virg., . . f^j. Aquae, .... fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours for a child of two years. (For first stage.) J. Lewis Smith. 1078— ft Potass, acetat., . . . 5‘J- Infus. digitalis, . . giij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. (To remove effusion.) J. L. Smith, PLEURODYNIA (See Neuralgia). PNEUMONIA. 1079—ft Tr. veratri viridis, . . Spt. fetlier. nitros., . . i'3vj- Liq. potass, citrat., . . f3ivss. Syr. zingiber., . . ad f§vj.—M. Sig. Tablespoonful every three hours. (In the early stage.) ' Da Costa. 134 PNEUMONIA (Continued). 1080— 5 Potass, iodi., . . . 3j> Ammon, chlor., . . 3iss* Mist, glycyrrhizae comp., fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful four times a day, to promote absorption. Da Costa. 1081— 5 Pulv. digitalis, . . gr. vj. Quinise sulphat., . . gr. xij. Ex. opii, Ex. ipecac., . . aa gr. iij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day with the preced- ing mixture. Da Costa. 1082— 5 Thallin sulphat., . . gr. xxxij. Aq. aurant. flor., . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours till the fever declines. Osler. 1083— 5 Tr. aconiti rad., . . f^ij* Tr. opii, .... f3iij.—M. Sig.: Thirteen drops at once, followed by five drops every hour or two. (In stage of congestion) Bartholow. 1084— 5 Ammon, carbonat., . . gr. v. Ammon, iodidi, . . gr. v-x. Mucil. acacise, . . . q. s. Syr. glycyrrh., . . . f3Hj- Syr. pruni virg., q. s. ad f3ii—iv.—M. Sig.: At one dose every three hours. Hughes. 1085— Quininse sulpli., . . gr. ij. Pulv. digitalis, . . . gr. j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Every four hours. (In pleuro-pneumonia.) Da Costa. 1086— 5 Tr. ipecac, comp. (Squibb), gtt. xxxij. Tr. aconiti rad., . . gtt. xvj. Syr. tolu., Aquae, aa f^j-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours for a child of five years. (In the congestive stage.) J. L. Smith. 1087— 5 Sodii iodid., . . . 3iss> Morphinae sulphat., . . gr. ss. Elix. aromat., . . . f^ij•—M. Sig.: Teaspoouful three times a day, with blisters over the apex. (In catarrhal pneumonia.) Da Costa. 135 PNEUMONIA (Continued). 1088— Ammon, carbonat., . . gr. xl. Infus. serpentarise, . . f,3iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. (As a stimu- lant about the crisis.) Bartholow. 1089— I* Ammon, iodid., . . gr. xl. Spt. ammon. aromat., . f%ij. Elix. aromat., . . . fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: One-eiglith thrice daily. (In syphilitic lobar pneumonia.) 1090— Ammonii salicylat., Ammonii carb., . aa gr. v. Spt. aetlieris nit., . . t\xv. Ex. cocse 11., Glycerinae, . . aa - Liq. ammonii acetat., q. s. ad fgss.—M. Sig.: (live at one dose every three or four hours. S. S. Cohen. 1091— I* Quininae bisulph., . . Qj. 01. theobromae, . . . 5J1—M. Et div. in supposit. No. iv. Sig.: One every eight hours. Also paint the back of the chest with iodine, and envelop in flaxseed jacket. Internally, give digitalis or ergot, in small doses. (In infantile pneumonia.) Waugh. 1092— I* Antipyriu, . . . gr. v. Quinin. hydroclilorat., . gr. ij. Camphor, monobrom., . gr. ss.—M. Sig.: In capsule, as needed. (For fever.) Woodbury. 1093— I* Morphise sulpliat., . . gr. j. Syr. ipecac., . . . fgss. Syr. tolu., . . . f^iiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours to a child of five years. (In the stage of hepatization.) J. Lewis Smith. 1094— Acid, salicylici, . . 3’L Div. in chart. No. vi. Sig.: One powder every two hours until four or five are taken. ( To abort an impending attack.) SlI.VERTHORN. 136 PNEUMONIA (Continued). 1095— ]£ Acid, sulpli. aromat., . n^iij. Tr. opii deodorat., . . n\_v. Syr. prun. virg., q. s. ad f 3 j.—M. Sig.: Take at one dose for cough. Woodbury. 1096— !£. Ex. cascarae sagrad. fl., Tr. cardamom, comp., Syr. aurant. cor., . aa tr^xx.—M. Sig.: Take at one dose as a laxative. Woodbury. 1097— ft Ex. veratri viridis fl., . f^j. Sig.: Four to six minims every hour until the pulse falls to sixty-five or seventy. Stroud. POLYURIA (See Diabetes Insipidus). PRIAPISM (See Nymphomania). PRICKLY HEAT (See Skin Diseases). PROSTATITIS. 1098— Ex. opii aquos, . . . gr. viij. Ex. hyoscyami, . . gr. iv.—M. Ft. suppos. No. viii. Sig.: Insert one into the rectum and repeat when necessary. Martin. 1099— Ammon, carbonat., . . gr. iv. Spt. chloroform., . . rr^xx. Aq. camphor*, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Every three or four hours. {When delirium is present, with small, weak, quick pulse.') Waters. 1100— Liq. potass*, . . . f^ii—iv. Ex. hyoscyami, . . 9j-iv. Syr. aurant, cort., Aq. cinnam., . . aa fgiij.—M. Sig.: A tablespoonful in a wineglass of water every eight hours. Van Buren and Keyes. 1101— J* Potass, bicarbonat., . . Ex. hyoscyami fl., . . f^ij. Syr. simp., . . . fgij. Aquae, . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: A dessertspoonful every two to four hours. Martin. 137 PROSTATITIS (Continued) + 1102— $ Tr. cantharidis, . . fgss. Sig.: One to five drops in water three times a day. Ringer. 1103— Ergotinae, Pil. hydrargyri pulv., aa 3j. Saloli, .... 3iij— M. Et divide in oapsulas No. xx. Sig.: Take one capsule thrice a day. (Enlarged prostate.) Gerhard. 1104— Iodoform., .... 3SS- 01. theobromse, Cerse flavae, . . aa 3j-—M. Et ft. suppos. No. v. Sig.: One night and morning. (In chronic enlarge- ment.) Martin. 1105— $ Leeches to the perineum. 1106— $ Ex. opii aquos, . . . gr. viij. Ex. belladonnse, . . gr. ij.—M. Ft. suppos. No. viii. Sig.: Introduce one into the rectum and repeat on return of pain. 1107— Very hot or very cold water injected into the rectum, against the prostate, through a two-way rectal tube, from two to four quarts at a time, three or four times a day. 1108— Carbonis animalis, . . gr. iij. Ammon, chlor., . . Qj. Ex. conii, .... gr. ij. Pulv. glycyrrhizae, . . q. s.—M. Ft. bolus. Sig.: One three times a day. (In swelled and scir- rhous prostate.) Magendie. PROSTATORRHCEA. 1109—$: Potass, citratis, . . oSS-j. Spt. limonis, . . . f5ss* Syr. simp., . . . fgij. Aquse, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful, largely diluted with water, three times a day. Van Buren and Keyes 138 PROSTATORRHCEA (Continued). 1110— ft Tr. nucis vomicae, . . f^j. Tr. ferri chlor., . . . f^iij.—M. Sig.: Twenty drops, well diluted, three times a day. Gross. 1111- Potass, bromid., . . f^iij- Syr. limonis, . . . giss. Aquae, . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful when necessary'. Gross. 1112— ft Tr. ferri chlor., . . . f^vj. Tr. cantharidis, . . fjij.—M. Sig.: Fifteen drops in water three times a day. Bartholow. 1113— ft Ex. hydrastis fl., . . fgj. Sig.: Twenty drops in water three times a day. Bartholow'. PRURIGO—PR UR IT IS (See also Skin Diseases). 1114— ft Morph, sulphatis, . . gr. vj. Sodii borat., . . . 3iv- Aq. campliorse, . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Wash the parts first with oastile soap and warm water and apply the above twice a day. cUluAt!/ Baek- 1115— ft' Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. j. Pulv. aluminis, . . . £)j. Pulv. amyli, . . . 5iss* Aquae, .... fgvj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Goodell. 1116— ft Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. ij. Acid, hydrochloric., . . gtt. x. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally, lukewarm. (For pruritus ani and vulva.) Laplace. 1117— ft Chloral camph., Bismuth, subnit., . aa 3U- Aq. rosae, . . .ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Apply to the parts. 1118— IJ. Argenti nitratis, . . gr. xx. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Paint over the affected parts. (In pruritus vulvaA Bartholow. 139 PRURIGO (Continued). 1119— Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., Tr. opii, . . . aa - Potass, carb., . . . 5ib Aq. rosae, aa fgiv.—M. Sig.: Apply to the parts. Reynolds. 1120— # Menthol, . . . . gr. xxiv. Spt. vini rectif., . . f^j-—M. Sig.: Use locally. 1121— # Naphthol., . . . gr. ccxxv. Saponis viridis, . . . 5xiiss< Cretae praep., . . . 5^ss* Adipis, .... jcxxv.—M. Sig.: Apply to the parts and then powder them with starch. Kaposi. 1122— # Acid, carbol., . . . gr. vj. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Heath. 1123— Ung. oxid. zinc, benz., Campho-phenique, . aa 3SS-—M. Sig.: Apply as often as necessary. (For pruritus ani.) Medical Progress. 1124— # Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . fjij- Sodii borat., . . . 3-b Aq. rosae, .... f^viij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Fox. 1125— Cocaini liydroclilor., . . gr. ix. Lanolini, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply a small quantity to the parts. M. ScANLAN. 1126— # Acid, carbolic., . . • foi-O'j- Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad Oj.—M. Sig.: Apply as a lotion several times a day. 1127— # Liq. carbonis deterg., . f^ij. Aquae, . . q. s. ad Oj.—M. Sig.: Apply as a lotion. 1128— # Acid, carbolic., . . . gtt. v-xx. Adipis benzoin., Ungt. petrol., . . aa §ij.—M. Sig.: Apply as an ointment. 140 PRURIGO (Continued). 1129—Chloroformi, . • TT^x-xx. Adipis benzoin., . • 3b ■— Sig.: Apply as an ointment. •1130—!£. Aluminii nitratis, . • gr. vj. Aq. destillat., . . . -—M. Sig.: Apply with a soft sponge. Gill* 1131— Ifc Acid, acetic., . . • fSj- Glycerinae, . . • f§iij •—'M. Sig.: Apply locally. Goodbll. 1132— Chloral hydrat., Pulv. camphorae, . aa 3l- Vaselini, .... 3X-—M. Sig.: Use twice a day. (In hemiplegic prurigo.) Koebner. 1133— Cocaini muriat., . . gr- v. Lanolin, .... 3U— Sig.: Apply locally after washing with warm water. (In pruritus ani.) Besnier. • 1134— ft Ex. nucis vomicae, Ex. belladonnae, . . aa gr. iv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xvi. Sig.: One pill night and morning. (In senile pru- ritus.) 1135— Sodii hyposulphitis, . • 3viiss- Acid, carbolic., . • • gr- lxxv. Glycerinae, - ■ • f3iy* Aquae, .... fgviiss.—M. Sig.: Bathe with cold water and apply the above three times a day or ottener. (lor pruritus ani.) Johnston. 1136— Sodii bicarb., • • • 3xvi* Sig.: Put the above in bath of warm water and. bathe two or three times a week until relieved. Howard. H37—Cocain. muriat., . • gr. v. Lanolini, Ung. aq. rosse, . • aa t5ss* Sie.- Apply as often as necessary. (In pruritus ani.} Powell. 141 PRURIGO (Continued). 1138—]* Menthol, .... gr. xv-xxx. Lanolin, .... —M. Sig.: Apply locally. PSORIASIS (See Skin Diseases). PTYALfSM (SALIVATION). 1139— I* Potass, iodid., . . . Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Half teaspoonful, well diluted, three times a day. Hammond. 1140— I* Liq. plumhi subacetat.. . f5.j. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use as a moutli-wash. Gross. 1141— Tr. myrrhae, . . . f^j. Aquae, .... fgvj.—M. tSig.: Use as mouth-wash. Potter. 1142— Potass, permanganat., . gr. ii-x. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Mouth-wash. {To correct the fetor.) Garretson. 1143— I* Atropiae sulpliat., . . gr. j. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Four minims three times a day. Bartholow. 1144— I* Sodii borat., . . . 5ih Pulv. myrrhae, . . • 3.1* Aquae, .... f^vj.—M. Sig.: Moutli-wasli or gargle. Potter. 1145— 1* Tr. iodinii, . . . f^ij. Aq. rosae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use as mouth wash. 1146— I* Potass, chlorat., . . . 3U* Infus. rhois glabri rad., . Oj—M. Sig.: Moutli-wash. Fahnestock. 1147— Acid, tannic., . . . Jj- Mellis rosae, . . gij. Aquae, .... fgvj.—M. Sig.: Moutli-wash. Bartholow. 142 PUERPERAL FEVER (See Fever). PUERPERAL MANIA (See Mania). PUERPERAL PERITONITIS (See Peritonitis). PURPURA. 1148— I* 01. terebinth., . . . f3iij- Ex. digitalis 11., . . fjj- Mucil. acaciae, . . . fgss. Aq. uienthae pip., . . f^j-—M. Ft. emuls. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three hours. Baktholow- 1149— Strychnia sulphat., . . gr. ss. Quiniae sulpliat., . • 9j- Ferri sulphat. exsiccat., . Qij. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Napheys. 1150— I* Liq. potass, arsenitis, . f^ss. Sig.: Five drops in water after meals three times a day. ( When due to iodism.) Phillips- 1151— Sodii sulphatis, . . . 3ib Ferri sulphatis, . . . gr. iij. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . tt\,xv. Tr. hyoscyami, . . . tTpxl. Infus. calumbae, . . f§ij.—M. Sig.: To be taken in the morning. Tannek- 1152— 01. terebintliinae, . . f3ij * 01. amygdalae express., . fgj- Tr. opii deod., . . . f3ss- Mucil. acaciae, . . . fjj. Aq. lauro-cerasi, . ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three or four hours. Hughes- 1153— I* Tr. rhois aromat., Glycerinae, . . . aa f^iss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Munk. PY/EMIA. 1154—1* Acid, salicylici, . . • §ss. Sodii biborat., . . 3p Glycerinae, . . • f^j- Aq. menthae pip., • • fSv>— Sig.: Tablespoonful every two or three hours. Baktholow 143 PY/EMIA (Continued). 1155— * Syr. ferri hypopliosphitis, Liq. hydrogen, perox. (10 vol.) Glyeerinae, . ' . aa f^iss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Guiteras. 1156— I* Acid, gallici, . . . f3ss. Acid, sulphuric, dil., Tr. opii deod., . . aa f^j- Infus. rosae comp., . . fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four hours. Bartholow. 1157— Acid, sulpliurosi, . . f5ss-j. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Take every two to four hours. Tanner. 1158— Potass, permanganat., . gr. xii-xxiv. Aquae, .... -—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Bartholow. 1159— Quiniae sulpliat., . . gr. v-xx. Sig.: Take at one dose. PYROSIS (See also Acidity). 1160— Acid, carbolic., . . . .gr. ij. Aquae, .... f^ij-—M. Sig.: Twenty-five drops in water before each meal. Joses. 1161— I* Bismuth, subcarb., . . 3*h Pulv. aromat., . . . gr. xxiv.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder one hour before meals. Hughes. 1162— Carbonis animalis, . . gr. xxiv. Bismuth, subnit., . • 5b Pulv. aromat., . . . gr. xij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One at meal hour. Ringer. 1163— Sodii bicarbonat., . . 5^ss- 01. anisi, .... gtt. j. Syr. aurant. flor., Aquae, . . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: One dose. Piorry. 144 PYROSIS (Continued). 1164— * Ex. nucis vomicae, . . gr. iss. Argent, nitrat., . . . gr. ij. Ex. lupuli, . . . gr. xij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. vi. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Barlow. 1165— Tr. nucis vomicae, . . fjii-iv. Acid, nitric, dil., . . f‘5vj- Syr. zingiber., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in a wineglassful of water. Phillips. 1166— Quiniae sulphat., . . gr. xij. Acid, sulphuric, dil., Spt. chloroform., . aa f3ij. Syr. aurant. cort., . ad fgiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. QUINSY. Martin. 1167— I* Sodii bicarb., . . 5b Sig.: Apply locally to the tonsil in powder or in warm solution. Baker. 1168— I* Salinaphtliol., . . . gr. xx-xxv. Spt. vinii rectilicat., . . f§j.—M. Sig.: One part to twenty of water, as an antiseptic gargle. Georgi. 1169— Tr. guaiac. ammoniat., Tr. cinclionae comp., . aa fjiv. Potass, clilorat., . . 3lb Pulv. acaciae, . . . q. s. Aquae, . q. s. ad f5iv.—M. Sig.: Use as a gargle and take a teaspoonful every two hours. 1170— }* Argenti nitrat., . . . gr. 1. Aquae, .... f'5j •—M. Sig : Paint tonsil to abort impending attack. Powell. 1171— }* Chloral hydrat., . . gr. iv. Glycerinae, . . . f 5 j.—M. Sig.: Use locally. The Pacific Record. 1172— ]* Tr. ferri chlor., . . . fjiss-iij. Glycerinae, . • . f 5.1 •—M. Sig.: Use locally every two or three hours. Stark. 145 QUINSY (Continued). 1173— I* H ydrarg. cum cretae, . . gr. ij. Saccli. lact., . . . Et ft. chart. No. x. Sig.: Take one powder every two hours. Barthot.ow. 1174— I* Sodii salicylat., , . . gr. v-x. Sig.: Take every three hours and use the follow- ing locally:— 1175— Potass, cliloratis, q. s. ad sat. sol. Tr. ferri chlor., Glycerinae, Aquae, aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Pepper. 1176— ]* Tr. guaiaci ammoniat., . fgij. Sig.: Teaspoonful in half a glassful of milk three or four times daily. (Early stage.) Sajous. 1177— I* Sodii salicylat., . . . 3ui* Syr. acaciae, . . . f^ss. Aq. cinnam., . . ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful every three hours. Easby. 1178— Tr. ferri chlor., . . . Tt^xxiv-xlviij. Potass, chlorat., . . gr. xxiv. Syr. zingiberis, . . . fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of two years. Starr. 1179— Potass, chlorat., . . 3U’ Infus. rhois glabri baccar., Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as gargle. Gerhard. 1180— Pulv. resinae guaiaci, • 3lv- Sig.: Put as much as will lie on a one-cent piece on the back of the tongue, and let it remain as long as possible. Sajous. 1131—1* Acid, citric., . . . gr. xv. Potass, bicarbonat., . . f)j. Tr. guaiaci, . . . rr^x. Mucilag. acacise, . . fgj.—M. Sig.: One dose. To be taken while effervescing. (For rhildren.\ . i 11 a ■/ a u.. 146 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULM. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMUL2E. A DDITIO-VA T FORMULA?. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. UUiNSY (Continued). 1182— Tr. belladonnas, . . fgss. Sig.: Five drops in water every one to three hours. Phillips. 1183— ]* Tr. verat. viridis (Norwood), gtt. xxx. Morpliiae sulphat., . . gr. Aquae, .... f'3 v j.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour for two hours, and then every two or three hours, as needed. Hudson. 1184— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. j. Saech. lact., . . . Qj.—M. Et div. in chart. No. xx. Sig.: Powder every two hours. Bartiiolow. 1185— I* Acid, tannic., . . . gr. xv. Tr. iodi, .... gtt. ij. Glycerinae, . . . fgss. Aquae, .... f§vj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every three hours. (In chronic cases.) 1186— I* Tr. aconiti rad., . . fgss. Sig.: From one-half to a drop every fifteen minutes for two hours, and afterwards hourly. Ringer. 1187— I* Acid, tannic., . . . gr. xv. Tr. iodi, .... gtt. ij. Acid, carbol., . . . f3ss. Glycerinae, . . . f^ss. Aquae, .... fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (To abort abscess.) Jour. Respiratory Organs. RACHITIS (RICKETS), SCROFULA, STRUMA. 1188— I* Syr. ferri iodid., . . f5iss. Mist. ol. morrliuae et lacto- phos. calcis, . q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.; From one-half to a teaspoonful three times a day. Stark. 1189— I* 01. morrliuse, . . . fjvj. Syr. calcii lactophosphat., Liq. calcis, . . aa fgiij.—M. Sig.: One-lialf to one teaspoonful three or four times a dav. /’ ‘ . ‘ Smith. 147 RACHITIS (Continued). 1190— Syr. ferri iodid., . . gtt. iii-xx. Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad f^iij•—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every four or five hours dur- ing the day. (Child six months or one year.)- Smith. 1191— Syr. caleii lactophos., . fjiv. Sig.: One teaspoonful three times a day after meals. Bartholow. 1192— I* Phospliori, . . . gr. 01. amygdalae, . . . fjviiss. Pulv. acaciae, Sacchar. alb., . . aa Aq. destillat., . . . fjx.—M. Ft. emuls. Sig.: One teaspoonful three times a day after meals. Hare. 1193— I* Phosphori, . . . gr. 01. morrhuae, . . . f^vj.—M. Sig.: One teaspoonful three times a day after meals. Kassowitz. 1194— Caleii pliosphatis, Ferri phosphatis, . aa gr. xxxvj.—M. Ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder morning and noon. Neligan. 1195— I* 01. morrhuae, . . . f^iv. Aq. ealcis, .... fgiij. Et ad— Syr. ferri iodidi, . . fjiv. 01. gaultheriae, . . . fjss. Syr. simp., . q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: A tablespoonful three times a day. 1196— I* Syr. ferri et manganesii iodid., .... fji-ij. Syr. simp., . q. s. ad f^ij-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a dav. Bartholow. 1197— I* Creasoti, .... gtt. iv. 01. morrhuae, . . . f^iss. Pulv. tragacantliae comp., . jij. Aq. anisi, .... f^ivss.—M. Sig.: One-lialf to two tablespoonfuls three times a day. Thompson. 148 RACHITIS (Continued). 1198— $ Ferri bromid., . . . gr. xij. Div. in pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill tliree times a clay. Robert Dick. 1199— Ferri et quinise citrat., . gr. x. 01. morrhuse, Glycerinse, . . aa f^ij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Hartshorne. 1200— $ Morrliuol, .... 3j- Div. in eapsulae No. xx. Sig.: Three to four capsules daily. Lafargue. 1201— Acid, tannic., . . . gr. vi-xij. Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder two or three times a day. Alisox. 1202— Carbon, animalis, Pulv. glycyrrhizse, . aa 3vh—M. Sig.: Half to a whole teaspoonful twice a day. (In children.') Radius. 1203— Ex. hsematoxyli, . . gr. xx. Vini ipecac., . . . tr^xx. Vini opii rq,x. Mist, cretae, . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. (In diarrhoea.) Goodhart and Starr. 1204— Potass, iodidi, . . . 3U* Tr. stillingise comp., Syr. simp., . . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful four times a day. Mentzer. 1205— Quinise sulphatis, . . gr. j. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . tr^i-ij. Vini ferri, .... f'3i-ij.—M. Sig.: To be taken three times a day. Jenner. 1206— Potass, iodid., . . gr. xxx. Tr. iodinii, . . gtt. xv. Acid, tannic., . . gr. *v. Syr. quinise, . . f3viiss. Syr. acacise, . . fgiv et f3vss.—M. Sig.: A fourth part to be taken every two hours until four doses are taken. Guibout. 149 RACHITIS (Continued). 1207— Iodol, . . . . gr. xxiij. 01. morrliuae, . . . fjviij. Spt. menthae pip., . . gtt. xx.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful after each meal. {In enlarged glands.) Morin. 1208— Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . f5.j- Glycerinae, . . . fgij. Acid, nitric, dil., . . 13iij• Infus. quassiae, . . ad fgxiiiss.— M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Aitken. 1209— Tr. nucis vomicae, . . f3j. ' Ex. stillingiae fl., . . t'5v. Syr. sarsaparillae comp., . t’3'j-—M. Sig.: Five to fifteen drops three times a day in water. Bartholow. 1210— 1$. Calcii chlorid., . . . 3j- Aquae, .... fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful two or three times a day in milk. Phillips. 1211— Ammon, carbonat., . . gr. xxiv. Potass, bicarb., . . . 3>.b Ex. glycyrrliizae fl., . . fgss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three or four hours. Goodhart. RATTLESNAKE BITE. 1212— Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. ij. Potass, iodid., . . . gr. iv. Aquae, .... rr^v. Solve et ad— Bromi, .... 3V*—M. Sig.: Take ten drops in a tablespoonful of wine or brandy every fifteen or twenty minutes. Bibron. 1213— Aq. ammoniae, . . . f3.1 • Aquae, .... t'3iij.—M. Sig.: Inject thirty minims hypodermically into a superficial vein above seat of injury. Halford. REMITTENT FEVER (See Fever). RENAL CALCULI (See Calculi). 150 R EH A L DROPSY (See Dropsy). RENAL HEMORRHAGE (See Hcematuria). RHEUMATISM, ACUTE. 1214— £ Sodii salicylat., . . . §ss. Tr. lavandulae com., . . f'3iv. Glycerinae, . . . fgss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad t'3viij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every hour or two until pain and fever abate. Minot (Mass. Gen. Hos.). 1215— Sodii bicarb., . . • 31V- I)iv. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: Powder in half tumblerful of water every four hours until the urine is alkaline. Loomis. 1216— Liq. opii sed., . . . f^j- Potass, bicarbonat., . . 3iV- Glycerinae, . . . fgij. Aq. bullientis, . . . f.^ix.—M. Sig.: Soak a piece of flannel in the above hot solu- tion and wrap around painful joint. Osler. 1217— Mist, ferri et ammon. acetat. (S.V.P.), • • • Sig.: Dessertspoonful in water three times a day. (After salicylate of soda has been used.) J. C. Wilson. 1218— IJ. Acid, salicylic., . . . 3ib Ferri pyrophosphat., . • 3b Sodii phosphat., . . 3b Aquae, . q. s. ad gviij.—M. W Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours. Nichols. 1219— Prophylaminae, . . . gr. xxiv. Aq. menthae pip., . . fgvj.—M* S Sig.: Tablespoonful every two or three hours. James Tyson. ? 1220—IJ. Acid, salicylic., . . . 3“b Sodii borat., . . . gr. xv. Aq. menthae pip., . ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: One-third to be taken during twenty-four ) hours. If there be no improvement in three or four ' davs. discontinue and use— 151 RHEUMATISM, ACUTE (Continued). 1221— Ammon, bromid., . . 5i>i~*v- Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig. A powder in water every four hours. When the acute symptoms abate add twelve to sixteen grains of quinine daily. Da Costa. 1222— I* Potass, iodid., . . . 5j?- Sodii salicylat., . . . 5V> Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgx.—M. Sig.: One to two tablespoonfuls daily. For a child, teaspoonful t. i. d. Audhouki. 1223— I* Potass, nitrat., . . . gr. xv. Pulv. ipecac, comp., . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take one powder every four hours. (In sub- acute cases. ) Da Costa. 1224— I* Sodii bicarb., . . . 5U* Acid, salicylic., . . 5”j- Glycerin ae, Aquae, . . . aa f.^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Berxardy. 1225— I* Iclithyol., . . . - oh Div. in capsulse No. xx. Sig.: Three to six capsules during the twenty-four hours. Schmidt. 1226— I* Sodii salicylatis, Potass, iodidi, Potass, acetatis, . aa 31) • Ex. cascarse sagradae fl., Glycerinae, Aq. cinnam., . . aa f.-^ss. Aq. menthse pip., . . —M. Ft. sol. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours. Prof. E. Marshall, Louisville. 1227— 01. gaultlierise, 01. olivae, Lin. saponis, Tr. aconiti, Tr. opii, .... 5ij.—M. Ft. liniment. Sig.: Apply freely and cover with cotton batting. Canada Lancet.. 152 RHEUMATISM, ACUTE (Continued). 1228— Lithii salioylat., . . iij. Sig.: To be given in water during the twenty-four ll0urs- St. Luke’s Hospital, N. Y. 1229— Lithii benzoat., . . . Sodii bromid., Potass, carbonat. pura, aa Potass, acetat., ... Sodii phospliat., . . gss. Syr. zingiberis, Aq. menthae pip., . ad gvj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful to tablespoonful in half a glass of water every four or six hours, after food. Satterlee. 1230— Iodoform, deodorat., . . Vaselini, .... M. Sig.: Apply to the inflamed parts. Boteler. 1231— 01. gaultherise, Spt. chloroform, . aa fgss. Lin. saponis, . . . M. Sig.: Apply freely and wrap the joint in cotton batting. Hatfield.. 1232— Acid, salicylic., . . . *ss. Ferri pyrophosphat., . . Jj. Sodii phosphatis, . . A(luae> .... Qjvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two hours until relieved, Peabody. 1223—Pimentae, .... = vj, Aq. ammoniae, . . . fWj,fii. Ess. tbymi, Chloral hydrat., . aa 5iiss. Spt. vini rectif. (60), . . Oij. M. Sig.: Use pure or mixed with olive oil. (For fric- tion about the joints.) Poulet. 1234—JJi Acid, salicylici, . . . gr. x. Sodii bicarb., . . ■ q. s. Ex. glycyrrhizae, . . gr. ijj. Gllycerinae, . . . f^gs. Aquae, . . q. g. ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Dose, dessertspoonful. Vanderbilt Clinic. 153 RHEUMATISM, ACUTE (Continued). 1235—Euonymin, . . . gr. ± Podopliyllin, Aloin, . . . aa gr. —M. Sig.: One tablet twice daily as required. Satterlee. RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC. 1236— Pulv. resinae guaiaci, Potass, iodidi, . . aa 3.1 • Tr. eolchici sem., . . f^iij- Aq. cinnam., Syr. simp., q. s. ad ft. fgvj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day. Pepper. 1237— ]£. Liq. potass, arsenitis, . f^ij. Potass, iodid., . . . 3U« Syr. simp., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day after meals. Da Costa. 1238— Tr. aconiti, Chloroform., Aq. ammon., . . aa f'3ij. Lini. saponis oo., . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Jefferson Hospital, Phila. 1239— Potass, et sodii tartratis, . 3SS- Potass, nitratis, . . 3V- Yini colchici sem., . . t'3ij. Aquae, . q. s. ad f^ij-—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. 1240— I}: Tr. ferri chlor., . . f3ij. Sodii salicylat., . . • 3b- Acid, citric., . . . gr. x. Glycerinae, . . . gj. Liq. ammoniae citratis (B.P.), q. s. ad 3iy* 01. gaultheriae, . . . gr. xv.—M. Sig.: Dose, one or two teaspoonfuls every two hours until ringing of the ears is produced, and then increase the intervals to four or six hours. (In anaemic cases.') Philadelphia Hospital. 1241— Litliii salicylat., . . 3iij• Syr. simp., . . . fgij. Aq. aurant. flor., . ad fgvj.—M. A .Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a dav. Vulpian. 154 RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC (Continued). 1242— Potass, iodid., . . . gr. vj. Tr. cimicifugae, . . . TT^iv. Tr. opii camph., Vini colcliiei rad., . aa n\,v. Aq. cinnam., . q. s. ad f'3j-—M. Sig.: Dose, one teaspoonfnl. 1243— Tr. guiac. aetli., . . . fgj. Tr. cannabis indicae aetli., . fjvj. Tr. colchici aeth., . . t'3U.—M. Sig.: Twenty-five to thirty drops on sugar every four hours. Atlee. 1244— I* Potass, et sodii tartrat., . gss. Vini colchici sem., . . f^ij- Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Charity Hospital, N. Y. 1245— I* Sodii salicylat., Sodii acetat., Potass, bicarb., . . aa f3iss. Tr. digitalis, . . . t'3iij. Aquae, . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful four times a day. Mays. 1246— I* Potass, iodid., Salicin, . . . aa 3Vb Ex. manacae fl., . . . f^ij- Tr. cimicifugae, . . . fgj. Hydrangeae lithiat., q. s. ad f.^vj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful, diluted, every three or four hours. 1247— I* 01. monardae, . . . f^iv. Tr. opii, . . . f3ij - Tr. campliorae,. . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Atlee. 1248— 1* 01. gaultheriae, 01. olivae, Liniment, saponis, Tr. aconiti, Tr. opii, . . . aa 3>j*—M. Ft. liniment. Sig.: Apply to part. 155 RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC (Continued). 1249— $ Liniment, aconiti (B. P.), Liniment, belladonnse, aa f3ij. Glycerinse, . . ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply over the seat of pain. Fothergill. 1250— Potass, iodid., . . . 3^1- Vini colcliici sem., Tr. opii camph., . aa fgij. Tr. stramonii, . . . f3vj. Tr. cimicifugse, . . . f^iij. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. St. Luke’s Hospital, N. Y. 1251— $ Chloroform., Tr. aconiti rad., 01. terebinthinse, . aa fgss. 01. sassafras, . . . upv. Lini. saponis camphorat., . f^iiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Gerhard. 1252— $ 01. cajuputi, Tr. opii, aa f3ij- 01. terebintliinse, . . f’3iv. Liniment, ammoniae, . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Fuller. 1253— $ Tr. iodinii, Spt. vini rect., . . aa fgj-—M. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-hair brush night and morning. Da Costa. RHINITIS (See Catarrh). RICKETS (See Rachitis). RINGWORM (See Skin Diseases). RUBEOLA (See Fever). RUPIA (See Skin Diseases). SALIVATION (See Ptyalism). SARCIN/E AND TORUL/E. 1254—$. Sodii hyposulphitis, . . 3ib Infus. quassise, . . . —M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. Neale. 156 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. SARCIN/E AND TORUL/E (Continued). 1255— ]* Sodii sulpliitis, . . gr. xxx-xl. Infus. quassiae, . . fgiss.—M. Sig.: To be taken three times a day. Jenner. 1256— I* Acid, sulphurosi, . . f5i-iss. Infus. calumbae, . . fgxij.—M. Sig.: Wineglassful ten minutes before meals. Lawson. 1257— Acid, sulphurosi, . . f'3ss-j. Aqua;, .... f§ij.—M. Sig.: To be taken three times a day. Tanner. SATYRIASIS (See Nymphomania). SCABIES (See Lice). SCARLATINA (See also Fever and Diphtheria). 1258— Tr. ferri clilor., . . • f$j. Potass, chlorat., . . gr. xlviij. Glycerinae, . . . fgj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of four years. Morris. 1259— I* Acid, boracie., • . . 5SS- Potass, chlor., . . . 3ij • Tr. ferri chlor., . . . fjij. Glycerinae, Syr. simp., . . aa f§j. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of five years. J. Lewis Smith. 1260— I* Infus. digitalis, . . . f^iv. Sig.: One-half to one teaspoonful every two or three hours. Bartholow. 1261— Acid, carbol., . . . npxx. Vaseline, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply to body night and morning. Starr. 1262— Acid, salicylic., . . . gr. xlviij. Aquae, .... fjij. Syr. aurantii, . q. s. ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour during the day and every two or three hours at night. Hare. 157 SCARLATINA (Continued). 1263— ft 01. menthae pip., . . Tt\.xv- 01. olivae, .... *—M. Sig.: Apply to body night and morning. Stark. 1264— ft Tr. digitalis, . . . t'5ss. Liq. ainmon. acetat., . . /^iss. Spt. aetli. nit., . . . fjij- Syr. tolu, .... fgss. Aq. cari, . . q. s. ad fgiij•—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of six or eight years. Goodiiart and Starr. 1265— ft Chloralis, . . . . gr. xxx. Syr. lactucarii (Aubergier), Aquae, . . . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in cold water every two, three, or four hours. J. C. Wilson. 1266— ft Hydrarg. biniodid., . . gr. i-vj. Ex. glycyrrliizae, . . gr. xij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxiv. Sig.: One pill every four hours. Dukes. 1267— ft Resorcin, . . . . 3b- Lanolini, .... 5iss- 01. sesami, . . . ,^ss.—M Sig.: Rub well into the skin. {To hasten desqua- mation .) J A m i eson . 1268— ft Pulv. digitalis fol., . . 5i* Aq. bullientis, . . . f^vj.—M. Ft. infusio. Sig.: Give one teaspoonful every hour until yon get the physiological effect. Atkinson. 1269— ft Ex. jaborandi fi., . . f^jss. Liq. potass, citrat., q. s. ad f.^iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every four hours at the age of six years. (Scarlatinal anasarca.) Starr. 1270— ft Antifebrin, . . . gr. xv. Sacch. alb., . . . gr. xxx.—M. Et ft. chart. No. x. Sig.: A powder as required to relieve fever, for a child of three or four years. Widowitz. 158 SCARLATINA (Continued). 1271—$. Acid, carbol., . . . gr. xx. Thymol, .... gr. x. Vaseline, vel ung. simp., . Jj.—M. Sig.: Rub in well. Stars. SCIATICA (See also Neuralgia). 1272— Saloli, Sacch. lact., . . aa —M. Div. in pulv. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every four to six hours. Aschenbach. 1273— $l Antipyrin, . . . Syr. aurant. cort., . . fgss. Aq. aurant. flor., . . fgij.—M. , Sig.: A dessertspoonful every hour to four hours,, until three to six doses are taken. Germain See. 1274— $ Pulv. sulphuris sub., . giv- Sig.: Dust thiekly on the limb and envelop it in soft flannel. Ringer. 1275— $. Veratrise, .... Qi-ij. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Rub well into painful part. Turnbull. 1276— $ Morpliise sulph., . . gr. ss-f. Atropise sulph., . . . gr. Aq. destillat., . . . n\,xx.—M. Sig.: Inject deeply into the muscle over the course of the nerve. Brown Seqlard. 1277— Quininse sulphat., . . gr. ij. Morphinse sulphat., . . gr. . Strychninse sulphat., . gr. Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. Ex. aconiti, . . . gr. a.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Take one pill every one, two, or three hours. Gross- 1278— I* Ex. ergotae fl., . . . f^ij• Aq. cinnam., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful in water every three or four- hours. Waakes 159 SCIATICA (Continued). 1279— Methyl clilorid. sprayed along the course of the nerve. Hughes. 1280— £ Theinae, Sodii benzoat., . . aa 3.1 • Sodii chloridi, . . . gr. xv. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: From five to fifteen minims hypodermically. Mays. 1281— ft Potass, iodid., . . . £)j. Decoct, sarsap. co., . tgij.—M. Sig.: To be taken three times a day. (Chronic cases.) Waking. 1282— ft Tr. aconiti rad., Tr. colchici sem., Tr. belladonnae, Tr. cimicifugae, . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Twelve drops every four to eight hours. .1. T. Metcalf. 1283— ft Chloroformi, . . . fgij. Sig.: Five to fifteen minims hypodermically near the seat of pain. Bartholow. 1284— ft Tr. colchici sem., . . gtt. xv. Potass, iodid., . . . gr. x. Tr. zingiber., . . . gtt. x. Syr. simp., Aquae, . aa q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply a strip of blistering plaster over the course of the nerve, and give the above in water three times a day. Da Costa. 1285— ft Tr. colchici, Tr. cimicifugae, Tr. aconiti, Tr. belladonnae, . . aa npf.—M. Sig.: One tablet. Vanderbilt Clinic. 1286— ft Saloli, .... gss. 01. vaselini, . . . gv-—M. Sig.: Inject twenty or thirty minims over course of the nerve. Meunier. SCIRRHUS (See Cancer). 160 SCLEROSIS, POSTERIOR SPINAL (See also Locomotor Ataxia). 1287— ft Ex. belladonnae, . . gr. iv. 01. terebintliinae, . . fj'j- 01. theobromae, . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. capsulae No. xii. Sig.: One three times a day. A. McL. Hamilton. 1288— I* Antipyrin, . . . 39* Syr. sarsaparillae comp., . fgij. Aq. cinnamomi, . . ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every hour or two until re- lieved. Suckling. 1289— I* Tr. ferri clilor., Tr. nucis vomicae, Acid, phosphoric, dil., Syr. simplicis, . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water an hour before meals. SWERINGEN. 1290— I* Argenti nitratis, Ex. belladonnae, . aa gr. i-viij. Ex. gentian., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxiv. Sig.: One after each meal. A. McL. Hamilton. 1291— Potass, iodid., . . . 5V'“V”J- Ferri et ammon. citrat., . 39* Tr. aurant. eort., Syr. simp., . . aa f3iij. Aq. menthae pip., . ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water an hour after meals. SWERINGEN. SCROFULA (See Rachitis). SCURVY (See also Purpura). 1292— I* Potass, bitartratis, . . 01. limonis, . . . n\,xv. Sacch. alb., . . . Aq. bullientis, . . . Oij.—M. Ft. haustus. Sig.: Use when cold as a drink. Tanner. 1293— I* Acid, muriat., . . . f3j. Mellis, Aq. rosae, . . . aa f^j-—M. Sig.: Apply three or four times daily to the gums. Branda. 161 SCURVY (Continued). 1294—Succi limonis, . . . fgviij.—AI. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls daily. Parkes. SEA-SICKNESS. 1295— Cerii oxalat., . . . gr. ij. Tr. valerian, co., . . f^j- Aquae, .... f§j.—M. Sig.: Take every thirty minutes until relieved. Walsh. 1296— Chloroform., . . . f^ss. Sig.: Two to five minims on sugar every half hour until relieved. Bartholow. 1297— Chloral hydrat., . . gss. Syr. aurant. eort., . . fgj. Aq. aurant. flor., . ad fgij.—M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls every four hours. Ringer. 1298— Amyl nitritis, . . . 5ib Sig.: Inhale three to five drops on a handkerchief, with care. Bartholow. 1299— Ifc Cocaini liydrochlor., . . gr. xxx. Aquae, .... f'3ivss.—M. Sig.: Four or five drops on a small piece of ice three times a day. Otto. 1300— ]£ Hyoscyami, Strycliniae, . . aa gr. ss. Ex. gentian., . . . Qj.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxxiii. Sig.: One every ten minutes. Embleton. SEPTIC/EMI A (See Pyaemia). SHINGLES (See also Skin Diseases and Herpes Zoster). 1301— I* Veratriae, .... £)i-ij. Vaselini, .... 5j-—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Ringer. 1302— Ifc Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. v. Sacch. alb., . . . 5SS-—M. Et ft. chart. No. x. Sig.: One powder every two hours, to he followed by a saline aperient. Gerhard. 162 SH INGLES (Continued). 1303— Zinci phospliidi, Ex. uucis vomicae, . aa gr. x.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxx. Sig. One pill every two to four hours. Bulkley. 1304— Magnesii carbon at., . . gr. xx. Vini colchici rad., Tr. opii, aa f3ss. Aq. camphorae, . . . f§j.—M. Sig.: For one dose. ( To relieve the deep-seated pain in the chest.) . Thompson. 1305— IJ. Sulphuris sublimat., . 9j. Hydrarg. ammoniat., . 3SS* Ungt. simplicis, . . 3b—M. Sig.: Apply two or three times a day. Cokfe. 1306— Collodii flex., . . . f'3j- Sig.: Apply with a brush to the affected area con- stantly, to exclude the air. Austie. 1307— !£. Pulv. amyli, . . . 3*v- Sig.: Apply as a dusting powder. Bolkley. SICK-HEADACHE (See Headache). SINGULTUS (See Hiccough). SKIN DISEASES. 1308— Liq. potassae, . . . f3j- Aquae t'3j.—M. Sig.: Apply to the acne spots only, then use :— 1309— Plumbi nitrat., . . . gr. xv. Ungt. petrolei, . . . 3b—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily, (/a acne indurata.) Barthclow. 1310— IJ. Sulphuris praecip., . . 3b Grlycerinae, . . . t'3ss. - s Adipis benzoat., . . 3b 01. rosae, .... gtt. iij.—M. XSig.; To he thoroughly rubbed into the skin at night. Duhkixg. f^311—Rt Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. ij. Ungt. petrolei, . . . 3b—M. Sig.: Apply thoroughly. (In acne rosacea.) , 2lA Hughes.c 163 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1312— Sulpliuris prsecip., . . 3'v* Pulv. camphorse, . . gr. x. Pulv. tragacanthse, . . Qj. Aq. calcis, . . . l^ij- Aq. rosse, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Shake the bottle before using, and apply every few hours. (In acne rosacea.) “ Kummerfeld’s Lotion.” 1313— Acid, acetic., . . . f^j. Lanolini, . . . . §j. Hydrogen peroxide (solution), Vaselini, . . . aa gij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In pustular acne.) Unna. 1314— Sulphur, prsecip.. Cretae prsecip., Aq. laurocerasi, Spt. vini rect., Grlycerinse, . . aa 3ib—M- Sig.: Bathe the face with hot water and dry I’t with friction, then apply the lotion. (In acne of the face.) Leroy. 1315— Magnesii sulpliat., . • Si’ Ferri sulphat., . . . gr. iv. Sodii chloridi, . . . 3SS> Acid, sulphuric, dil., . fjij- Infus. quassise, . . ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in a tumbler of cold water before breakfast. (In acne.) Startin. 1316— 51 Liq. potass, arsenitis, . f^ij- Vini ferri, . . ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water after meals. (In acne with anaemia.) Van Harlingen. 1317— Clirysarobini, . . . 3SS* Collodii, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Put a brush through the cork and paint lesion every night. Gr. H. Fox. 1318— Potass, acetat., . . . 3'v‘ Tr. nucis vomicse, . . f3ij* Ex. rumicis fl., . . ad f§iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful, well diluted, after meals, three times a day. (In acne vulgaris.) Bulkt.ey. 164 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1319— I* Zinci oleat., Puly. talc, . . aa gj.—M. Sig.: Dust on every morning. {In acne.) Jamieson. 1320— Potass, acetat., . . . gj. Sodii et potass, tart., . gij. Syr. zingiberis, . . fgij. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in a wineglassful of water, after meals. {In acne.) Taylor. 1321— I* Sulphuris praecipitat., . 3j- Ungt. aquae rosae, Ungt. peti-olei, . . aa 3^-—M. Sig.: Use night and morning. Van Harlingen. J*0 W- 1322— I* 01. theobromae, 01. ricini, . . aa Zinci oxidi, . . . gr. ivss. Hydrarg. ammon., . . gr. ij. 01. rosae, . . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: Apply morning and evening. {In chloasma.) Moreier, 1323— I* Hydrarg. pur., . . . gr. c. Ungt. hydrarg., Sevi benzoinati, . aa gr. c. Adipis benzoinati, . ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Spread on muslin and bind in patches at night, or rub in thoroughly with the finger. {In chloasma.) Van Harlingen. 1324— Zinci oxidi, . . . gr. iij. Hydrarg. ammoniat., . gr. iss. 01. theobromae, 01. ricini, . . aa 3^ss‘ Essent. rosae, . . . gtt. x.—M. Sig.: Apply to the face night and morning. {In chloasma of pregnancy.) Monin. 1325— Quiniae sulphat., . . 3SS> Acid, sulphuric, aromat., fgss. Tr. cardamomi comp., . fgiss. Aquae, , . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day. {In ecthyma.) Ringer. 165 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1326— F* Sodii biborat., . . . ii.1- Aq. rosse, .... fgvj.— M. Sig.: Apply two or three times a day. (In ecthyma.) Copland. 1327— I* Ex. opii, .... gr. x—xx. Acid, tannic., . . • 9j> Unguent., . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply after the inflammatory condition has been subdued with lead lotion. (In idiopathic ecthyma.) Tilbuky Fox. 1328— ]* Hydrarg. iodid. rub., . gr. xij. Cerati simp., . . . gviiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In ecthyma syphilitica.) Diday. 1329— Bismuth, subnitrat., . Zinci oxidi, . . . gj. Acid, carbolic, liquid., . rt^xxx. Vaselin. alb., . . . —M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. (In eczema.) Mackintosh. 1330— Cocainse liydrochlorat., . gr. iij. Atropise sulphat., . . gr. j. Morphise sulphat., . . gr. ij. Ung. acidi carbolici, . . gj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In eczema.) Shoemaker. 1331— I* Picis liquid*, . . . f^j. : Sulphur 9j. Ungt. simplicis, . . fgj.—M. / Sig.: To be rubbed in morning and evening. (In - ' eczema squamosum.) Stelwagon. 1332— Hydrarg. ammoniat., Acid, boric., Zinci oxidi, . . aa 3j- Plumbi acetat., . . gr. v. Vaselini, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. (In eczema of the nares.) Medical Press. 1333— ]* Glyceriti amyli, . . 3yiiss- Acid, tannic., Hydrarg. chlor. mit., aa gr. xv.—M. Sig.. Apply morning and evening. (In dry eczema . with itching.) . • Vidal. 166 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1334— I* Pulv. rliei, Sodii bicarb., . . aa Aq. mentliae pip., . . f^iv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful after meals. Van Harlingen. 1335— I* Ungt. zinci oxidi, Ungt. plumbi subacetat., aa gss. Chloral hydrat., Pulv. camphorae, . aa gr. xv.—M. Sig.: Use two or three times daily, after bathing with warm water. (In general eczema.) 1336— I* Bismuth, subnitrat., . . 5iij. Zinci oxidi, . . . gr. xxx. Glycerinae, . . fgiss. Acid, carbolic, liquid., . tr^xx. Vaselin. alb. , . . . gvj.—M. Sig.: Use night and morning. (In eczema.) Mackintosh. 1337— Cocain. hydrochlor., . . gr. ij. Potass, bromid., . . gr. xv. Glycerinae, Aquae, . . . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Apply to the parts with the soft part of the finger. Give the following to produce sleep disturbed by the itching :— 1338— I* Potass, bromid., . . gr. viij. Syr. aurantii, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful as required, (/or eczema of den- tition.) Medical News. 1339— I* Acid, salicylic., . . . gr. xlv. Zinci oxidi, . . . 3^j' Pulv. amyli, . . . 3V-—M. Sig. Dust the surface and cover with wadding. Elliott. 1340— Ammon, sulpho-iehthyol., . 5'j* Aq. rosae, Glycerinae, . . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In nervous eczema.) Ravoghi. 1341— Ex. grindeliae robust, fl., . f^ij. Aquae, .... Oj.—M. Sig.: Apply on cloths. (In eczema covering a large surface.) Van Harlingen. 167 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1342— I* Pulv. camphorse, . . gss. Pulv. zinci ox., . . . giij. Glycerinse, . . . tt^xl. Ungt. benzoatis, . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In vesiculous eczema.) DUHRifNG. 1343— ]* Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . gr. xx. Acid, carbol., . . . gtt. xx. Ungt. zinci ox., Vaselini, aa gss.—M. Sig.: Apply niglit and morning. (In infantile ec- zema.) Powell. 1344— I*. Acid, salicylic., . . . gr. xxv. Pulv. amyli, Pulv. zinci ox., . . aa gij. Petrolati , . . . . gss.—M. Sig.: Use twice a day. (In eczema of the hand.) Stelwagon. 1345— Bismuth, oxidi, . . . gj* Acid, oleic, pur., . . gj. Cerse albse, . . . gi'j- Vaselini, .... gix. 01. rosse, .... rr\jj.—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. Anderson. 1346— I* Bismuth, subnitrat., . . 3.i- Glycerinse, . . . gib Acid, carbolic, liquid., . Trpxij. Aq. rosse, . . q. s. ad gj.—M. Sig.: Shake up and apply with a camel’s-liair pencil. (To relieve the itching of eczema.) Mackintosh. 1347— I* 01. cadini, . . . fgss. Glycerinse, . . . - Ungt. diachyli, . . . fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In squamous eczema with thickened skin.) Tilbury Fox. 1348— Resorcin, . . . . gr. xl. Glycerinse, . . . n^xv. Alcohol., . . . • 3J- Aquae, .... 3iy>—M* Sig.: To be used in conjunction with an ointment. (For eczema of the hands.) Stelwagon. 168 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1349— I* Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. lxxx. Mucil. tragacanthae, . . fgj. Liq. calcis, . . ad f^viij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally and then use the following :—• 1350— F* Pulv. zinci oxidi, . . gr. lxxx. Ungt. aq. rosae, Ungt. petrolei, . . aa 5^-—M. Sig.: Apply after the above wash. (In eczema.) Van Harlingen. 1351— Pulv. bismuth, subnit., . 5SS- Ungt. aq. rosae, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning, (/a eczema of the scalp.) Van Harlingen. 1352— Acid, boracic., . . . gr. xv. Pulv. acaciae, . . . 3'j* 01. vaselini, . . . fjWh*3' Aquae, .... fjxv.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In eczema.) Knaggs. 1353— Liq. plumbi subacetat., . f3j • Glycerinae, Aquae, . . . aa fgiv.—M. Sig.: To be applied two or three times a day with a cainel’s-hair brush. (In infantile eczema.) J. Lewis Smith. 1354— Acid, boric., . . . gr. lxxx. Balsam. Peru., . . . gr. viij. Vaselini, .... 3b—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (In eczema of children.) 1355— Zinci oleat., Ungt. aq. rosae, . . afi 01. amygdalae, . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: Use twice a day. (In eczema.) Van Harlingen. 1356— Hydrarg. ammon., . . gr. x. Acid, carbol. cryst., . . gr. viiss. Ungt. petrolei, Ungt. zinci oxidi, . aa 3SS- 01. olivae, .... 3SS-—M. Sig.: Apply two or three times daily. (In infantile eczema.) Stelwagoh. 169 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1357—1* Resorcin, _ KV>A. 1359— I* Pulv. eampliorae, . . 5ss-j- Zinci oxidi, . . . 3iy* Pulv. amyli, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. (In erythema.) Bulkley. 1360— Pulv. zinci carbonat. praecip., Pulv. zinci oxidi, Pulv. amyli, Gllycerinae, . . aa 3'v' Aquae, .... Oss.—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (Erythema.) Van Harlingen. 1361— Zinci acetat., . . . gr. ij. Aq. rosae, .... fgj. Ungt. aq. rosae, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In erythema.) Tillbuky Fox. 1362— Calcis praecip., . . . gr. iss. Bismuth, subnit., . . gr. ij. Saccli. alb., . . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: One three times a day. (Erythema intertrigo.) Van Harlingen. 1363— I* Bismuth, subnit., . . gss. Sig.: Dust the affected parts. (In erythema about the genitals.) Bartholow. 1364— Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . gr. xx. Lycopodii, .... 3ii-—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. (In erythema inter- trigo.) Powell. 170 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1365— Quiniae sulpliat., . . 5ss. Acid, sulphuric, arornat., . t'3ss. Ex. taraxaci fl., . . t'3vj. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiv M. Sig.: A dessertspoonful three times a day. (In erythema nodosum.) Baktholow. <-<6 H 1366— I* Acid, lactic, Glycerinae, . . aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (Freckles.) Dixie Docter. 1367— Potass, carbonat., . . Jiij- Sodii clilor., . . . Jij. Aq. aurant. flor., . . tgij. Aq. rosae, ... ad fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use night and morning. (Forfreckles.) Baktholow. 1368— Hydrarg. ammoniat., Bismuth, subnit., . aa jj- Glycerit. amyli, . . giv.—M. Sig.: Apply every second day. (For freckles.) Pharmaceutical Record. 1369— Zinci sulpho-carbolat., • 5J- Glycerinae, . . . f^ij. Alcoholis, . . . fgj. Aq. aurant. flor., . . fgiss. Aq. rosae, . q. s. ad fgviij —M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (For freckles.) Pharmaceutical Record. Wpes 1370— I*. Morpliiae sulpliat., . . gr. viij. Collodii, .... f£j.—M. Sig.: Paint affected surfaces. (In herpes zoster.) Van Harlingen. 1371— I* Potass, iodid., . . . gr. xii-xv. Ungt. hydrarg. nitrat., . 3SS*—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily. (In herpes exedens.) Blasius. 1372— ft Cocainae liydrochlorat., Morphinae, . . aa gr. ij. Sodii borat., . . . 3*ss’ Mellis, .... 5j.—M. Sig.: A portion the size of a pea to be applied on cotton several times a day. (For herpes of the mouth and lips.) Hugenschmidt. 171 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1373— Pulv. morphise sulphat., . gr. ij. Pulv. zinci oxidi, Pulv. amyli, . . aa gss.—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. {In herpes zoster.) Van Harlingen. 1374— Aluminis, .... 3j. Aquae, .... f^j—M. Sig.: Saturate a piece of lint and apply to the plans penis. {In herpes preputialis.) Waring. 1375— 5c Ferri arseniat., . . gr. iv. Ex. gentian, Ex. glycyrrliizae, . aa q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig,: One pill three times a day. {In herpes.) Duparc. 1376— 1* Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . gr. x. Adipis benzoat., . . 3J-—M. Sig.: Apply three times a day. {In chronic herpes labialis.) Neligan. 1377— I* Potass, chlorat., . . 9ij. Acid, muriat. dil., Spt. chloroform., Liq. cinchouae, . . aa fjj. Aq. destillat., . q. s. ad t'^vj.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. {In herpes zoster.) Sturges. 1378— Zinci oxidi, . . • . 3ij- Glycerinae, . . . f3U- Liq. plumbi subacetat. dil., f3iss. Liq. calcis, . . . f^vi-viij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. {In herpes.) Tilbury Fox. 1379— I* Pulv. campliorae, Chloral liydrat., . aa 3iv-—M. Sig.: Apply locally with a camel’s-hair brush. {In herpes labialis and preputialis.) Jamieson. 1380— I* Acid, tannici, . . . 3.1* Alcoholis, .... fjviij.—M. Sig.: Use as a lotion. {In hyperidrosis.) Van Harlingen. 1381— I* Ungt. picis (U. S. P.), Ungt. sulphuris (U. S. P.), aa —M. Sig.: Use twice a day. {In hyperidrosis.) Van Harlingen. 172 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1382— ]£. Pulv. camphor*, . . gr. x. Ungt. zinci oxidi, . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply niglit and morning. (In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson. 1383— Adipis benzoat, . . gij. Ungt. petrolei, . . . gss. Glycerin*, . . . [P)ij.—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. (In ichthyosis.) Van Harlingen. 1384— Zinci sulpliat., . . . gj- Adipis, .... 3.1 •—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson. 1385— Resorcin, .... gr. xv. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Rub in twice a day. (In ichthyosis.) Andeer. 1386— Cupri sulpliat., . . gr. xx. Ungt. sambuci, . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. (In ichthyosis.) Erasmus Wilson. 1387— Sodii bicarbonat., . . gr. xx-gss. Adipis benzoat., . . gj.—M. Sig.: Use twice a day. (In ichthyosis.) Devergie. 1388— Sulphuris, . . . gr. xxv-1. Ungt. simp., . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Rub in at night. (In ichthyosis.) Unna. 1389— Ulmi corticis, . . . 5”ss- Aq. bullientis, . . . Oj.—M. Sig.: Wineglassful two or three times a day. (In ichthyosis.) Lettsom. 1390— Potass, iodid., . . • 9j- 01. pedis bubuli, Adipis, . . . aa gss. Glycerin*, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (In ichthyosis.) ~ ■ Van Harlingen. 139H—Bismuth, subnit., . . 3ss-j. Ungt. aquae rosae, . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply night and morning. (In impetigo.) Van Harlingen. 173 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1392— Acid, salicylici, . . 5SS* Ex. cannabis ind., . . gr. x. Collodii, .... fjj.—M. Sig.: Paint the surface twice daily. (In ichthyosis hystrix.) Van Harlingen. 1393— Acid, carbol., . . . gr. x. Glycerinse, Aq. rosae, . . . aa fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (Impetigo.) Headland. 1394— Tr. ferri chlor., . . . fgss. Magnesii sulphat., . . gij. Tr. calumbae, . . . fgiss. Infus. quassia;, . . . fgxviij.—M. Sig.: Wineglassful every morning. (In impetigo of old people.) Neligan. 1395— I* Syr. hypophos. comp., . f^iv. Sig.: Teaspoonful in water three times a day. (Impetigo.) Jamieson. 1396— Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . t'3iij. Spt. rectificat., . . . fgss. Aq. destillat., . . . fgvij.—M. Sig.: Apply with lint and cover with oiled-silk. (Impetigo.) Plumbe. 1397— !£. Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. iss. 01. tlieobromse, Vaselini, . . . aa gr. ccxxv.—M. Sig.: Use twice a day. (In impetigo of the scalp.) Jorissenne. 1398— I£. Creasoti, .... 3SS- Aq. destillat., . . . Oj.—M. Sig.: Use as a wash. (In impetigo sparsa.) Dunglison. 1399— Glyceriti acid, tannic., . f^ij. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-liair brush during the day and poultice at night. (Impetigo.) Ringer. 1400— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. xx. Lycopodii, . . . 5j.—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. (Impetigo.) Powell. 174 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1401— Hydrarg. ammoii., . . gr. v. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply to the surface beneath the scabs after poulticing. (Impetigo contagiosa.) Tilbury Fox. 1402— IJ. Ungt. zinci oxidi, . . gj. Sig.: Apply locally. {Impetigo.) Ringer. .1 > ' j-p 1403— tj. Lini aq. ealcis, . . . fgvj. Sig.: Use locally. {Intertrigo.) Tilbury Fox. 1404— Acid, tannic., . . . gss. Glycerinae, . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. {Intertrigo.) Bartholow. 1405— Acid, boracic., . . . 3’ss> Vaselini, .... gj.—\I. Sig.: Apply locally. {Intertrigo.) Waring. 1406— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. xv. Vaselini, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Use night and morning. {Intertrigo.) Starr. 1407— I* Pulv. campliorae, . . 3^ss* Pulv. zinci ox., Pulv. amyli, . . aa gj.—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. {Intertrigo.) Van Harlingen. 1408— £ Bismuth, subcarb., . . gij. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. {Intertrigo.) , , Bartholow. •p J-' 1409— Ffc 01. anacardii, . . . fgiv. Sig.: After bathing with soap and water, rub the body with olive oil; then wash off and apply the above to a small portion of the skin. In a week or ten days repeat the operation. {Lepra.) Van Harlingen. 1410— 01. gurjon., . . . fgj. Liq. calcis, . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Apply to ulcers. {Lepra.) Van Harlingen. 1411— Acid, carbol. cryst., . . 3b 01. amygdalae dulc., . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply to the tubercules. {In tuberculous lepra.) Fleming. 175 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1412— I* Chyrsarobin, . . . gr. x-xx~3j. iEtheris et alcoholis, . ad q. s. Collodii, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Rnb the chrysarobin with a little alcohol and ether and add the collodion. Paint the affected patch with a camel’s-liair brush. (In chronic lepra.) G. H. Fox. 1413— Acid, arseniosi, . . . gr. x-xxx. Adipis gj.—M. Sig.: Apply over a small patch of skin once a day for two weeks ; then treat a fresh portion. (Lepra.) Tilbuky Fox. 1414— Sodii carbonat., . . Aquae, .... f^vj.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful twice a day. (In lepra where mercurials are contraindicated.) Beauperthcy. l‘415—1* Sodii arseniat., . . . gr. iss. Aq. destillat., . . . fjxxv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every morning at meal-time. Double the dose in the course of a week. (In. lichen.) Vidal. 1416— 1* Potassae caustic, . . gr. xv. Picis liquidae, . . . gr. xxx. Aquae, .... f^iv.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In lichen ruber.) Van Harlingen. 1417— Liq. potassae, . . . f3u- Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., .• f3j •' Mist, amygdalae, . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use as a wash. (In lichen.) Burgess. 1418— 01. rusci crudi, . . . f^j- Ungt. aq. rosae, . . . fgj. 01. rosae, .... rr^xx.—M. Sis:.: Apply twice a day. (In lichen ruber.) Van Harlingen. 1419— I* Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. vij. Cretae prep., . . . 3iiss- Acid, carbol., 01. olivae, . . . aa f3V- Ungt. zinci oxidi, . . §xv.—M. Sig.: Rub in thoroughly. (In lichen planus.) Unna. 176 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1420— I* Liq. plumbi subacetat., . fji-iij. Infusi althaeae, . . . Oj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In lichen agrius.) Burgess. 1421— I* 01. cadini, . . . fjij. GUyceriti amyli, . . . fgiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In chronic lichen of the geni- tals.) Vidal. 1422— I* Cliloroformi, . . . n^xy. 01. olivse, .... f£jj.—M. Sig.: After a tepid bath, and well dried. (In lichen.') Neligan. 1423— I* Sodii carbonatis, . . £)j. Aq. rosse, .... f§vj. Glycerinae, . . . f -—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In infantile lichen.) Tilbury Fox. 1424— I* Hydrarg. bichlor., . . gr. ij. Acid, carbol., . . . gr. x. Ungt. zinci oxidi, . . 3b—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (In lichen ruber.) Van Harlingen. 1425— Acid, nitric, vel muriatic., gj. Aq. ferventis, . . cong. xxx.—M. Sig.: Acid bath. (In chronic lichen and prurigo.) Tilbury Fox. 1420—I* Ungt. liydrarg. nitrat., . 3U* Ungt. simplicis, . . 3vb— Sig.: Use twice daily and take the following in- ternally :— 1427— I* Potass, iodid., . . • 3b Aquae, .... fgiij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful with cod-liver oil three times a day. (In syphilitic and strumous cases of pemphigus.) Waring. 1428— Liq. potass, arsenitis, . f3U- Aq. pip., q. s. ad f§iij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonfut three times a day, after meals. (In pemphigus.) Waring. 177 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1429— I* Argenti nitrat., . . . gr. ij. Aq. destillat., . . . t'^j.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In pemphigus after the bulla, have burst.) E. Wilson. 1430— I* Lini. calcis, . . . fgj. Sig.: Apply after the bullae have been punctured. (In pemphigus.) Chambard. ■o'uUZ: 1431— Tr. ferri chlor., . . . gtt. xx. Liq. sodii arseniat., . . gtt. v. Syr. simp., Aquae, aa q. s. ad ft. fjj-—M. Sig.: Take three times a day. (In pityriasis.) Da Costa. 1432— I* Saponis viridis, . . . £ij. Alcolxolis, .... f gj.—M. Sig.: Dissolve by the aid of heat and filter. Add a teaspoonful to an equal quantity of water and rub into the scalp, and wash after with warm water. (In pityriasis capitis.) Van Harlingen. 1433— I* Acid, carbolic., . . . V)j. Alcoholis, .... Grlycerinae, . . . t'3iiss. 01. limonis, . . . 3iss-—M. Sig.: Drop a few drops here and there over the surface and then rub well into the scalp. (In pity- riasis capitis.) Van Harlingen. 1434— I* Sodii sulphuret., Sodii carbonatis, . a& 5ij* Ungt. simplicis, . . 3i>ss*—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (In pityriasis.) Bareges. 1435— Acid, salicylic., . . . 3.i- Sulphuris praecip., . . 3V- Vaselini, .... giij.—M. Sig.: Apply after soaking the affected part in hft water. (In pityriasis.) L’Union Medicale. 1436— I* Hydrarg. sulphat. flavae, . gr. xlv. Vaselini, .... 3XV> Ess. limonis, . . . gtt. xx.—M. Sig.: Keep in a porcelain jar. Apply at night and wash off the following morning. (In pityriasis capitis.) Vigier. 178 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1437— f* Potass, sulpliuret., . . 5j- Aq. destillat., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Apply once a day. (In pityriasis capitis.) WINZAR. 1438— I* Acid, tannic., . . • 5J- Ungt. aquae rosae, Ungt. petrolii, . . aa 5iv-—M. Sig.: Apply. (In pityriasis capitis.) Van Harlingen. 1439— I* Liq. iodinii corap., Liq. potass, arsenitis, aa f^ij-—M. Sig.: Ten drops, well diluted, three times a day. (In pityriasis.) Ellis. 1440— I* Sulphur prsecip., . . Ungt. petrolii, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply. (In pityriasis capitis.) Van Harlingen. 1441— 1* Hydrarg. ammoniat., . [>)j. Ungt. petrolii, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply. (In pityriasis capitis.) VA" HiEL"'OEN' 1442— $ Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . l'5iss. Aq. rosae, .... f5viiss.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In prickly heal.) A. T. Thompson. 1443— I* Sodii bicarb., . . • OJ* Aquae, .... Oij.—M. Sig.: Bathe parts night and morning. (In prickly heat.) Starr. 1444— I* Liq. potass, citrat., . . Sig.: Tablespoonful in ice-water every two or three hours. (In prickly heat.) 1445— * Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . gr. xx. Lycopodii, . . . Jij.—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. (In prickly heat.) Powell. 1446— Zinci carbonat. praecip., . 3iv- Zinci oxidi, . . . 3b* Glvcerinae, . . . f3ih Aq. rosae, .... f^viij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In prickly heat.) Tilbury Fox. 179 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1447— I* Spt. aether, nitro., . . f'5j. Magnesii sulpliat., . • 3h 01. cajuputi, . . . rni. Syr. tolu f’5ij. Liq. magnesii carb., . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful two or three times a day. (In prickly heat.) Goodhart and Starr. 1448— ]* Sodii bicarb., . . . Jj. Tr. nucis vomicae, . . rr^vj. Tr. cardamom, comp., . f'5ij. Syr. simp., . . . fgij. Aq. chloroform., . . f^ss. Aquae, . q. s. ad f.^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every six hours. (In prickly heat.) Eustace Smith. jc • 1449— I* Ungt. hydrarg. nitrat., . 3i-ij. Zinci oxidi, . . • 3'J- Liq. plumbi subacetat., . f'3ss. Acid, carbol., . . . gtt. ij. 01. olivae, .... f^i-iss.—M. Sig.: Apply after removing the scabs. (In pso- riasis.) Tilbury Fox. 1450— Acid, chrysoplianic., . gr. x. Adipis benzoat., . . gj.—M. Sig.: Use night and morning. (In psoriasis.) 1451— Tr. cantliaridis, Liq. potass, arsenit., . aa f^ss.—M. Sig.: Take ten minims, well diluted, twice a day. (In psoriasis.) Bennett. 1452— I* 01. cadinii, Ungt. hydrarg., . aa 5ij. Vaselini, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In psoriasis syphilitica.) Mauriac. 1453— Liq. potass, arsenit., . f3u- Yini ferri, ... ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful, in water, after meals. (In pso- riasis.) Van Harlingen. 1454— I* Ungt. picis liquidae, Ungt. sulphuris, . aa gj.—M. Sig.: Apply at night. (In psoriasis.) Guy’s Hospital. 180 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1455— ft Acid, chrysoplianie., . gr. x. Liq. car bonis detergent., rr^x. Hydrarg. am. chlorid., . gr. x. Adipis benzoat., . . gj.—M. Ft. unguentum. Sig.: At night the patient should wash the diseased surfaces free from all scales ; then, standing before a fire, rub on the ointment, devoting, if possible, half an hour to the operation. (In psoriasis.) Jonathan Hutchinson. 1456— ft Acid, salicylic., . • oJ- Alcoliolis, .... fgiv.—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day when the patches ai'e few and scaly. (In psoriasis.) Van Harlingen. 1457— ft Liq. potass, arsenit., . n^v. Tr. ferri chlor., . . n^xx. Infus. quassise, . . . f5[j.—M. Sig.: Take three times a day. (In psoriasis.) Guy. 1458— ft Pulv. acid, arseniosi, . gr. ij. Pulv. piperis nigrse, Pulv. glyc. rad., . aa —M. Et ft. pil. No. xl. Sig.: One after meals. (In psoriasis.) , Van Harlingen. 1459— ft Hydrarg. iodid. rub., . gr. i-ij. Ex. gentian., . . . Qij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (In rupia.) Tilbury Fox. 1460— ft Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . Potass, iodid., . . . 5v.i- Tr. iodinii comp., . . f'3ij- Aquse, . . ad ft. fgxvj.—M. Sig.: One-lialf to one teaspoonful three times a day. (In rupia.) Startin. 1461—ft Hydrarg. iodid. rub., . gr. iij. Potass, iodid., . . . 3i“ib Alcoholis, .... Syr. zingiberis, . . . f3iv* Aquse, . • .ad f^iss.—M. Sig.: Thirty drops three times a day. (In rupia.) Puche. 181 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1462— !£. Hydrarg. oxidi rub., Hydrarg. amraoniat., aa gr. vj. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (In rupia.) Startin’. 1463— Hydrarg. cyanidi, . . gr. vj. Cerat. simplicis, . . t^j.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (In rupia when the crusts become loosened.) Tilbury Fox. YfZULZA • 1464— Tr. ferri chlor., Acid, phosphoric, dil., . f^j. Syr. limonis, . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: One-lialf to one teaspoonful in water three times a day. (In seborrhcea.) Van Harlinoen. 1465— Sulpliuris loti, . . . gr. ccxxv. 01. ricini, .... f3xiiss. 01. tlieobromae, . . . 5'ib Balsami Peruviani, . . 3SS<—M. Sig.: Apply twice a day. (In dry seborrhcea of scalp.) Vidal. 1466— Sulpliuris priecipitat., . 3SS- Ungt. petrolii, . . . 3iv>—M. Sig.: Rub a small quantity in once a day. (In seborrhcea of the scalp.) Van Harlingen. 1467— Sulpliuris loti, . . . 3ib Balsami Peruviani, . . 3SS- Vaselini, .... 3X-—M. Sig.: After bathing the part apply the ointment. (In seborrhcea.) Gr. H. Fox. 1468— Zinci sulpliat., Potass, sulpliureti, . aa gr. xxx. Alcoholis, .... n^c. Aq. rosse, . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Wet a rag with ether and rub the nose at night, and then apply the lotiou. (In seborrhcea of the nose.) Gl. H. Fox. 1469— Acidi carbol., . . . j}i-f3j. 01. amygdalae, . . . f3iv. 01. limonis, . ... f3j. Aq. destillat., , ., ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Apply after washing. (In seborrhcea of the scab.1 . Van Harlingen. 182 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1470— I* Potass, carbonat., . . Sodii chloridi, . . . Jij. Aq. aurant. flor., . . fgij. Aq. rosse, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Face-wash. {In tan and freckles.) Bartholow. 1471— l* Lactis recentis, . . . 3xiiss. Glycerinae, . . . IJviiss. Acid, muriat., . . . tr^lxxv. Ammon, muriat., • 5J—m. Sig.: Apply morning and evening with camel’s- hair brush. (In tan and freckles.) Monin. 1472— I* Plumbi acetat., . . . gr. xv. Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . Alcoholis, .... fgss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f.^wj.—M. Sig.: Apply with a sponge. (In freckles and sun- burn.) Tilbury Fox. { 1473— I* Acid, chrysoplian., . • 3j- Hydrarg. ammon. chlor., . gr. xx. Lanolin, . . . • 3i- Adipis benzoat., . . 3vj- Liq. carb. deterg., . . b\,x.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (Tinea carcinata.) J. Hutchinson. 1474— I* Cupri oleat., . . . 3SS- Adipis benzoat., . . gj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (Tinea carcinata.) Shoemaker. 1475— I* Creasoti, .... ir^xx. 01. cadini, .... • Sulphuris, . . . 3“j- Potass, bicarb., . . • 3.U Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (Tinea carcinata.) Van Harlingen. 1476— Sodii liyposulpliit., . . 3ib Aquae, .... f^ij.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (Tinea carcinata.) Duhring. 1477— Aceti cantharidis, . . Sig.: Apply lightly with camel’s-hair brush ; then use the following :— 183 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1478— I* Hydrarg. ohlor. corros., . gr. ij. Adipis, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Rub in well for ten days ; then use cantha- ridal ointment. (Tinea decalvans.) Tilbury Fox. 1479— I* Sodii hyposulphitis, . . gj. Aquae, .... fgxiij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. (Tineafavosa.) Tilbury Fox. ! 1480— Sodii hyposulphit., . . giij. Acid, sulphuric, dil., . . fgss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad Oj.—M. Sig.: Apply thoroughly to the scalp. (Tinea favosa.) Startin'. 1481— I* Sulphuris loti, . . . gj. 01. cadini, Hydrarg. clilor. corros., aa gr. v.—M. Sig.: Apply four times a day. (Tineafavosa.) Bazix. 1482— I* Acid, sulpliurosi, . . fgij. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Apply constantly. (In tinea favosa.) Sir W. Jenner. 1483— I* Sulphuris iodid., . • 3J- Ungt. simplicis, . . giss.—M. Sig.: Apply. (Tineafavosa.) Donovan. 1484— Acid, salicylici, Acid, chrysoplianic., . aa 3ij. Cretae praep., . . . gij. Vaselini, .... 5xyiiss-—M. Sig.: Remove the crusts and rub the ointment in for fifteen minutes at night. (Tineafavosa.) Monroe. 1485— I* Hydrarg. clilor corros., . gr. x. Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply with camel’s-hair brush, after epila- tion. (Tinea sycosis.) Harley. 1486— Sodii hyposulphitis, . <> 5.b Aquae, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Sponge the part freely, then apply ungt. sulphur. (Tinea sycosis.) Hughes. 184 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1487— Hydrarg. oleat. (5-10 per cent.) Sig.: Paint over tlie affected part. ( Tinea sycosis.) Cane. 1488— Naplithol, .... 5*~'iss- Saponis viridis, Cretse praep., Sulpliuris loti, Lanolini, . . aa 3vh &1'- xv•— Sig.: Apply locally. {Tinea sycosis.) Liebkeich, 1489— 3: Sulpliuris, . . . Ji-ij- 01. rosse, .... gtt. v. Vaselini, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. {Tinea sycosis.) 1490— Acid, carbolic, cryst., //« , Ungt. liydrarg. nitrat., J/'- * Ungt. sulphuris, . aa 5SS<— Sig.: Apply twice a day. {Tinea tonsurans.) Van Harlingen. 1491— 31 Hydrarg. ammoniat., Hydrarg. oxidi rub., . aa gr. vj. Adipis, .... Jj.—M. Sig.: Use after epilation and washing. {Tinea tonsurans.) Startin. 1492— 31 Sodii biborat., . . . 3.1 • Aceti destillat., . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. {Tinea tonsurans.) Abercrombie. 1493— 31 Iodinii, . . . . 3*-ib 01. picis decolorat., . . f^j.—M. Sig.: Apply every fourth or sixth day. When the mass falls off, wash well and re-apply. (Tinea tonsurans.) Coster. 1494— Acid, carbol., . . . 3J- Glycerinse, . . . fgss—j.—M. Sig.: Rub in well night and morning. (Tinea tonsurans.) Tilbury Fox. 1495— Cupri oleat., . . . Sig.: Apply twice a day. {Tinea tonsurans.) Weir. 185 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1496— I*. 01. cadini, .... fjiss. Sulphuris, . . . 3*ss> Tr. iodinii, . . . t'3iss. Acid, carbolic., . . . n^xx-xl. Adipis benzoat., . . 31^—M. Sig.: Use night and morning. (Tinea tonsurans.) Van Haklingen. 1497— ]£. Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . Qj. Saponis viridis, . . . 3ii* Alcoholis, .... fgiv. 01. lavandulae, . . . f3j.—M. Sig.: To be rubbed in well night and morning. ( Tinea versicolor.) Van Haklingen. 1498— Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . gr. iv. Alcoholis, .... fjvj. Ammon, muriat., . . 3SS* Aq. rosae, . . .ad fjvj.—M. Sig.: Apply frequently. (Tinea versicolor.) Tilbcry Fox. 1499— Acid, salicylici, . . gr. xxx. Sulphuris loti, . . . 3“ss- Lanolini, . . . 3XXV>—M. Sig.: Apply with friction. (Tinea versicolor.) Liebbeich. 1500— Sodii sulpliitis, . . 3iij. Glycerinse, . . . l'3ij. Aquae, . . .ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Apply frequently. (Tinea versicolor.) Tilbuky Fox. 1501— Resorcin, .... 3i~“ss- 01. ricini, .... l'3xiss. Alcoholis, .... f3xxxviiiss. Balsami Peruvian}, . . gr. viiss.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. (Tinea versicolor.) Ihle. 1502— IJ. Sodii bicarbonat., . . 3”_x> Aq. ferventis (90°-95° F.), cong. xx-xxx.—M. Sig.: Alkaline bath. (In skin diseases where there is much local irritation.) Tilbury Fox. 186 SKIN DISEASES (Continued). 1503—Potass, carbonat., . . Sodii borat., . . . 3U- Aq. ferventis (90°-95° F.), cong. xx-xxx.—M. Sig.: Alkaline bath. Tilbury Fox. SLEEPLESSNESS (See Insomnia). SMALLPOX. 1504— £ Tr. aconiti rad., . . gtt. i-ij. Spt. setli. nitro., . . t'3ss. Liq. ammon. acetat., . f3ij. Aquae, .... fjiss.—M. Sig.: Take every hour or two. (For the initial fever.) Hughes. 1505— Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. j. Aquae, .... fjss.—M. Sig.: Three to five minims every three or four hours. Hitchman. 1506— ft Pulv. iodoform., . . 5SS* Pulv. campliorae, . • 3.b Vaselini, .... £j.—M. Sig.: Apply to the affected parts of the skin. (To prevent pitting.) Witherstine. 1507— Tr. aconiti rad., . . gtt. iv-viij. Liq. potass, citrat., . . fjj.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every twenty minutes until four doses are taken for a child from three to eight years. (In the initial fever.) Starr. 1508— Ungt. hydrarg., Ungt. aq. rosae, . . aa 3ib—M. Sig.: Apply on mask night and morning. Starr. 1509— Acid, salicylic., . . gr. xx. Sodii bicarbouat., Ammon, carbonat., aa gr. iv.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take in water every two to four hours. Prideaux. 1510— Argent, nitrat., . . Qij. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Paint the skin that is exposed to the light. (To prevent pitting.) Ringer. 187 SMALLPOX (Continued). 1511— Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . gr. ii-iv. Aquae, .... f^vj.—M. Sig.: Wet compresses and apply to the eruption. Skoda. 1512— I* Acid, boric., . . . 3iss> Glycerinae, . . . f^j- Listerini, .... fgij. Aquse, . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Use as mouth-wash. Powell. 1513— I* Chloral, .... gr. xv-xx. Mucil. acaciae, . . . f3ij * Aquae, .... f3ij.—M. Sig.: Give by the rectum. (In cerebral excitement.) Hughes. 1514— Collodii flexilis, . . f§j. Sig.: Apply every day or two with a camel’s-hair brush to the eruption. (To prevent pitting.) Ringer. 1515— I* Sodii salicylat., . . 3U- Glycerinae, . . . f3 j • Aq. menthae pip., . ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls three or four times a day. (To abort the pustules.) Reimer. 1516— Liq. ammon. acetat., . f^iiiss. Spt. aetli. nitro., . . fjss.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in a wineglassful of water every two or three hours. Hartshorne. SPERMATORRHOEA. 1517— I* Tr. cimicifngse, . . f^iij. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Morse. 1518— I* Potass, brom., . . . ,^j. Aquae, . q. s. ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful, well diluted, three times a day. (In the strong and plethoric.) Bartholow. 1519— I* Antipyrin, . . . 3 VP Syr. acaciae, . . . fgss. Aq. cinnam., . . ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: One or two dessertspoonfuls at night. Thor. 188 SPERMATORRHCEA (Continued). 1520— Tr. gelsemii, . . . fjj. Tr. belladonnae, . . fjij.—M. Sig.: Fifteen drops at bedtime. Bartholow. 1521— ft Digitalinae, . . . gr. j. Pulv. acacise, . . . £)ij. Syr. simp., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xxxv. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Corvisart. 1522— Tr. cantharidis, . . f^ij• Tr. ferri clilor., . . f3vj.—M. Sig.: Twenty drops in water three times a day. H. C. Wood. 1523— Potass, brotn., . . . 3h Sodii bicarb., . . . gr. xv. Infus. digitalis, . . fgss. Atropinae sulphat., . . gr. Sig.: To be taken at bedtime. Gross. 1524— $ Infus. digitalis, . . . fgiv. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls two or three times a day. Ringer. 1525— Lupulinae, . . . gr. x. Pulv. campliorae, . . gr. vj. Ex. belladonnae, . . gr. ij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Bartholow. 1526— Pulv. opii, . . . gr. v. Pulv. campliorse, . . £)iv. Pulv. acacise, Syr. simplicis, aa q. s. ut ft. mass.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xl. Sig.: Two pills three times a day. Waring, 1527— Acid, tannici, . . • 3b Glycerinae, . . . q. s.—M. Sig.: Apply to the deep urethra with a cupped sound. Van Bcren and Keyes. 1528— Pulv. digitalis, . . gr. ij. Lupulinae, . .. . gr. xv.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take powder at bedtime. Pescheck. 189 SPLEEN, ENLARGEMENT OF (See Fever, Intermittent Fever, and Leucocythcemia). STRANGURY. 1529— ]* Decoct, uvae ursi, . fgviij. Liq. potassae, . . gtt. cxxx. Tr. belladonnae, . gtt. xlviij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every four hours. Agnew. 1530— Balsam, copaibae, . . 5ss. Acid, benzoici., . . • 3J' Vitelli unius ovi, Aq. campliorae, . . '. f^vij.—M. Sig.: Take two tablespoonfuls twice a day. Soden. 1531— I* Aceti scillae, Spt. aeth. nitrosi, . aa f^ij. Aq. anisi, . q. s. ad Oj.—M. Sig.: A wineglassful every hour or oftener. Waring. 1532— 5c Ex. belladonnae, . . gr. ii-iv. Ft. suppos. No. ii. Sig.: Introduce one into the rectum, and repeat in four hours if necessary. Hartshorne. 1533— Ex. opii, .... gr. iv. Ex. hyoscyami, . . gr. ij.—M. Et ft. suppos. No. iv. Sig.: Introduce one into the rectum. 1534— Tr. cannabis indicae, . fgij. Sig.: Thirty drops every few hours. Ringer. STRUMA (See Rachitis). SUPPURATION (See Abscess). SWEATING (See Phthisis and Fetor), SYCOSIS (See Tinea in Skin Diseases). SYNOVITIS. 1535—I* Acid, carbolic., . . . gr. viij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Use ether spray, and inject ten minims into joint and repeat every three days. (In chronic form.) Martin. 190 SYNOVITIS (Continued). 1536— Paint joint with tr. iodini and apply— IJl Ungt. hydrarg., Ungt. helladonnse, . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply on lint. Ashhurst. 1537— Ungt. hydrarg., . . gij. Pulv. ammon. chlorid., . 3b—M. Sig.: For inunction. Dupuytren. 1538— !£. Morphiae sulphat., . . gr. viij. Hydrarg. oleat. (5 to 10 per cent.), .... gj.—M. Sig.: Apply twice daily with a soft brush. (In acute form.) Marshall. 1539— I*. Iodi, 3iv. Potass, iodid., . . . gj. Aquae, .... fgvj.—M. Sig.: Apply externally with a brush. Martin. 1540— Saponis mollis, . . . gij. Alcoliolis, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: Soak linen rags in the solution and apply about the joint. Kappesser. STYE. 1541—Acid, boric., . - . Qiv. Aq. destillat., . . . gv.— Sig.: Apply to the eyelids several times a day. Abadie. SYPHILIS. 1542— Hydrarg. prot., . . . gr. v. Pulv. ipecac, et opii, . . gr. xl. Ex. gentian., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Simes. 1543— Ungt. hydrarg., . . gj. Ft. chart. No. viii. Put in waxed papers. Sig.: Rub, after bathing, for fifteen minutes the contents of one paper into body in following order: First night, axilla and side of chest; next night, same on opposite side ; next night, groin and inner part of thigh ; next, same on opposite side; next, chest and abdomen, and repeat. Wear same shirt next to skin under other clothing. 191 SYPHILIS (Continued). 1544— $ Hydrarg. salicylat., . . gr. vij. Coiifec. rosse, . . . 5SS>—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One three times a day, after meals. Chaves. 1545— $ Hydrarg. prot., . . . gr. vj. Ft. pil. No. xxiv. Sig.: One pill three times a day; every second day increase by one pill until first symptoms of ptyalism appear ; then cut down dose one-half and continue for eighteen months this tonic dose ; after that give— 1546— Potass, iodid., . . . 3'ss_*v- Hydyarg. chlor. corros., . gr. i-iss. Syr. aurant. cort., . . • Aquae, . q. s. ad f^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day for from six to twelve months. Martin. 1547— Mass, hydrarg., . . gr. xxiv. Pulv. ferri sesquiclilor., . gr. xij.—M. Ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: One pill three times a day ; increase one pill every two days up to physiological limit; then cut. down dose one-lialf and continue for eighteen months. 1548— Mucous patches in mouth are healed by appli- cation of solid stick of silver or sulphate of copper. If elsewhere, wash with 1-2000 bichloride solution and dust with— $ Hydrarg. chlor. mit., Bismuth, subnit., . aa Jij.—M. Sig.: Dusting powder. 1549— After symptoms disappear, observe hygienic mode of living and take— $ 01. morrliuse (Phillip’s emul- sion), .... fgviij. Sig.: One teaspoonful three times a day. 1550— Potass, iodid., . . . 3-iiss' Syr. aq. liydriodic, . . Aq. destillat., . . . §iij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful thrice daily in a wineglass- ful of rice-water. {To detect free iodine.') Gerhard. 192 SYPHILIS (Continued). 1551— I* Hydrarg. iodid. rub., . . gr. j. Potass, iodid., . . . 3iv- Syr. sarsaparil!® co., Aqu®, . . . aa f^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day after meals. R. W. Taylor. 1552— The mercury may be given by means of vapor bath. 1553— I* Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . 3SS- Sig.: Vaporize by means of heat, beneath a blanket covering, the naked body. 1554— Hydrarg. clilor. corros., . gr. vj. Sodii chlorid., . . . gr. xxxvj. Aq. destillat., . . . f3x.—M. Sig.: Inject daily five to eight drops hypodermic- ally. Hebra. 1555— I* Pil. liydrargyri, . . gr. xx. Ferri sulph. exsiccat., . gr. x. Ex. opii, . . . . gr. v.—M. Ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill three times a day. Otis. 1556— I* Potass, iodid., . . . 3U- Ammonii carbonatis, . . gss. Tr. cinch, comp., . . f3iv. Syr. aurant. cort., . . f3iss. Glycerin®, . . . f§j.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful, well diluted, after each meal. Keyes. 1557— I* Tr. myrrh, . . . fgss. Potass, chlorat., . . 3”j* Aqu®, . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Wash mouth every two or three hours. (For mucous patches.) 1558— I* Hydrarg. chlor. mit., Lycopodii, . . aa 3b-—M. Sig.: Use as snuff three times daily, in syphilitic lesions of nose. Gross. 1559— Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . . gr. xij. 01. vaselini, . . . nhccxxv.—M. Sig.: Give twenty to thirty minims hypodermic- ally. Balzer. 193 SYPHILIS (Continued). 1560— IJ. Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. j. Potass, iodidi, . . • 3’J* Tr. gentian, comp., . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful three times a day. Charity Hospital, N. Y. 1561— Hydrarg. prot., Lactucarii, . . aa gr. xv. Ex. opii, . . . . gr. ii^. Ex. guaiaci, . . . 3SS-—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One pill at breakfast and after supper, fol- lowed by a large draught of water. Diday. 1562— Acid, nitro-muriat. dil., . f3iiss. Syr. stillingiae co., . . f3xiiiss. Aquae, .... f^ij.—M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls three times a day. (In cases saturated with approved remedies, but still pre- senting mucous patches.) Bartholow. TABES MESENTERIC A (See Marasmus). TAPE WORM (See Worms). TETANUS. 1563— Control the spasm by inhalations of ether, chloroform, or nitrite of amyl. Give 3U to 5iv of bromide of potash in divided doses during the day, and chloral, gr. xxx to xl, at bedtime. Also give opium, if necessary. Support with food and stimulants. Wood. 1564— $ Potass, bromid., . . 3iss- Div. in pulv. No. xii. Sig.: One powder in a half tumblerful of water every three or four hours. H. C. Wood. 1565— Chloral liydrat., . . gss. Syr. aurant. cort., . . f^iss. Aquae, ... ad fgiij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful as required. Bartholow. 1566— Pulv. opii, . . • 5b Pulv. camphorae, . . gr. xv. Adipis praep., . . . gss.—M. Sig.: Rub the parts affected with the spasm. “J A. y Thomas. 194 ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. A EDITION A L FORM ULAE!. ADDITIONAL FORMULA. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULJE ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULA. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. TETANUS (Continued). 1567— I* Cocain. muriat., Morphiae muriat., . aa gr. xij. Aq. destillat., . . . f§j.—M. Sig.: Twenty to sixty minims hypodermically, as required. Lopez. 1568— F* Strychniae sulpliat., . . gr. j. Aq. bullientis, . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Eight to sixteen minims hypodermically, as required. Bartholow. 1569— Liq. potass, arsenitis, . fgj. Sig.: Five to eight drops, well diluted, every three hours. Dalton. 1570— Ex. belladonnae, . . gr. ss-j. Ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: One pill every two hours, to be increased pro re nata; also apply belladonna locally. Hutchinson. 1571— Tr. cannabis indicae, . f3ss. Syr. acaciae, . . . * Aq. cinnam., . . . f,3ss. Ft. haustus. Sig.: Take at once, and repeat in two hours, or sooner if necessary. Neligan. 1572— Ex. physostigmatis, . . gr. iss. Pulv. zingiberis, . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. iii. Sig.: One pill every hour. E. Watson. THREAD-WORMS (See Worms). THRUSH (See Aphthae). TIC DOULOUREUX (See Neuralgia). TINEA (See Skin Diseases). TINNITUS AURIUM. 1573—I* Tr. cimicifugae, . . n^clx. Aquae, .... f^ij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful three times a day. Patton. TONSILLITIS (See Quinsy). 195 TOOTHACHE. cUoo^ld 1574— Collodii iiexilis, Acid, carbolic, cryst., aa fjij.—M. Sig.: Apply to the tooth-cavity by means of a probe wrapped on the end with cotton. Guild. 1575— 3. Morpliiae sulpliat., . . gr. iv. Atropise sulpliat., . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: A few drops on cotton placed in the cavity. Bartholow. 3576—I* Creasoti, .... • Sig.: Moisten a very small pledget of cotton and lay it in the carious cavity ; then pack a larger piece of plain cotton over it to retain it. Henson. 1577— 3 Acid, tannic., . . . J)j. Mastichis, .... gr. x. iEtheris, .... f^iv.—M. Sig.: A few drops on cotton placed in the cavity. Druitt. 1578— 3 Chloroform., . . . gtt. v. Tr. opii (Sydenham’s), . gtt. ij. Tr. benzoini, . . . gtt. x. Sig.: Apply on cotton. Le Bulletin Med. 1579— 3 01. caryophylli, . . fjij. Sig.: Moisten a small piece of cotton and place in the cavity. Hartshorne. 1580— £ Acid, arseniosi, Cocaini muriat., . aa gr. xv. Menthol cryst., . . gr. iiiss. Glycerinae, . . . f^iij-—M. Sig.: A pledget of cotton moistened with this, and placed in the cavity of the tooth, will quickly check the pain. L’Union Medicale. 1581— Lini. aconiti (B. P.), Chloroformi, . . aa - Tr. capsici, . . . fjj. Tr. pyretliri, 01. caryophylli, Pulv. camphorse, . aa 5SS>—M. Sig.: A few drops on cotton placed in the cavity. Mason. 196 OOTHACHE (Continued). 1582— ft Camphor, vas., Chloral hydrat., . aa gr. lxxv. Cocaini hydrochlor., . gr. xv.—M. Sig.: To be introduced into the tooth-cavity. 1583— ft Tr. iodinii, . . . f3iv. Tr. aconiti, . . . fjj.—M. Sig.: Paint the gums twice daily around the pain- ful tooth. Rodier. 1584— ft Cocaini hydrochlor., . . gr. xv. Opii, ..... gr. lx. Methol, .... gr. xv. Altliaese pulv., . . . gr. xlv.—M. Et div. in pellets weighing one-half grain each. Sig.: Place pellet in cavity of the aching tooth. 1585— ft Cocaini hydrochlor., Morphise sulpliat., Chloral hydrat., Acid, carbolic., . . aa gr. x. Aq. rosie, .... f^x.—M. Sig.: Inject with a hypodermic syringe into the gums. (For painless tooth extraction.) TRICHINOSIS. 1586— ft Sodii sulpho-carbolat., . gr. ii-x. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Ft. haustus. Sig.: To be taken three or four times daily. Furey. 1587— Dr. Ferrer has cured a case with alcohol. He began with six and increased to nine ounces daily, in sweetened water. The cure was complete in eighteen days. Napheys’ Med. Therapeutics. 1588— Ergot or ergotini is suggested by— Rhode, of Berlin. TRISMUS NEONATORUM (See also Tetanus). 1589—ft Ex. gelsemii 11., . . n^viii-xvj. Syr. simplicis, . . Aquae, . q. s. ad f3iv.—M. Sig.: Half teaspoonful every two to four hours. Bartholow. 197 TRISMUS NEONATORUM (Continued). 1590— Tr. opii, .... gtt. v. Tr. assafoetidae, . . . f^iss. Syr. simplicis, . . . fjv. Aquae, . . .ad f3xv.—M. Sig.: Half teaspoonful every hour. Eberle. 1591— IJ. Tr. opii, .... n\J. 01. ricini, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every four hours, with a warm bath. Druitt. 1592— Chloral liydrat., . . gr. i-iv. Syr. simplicis, . . . f3j.—M. Sig.: One dose. Bartholow. TUBERCULOSIS (See Rachitis and Phthisis). TYMPANITES. 1593— IJl Naphthol, Magnesii carbon at., Carbo. lig., . . aa gr. lxxv. 01. menthae pip., . . gtt. x.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xv. Sig. One powder when required. Medical News. 1594— 01. terebinthinse, . . Pulv. acaciae, . . . q. s.—M. Et adde— Decocti hordei, . . . fgxix.—M. Et ft. enema. Sig.: Inject into the bowel. Hooper. 1595— 01. terebinthinse, . . - 01. amygdalae express., . ft^ss. Tr. opii, . . . . f3ij. Mucil. acaciae, . . . f3v. Aq. lauro-cerasi, . . f^ss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every three to six hours. Bartholovv. 1596— 01. terebinthinse, 01. ricini, . . . aa - 01. cajupiiti, . . . Tt^vj. Magnesii calcinatse, . . £)j. Aq. menthae pip., . . fgiss.—M. Et ft. haustus. Sig.: Take at one dose. Joy. 198 ADDITIONAL F0RMUL2E. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. A DDITIONA /„ FORM 11L Ai. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. TYMPANITES (Continued). 1597—1* Pulv. capsici, . . . gr. vi-xxiv. Saccli. lact., . . . £)iss.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder every four hours. Phillips. TYPHOID AND TYPHUS FEVERS (See Fever). ULCER. 1598— 3c Zinci oxidi, Gelatin puris, .. . aa f5j. Glycerinae, Aq. destillat., . . aa —M. Sig.: Wash the leg thoroughly with soap and water, and apply the paste in a thick layer to the parts, excepting the site of the ulcer. The ulcer is then sprinkled with iodoform, and covered with a layer of cotton and sublimate or iodoform gauze. Over this is applied tightly a double-headed wet mull-bandage, the ends crossing in front of the leg. The bandage should extend at least from the middle of the foot to the calf, and is supplemented by a second one similarly applied. The dressings are changed in from two to four or even eight days, ac- cording to the amount of discharge. (Leg ulcer.) Unna. 1599— I* Argenti nitrat. fusse, . q. s. Sig.: Apply to the surface and edges, and strap with adhesive plaster. (Leg ulcer.) Markoe. 1600— I* Calcii phosphatis, . . fgj. Aquae, .... fgx.—M. Sig.: Saturate compresses and apply, renewing three or four times daily. {Leg ulcers.) Grossich. 1601— Bismuth, subnit., . . 3U- Pulv. opii, . . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder three times a day, followed by— 1602— I* Acid, nitrici, . . . Itpxij. Aquae, .... fgxvj.—M. Sig.: Use locally. {Indolent ulcers.) Howe. 1603— I* Cupri shlphat., . . gr. vj. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. {Sloughing ulcer.) Cooper. 199 ULCER (Continued). 1604— I*. Argenti nitratis, . . gr. v. Tr. opii, .... t'3iss. Aq. anisi, . . .ad fgiiss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoouful three times a day. (Gastric ulcer.) Thompson. 1605— Argenti oxidi, Ex. hyoscyami, . . a& gr. v.—M. Et ft. pil. No. x. Sig.: One pill three times a day. (Gastric ulcer.) Bartholow. 1606— Creasoti, .... p^iv. Aquae, . . . . fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three or four times daily. {Gastric ulcer.) Niemeyer. 1607— ]*. Liq. potass, arsenitis, . fgss. Sig.: One drop, repeated as required, to relieve the pain and vomiting. (Gastric ulcer.) Bartholow. 1608— ]*. Argenti nitrat., . . gr. iv. Ex. hyoscyami, . . gr. x-xx.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: One twenty minutes before each meal. {Gastric ulcer.) Hare. 1609— ]*: Creasoti, .... tt\Jv. Tr. galbani, . . . fjij. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. {In indolent ulcers with excessive discharge.) Neligan. 1610— I*. Chloral hydrat., . . 3SS_B* Aquae, .... f g v j.—M. Sig.: Use as a wash. {In sluggish ulcers.) Keyes. 1611— Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . gr. xv. Acid, carbol., . . . n\xxx. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Apply on cotton daily. {Syphilitic ulcers.) Fox. 1612— 1*. Emplast. plumbi, . . 3 lb Ungt. hydrarg., . . 3SS- 01. cadini, . '. . 3ib—M. Sig.: Spread on linen and apply. {Inflamed syphi- litic ulcers.) Bumstead and Taylor. 200 ULCER (Continued). 1613— Pulv. campliorae, Carbonis animal., . aa gj.—M. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. {In deep chronic ulcers.) Barbacci. 1614— ]* Aluminis, . . . gij. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: {Foul ulcers.) Pennypacker. 1615— I* Acid, tannic., . . . gr. lxxv. Hydrarg. nitrat. acid., . gtt. xij. Adipis, .... gviiss.—M. Sig.: Apply as a dressing. {For chronic syphilitic ulcers.) Venot. 1616— I* Zinci sulplio-carbolat., . 3vj. Aquae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Each portion to be used to be mixed with three parts of water. {Fetid ulcers.) H. Lee. UR /EM /A (See also Bright's Disease). 1617— I* Acid, benzoic., . . . Qv. Div. in chart. No. v. Sig.: One powder in a half-tumblerful of water every three hours. Da Costa. 1618— Pulv. scillae, Pulv. scammonii, Pulv. digitalis, . . aa gr. xv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xx. Sig.: Take from four to six pills daily, for six days. Lancereaux. 1619— 1* 01. tiglii, .... gtt. v. 01. caryopliyllae, . . gtt. ij. Micae panis, . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. v. Sig.: One every two, three, or four hours. Paris. 1620— I* Ex. colocynth. comp., . gr. xiv. Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. vj.—M. Et ft. pil. No. iv. Sig.: Take at one dose, and follow in four hours with a purge. Johnson. 201 UR /EMIA (Continued). 1621— IJ Tr. scillae, .... f^ij. Liq. ammon. acetat., . . fgij. Decoct, scoparii, q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Two tablespoonfuls three times a day. Charteris, 1622— IJ Acid, benzoic., . . . gr. xx. Syr. tolu f5j-—M- Sig.: Take every three hours, well diluted. Da Costa. 1623— IJ Pilocarpinae muriat., . . gr. ij. Aquae, .... f^ij.—M. Sig.: Inject hypodermically ten minims ; half the quantity for a child. E. R. Stone. 1624— IJ. 01. tiglii, .... gtt. viij. Elaterii, . . . . gr. ss-j. Micae panis, . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. pil. No. viii. Sig.: One or two pills as a purge. Bartholow. URIC ACID DIATHESIS (See also Gout). 1625— IJ Sodii bicarbonat., . • 3-b Tr. calumbae, . . . f^j. Infus. quassiae, . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful four times a day. Hazard. 1626— IJ Liq. potass, arsenitis, . rt^v. Potass, bicarbonat., Ferri et potass, tart., aa gr. v. Infus. quassiae, . . . f^j.—M. Sig.: Take three times daily, two hours after meals. Fothergill. 1627— IJ Litliii carbonat., Potass, iodid., . . aa 5i>ss- Pulv. acaciae, . . . gr. xxiij. Ex. gentianae, . . . —M. Et ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: One pill after each meal. Vigier. 1628— IJ Acid, muriat. dil., . . f3.j. Acid, lactici, . . . fjiij. Syr. simp., . . . fgss. Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful after each meal. ( When ex- cess of acid is due to indigestion.) Bartholow. 202 URIC ACID DIATHESIS (Continued). 1629— I*. Sodii boratis, . . . • Sodii bicarbonat.. Potass, nitratis, . aa 3'ss-—M. Et ft. chart. No. xii. Sig.: One powder in a tumblerful of water. Druitt. 1630— I*. Lithii benzoat., . . . 3iiss. Ex. gentian*, . . . gr. cv.—M. Et ft. pil. No. c. Sig.: One pill morning and evening. Vigier. URTICARIA (See also Pruritus). 1631— Magnesii sulphat., . . gj. Ferri sulphat., . . . gr. iv. Sodii chloridi, . . . 3SS- Acid, sulphuric, dil., . - Infus. quassise, . . ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in tumblerful of water before breakfast. Van Harlingen. 1632— I* Acid, carbolic., . . . f3iss. Glycerinse, . . . f3ij. Alcoholis, .... fjviij. Aq. amygdal. amar., . . fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use locally two or three times a day. Duhrtng. 1633— I* Chloroformi, . . . f3j. Ungt. zinci ox., . . —M. Sig.: Apply with hand. Hughes. 1634— I* Sodii bi carbon at., . • 3j- Glycerinse, . . . f^iss. Aq. sambuci, . . . fgviss.—M. Sig.: Apply to allay the itching. Tilbury Fox. 1635— I* Ammon, carbonat., . • 3.b Plumbi acetat., . . . 3ij- Aq. rosse, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Aitken.- 1636— I* Pulv. pilocarpii, Ex. guaiaci, . . aa gr. iss. Lithii benzoat., . . . gr. iij.—M. Et ft. pil. No. i. Sig.: Take from two to four each twenty-four hours. Hughes. 203 URTICARIA (Continued). 1637— 1* Sodii borat., . . . 3H- Aq. lauro-cerasi, . . fgj • Aq. sambuci, . . . f3xj*—M. Sig.: Use locally. (To allay itching.) Neligan. 1638— I* Chloralis, Campliorae. . . aa 3j* Pulv. amyli, . . . gi-ij.—M. Sig.: Keep tightly corked in a wide-mouthed bottle. Rub in with hand. Bulkley. 1639— F* Plumbi acetat., Ammon, carbonat., . aa 3D Tr. opii fgss. Aq. rosae, .... fgviij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Hazard. 1640— I* Chloroformi, . . . f3.j- Grlycerinae, . . . f3iv.—M. Sig.: Apply with a brush. Duparc. 1641— I* Potass, cyanidi, . . gr. vj. Pulv. cocci, . . . gr. j. Ungt. aq. rosae, . . . gj.—M. Sig.: Apply locally. Anderson. 1642— Potass, brom., . . . gss. Aq. mentliae pip., . . f§iij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful four times a day. Anderson. UVULA, RELAXATION OF. 1643— Acid, tannic., . . . 3SS- Grlycerinae, . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: Apply with camel’s hair brush. Hillier. 1644— I* Liq. ferri perchlor., . . f^ij- Aquae, .... f^ij-—M. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-hair brush. Mackenzie. 1645— I* Aluminis, .... 3.i- Infus. gallae, . . . f^vj.—M. Sig.: Use as gargle. Waring. 1646— Trocliisci acid, tannic., . No. xx. Sig.: Take one every two or three hours. Aitken. 204 ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULJE. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. A DT) IT TONAL FORMULAE. UVULA, RELAXATION OF (Continued). 1647—I* Zinci chloridi, . . . 3b Aquae, .... fgij.—M. Sig.: Apply with a camel’s-hair brush. Mackenzie. VAGINITIS. 1648— I* Acid, tannic., . . • 3J’ Morphise sulphat., . . gr. iij. 01. theobromse, . . . 3V>—M. Et ft. suppos. No. x. Sig.: After freely syringing the vagina night and' morning insert suppository. T. (Bullard Thomas. 1649— I* Argent, nitrat., . . . 9ij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply on a cotton pledget within the cervical canal and over the vaginal mucous membrane. Emmet. 1650— I* Glyceriti acid, tannic., . f^j. Sig.: Apply locally. CadRinger. 1651— I* Ex. hydrastis fl., . . f^iv. Sig.: Apply to the cervix and vagina, and place a tampon smeared with vaseline between the vulvae and in the vagina. • Munde. 1652— Acid, boracic., . . . giiss. Grlycerinae, . . . f3xxx.—M. Sig.: Three or four dessertspoonfuls in a quart of' water as a vaginal injection. Cheron. J x ' '/ • 3 •'J rnC- < - • / • » VALVULAR DISEASE (See Heart Disease). VARICOSE VEINS. 1653— ]* Ex. hamamelis li., . . f^ij. Sig.: Teaspoonful three or four times a day, with compresses applied externally. J. V. Shoemaker.. 1654— I* Ergotini (aq. ext.), Glycerinse, . . aa j * Aq. destillat., . . . f3vij.—M. Sig.: Fifteen minims hypodermically alongside of the veins, care being taken not to puncture a vein. Bartholow.. VARIOLA (See Smallpox). 205 VENEREAL DISEASE (See Syphilis). VERTIGO (See also Biliousness, Indigestion, etc.). 1655— Pulv. rhei, . . . 3j. Sodii bicarb., Pulv. gentian., . aa 3b* Aq. menthae pip., Aq. destillat., . . aa fgiij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful before each meal. Mann 1656— ]* Potass, bitartrat., . . 3VJ’ Pulv. jalapae, . . . 3ih—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful in milk every two or three hours. {In plethoric cases.) Sweringen. 1657— I* Tr. gelsemii, . . . f^j. Sig.: Ten minims three times a day. {In aural vertigo.) Ringer. 1658— I* Pil. hydrarg., Pil. rhei co., Ex. hyoscyami, . aa 5*j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. xii. Sig.: Two pills occasionally at bedtime. {In ple- thoric cases.) Tanner. 1659— Pulv. jalapae, . . . gr. xij. Hydrarg. chlor. mit., . gr. iij. Potass, sulphat., . . gr. vij.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: Take at bedtime. {In bilious vertigo.) , A. T. Thompson. VOMITING (See also Morning Sickness and Sea-sickness). 1660— I* Liq. calcis, Aq. cinnam., . . aa f^iij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful in ice-water, to be until relieved. Starr/ 1661— I* Acid, carbol., . . . gr. iv. Bismuth, subnitrat., . 3ii- Mucil. acaciae, . . . fgj. Aq. menth. pip., . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every two to four hours. Bartholow. 1662—I* Vini ipecac., . . . f^ss. Sig.: One minim every half hour. Ringer. 206 VOMITING (Continued). 1663— Creasoti, .... n\,iv. Aquae, .... fgvj.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful repeated as necessary. Niemeyer. 1664— Aloini, . . . . gr. v. Strychniae sulphat., . . gr. j. Ex. colocynth. comp., . gr. v. Ex. hyoscyami, . . 3j.—M. Et ft. pil. No. lx. Sig.: One pill after each meal. (In obstinate vomit- ing due to chronic constipation.) Da Costa. 1665— Tr. benzoin, comp., Acid, sulphuric, dil., aa fgss.—M. Sig.: Give thirty drops with sugar. E. G. Clark. 1666— IJl Bismuth, subnit., . . 3ij- Acid, liydrochlor. dil., . f3ss. Mucil. acaciae, Aq. menthae pip., . aa fgij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful three times a day. (With ulcer.) Da Costa. 1667— IJ. Liq. calcis, Lactis recentis, . . aa fgiij.—M. Sig.: Tablespoonful every half hour or hour. Wood. ,4668—]£ Liq. potass, arsenitis, . fgss. Sig.: Half drop every half hour for six or eight S doses. ( Vomiting of drunkards and pregnancy.) A. A. Smith. j 1669—Chloroformi, . . . fgss. A Sig.: Two to five minims on sugar. (In non-infam- jjj matory vomiting.) Ringer. G 1670—IJ. Ex. belladonnae, Ex. physostigmat., Ex. nucis vomicae, Y Aloini, . . . aa gr. xv. Ferri sulphat. exsiccat., . 3b— V| Et ft. pil. No. lx. v Sig.: Pill at bedtime. One grain of permanganate I of potash in water is also taken three times a day. (In hysterical vomiting.) Barthglow. VOMITING (Continued). 1671— Sodii bicarb., . . . gr. xv. Acid, hydrocyanic, dil., . n^iss. Aq. camphors, . . . f3x.—M. Sig.: To be taken three times a day after meals. ( When due to acidity.) Chambers. 1672— Ex. nucis vomicae, . . gr. j. Ex. conii, . . . . gr. xij.—M. Et ft. pill No. vi. Sig.: One pill three times a day. ( When due to malignant disease of the stomach.) Barlow. 1673— I* Cerii oxalat., . . . gr. j. Ipecacuanhae, . . . gr. j. Creasoti, .... gtt. ij.—M. Sig.: This is to be taken every hour until nausea is controlled. (In pregnancy.) Goodell. 1674 —Take the fourth part of a Seidlitz powder every fifteen minutes. Woodbury. 1675— Ceri oxalat, . . . gr. j. Pulv. ipecac., . . . gr. j. Creasoti, .... gtt. j.—M. Sig.: Take every hour. 1676— I* Cocain. muriat., . . gr. Ex. nucis vomicae, . . gr. Pulv. assafoetidae, . . gr. ij.—M. Et ft. capsulas No. i. Sig.: Take one capsule three times a day, half hour before eating. M. W. Everson. VULVITIS (See Vaginitis). WAKEFULNESS (See Insomnia). WARTS (See Concfylomata). WHITLOW (See Onychia). WHOOPING-COUGH, 1677—1* Ex. belladonna, . . gr. ss. Or./ Pulv. aluminis, . . gr. xxiv. (•' v Syr. zingiber., Aquae, aa f3iss.— Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for a child of one year. 'j Goodhart and Stark. 208 ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. ADDITIONAL FORMULA. ADDITIONAL FORMULAS. ADDITIONAL FORMULAE. WHOOPING-COUGH (Continued). 1678— # Tr. opii camph., Syr. ipecac., . . aa f^j. Syr. scillae, . . . f3iij. Syr. tolu., . . . f3aS. Liq. potass, citrat., q. s. ad Sig.: Teaspoonful every two hours for catarrhal Penrose. 1679— Ex. belladonnse, . . gr. j. Syr. tolutan., . . . fgiv. Sig.: Three to four coffeespoonfuls for a child one year old. L’Union Medicale. 1680— Antipyrin, Quinise sulphat., . aa Elix. glycyrrhizse, . . fgiv.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two to four hours. Waugh. 1681—# Pulv. belladonnse rad., . gr. Pulv. Dover., . . • gr. ss. Sulphuris sub., . . . gr. iv. Sacch. alb., . . . gr. x.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: One powder from two to ten times a day, to age. Germain See. 1682— Thymolis, .... gr. xx. Acid, carbolici, 01. sassafras, 01. eucalypti, Picis liquidse, 01. terebinthinse, . aa f^ij. iEtheris, .... Alcoholis, . q. s. ad f^iij.—M. Sig.: Put about thirty drops upon a pad of such a size as to be conveniently hung around the child’s neck, renewing the application every two or three hours. In severe cases the inhalation treatment is supple- mented by the internal administration of— 1683— # Acid, carbolici, . . . gr. iij. Sodii bromidi, . . . gr. j. Tr. belladonnse, . . gtt. xx. Glycerinse, . . . - Aquse, . . q. s. ad fgij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful for a child three or four years of age occasionally. Beai,l. 209 WHOOPING-COUGH (Continued), 1684— I* Ammon, brom., Potass, brom., . . a& 3j- Tr. belladonnae, . . fjj. Glycerinae, . . . fgj. Aq. rosae, .... f^iv—M. Sig.: Use as spray from four to six times daily. Keating. 1685— ft Quiniae sulphat., . . gr. xij. 01. theobrom., . . . q. s.—M. Et ft. suppos. No. xii. Sig.: Use one or two three times a day for a child of two years. 1686— ft Terpine, Antipyrin, . . aa gr. xv. Syr. aurant fgi—3vj- Mucilaginis, . „ . fgij.—M. Sig.: One or two teaspoonfuls several times a day for a child under four years. Salamon. 1687— ft Acid, carbolic., Alcohol., . . . aa gtt. xv. Tr. iodin., .... gtt. x. Tr. belladonnae, . . gr. xxx. Aq. menth. pip., . . fgiss. , Syr. opiat., . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: A teaspoonful every hour to a child of one year. Rothe. 1688— ft Cliloroformi, . . . f^j. iEther. sulphuri., . . gij. Ess. terebinthinae rect., . f3iiss.—M. Sig.: Pour a teaspoonful upon a compress and hold close to the child’s mouth. {During paroxysm.) Wilde. 1689— ft Pulv. acid, boric., . . gr. xxxvj. Div. in chart. No. xii. Sig.: Blow one powder into nose with insufflator every three hours. Monti. 1690— ft Codeinae sulphat., . . gr. j. Acid, carbolic., . . . rtbviij. Syr. simplicis, . . . fgss. Glycerin ae, . . . f^j. Syr. limonis, . . . fgss.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful every two or three hours. Hughes. 210 WHOOPING-COUGH (Continued). 1691— IJc Ex. castaneae 11., . . fgiij. Sig.: Dose for a child five years old, teaspoonful every two hours for three days (during the night after each paroxysm) ; afterwards three or four times a day. Gerhard. 1692— 5. Antipyriu, . . . gr. ij. Sacch. alb., . . . £)j.—M. Et ft. chart. No. xiv. Sig.: One powder three times a day and once at night for very young children. Sonnenberger. 1693— £ Sol. cocaini muriat. (5 per cent.), .... fgss. Sig.: Paint the throat and fauces several times a day. Labric. 1694— 5. Tr. lobeliae, Syr. scillae, . . aa f^j. Ex. belladonnae, . . gr. iv.—M. Sig.: Thirty drops three times a day. Hazard. 1695— 5. Acid, carbolic., . . . f3ss. Potass, chlorat., . • oB- Glycerinae, . . . Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgvj.—M. Sig.: Use with a steam atomizer three times a day. J. Lewis Smith. 1696— IJ. Acid, carbolic, puri, . . gtt. xv-xx. Sig.: Drop on cotton or in an inhaler, and inhale for several hours daily. Peck. WORMS. 1697— Chloroformi, Ex. aspidi 11., . aa - Emul. ol. ricini (B. Ph.), f^iij•—M. Sig.: To be taken in the early morning ; no food until after thorough action of the bowels. (Tape- worm.') Hughes. 1698— Peponis decort., . . 5V~X< Saccli. alb., . . . 5vj-gr- xv- Lactis recentis, . . . 3XV-—M- Sig.: Take before breakfast. Follow in two hours bv a dose of castor-oil. (Tapeworm.) Dupont. 211 WORMS (Continued). 1699— I* Thymoli, .... 3ij- Div. in cliart. No. xii. Sig.: First take a dose of castor-oil, then one powder every fifteen minutes, and follow with a second dose of oil. ( Tapeworm.) Campi. 1700— Granati corticis, . . 3'j- Ft. infusum. Sig.: To be taken before 11 A. M., and followed after two hours by— 1701— I* 01. ricini, .... f^iij. 01. terebinth., . . . f'3j. Ex. filicis maris aether., . f^j•—M. Ft. haustus. Sig.: Fasting unnecessary. {Tapeworm.) Wilde. 1702— Pulv. kamalse, . . . gr. v—x. Syr. aurantii, . . . f3ss. Mucil. tragacan., . . 3i- Aquae, .... fgj.— M. Sig.: Take early in the morning, and follow by a purge in four hours. For a child from two to five years. {Tapeworm.) T. II. Tanner. 1703— 01. terebinthinae, Oleoresin. filicis maris, aa 3b Mucil. acaciae, . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Give day before treatment liquid diet and one draclim of compound jalap powder. Give the above the following morning, fasting. Half-hour later a dose of castor-oil. {Tapeworm.) F. A. A. Smith. 1704— F* Chloroformi, . . . f3j. Syr. simp., . . . n^xl.—M. Sig.: Take in three equal doses at 7 A. M., 9 A. M., and 11 A. M. At midday give two tablespoonfuls of castor-oil. {Tapeworm.) Le Courier Medical. 1705— I* 01. filicis maris aether., . 3”-hj. Emuls. amygdal. dulc., ad —M. Sig.: In the evening a light meal is eaten. At bedtime, about twenty minutes apart from each other, this medicine is taken in two doses. The next morning early, about five o’clock, two tablespoonfuls of castor-oil are administered, and these followed about an hour later by another tablespoonful. ( Tape- worm.') Hugo Engel. 212 VO RMS (Continued). 1706— I* 01. filicis maris, . . fjiij. 01. chenopodii, . . . fjj. 01. terebinth., . . . f^ij• Emul. ol. ricini (50 per cent.) q. s. ad f^ij.—M. Sig. Teaspoonful twice a day for a child of six years. (Tapeworm.) L. Stark. 1707— Tanret’s pelletierini, . 1 bottle. Sig.: In the evening use a large laxative injection and take only milk. The next morning mix the contents of a bottle with a glass of water, and take at one dose ; one hour after, take one ounce of com- pound tincture of jalap mixed with a half glass of water. (Tapeworm.) L. Starr. 1708— Tr. kamalse, . . . f'5ss. Syr. zingiber., . . . f'5j. Syr. acacise, . . . f'5ss.—M. Sig.: Take at one dose at bedtime, followed hv a purge in the morning. (Tapeworm.) L. Stark. 1709— I* Flor. koosso, . . . 5”ss-iv- Ex. filic. mar. setli., . . fjiss—ij. Aq. destillat., . . . fgiij.—M. Sig.: Take in three portions half hourly. (Tape- worm.) Kinder-Arzt. 1710— After a light diet the evening before, give the following on an empty stomach :— I* 01. tiglii, . . . . gtt. j. Chloroform, purif., . . fgj. < Grlycerinae, . . . fgj, f^ij-—M.v Sig.: Take in two doses, half an hour apart. (Tapeworm.) Pharmaz. Zeit. 1711— Pelletierine sulphat., . gr. vi-viiss. Pulv. acid, tannic., . . gr. viiss. Syr. simp., . . . fjij-—M. Sig.: Take only milk the night before, and at bed- time an injection. Take the above the following morning before breakfast. Fifteen minntes after take two tablespoonfuls of castor-oil. (Tapeworm.) Labbe. 1712— I* Sodii cliloridii, . . . 5X- Aquse, .... vj.—M. Sig.: Inject into the rectum. (Seatworms.) Eillard. 213 WORMS (Continued). 1713— Tr. rlxei, .... gtt. xxx. Magnesii carbonat., . . gr. iij. Tr. zingiber., . . . gtt. j. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^iv.—M. Sig.: Warm and use as an injection three times a day. (Seativorms.) Annals of Gynecology. 1714— I* Ferri sulpliat., . . • oJ* Infus. quassiae, . . Oj.—M. Sig.: After cleansing the lower bowel with an enema of warm soap-suds, inject the third part of the above on alternate mornings. (Seatworms.) L. Stake. 1715— Santonini, . . . gr. i-ij. Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . gr. i-iij. Pulv. aromat., . . . gr. iv.—M. Et ft. chart. No. iv. Sig.: One at bedtime, to be followed by a dose of castor oil in the morning. Goodhart and Starr. 1716— I* Santonini, . . . gr. xij. 01. theobromae, . . . gj-—M. Et ft. suppos. No. iv. Sig.: Insert one at night. (Seatworms.) Hartshorne. 1717— I* 01. chenopodii, . . . gtt. lx-gj. Mucil. acaciae, . . . • Syr. simplicis, . . . fgj. Aq. cinnam., . . . fgij.—M. Sig.: Dessertspoonful three times a day for three days, and repeat after three days. For a child of two years. Meigs and Pepper. 1718— 1* Trocliisci santonini (U. S. P.), .... No. xxiv. Sig.: One to six at bedtime, followed by a dose of castor oil in the morning. (For lumbrici.) Bartholow. 1719— I* Hydrarg. clilor. mit., . . gr. j. Resinae jalapae, . . . gr. ij. Pulv. scammonii, . . gr. v.—M. Et ft. chart. No. i. Sig.: To be taken at bedtime for a child of six years. (Seatworm.) Goodhart and Starr. 214 WORMS (Continued). 1720— Tr. ferri chlor., . . f^ss. Aquae, .... Oj.—M. Sig.: Inject one-fourtli to one-third. (Seatworms.) Ringer. 1721— I* Tr. kamalae, . . . f3iss. Syr. aurant. cort., . . f§ss. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: Take in broken doses and at frequent inter- vals until all is taken. If the worm is not expelled within two hours after the last dose, give castor oil: (For lumbrici.) Du Jarrdin Beaumetz* 1722— I* Ex. spigeliae et sennae ti., . fgj. Santonini, . . . gr. viij.—M. Sig.: Teaspoonful for a child of five years. (For lumbrici.') J. Lewis Smith. WOUNDS. 1723— I* Iodoform., . . . . gr. c. Thymoli, .... gr. cc. Saccli. lact., . . . gr. j.—M. Et ft. pulv. Sig.: Apply as a powder three times a day. WlTHERSTlNE. 1724— I* Iodoform., . . . . 3VL Sig.: Use as a dusting powder with dry dressings. Bartholow. 1725— Acid, carbolic., 01. ricini, . . . aa f^ss. Collodii, .... fgj.—M. Sig.: “ Carbolized collodion.” 1726— Hydrarg. chloridi corros., . gr. viiss. Aq. ferventis, . . . Oij.—M. Sig.: Solution (1 to 2000). 1727— Acid, boracic., . . . 5”ss> Ess. eucalypti, . . . t'3iiss. Vaselini, .... 3XXV*—M- Sig.: Use as a dressing. Brondel. 1728— Tr. eucalypti, . . . * Aq. destillat., . . . f^iv.—M. Sig.: Gimbert. 215 WOUNDS (Continued). 1729— Phenol sodique, . . f^vj. Sig.: Use pure or diluted with water. J. W. White. 1730— Iodol, GUycerinae, . . aa 3u Vaselini, .... 3vij-—M. Sig.: Use locally. Wolfenden. 1731— Pulv. acid, salicylic., . • 5J- Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. Thiersch. 1732— Iodoform., .... 3j- Collodii flex., . . . 3VU-—■M. Sig.: Stitch the edges of the wound together and apply with a brush. Bruns. 1733— Pulv. naphthol., . . gj. Sig.: Use as a dusting powder. Bouchard. 1734— Acid, carbol., . . . f3j. Glycerinae, . . . f^ij.—M. Sig.: Use locally. Hazard. XERODERMA (See Ichthyosis in Skin Diseases). YELLOW FEVER (See Fever). 216 DOSE TABLE. The doses given below are for adults. For children,. Dr. Young’s rule wiil be found most convenient. Add 12 to the age, and divide by the age to get the denomi- nator of the fraction, the numerator of which is 1. Thus, 2+12 for a child two years old, —-— = 7, and the dose is one- seventh of that for an adult. Of powerful narcotics scarcely more than one-half of this proportion should be used. Of mild cathartics two or even'three times the proportion may be employed. For Hypodermic Injection the dose should be one- half of that used by the mouth ; by rectum, four-fifths of the same. REMEDIES. DOSE. GRAMMES. Abstract, aconiti, . Yt % to 34 grain. 0.015 to 0.03 aspidospermse, . bell ad on me, to 20 grains, to grains. 0.35 0.03 to to 1.3 0.1 cannab. ind., 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 conii, .... 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 digitalis, . 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 gelsemii, 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 nyoseyami, 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.3 ignatia;, 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 ipecac., 3 to 30 grains. 0.2 to 2. jalapa;, 6 to 10 grains. 0.4 to 0.65 nuc. vom., . phytolaccte, 34 to 34 grain. 0.015 to 0.03 5 to 15 grains. 0.3 to 1. pilocarpi, . 6 to 30 grains. 0.4 to 2. podophylli, 4 to 10 grains. 0.25 to 0.65 seruigte, 4 to 10 grains. 0.25 to 0.65 valerianse, . 10 to 15 grains. 0.65 to 1. veratr. vir., 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 Acetanilid, 8 grains. 0.5 Acetphenetid ine, 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 Acet. lobelise, . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. opii, .... 5 to 16 minims. 0.3 to 1. sanguinar., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. scillae, 10 to. 30 minims. 0.65 to 2. Acid, acet, dil., fiO to 90 minims. 4. to 6. arsenios., . sV to 2B grain. 0.001 to 0.003 benzoic., to 15 grains. 0.3 to 1. boric.. 5 to 10 grains. 0.3 to 0.65 camphoric, {to check might sweats) 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2. carbolic., . 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 gallic., 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. gallic., in albuminuria, 10 to 60 grains. 0.65 to 4. hvdrobrom. (34 per cent.). 10 to 15 grains. 0.65 to 1. hydrobrom. dil., 40 m. to 2 n. drms. 2. to 8. hydrochlor., 3 to 10 minims. 0.2 to 0.65 217 REMEDIES. DOSE. GRAMMES. Acid, hydrochlor. dil., . 10 to 30 minims. 0.65 to 2. hydrocyan, dil., 2 to 6 minims. 0.1 to 0.35 lactic., .... 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. nitr., 3 to 10 minims. 0.2 to 0.65 nitr. dil., .... 10 to 30 minims. 0.65 to 2. nitro-hydrochlor., . 3 to 10 minims. 0.2 to 0.65 nitro-hydrochlor. dil., 5 to 20 minims. 0.3 to 1.3 phosphoric (50 per cent.), 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. phosphoric, dil., 10 to 30 minims. 0.65 to 2. salicylic., .... 5 to 20 grains. 0.35 to 1.3 sulphuric., 5 to 10 minims. 0.35 to 0.65 sulphuric, dil., . 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. sulphuric, arom., 5 to 10 minims. 0.35 to 0.65 sulphuros., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. tannic., .... Aconitina (white crystals) 2 to 10 grains, iff® grain. 34 grain. % grain. 0.1 to 0.65 0.0001 to 0.000 Adoninin, .... Agarcin, .... Vh to 0.02 0.008 to 0.015 Aloe, 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 Aloinuin, I to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 A lu men, 10 to 15 grains. 0.65 to 1. Ammonii benzoas, . 10 to 20 grains. 0.65 to 1.3 bromid., .... 5 to 30 grains. 0.3 to 2. carb., 3 to 10 grains. 0.2 to 0.65 chlorid., .... 10 to 30 grains. 0.65 to 2. iodid., .... 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. phosp., .... 5 to 20 grains. 0.35 to 1.3 picras., .... 34 to 34 grain. 0.015 to 0.03 sulph., .... 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. valer., .... 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. Amylene hydrate, . 10 to 60 grains. 0.65 to 4. Amyl nitris, .... 2 to 5 minims. 0.1 to 0.35 Amylum ioaatum, . 3 to 30 grains. 0.2 to 2. Antifebrin, .... Antimonii et pot. tartr.(diaph.) iff to 8 grains. ti grain. 0.5 0.003 to 0.005 et pot. tartr. (emetic), 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 oxid., 1 to 2 grains. 0.1 to 0.1 oxysulphuret, . sulphiu., .... to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 % to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 sulphuret., 34 to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 Antipyrin, .... 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. Apiol, 3 to 5 grains. 0.2 to 0.35 Apomorph. hydrochlor., i Sff to I1® grain. 0.003 to 0.006 Aqua ammoni®, 6 to 30 minims. 0.4 to 2. amygd. amar., . 2 to 4 fi. drms. 8. to 16. camphoric, 34 to 2 fi. ounces. 16. to 64. chlori, .... l to 4 fi. drms. 4. to 32. creasoti, .... l to 4 fi. drms. 4. to 32. laurocerasi, 6 to 30 minims. 0.4 to 2. Arbutin, 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. Argenti iodidum, . 34 to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 nitras, .... i to 34 grain. 0.01 to 0.065 oxid 34 to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 Arsenii bromid. . . , Vt to re grain. 0.001 to 0.004 iodidum, Vi to A grain. 0.001 to 0.006 sodium 5ft to y\> grain. 0.003 to 0.006 Aspidosperminse hydrochlor., vv to in grain. 0.001 to 0.003 Assafoetida, .... 5 to 20 grains. 0.35 to 1.3 Atropina, TIB f° si grain. 0.0005 to 0.002 Atropime sulph., TIB to 32 gram. 0.0005 to 0.002 Auri et sodii chlorid., 3* to -,'s grain. 0.002 to 0.004 Balsamum gurjunse, 20 to 30 minims. 1.3 to 2. Bebeerinse sulph., . 3 to 10 grains. 0.2 to 0.65 Belladonna fol., 1 to 10 grains. 0.06 to 0.65 rad., 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Benzanilide, .... 1 to 6 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Berberina and its salts, . 3 to 15 grains. 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. Bismuthi eitras, 3 to 0.2 to 1. 218 REMEDIES. DOSE. GRAMMES. Bismuth! et ammon. citr., 1 to 15 grains. 0.06 to 1. salicylat 2 to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 subcarb 6 to 30 grains. 0.4 to 2. subnitr., .... 30 to 60 grains. 2. to 4. tannas, .... 6 to 30 grains. 0.4 to 2. valer., .... 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 Brayera, 2 to 6 urachms. 8. to 24. Bromoformum (in Pertussis) 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 Brueina, it to re grain. 0.001 to 0.004 Caffeina i to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Caffeinse citras, l to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Caleii bromiduin, . 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. carb., hypophosphis, . 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. iodidum, .... 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 phosphas, .... 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2. Calx sulphurata, y3 to 1 grain. 0.02 to 0.06 Camphora, .... 3 to 10 grains. 0.2 to 0.65 Camph. monobrom., Cantharis, .... 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 % to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 Capsicum, .... 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 Castoreum, .... 6 to 15 grains. 0.4 to 1. Catechu, 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2. Cerii nitras, .... 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 oxalas, .... Chinoidinum, .... 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 3 to 30 grains. 0.2 to 2. Chloral, .... 3 to 20 grains. 0.2 to 1.3 Chloroformum, . . . 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 Chrysarobinum, 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. Cinchona, 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. Cinchonidina and its salts, . 1 to 30 grains. 0.06 to 2. Cinchonina and its salts, 1 to 30 grains. 30 grains. 0.06 to 2. Clnnamomuni, 6 to 0.4 to 2. Cocaine, 1 to 4 per ct. sol. Codeina V* to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 Colchicin TfilT to A grain. 0.0006 to 0.0013 Colocynthin, .... i to 2 grains. 0.01 to 0.1 Confectio senns, 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 Coniina and its salts, A to A grain. 0.001 to 0.002 Copaiba, 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. Cota, Cotoina, 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 i to l4 grain. 3 minims. 0.01 to 0.03 Creasotum 1 to 0.06 to 0.2 Creolin, H to 5 grains. 0.03 to 0.35 Creta prsepar Croton chloral, 15 to 75 grains. 1. to 5. 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Cubeba, 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. Cupri acetas, .... % grain. 0.03 sulphas, .... H 6 to 34 gram. 0.015 to 0.03 am., to 1 grain. 0.01 to 0.06 Curare, 3*5 to i grain. 0.002 to 0.01 Curarina Daturine it ir i to to ia grain. sV, grain. 0.001 to 0.0006 to 0.003 0.0013 Decoct, aloes comp., to 2 A. ounces. 16. to 64. sarsap. comp., . to 6 A. ounces. 64. to 192. Digitalinum, .... it to A grain. 0.001 to 0.002 Digitalis, % 5 to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 Diuretin to 20 grains. 0.35 to 1.3 Duboisina and its salts, . i T2?? to A grain. 0.0005 to 0.001 Elaterinum (U. S. P., 1880), . iu to A grain. 0.001 to 0.005 Elaterium (U. S. P., 1870), ti to g grain. K grain. 0.006 to 0.01 Emetina and salts (emetic), . to 0.008 to 0.015 and salts (diaph.), t to in grain. 0.0005 to 0.003 Emulsio hydrocyan., to 1 8. drm. 2. to 4. Ergota 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. Ergotinum, .... Erythrophlceina, 2 to 8 grains. 0.1 to 0.5 IS to Ys grain. 0.004 to 0.008 Eserina and its salts, A to A grain. 0.001 to 0.003 219 REMEDIES. DOSK. GRAM MI *• Exalgin, .... 2 to 6 grains. 0.1 to 0.4 Extr. aconiti fol. (Engl.), « to XA grain. 0.02 to 0.01 aconiti fol. (U. S. P., 1870), i/ , a to XA grain. 0.02 to 0.01 aconiti fol. fluid.. 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 aconiti rad. (U. S. P., 1880), 15 to !4 grain. 0.005 to 0.01; aconiti [rad.] fluid., k to 2% minims. 0.03 to 0.1 aletridis fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2, alni rubrae fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. aloe's aquos, % to 3 grains. 0.03 to 0.2 alston. constr. li., 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. angclicie rad. fl., 30 to 00 minims. 2. to 4. angustura: fl., 15 to 45 minims. 1. to 3. anthem idis, 2 to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 anthemidis fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. apocyni andros fl., . 8 to 50 minims. 0.5 to 3. apocyni cannab. fi., . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. aralite liisp. fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. araliie nudic. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. aralite racem. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. araliie spin, fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. arecte fl., 45 to 75 minims. 3. to 5. arnicae flor., 3 to 8 grains. 0.2 to 0.5 arnicae fl., . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. arnicae rad., 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 arnicae rad. fl., . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. aromat. fl.. 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. ari triphylli fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. asari fl.; . . . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. asclep. incarn. fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. asclep. syr. fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. asclep. tuber, fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. aspidii fl., . 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. aspidospermae fl., 15 to 45 minims. 1. to 3. aurantii cort. fl., % to 2% fi. arms. 1. to 8. azedarach fl., 15 to 75 minims. 1. to 5. baptisiae fl., 7 to 30 minims. 0.50 to 2. bellad. alcohol, . i to Y„ grain. 0.01 to 0.03 bellad. fol. (Engl.), . l to % grain. 0.01 to 0.03 bellad. fol. fl., 3 to 6 minims. 0.2 to 0.4 bellad. rad., % to A grain. 0.008 to 0.01 bellad. rad. fl., . 1 to 3 minims. 0.06 to 0.2 berber. aquifol. 11., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. berber. vulg. fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. boldi fl., . 3 to 15 minims. 0.2 to 1. brayerae fl., 2 to 4 fl. drms. 8. to 16. bryoniae fl., 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. buchu fl., . to 2% fl. drms. 2. to 8. calami 11., . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. calend. fl 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. E calumbae, „ 3 to 10 grains. 0.2 to 0.65 E calumbte fl., 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4 canella; 11 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. 1 cannab. Amer. fl., 3 to 15 minims. 0.2 to 1. cannab. ind., i to 'A grain. 0.01 to 0.031 cannab. ind. 11., 3 to 6 minims. 0.2 to 0.4 ! capsici fl., . 1 to 3 minims. 0.06 to 0.2 card am. comp, fl., 15 to 45 minims. 1. to 3. 1 cardui bened. fl., 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. | carnis, 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4- cascarie sagrad. 11., . 10 to 20 minims. 0.65 to 1.3 cascarillie fl., % to 2)4 fl. drms. 3. to 8. castaneae fl., % to 2% fl. drms. 3. to 8. I catariue fl to \Va fl. drms. 1. to 4. catechu liquid, . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2 eaulophylli fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to chelidonii fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to chelonis 11., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 5! chimaph. 11., % to fl. drms. 3. to 5. | 220 REMEDIES. DUSK. GRAMM KS. Extr. chionanthi fi., 'f/4 to 2% fl. drms. 3. to 8. chi ret tic fl., /2 to 134 fl. drms. 2, to 4. cimicifugse fl., 8 to 30 minims. o.V> to 2. cinchoni*, . . 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2! einchoniae, fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. einchonise arom. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2 to 4. cinchoniae comp, fl., 1/ to 134 fl. drms. 2. to 5. cocte, ' 1 to 2 drachms. 4! to 8. eocculi fl., . 1 to 3 minims. 0.06 to 0.2 colch. rad., 1/ 73 to 134 grains. 0.02 to 0.1 colch. rad. fl., to 4 minims. 0.1 to 0.25 colch. sem. fl., . 134 to 6 minims. 0.1 to 0.4 collinsoniae fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2_ to 4. coloeynth, .... 134 to 5 grains. o!i to 0.35 colocvnth comp., 134 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 condurango fl., . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. conii fol. (Engl.), 1 to 4 grains. 0.06 to 0.25 conii fol. ale. (U. S. P., 1870), 34 to 1 grain. 0.03 to 0.06 con. Jfr.l ale. (U. S. P., 1880) 34 to 1 grain. 0.02 to 0.06 conii fol. fl 1 to 2 minims. 0.06 to 0.1 con. 1 fr.l, fl. (U. 8. P.,1880), 4% to 5 minims. 0.1 to 0.35 convallarise rad. fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. coptidis fl., ... 30 to 60 minims. 2 to 4. corn. flor. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. corydalis fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. coto fl., .... 3 to 15 minims. 0.2 to 1. cubebie fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. cypripedii fl., . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. damiana1 fl., 34 to 2P.) fl. drnis. 2, to 8. delphinii fl., i to 3 minims. (100 to 0.2 digitalis, .... h to 34 grain. 0.01 to 0.03 digitalis fl., ... i to 6 minims. 0.06 to 0.4 dioscorese fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ditse fl., 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. dracontii fl., 30 to 60 grains. 2. to 4. droserie fl., ... 5 to 10 minims. 0.35 to 0.65 dulcamara;, 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. dulcamara1 fl., . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. ergot*, .... 1/ 2 to 8 grains. 0.03 to 0.5 ergot* fl., . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. eryodictyi fl 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ervthroxyli fl., . 34 to 2 fl. drms. 2, to 8. eucalypti fl., 15 to 60 minims. I to 4. euonymi fl., 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. eupatorii fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. euphorb. ipec. fl., 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2, ferri pom., 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. franguhe fl., 34 to 234 fl. drms. 2. to 8. frankeni* fl., 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. gallie fl., % to 2 fl. drms. 3. to 8. gelsemii, .... 2 to 8 minims. 0.1 to 0.5 gelsemii fl., 5 to 20 minims. 0.35 to 1.3 gent. 11., .... 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. gent. com. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. gent, quinque fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. geranii fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. gei fl., .... 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. gillenia1 fl., ... 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. gossypii fl., ... 15 to 45 minims. 1. to 3. ■ granati rad. eort. 11., % to 2 fl. drms. 3. to 8. grind, rob. fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. grind, squarr. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. guaiaci ligni fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. guarame fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. haunatoxyli, 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. hamatoxrli fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. hamamelid. fl., . 30 to 90 minirfls, 2. to 6. helleb. nigris, . 1/ . 2 to 3 grains. 0.03 to 0.2 221 REMEDIES. DOSE. GRAMMES. Extr. helleb. nigri.s fi., . . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. helonise fl., . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. hepatica; fl., . 30 to GO minims. 2. to 4. humuli, . 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to 1. humuli fl., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. hydrangese fl., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. hydrastis, . . 3 to 10 grains. 0.2 to 0.65 hydrastis fl., . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. hyoscyami (Engl.), . . X to 4 grains. 0.06 to 0.25 hyoscyami ale., . 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 hyoscyami fol. fl., . 3 to 15 minims. 0.2 to 1., . . 2 to 8 minims. 0.1 to 0.5 ignatia;, • H to >2 grain. 0.015 to 0.03 ignatise fl., 1 to 6 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 ipecac, fl . 3 to 60 minims. 0.2 to 4. iridis versicol., . . 3 to 6 grains. 0.2 to 0.35 irid. versicol. fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. jaborandi fl., . 10 to 60 minims. 0.65 to 4. jalapae (U. S. P.. 1S7J)) 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 jalapee ale.. . 3 to 6 grains. 0.2 to 0.4 jalapsefl., . . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. juglandis, . . 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2. juglandis fl., • % to 2 n. arms. 3. to 8. junip. fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. kamalafl., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. kino, liquid . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. krameria;, . . 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. krameria'fl., . .30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. lactuca1, . " 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. lactucse fl., 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. lactucarii fl., . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. lappa; fl., . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. laricis fl., . • % to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. leonuri fl., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. leptandrse, . 3 to 10 grains. 0.2 to 0.65 leptandr® fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. lobelia; fl., . . 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 lupulini fl., 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. lycopi fl., . . 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. malti, 1 to 2V, drachms. 4. to 8. in an/.an it ;c fl., . • >2 to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. marrubii fl., . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. matico fl., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. matricarhe. . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. menisperim fl., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. methystice fl., . . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. mezerei, • ¥ to 1 grain. 0.03 to 0.06 mezerei fl., . 3 to 10 minims. 0.2 to 0.65 inicromerise, . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. mitchella; fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. myricse fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. nectandra;, . 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. nuc. vom., . • % to % grain. 0.008 to 0.03 nuc. vom. fl., . 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 nuphar fl., . . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. nymphseaifl., 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. oenother® fl., . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. opii, .... • * to M grain. 0.01 to 0.03 papaveris, . • Vi to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 papaveris fl., . 15 to 45 minims. 1. to 3. pareir® fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. petroselina fl., . . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. phellandrii fl.. . . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. phoradendri fl., • ¥ to 1 fl. drm. 2. to 4. physost.igm®, • TB to e grain. 0.004 to 0.01 physostigm® fl., . 1 to 3 minims. 0.06 to 0.2 phytolace® bacear fl., . 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. phytolacc® rad., . 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 222 REMEDIES. Extr. phytolacca: rad. tl., 5 to 1SK. 30 minims. (I RAM Ml 0.35 to 2. pilocarpi fl., 15 to 60 minims. l. to 4. pimentse fl., 15 to 45 minims. l. to 3. piper, nigr. fl., . 15 to 45 minims. l. to 3. piscidi* fl., 15 to 60 minims. l. to 4. podophylli, % to 1 y, grains. 0.03 to 0.1 podophylli fl., . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2, polygoni fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. polygonati fl., . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. populi fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. prinos fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. prun. virg. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. i! to 4. pteleae, 15 to 30 minims. to 2, pulsatillae fl., 2 to 5 minims. 0.1 to 0.35 quassiae, 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 quassitefl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. 2. to 4. quercus fl., 30 to 60 minims. to 4. rhamni eath. ft. fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. rhamni pursh cort. fl., 30 to 120 minims. 2. to 8. rhei, .... 5 to 15 grains. 03S5 to 1. rhei fl., 15 to 45 minims. 1. to 3. rhois arom. fl., . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. rhois glab. cort. fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. rhois glab. fruct. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. rhois toxicod. fl., 1 to 6 minims. 0.06 to 0.4 ricini fol. fl., % to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. rosie fl., ii to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. rubi fl., 15 to 60 minims. r. to 4. rumicis fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. ruta: fl., 15 to 30 minims. I! to 2, sabbathe fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. sabinae fl., . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. salicisfl., . u to 2 fl. drms. 2, to 8. salvitefl., . to 2 fl. drms. 2 to 8. sambuci fl., 8 to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. sanguin. fl., 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. santali citr. fl., . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. santo nicie fl., 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. sarsap. fl., . X to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. sarsap. comp, fl., X to 2 fl. drms. 2'. to 8. sassafras fl., X to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. scillae fl., 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 scillae comp, fl., . 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 scopariifl., X to 1 fl. drm. 2. to 4. Scutellaria: fl., . X to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. senecionis fl., 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. senega: fl 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. senna: fl., . 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. serpent, fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2, to 4. simarubae, . 15 to 30 minims. i! to 2. solidag. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2, to 4. spigeliae fl., 15 to 60 minims. E to 4. spigeliae et sennie fl., to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. stillin gise fl., stillingiae comp, fl., . X to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. X to 2 H. drms. 2. to 8. stramonii (Engl.), X to 1 grain. 0.03 to 0.06 stramonii fol. ale., . % to % grain. 0.02 to 0.03 stramonii sem., K to X grain. 0.01 to 0.03 stramonii fl., 1 to 6 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 sumbul fl., . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. taraxaci, 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. taraxaci fl., X to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. thujae fl., 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. toxicodendri fl.. 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 trifol. prat, fl., . 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. trillii fl., >2 to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. trit. rep. fl., 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. tussilag. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2, to 4. 223 REMEDIES. ] OSE. GKAMM1 iS. Kxtr. article rad. fl., 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. ustilag. maid. fi., 35 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. uvie ursi fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. vaccin. crassifol. fl., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. valerian, 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. valer. fl., 30 to 60 minims. 2 to 4., . 2 to 8 minims. Oil to 0.5 verbena, 35 to 60 minims. 3. to 4. viburni opuli fl., 3 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. viburni [prunifol.] fl.. 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. wahoo 3 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 xanthoxyli corf. fl.. . 35 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. xanthoxyli fruct. fl., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. zingiheris fl., 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. Fel bovis purif., 3 to 6 grains. 0.2 to 0.4 Ferri arsen., 55 1 to % grain. 0.003 to 0.03 benzoas., to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 bromid., 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 carb. sacch., 4 to 15 grains. 0.25 to 1. ehlorid., 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 citr., .... 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 et amnion, citr., 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 et amnion, sulph., 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 et amnion, tartr., 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. et cinchonid. citr., . 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 et pot. tartr., 35 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. et quin, citr., 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 et strychn. citr., 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 hypophosphis, . 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 iodidum 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 iodidum sacch., 2 to 3 grains. 0.1 to 0.2 1 act as, i to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 oxalas. 3 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 oxid. magnet., . 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 oxid. liydrat., . K to 2 ounces. 16. to 64. phosphas, . l to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 pvrophosphas, . l to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 snbcarb., 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. sulphas 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 sulphas exsiocat., >2 to 1>2 grains. 3 grains. 0.03 to 0.3 valer., 1 to 0.06 to 0.2 Ferrum dialys.. 1 to 15 minims. 0.06 to 1. redact 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Gamboge, .... 1 to 4 grains. 0.06 to 0.25 Gaultheria, oil of, . 10 minims. 0.65 Guaiacol, .... 3v to 1 grain. 0.015 to 0.06 Guarana, .... 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. Helleborein, 15 to grain. 0.006 to 0.015 Hydrarg. chlor. corros., 54 to is grain. 0.001 to 0.006 ehlorid. mite, . & to 8 grains. 0.01 to 0.5 iodid. flav., 5 to 1 grain. 0.01 to 0.06 iodid. rubr., 15 to A grain. 0.0013 to 0.006 iodid. vir., 5 34 to 1 grain. 0.01 to 0.06 subsulphas flav., to >2 grain. 0.015 to 0.03 c. creta, 3 to 8 grains. 0.2 to 0.5 Ilydrastin, 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 llyoscine, .... T Off to is grain. 0.0006 to 0.001 Hyoscyamina and salts, jh~s to A grain. 0.0005 to 0.002 Hypnone, .... I minim. 0.06 Ichthyol, .... 3 to 4 grains. 0.2 to 0.25 Infusum brayeric, . 2 to 8 fi. ounces. 64. to 256. digitalis, 2 to 4 fl. drms. 8. to 16. sennse comp., 1 to 2 fl. ounces. 32. to 64. lodoformum, . 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 lodol, .... * to % grain. 0.01 to 0.03 Ioduni, .... iff to 34 grain. 0.006 to 0.015 Ipecacuanha {“m?,''’ .' 15 to to 1 grain. 30 grains. 0.01 1. to to 0.06 2. 224 REMEDIES. DOSE. GRAMMES. .Talapa, .... 15 to 30 grains. l. to 2. Kairin, .... 8 grains. 0.5 Kamala, .... 1 to 2 drachms. 4. to 8. Kino, .... 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. Laetnearium, . 8 to 15 grains. 0.5 to 1. I.ewinin, .... 50 per cent. sol. Liq. ammon. acet., . 2 to 8 fi. drms. 8. to 32. acidi arseniosi, 2 to 7 minims. 0.1 to 0.50 arsen. et hydr. iod., 2 to 7 minims. 0.1 to 0.50 ferri chloridi, . 2 to 10 minims. 0.1 to 0.65 ferri dialys., 1 to 15 minims. 0.06 to 1. ferri nitrat., 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. pepsini, 2 to 4 fl. drms. 8. to 16. Liquor potassse, 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. potassii arsenit., 3 to 7 minims. 0.2 to 0.50 potassii eitrat., . o to 4 fl. drms. 8. to 16. sodse, .... 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. sodii arseniatis, 3 to 7 minims. 0.2 to 0.50 Lithii benzoas, o to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 bromid., 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 carb., .... 2 to 6 grains. 0.1 to 0.4 eitr., .... 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 salicylas, 2 to 8 grains. 0.1 to 0.5 Lupulinum, 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 Magnesia, .... 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. Magnesii earb., 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. eitr. gran., 2 to 8 drachms. 8. to 32. sulphas, 2 to 8 drachms. 8. to 32. sulphis, 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. Manganese binox., . 2 to 4 grains. 0.1 to 0.25 Mangani sulphas, 2 to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 Manna, .... 1 to 2 ounces. 32. to 64. Massa copaibse. 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. ferri carb., 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. hydrarg., . 1. to 15 gr ains. 0.06 to 1. Mist, ammoniaci, 4 to 8 fl. drms. 16. to 32. assafcetid®, 4 to 8 fl. drms. 16. to 32. chloroformi, 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. cretoe, .... 1 to 2 fl. ounces. 32. to 64. ferri comp., 34 to 2 fl. ounces. 16. to 64. ferri et amm. acet., . !/ to 1 fl. ounce. 16. to 32. glycyrrh. comp., ' 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. magues, et assafoet., 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. potassii eitr., 34 to 2 fl. ounces. 16. to 64. rhei et sodie, 34 to 1 fl. ounce. 16. to 32. Morphina and its salts, . TS to 34 grain. 0.004 to 0.03 Morrhuol, .... 3 to 60 minims. 0.2 to 4. Moschuol, 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Moschus 2 to 15 grains. 0.1 to 1. Naphtholinum, 2 to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 Naphthol, 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 Narceina, .... £ to 34 grain. 0.01 to 0.03 Nitroglycerinum, . i is to sir grain. 0.0006 to 0.003 Xux vomica, 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Oleoresina aspidii, . 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. capsici, i to 34 grain. 0.01 to 0.03 cubebie, 5 to 20 minims. 0.35 to 1.3 filiciSj 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. lupulini, 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 piperis, 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 zingiberis, 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 Oleum copaiba, 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. cubebse, 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. eriger., 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. eucalypti, . 5 to 10 minims. 0.35 to 0.65 phosphoratum, 1 to 3 minims. 0.06 to 0.2 sabina, 1 to 3 minims. 0.06 to 0.2 terebinth., 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. 225 REMEDIES. DOSE. OKA MM res. Oleum tiglii, J to 1% drops. 0.01 to 0.1 Opium (14 per cent, morph lit*; ; to 134 grains. 0.01 to 0.1 Ouabaine (in Pertussis), ioW to iH grain. 0.00006 to 0.00025 Pancreatin. 10 to 20 grains. 0.65 to 1.3 Papayotin, 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Paracotin, ... 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 Paraldehyde, . 20 to 60 grains. 1.3 to 4. Pareirin hydrochlor.. i to 1 grain. 0.004 to 0.05 Pelleterinc, 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 Pepsinum purum, 15 grs. to 34 ounce. 1. to 16. saceharatum, 30 grs. to 1 ounce. 2. to 32. Phenacetin, 5 to 10 grains. 0.35 to 0.65 Phosphorus, iis to it’s grain. 0.0005 to 0.001: Physostigmin* salio., 120 to n\ grain. 0.0005 to 0.001 sulphas, 120 to ,h grain. 0.0005 to 0.001 Picrotoxinum, OT to 7s grain. 0.001 to 0.008 Pilocarpina and salts, 1 to 34 grain. 0.001 to 0.0:i Pil. aloes 1 to 3 pills. et assafbet., 2 to 5 pills. aloes et ferri, 1 to 3 pills. aloes et mast., . 1 to 3 pills. aloes et myrrh*, 0 to 5 pills. antim. comp., I to 3 pills. assafoet id*, 1 to 6 pills. cathart. comp., . 1 to 4 pills. ferri com])., o to 5 pills. ferri iodidi, i to 4 pills. galbani comp., . 1 to 5 pills. opii, .... 1 to 2 lulls. phosphori, 1 to 4 pills. rliei, .... 2 to 5 pills. rliei comp., 2 to 5 pills. Piperinum, 1 to 8 grains. 0.06 to 0.5 Plumbi acetas, % to 3 grains. 0.03 to 0.2 iodidum, . % to 3 grains. 0.03 to 0.2 Potassa sulphuret., . 1 to 10 grains. 0.06 to 0.65 Potassii acetas, 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. bicarb., 8 to 60 grains. 0.5 to 4. bitartr., 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 bromid., 8 to 60 grains. 0.5 to 4. carb., .... 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2 chloras, 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. citras, 15 to 60 grains. 1. to cyanid, i to 34 grain. 0.004 to 0.008 et sodii tartr., . % to 1 ounce. 16. to 32. hypophosphis, . 5 to 15 grains. .35 to 1. iodid., 2 to 15 grains. 0.1 to 1. nitras, 8 to 15 grains. 0.5 to 1. sulphas, 1 to 4 drachms. 4. to 16. sulphidum, 1 to 10 grains. 0.06 to 0.65 sulpliis, 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2. tartras, 1 to 8 drachms. 4. to 52! Pulv. antimonialis, 1 to 3 grains. 0.06 to 0.2 aromat., 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. cret* comp., 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. glycyrrh. comp., 30 to 60 grains. 2. to I ipecac, corn])., . 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. jalap* com., 30 to 60 grains. 2. to 4. morph in* comp., 8 to 15 grains. 0.5 to 1. rhei com., . 30 to 60 grains. 2, to 4. Pyridin, .... 2 to 5 drops. 0.1 to 0.35 Quinidina and salts. 1 to 30 grains. 0.06 to 2. Quinina and salts, . 1 to 30 grains. 0.06 to 2. Quinin* arsenias, *. to 1 grain. 0.01 to aoe Resina copaib*, to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 guaiaci, 10 to 30 grains. 0.65 to 2. jalap*, 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 podopliylli, 1/ to 34 grain. 0.008 to 0.03 REMEDIES. 7 OSK. (iKAMM KS. Resina scammonii, . 2 to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 Resorcin, .... 2 to 5 grains. 0.1 to 0.35 Rheum 2 to 30 grains. 0.1 to 1. Saccharin, • x to 4 grains. o.o;! to 0.25 Salicinum . 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. Said, . 10 to 15 grains. 0.65 to 1. Santonica, Santoninum, . . 8 to 60 grains. 0.5 to 4. . 1 to 5 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 Sapo., .... 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. Scammonium, . . 3 to 15 grains. 0.2 to i! Scoparine, 1/ •2 to 1 grain. 0.03 to 0.06 Senna, .... . 8 to 60 grains. 0.5 to 4. Sodii acetas, . 15 to 60 grains. 1. to 4. arsenias, . i. to A grain. 0.001 to 0.006 benzoas, 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. bicarb., . 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. bisulphis, . 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2, boras; .... . 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. bromid., 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. carb., . . . r . 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. carb. exsicc., . 0 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. chloras, 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. hypophosphis, . . 8 to 15 grains. 0.5 to T. hyposulphis, 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2, iodidum, . phosphas, . 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to I. 2 to 15 grains. 0.1 to 1. salicylas, . 5 to 30 grains. 0.35 to 2. santoninas, 2 to 10 grains. 0.1 to 0.65 sulphas, 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 sulphis, Sparteine sulph., . 8 to 30 grains. 0.5 to 2. • J* to 4 grains. 0.03 to 0.25 Spiritus setheris coni posit us, 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. sether. nitrosi, . to 2 ft. drms. 2. to 8. ammoniac, . to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. ammonia- arom., . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. camphor®, . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. chloroformi, . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. lavend. comp., . . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. menth. pip., . 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. Strophanthin, . to As grain. 0.0003 to 0.0006 Strychnia.- (and salts), to A grain. 20 grains. 0.001 to 0.005 Sulphonal, . 5 to 0.:i5 to 1.3 Splphur, .... Syr. calcii lactophos., • H to 4 drachms. 2. to 16. . l to 2 ft. drms. 4. to 8. calcis. . 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ferri Dromidi, . . 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. ferri iodidi, . 15 to 40 minims. 1. to 3. ferri oxidi, ferri hyposulph., ferri quin, et str. jibos., hypophosphit., . hypophosph. c. fer., ipecac., 1 fi. drachm. 1 fl. drachm. 1 ft. drachm. 1 ft. drachm. 1 ft. drachm. . ■% to 1 ft. drm. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2. to 4. kramerise, . ■ % 1 to 4 ft. drms. 2." to 16. lactucarii, . to 3 ft. drms. 4. to 12. rhei, .... 1 to 4 ft. drms. 4. to 16. rhei arom., . 1 to 4 ft. drms. 4. to 16. roste, .... 1 to 2 ft. drms. 4. to 8. sarsap. com.. . 1 to 4 ft. drms. 4. to 16. scillse, • % to 1 ft. drms. 2. to 4. seilla- comp., . 15 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. senega, . 1 to 2 ft. drms. 4. to 8. sennse, . 1 to 4 ft. drms. 4. to 16. Terebene 5 to 10 minims. 0.35 to 0.065 Terpine hydrati. 2 to 5 minims. 0.1 to 0.35 Th allin., . Theine, .... Thymol, .... i 7 3 grains, grain, hypo, to 5 grains. 0.2 0.03 0.03 to 0.35 REMEDIES. Tmct. aconiti fol., . DOSE. to 16 minims. ORAMMES. 0.5 to 1. aeoniti rad., 1 to 5 minims. 0.06 to 0.35 aconiti rad. (Fleming’s ft to 2]/z minims. 0.03 to 0.1 aloes (1880), to 2 fi. drills. 2. to 8. aloes et myrrh., 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. arnicse flor., 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. arnicse rad., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. assafoetida;, 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4! belladonna;, 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. bryonise, 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. calendula*, 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. calumha', . 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4. to 16. cannabis ind., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2, cantharid., 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to I! capsici, 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. catechu comp., . 'A to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. chirretta, . 15 to 00 minims. l. to 4. cimicifuga', 30 to 00 minims. 2. to 4. cinchona;, . 17 /'i to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. cinchona comp.. A to 2 ft.’drms. 2. to 8. colchici rad., 5 to 15 minims. 05(5 to 1. colchici scm., 0 to 15 minims. 0.4 to 1. conii, .... 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. croci, .... 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to s’. cubebie, 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. digitalis, . 6 to 15 minims. 0.4 to 1. ferriacet., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ferri chloridi 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ferri chloridi sether, 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ferri pomati, 20 to 60 minims. 1.3 to 4! gallse A to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. gelseinii, 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. guaiaci, 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. guaiaci amnion., 30 to 60 minims. 2. to 4. nellebori, . 10 to 15 minims. 0.65 to 1. humuli, 1 to 2% fl. drills. 4. to 9. hydrastis, . hyoseyami fol., 30 to 90 minims. 2. to 6. 15 to 30 minims. i. to 2, hyoseyami sem., 15 to 30 minims. 1. to 2. ignatiee, 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. iodi, .... 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. ipecac, et opii, . 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. jalapse, A to 2 fl. drms. 2, to 8. * kino, .... 17 .-2 to 2 fl. drms. 2, to 8. kramerue, 9* to 2 fl. drms. 2, to 8. lavend. comp., . A to 2 fl. drills. 2. to 8. lobelia, 15 to 45 minims. i! to lupulini, to 2 fl. drills. 2. to s! matico, X? 15 to 2 fl. drills. 2. to 8. moschi, to 60 minims. 1. to 4. nux vomica, 8 to 20 minims. 0.5 to 1.3 opii 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. opii camph., 8 to 75 minim's. 0.5 to 5. phvtolacca;. 8 to 60 minims. 0.5 to 4. physostigmatis, 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. pyrethri, . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. ipiassia;, % to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. rhei, .... 1 to 8 fl. drms. 4. to 32. rhei arotn., 30 to 75 minims. 2. to to 5. rhei dulc., . 1 to 4 fl. drms. 4.' 16. sanguinarise, 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. scillse, 8 to 60 minims. 0.5 to 4. serpen taria;, A to 2 fl. drms. 2. to 8. stramon. fol., 8 to 15 minims. 0.5 to 1. stramon. sem., . 6 to 15 minims. 0.4 to 1. sumbul, . . 8 to 30 minims. 0.5 to 2. valer., 1/ 1* 72 to 2 ii. drms. 2. to 8.’ valer. amnion., to 2 fl. drills. 2. to 8. 228 REMEDIES. DOSE. GRAMMES. Tinct. veratr. vir., . 3 to 10 minims. 0.2 to 0.65 ziugiberis, 15 to 60 minims. 1. to 4. Trimethylamina, 2 to 15 grains. 0.1 to 1. Tritur. elaterina, Vs to y2 grain. o.oos to 0.03 Urethran., 10 to 15 grains. 0.65 to 1. Veratrina, Jjy to * grain. 0.001 to 0.006 Viu. aloes, 1 to 2 fl. drms. 4. to 8. antirn f exp- ut alt-' 1 to 8 minims. 0.06 to 0.5 anum-\emet., . 30 to 75 minims. 2. to 5. colch. rad., 8 to 20 minims. 0.5 to 1.3 colch. sem., 5 to 30 minims. 0.35 to 2. ergotse, 1 to 3 11. drms. 4. to 11. ferri amar., 1 11. drachm. 4. ferri citrat., 1 11. drachm. 4. inW9„ i expect., 5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. ipecac. | emet., . 3 to 6 11. drms. 11. to 23. opii, .... .5 to 15 minims. 0.35 to 1. rhei, .... 1 to 2 11. drms. 4. to 8. Xylolum, .... 5 to 15 grains. 0.35 to 1. Zinci aeet., 1 to 2 grains. 0.06 to 0.1 bromid., >2 to 2 grains. 0.03 to 0.1 cyanid., £ to Vs grain. 0.004 to 0.008 iodid., to 3 grains. 0.03 to 0.2 oxid., i to 10 grains. 0.06 to 0.35 phosphid., Tif to a grain. 0.006 to 0.01 sulphas emet., . 15 to 30 grains. 1. to 2. valerianas, 1 to 6 grains. 0.06 to 0.4 INCOMPATIBLES. Acacia (gum) with alcohol, iron, lead-water, and min- eral acids. Acids (mineral), with alkalies and relatively weak salts of other acids—such as bromides, chlorides, and iodides. Alkalies, with acids, and with relatively weak salts. Antipyrin and antifebrin should be given with alcohol or water only. Arsenic, with tannic acid, salts and oxide of iron, and lime and magnesia. Bitter infusions and tinctures, with salts of iron and lead. Bromides, with acids, acid salts, or alkalies, Calomel, with alkalies, lime-water, salts of iron and lead, and iodide of potassium. Camphor (spirits of) with water. Carbonates, with acids and acid salts. Chlorides, with silver salts, lead salts, and alkalies. Chloroform (except in minute quantity) with water. Corx-osive sublimate, with alkalies, lime-water, salts of iron and lead, iodide of potassium, albumen, gelatine, and vegetable astringents. (It may, however, be ad- vantageously combined with the tincture of the chloride of iron, and the liq. acidi. arseniosi of the new Pharma- copoeia, or in spite of the chemical reaction, with iodide of potassium, as in the famous Gilbert’s syrup.) Digitalis, with iron and preparations containing tannic acid. Iron (salts), with anything containing tannic acid. Tincture of the chloride of iron, with alkalies, car- bonates, mucilages, and preparations containing tannic acid. Mucilages, with acids, iron salts, and alcohol. Potassium (iodide of), with all strong acids and acid salts. (See corrosive sublimate.) Spirits of nitrous ether, with sulphate of iron, tincture of guaiacum, and most of the carbonates. Vegetable preparations holding tannic acid, with salts of iron and lead. Alkaloids are precipitated or destroyed by tannic acid, alkalies, and clilorinous compounds. 230 Approximate Measures. 1 minim varies from 1 to 2 drops. 1 fluidrachin equals about 1 teaspoonful. 2 fluidrachms “ u 1 dessertspoonful. 4 fluidrachms “ “ 1 tablespoonful. 2 fluidounces “ “ 1 wineglass. 4 fluidounces “ 1 teacup. The Metric System lias as its unit the Meter (39.37 inches), which is the ten millionth part of the distance from the pole to the equator. From this as a basis all other measures and weights are formed. The sytem is arranged on a decimal scale—that is, all the divisions are connected by the multiple ten, in exactly the same way as the coins in the United States monetary system. The names given to the different divisions and multiples of the unit are formed in each case by a certain prefix, derived from the Latin or Greek, which is placed before the name of the unit. It is the custom in all countries where the metric system is used, in writing prescriptions, to express all quantities by weight, fluids as well as solids being expressed in this way. We have only to do, then, with the gram and its decimal divisions, that being the name given to the unit of weight. A gram is the weight of one, cubic centi- meter of water at 39° Falir. The subdivisions of the gram are as follows :— 1 gram = weight of 1 cc. water at 39° F. written 1. 1 decigram — 1-10 of a gram “ .1 1 centigram = 1-100 “ “ .01 1 milligram = 1-1000 “ “ .001 In practice the decigram is disregarded, and every- thing expressed in terms of grams and centigrams: in the same way as we disregard our dimes and express money values in terms of dollars and cents. In writing pre- scriptions for solids, then, one has only to know the dose in terms of grams, the mathematical calculation being practically the same as when the apothecaries’ weight is employed, only simplified by the use of the decimal system. Apothcaries’. Grams (nearly). Grams (exactly). Grain i, = .06 or .06479 3h = 1.30 “ 1.2958 5>. = 4. “ 3.8874 51* = 31. 31.103 Table of Approximations. From the preceding Table may be easily deduced the following Rules for Expressing Quantity by Weight of the Apothecaries’ System in Metric Terms. Rule I. Reduce the quantity to grains and divide by 15 ; the quotient expresses the same quantity [nearly] in grains. Rule II. Reduce the quantity to drachms and multiply by 4 ; the product represents [nearly] the same quantity in grams. Rule III. Reduce each quantity to ounces and multiply by 31 ; the product represents [nearly] the same quantity in grams. In changing fluid measures to grams the same rules may be employed to get results accurate enough for all practical purposes. But if greater exactness is required, it must be remembered that 1 gram of water measures about 16 minims [exactly 16.231] ; consequently [1 fluidounce of water weighs 455.7 grs.] — 1 minim, = .06 gram, exactly .0616 1 f3 = 3.70 grams. “ 3.696 1 f 3 s 30. “ “ 29.576 French System of Length. 1 millimeter equals .039368 of an inch 1 centimeter “ .39368 “ “ 1 decimeter “ 3.9368 inches. 1 meter “ 39.368 “ 1 dekameter 393.68 “ 1 liektometer “ 3,936.S “ 1 kilometer “ 39,368. 1 myriameter “ 393,680. “ French System of Weight. 1 centigram equals .15434 of a grain. 1 decigram “ 1.5434 grain. 1 gram “ 15.434 grains. 1 dekagram “ 154.34 “ 1 hektogram “ 1,543.4 “ French System of Measures. I milliliter equals 16.231 minims or 15.433 grains. 1 centiliter “ 2.705 f 5 154.34 “ 1 deciliter “ 3.381 i% 1,543.4 “ 1 litre “ 2.113 pints 15,434. 1 dekaliter “ 2.641 C. 154,340. “ I liektoliter “ 26.412 C. 1.543,400. “ 1 kiloliter “ 264.12 C. “ 1 myrialiter “ 2,641.2 C. 154,340,000. “ 232 IO Fahrenheit = 5-9° Centigrade = 4-9° Reaumur. To reduce F. to C.: subtract 32° from the F. degrees given, and divide the remainder by 1.8. 7’o reduce C. to F.: multiply the C. degrees given by 1.8 and then add 320 to the product. Temperature. Acid. Hydrocyanic, dilut., 45 ; Acid Sulphuric, Aromat., 116-148 ; Acid Sulphur., dilut., 49-54 ; Ether, 150 ; Al- cohol, 120-143 ; Chloroform, 180-276 ; Liq. Potass. Ar- senit., 59-63 : Acetum Opii, 70-90 ; 01. Ricini, 55 ; Syrupus Scillse, 85 ; Tinct. Aconiti Rad., 118-130 ; Tinct. Ferri Cliloridi, 106-151 ; Tinct. Opii, 106-147. Tinct. Opii. Camph., 95—110. Table of Drops in a Fluid Drachm. Average Weights (avoir.) of the Organs of the Body. Brail), Male. 49 1-2 ozs. Female. 44 ozs Cerebrum, 43 ozs., 15 drs. 38 ozs., 12 drs. Cerebellum, 5 ozs., 4 drs. 4 ozs., 12 1-4 drs. Pons and Medulla, 15 3-4 drs. 1 oz., 1-4 dr. Spinal Cord, 1 oz., 4 drs. 1 oz., 4 drs. Heart, Lung (right), “ (left), 11 ozs. 9 ozs. 24 ozs. 17 ozs. 21 ozs. 15 ozs. Thyroid, 1 oz. 2 ozs. Liver, 53 ozs. 45 ozs. Pancreas, 3 ozs. 3 ozs. Spleen, 6 ozs. 5 ozs. Kidney, 5 1-2 ozs. 5 ozs. Suprarenal Capsule, 1 dr. to 2 drs. 1 dr. to 2 drs. Prostate, Testis, Uterus (virgin), Ovary, 6 drs. 1 oz. 7 drs. to 12 drs. 1 dr. to 1 1-2 dr. Pound. Ounces. Drachms. Scruples. Grains. lb. 1 = 12 = 96 = 288 = 5760 31 = 8 = 24 = 480 51 = 3 = 60 91 = 20 Apothecaries’, or Troy, Weight. Gallon. Pints. Fluidounces. Fluidrachms. Minims. C. 1 = 8 = 128 = 1024 = 61440 01 = 16 ilgl = 128 = 8 U*1 == 7680 480 60 Apothecaries’, ok Wine, Measure. 233 Gargles. Each to be added to one pint of water. Acid, carbolici . . ... to 3 drachms. Acid, muriatic . . . . 1 to 4 drachms. Acid, nitric . . . • . . 60 drops. Acid, tannic . . • • to 2 drachms. Alum j to 1 ounce. Ammon, clilor. . . . . 1 to 4 drachms. Calcis clilorinatse . . . 1 to 2 drachms. Catechu (tinct.) ..... ounce. Cubebse, A. ex jounce. Ferri, ehlor. (tinct.) ..... ounce. Ferri et ammon. sulph. . . to 2 drachms. Kramerise, 11. ex. ..... ounce. Myrrlise (tinct.) ...... 1 ounce. Phenol, sodique . . . . | to 2 ounces. Potass, chlorat. . . . | to 2 ounces. Potass, permanganat. . . . 1 to 3 scruples. Quercus alb. 11. ex. . . . to 1 ounce. Rhois glab. Jfl. ex. ..... 1 ounce. Salvhe . . . . . to 1 ounce. Sodii borat. ...... 2 ounces. Sodii hyposulpliitis . . . to 2 ounces. Zinci sulpliat. . . . . 15 to 60 grains. Doses of Drugs for Atomization, Inhalation, etc. Each to be added to one ounce of distilled water. Acid, tannic . . . . 5 to 15 grains. Acid, sulphurous dil. . . 10 to 20 drops. Acid, carbolic . . . 10 to 20 drops. Acid, salicylic . . . . 15 to 30 grains. Acid, citric ....... 1 drachm. Acetate of lead . . . . 1 to 5 grains. Alum . . . . . . 5 to 25 grains. Ammon, muriate . . . 5 to 10 grains. Argenti nitrat. . . . . 1 to 10 grains. Aq. calcis, undiluted. Aq. mentli. pip., undiluted. Belladonna (Tinct. of) . . 15 to 30 drops. Cannabis Indica (Tinct. of) . 3 to 15 drops. Cupri sulph. . . . 1 to 15 grains. Hammamelis (Tinct. of) . . .20 drops. Ipecac. (A. ex.) . . . . . . 20 drops. Liq. sodii arsenitis . . . 5 to 10 drops. Morph, sulph. . . . . | to 1| grains. Opii deodorat. (tinct.) . . . 20 to 30 drops. Potass, clilor. . . . . 10 to 20 grains. Potass, permanganat. . . 5 to 10 grains. Picis liquid, infus. ..... ounce. Terebinth, ol. . . . . 5 to 10 drops, Zinci sulph. . . . . 3 to 15 grains. 234 Per minute. First year ....... 25 Second year ...... 25 At puberty ....... 20 Adult age ....... 18 Respiration at Various Ages. At birth ...... 130-140 First year ...... 115-130 Second year ..... 100-115 Third year 90-100 Seventh year ..... 85-90 Fourteenth year ..... 80-85 Adult 70-75 The Pulse at Various Ages. Table Giving a Fair Comparison Between Tem- perature and Pulse. A temperature of 98° F. corresponds to a pulse of 60. u 990 “ “ “ 70. u “ 100° “ “ “ 80. k “ 101O “ “ “ 90. (( “ 102° “ “ “ 100. (i “ 103O “ “ “ 110. 11 “ 1040 “ “ “ 120. << 105° “ “ “ 130. ft “ 106° “ “ “ 140. Deciduous.—(20 in number.) Central Incisors, 7th month ; Lateral Incisors, 7th to 10th month ; Ant. Molars, 13th to 14 month ; Canine, 14th to 20th month ; Post. Molars, 18tli to 36tli month. Permanent.—(32 in number.) First Molars at 61-2 years ; Two Middle Incisors, 7 years ; Two Lat. Incisors, 8 years ; First Bicuspids, 9 to 10 years ; Second Bicuspids, 10 to 11 years ; Canine, 11 to 12 years ; Second Molars, 12 to 14 years ; Wisdom, 17 to 21 years. The teeth of the lower jaw usually precede those of the upper jaw by one or two months. Eruption of the Teeth. 235 Names. Incubation. Day of Rash. Character of Rash. Rash Fades. Duration. Measles. Rubeola. 10 to 14 days. 4th day of Small red dots, resembling fleabites, first fever, after 72 appearing on temples and forehead, form- hours’ illness. ing blotches with semilunar borders. On 7th day of fever. 6 to 10 days. Scarlet Fever. Scarlatina. 1 to 6 days, occasionally 21 days. 2d day of Bright scarlet, rapidly diffused, first on fever, after 24 chest and upper extremities, hours’ illness. On 5th day of fever. 8 to 9 days. Typhus Fever. Ship Fever. 1 to 12 days. 4th to 7th day. Mulberry colored macula1, general and abundant over abdomen, extending to extremities. 14 to 21 days. Typhoid Fever. Enteric Fever. 10 to 14 days, or suddenly. 7th to 14th Rose-colored papules, elevated, few in day. j number, limited to trunk, fresh spots 1 persisting to occur during career. 21 to 30 days. Smallpox. Variola. 10 to 14 days. 3d day of Small, round, red, hard pimples, forming fever, after 48 vesicles {umbilicated), then pustules, first hours’ illness. appearing on face and wrists. 9th day scabs form, and about 14th day fall oft'. 14 to 21 days. Chicken-pox. Varicella. 4 days. 2d day of Small rose-colored papules, soon forming fever, after 24 vesicles, which do not become pustular, hours’ illness. Slight scab of short duration. 6 to 7 days. Erysipelas. 3 to 7 days. 2d or 3d day. Diffused redness, either of a dusky or yel- ! lowish hue with swelling. Roseola. 6 to 10 days. After 12 to 36 Rose-colored spots not elevated, occurring hours’ illness. | irregularly at different points. From 24 to 48 hours. Eruptive Fevers. 236 TREATMENT OF ASPHYXIA FROM DROWNING. Sylvester’s Method. Remove from the mouth and nostrils all obstructions to the free passage of air to the lungs, free the body from any clothing that binds the neck, chest, or waist; turn it over upon the face for a moment, thrusting a finger into the mouth and sweeping it round, to bring away anything that may have gotten in or accumulated there. Then lay the body flat on the back, with something a few inches high under the shoulders, so as to cause the neck to be stretched out and the chin to be carried from the chest. Draw the tongue well forward out of the month and let it be held by an assistant. (If there be no one present, a pencil or small stick may be thrust across the mouth on top of the tongue and back of the last teeth, to keep the mouth open and the tongue out of the throat.) Place yourself on your knees behind the head, seize both arms near the elbows and sweep them round horizontally, away from the body and over the head till they meet above it ; give a good, strong pull, and keep it up for a few seconds. Fid. 1. After this return the arms to their former position along- side the chest, and make strong pressure against the lower ribs, so as to drive the air out of the chest and effect an act of expiration. This need occupy but a second of time. This plan, regularly carried out, will make about 16 complete acts of respiration in a minute. It should be kept up for a long time, and not abandoned until the 237 heart has ceased to beat, it should be remembered that cessation of the pulse at the wrists amounts to nothing as a sign of death ; and life is present when only a most acute ear can detect the sound of the heart. In a mod- Fig. 2. erately thin person deep pressure with the finger-ends just below the lower end of the breastbone may sometimes reveal pulsation in the aorta when it cannot be found anywhere else. 238 SURGICAL REMEMBRANCER. These notes were published in the Medical Times and Register, and are from the pen of an eminent London surgeon. Always avoid purgatives in treating a patient who has swallowed a foreign body. Give opium and constipating food—boiled eggs, cheese, puddings, potatoes, etc. Never close any wound of the abdominal wall till all hemorrhage has ceased. Never, under any circumstances, apply pressure to a wound of the abdominal wall to arrest hemorrhage. Never mind increasing a superficial wound of the abdo- men in order to remove a foreign body or to secure a bleeding point. Never probe any wound in the abdominal wall. Never forget that all abscesses of the abdominal wall should be opened freely and at once. Never hesitate or delay to open and drain an abscess in the loin due to rupture or injury to the kidney. Never procrastinate in strangulated hernia. It is not usually the operation which will prove unsuccessful in herniotomy ; the danger lies in your allowing the bowel to become irrecoverable. Never be deceived by an opiate masking the acute symptoms of hernia, obstruction, peritonitis. Never tap a suspected renal tumor through the abdo- minal parietes, i. e., through the peritoneum. Always relax the abdominal wall after suturing. Never ligature en masse in cutting off omentum. Do it piecemeal. [The constricted edge of the apron of omentum may unravel, and fatal hemorrhage result.] In protrusion of the viscera never neglect to pass your finger fairly through the wound to make sure that the reduction has been complete. And be careful never to push the bowel into an in- terstice between the muscle or into subperitoneal tissue. Abdomen. Abscess. Never try fluctuation across a limb, always along it. Never forget that: 1. Abscesses near a large joint often communicate with the i,oint. 239 2. Abscesses near a large artery sometimes communi- cate with the artery. 3. Abdominal wall abscesses sometimes communicate with the gut. Never forget that early openings are imperative in ab- scesses situated : 1. In neighborhood of joints. 2. In the abdominal wall. 3. In the neck, under the deep fascia. 4. In the palm of the hand. 5. Beneath periosteum. t>. About the rectum, prostate, and urethra. Remember the frequency with which lisematoma and traumatic aneurism have been mistaken for abscess, and incised ; and remember, also, that in extravasation below the gluteal fascia there is rarely any sign of bruise or injury to the skin. Never incise such without ausculta- tion or exploratory puncture. Never plunge ; never squeeze in opening abscesses. Do not forget that your incision should radiate : 1. In abscesses pointing near the nipple. 2. In abscesses near the anus. 3. In scarifying the c-hemosis of the cornea. And that your incisions should be longitudinal: 1. In the hand. 2. In the urethra. 3. In the scalp. Do not forget that incisions in the neck and face should run parallel with the wrinkles and folds. Do not be afraid of hurting the lacteal tubes in mam- mary abscess. More harm is done to the gland by the enlargement of the walls of the abscess than by a free incision. Never make a palmar incision, except in the middle of the lower third and in the axial line of the fingers, or at the sides of the palm. Do not open an abscess anywhere near a large artery without first using a stethoscope, and then only by Hilton’s method («. e., director and dressing forceps). Never, under any circumstances, use for exploratory puncture that surgical abomination, a grooved needle, for it will allow contamination of all the tissues through which it brings the fluids (Thornton). In opening a deep abscess in the lumbar region, with- out the projection of an abscess, do not forget to cut down opposite a transverse process, and not between them, for fear of wounding a lumbar artery. Never attempt to cure an aneurism by the formation of a thrombus if the patient lias any aseptic condition Aneurism. 240 (such as an abscess, sore, suppurating otitis), for such may induce yellow softening of the clot. Artery-Bleeding. Always tie both ends of a divided artery in a wound. Never neglect to pass your hand over the patient’s belly in typhoid, or any fever, injury, or fracture of the spine, compression, etc. ; for the bladder may be atonic and injuriously distended without distress. Never use force in passing a catheter in fractured spine, because of the insensitiveness of the urethra. Never pass a urethral instrument upon a man without having first passed one on yourself. Never pass an instrument if your patient is suffering from an acute inflammation of the testicle—unless you are relieving retention, or unless testitis occurs in a patient habitually using a catheter. Do not permit yourself to talk glibly of “ impassable” stricture. Such cases are rare. Patience and a little sweet-oil often carry an instrument through. Never do an internal urethrotomy until you ascertain that your patient is free from undue erections, because of hemorrhage. If the organ is irritable, exhibit bromide of potassium for a few days prior to the operation. Never put on cantliarides blister in nephritis because of absorption (use liq. amtnon. fort.). Do not forget that irritability of the bladder is often due to renal irritation and reflex actions. Never inject more than four ounces at a time into the bladder, and that only with care. Bladder and Urethra. Always hesitate to diagnose in an off-hand way “ rheu- matic” pain in young children. Remember acute perios- titis simulates acute rheumatism closely. Never delay in acute periostitis in cutting freely down to a bone as soon as the nature of the case is detected. Every hour of delay will need a month to repair. Do not forget the three golden rules in acute peri- ostitis : 1. Prompt incision. 2. Free incision. 3. Free drainage. Remember secondary abscesses may form in acute peri- ostitis. Be on the qui vive. Do not fret if, on making incisions to the bone, you evacuate but little pus in periostitis. It makes no matter, the relief afforded is often the same. Bones. 241 Remember the golden rules for removing segments from long bones after necrosis : 1. Do not wait for the periosteal sheath (new bony sheath) to have acquired strength enough to preserve the continuity of the limb. 2. Always remove the sequestrum as soon as possible, for it is : (a) A permanent source of irritation. (h) A danger to the adjacent parts. 3. Do not leave any dead bone behind. 4. Always splint carefully and bandage to maintain the parts in apposition and prevent fracture. Never forget that there is no periosteal sheath in the necrosis of the popliteal space, and that the exfoliated bone lies close under the popliteal artery. In removing such avoid four things : 1. Joint. 2. Artery. 3. External popliteal nerve. 4. Rough manipulation. Scratch with finger nail and scalpel of knife. Do not use the knife. Never forget that a “ tumor” in a young woman’s breast is not unusually a chronic abscess. Never procrastinate about a tumor of the breast in a female over forty. Never excise a mammary tumor of doubtful character before cutting it across. Never remove a true carcinoma of the breast without clearing out the axilla. Never be too anxious to make your flaps meet and look well in removing a cancer of the breast. Your vanity will often tempt you to leave a flap in which cancer may lie concealed. Breast. Do not neglect opium for the shock of burns in children, hut use it cautiously ; afterwards do not stint fresh air, food, or warmth. Never give a hypodermic in burns of children ; you cannot recall it. Give it by the mouth. Beware of strong application of carbolic oil in burns, and if it be used at all, watch the urine for absorption signs. Do not dress too often ; but never let the dressings foul. Never uncover the entire wound at once; do it piece- meal. Never omit chloroform or opium in the first dressing of extensive burns. Burns. 242 Always have the tracheotomy instruments at hand in burns or scalds of mouth, because of oedema of glottis. Do not be very solicitous in obtaining crepitus of a fractured rib. Treat it as such. In manipulating either side of the fractured rib to ob- tain evidence of undue mobility, do not handle portions of two different ribs. Never forget that all penetrating wounds of the chest, not involving fracture, should be closed at once. Do not forget that it is a good practice in severe cases of fractured ribs, and those in which the lung is wounded, to strap the chest and apply ice externally. [Bandage is said to be contra-indicated if there is much comminution or tearing of the parietes of the chest; or, 1. If dyspnoea increases, on its application. 2. If pain is caused by it.] Do not strap or bandage if there is much surgical emphysema. Always regard rib injuries in old people with anxiety. [There may be, and usually are, pre-existing emphy- sema and bronchitis, which will hamper the breathing greatly.] Never tap a chest in paracentesis without making cer- tain, by auscultation and percussion, that you are on the right spot. Do not neglect to secure your drain tube from slipping into the thorax. Let it be sufficiently, and only suffi- ciently, long to enter the cavity. Longer is needless. Always use an exhaustion syringe in tapping the chest. Never forget in this, as in all other aspirations, to run some carbolic or hydrarg. perchlor. solution through your canula and exhaustion bottle before operating. Always use an exploring syringe first, if you are in doubt. Do not forget your landmarks (upper border of lower rib). Always remember that you aim at the lung rising up and taking the place of the fluid you evacuate. If the lungs are bound down by adhesions and attempts are made to exhaust the fluid with considerable force, rupture and hemorrhage take place. Do not forget, also, that too forcible a suction applied to the vascular false membranes, which often occupy the pleural cavity, may give rise to hemorrhage into the pleura. Always stop if pain is complained of. Chest. 243 Dislocation. Never attempt to reduce a dislocation of humerus in an old person without first examining the state of the arteries to inspire you with caution and gentleness. Never put a booted foot in the axilla to reduce dis- location. Always reduce by some other method if ribs are broken on the same side. Remember that injuries to the elbow-joint are often very difficult to diagnose if much swelling co-exists ; but, Never give a positive opinion ot an elbow-joint until you have carefully examined the relations of the ole- cranon, internal and external condyles, and head of radius. Remember that in dislocation at the elbow the joint be- comes rapidly irreducible. Never forget that a faulty diagnosis may cause loss of motion in the joint. Never be ashamed to say you “ do not know” until the swelling has subsided, and you are able to be certain of the character of the injury. Do not forget in dislocation of the carpal bones that the great point is to see that the motions of the fingers are early restored. Ear. Never forget that rupture of the membrana tympani, or even fatal consequences, may ensue from roughness. Never forget that vegetable substances swell in the auditory canal on the application of water. Remember no foreign body in the ear, except living insects or vegetable substances, can do harm. Syringe gently, unless the foreign body is likely to swell. Erysipelas. Support and stimulate in erysipelas ; never deplete or depress. Do not dress operation or fresh wounds or attend mid- wifery, if you are dressing a case of erysipelas ; or, in fact, any infectious disease. Eye. Never prescribe for an inflamed eye without doing three things, viz :— 1. Without examining for a foreign body imbedded in the cornea, or lodged beneath the lids. 2. Without seeing if cornea or iris is implicated. 3. Without determining the presence or absence of tension of globe. Never use violence in opening the eye, if there be much 244 swelling or spasm, because if there be a deep ulcer of the cornea present, perforation may take place. Never apply lead lotion (Goulard water) should there be the slightest abrasion of the corneal epithelium. {Solid particles of oxide or carbonate of lead become de- posited and form permanent opacities.] Never trust the nurse with verbal instructions for washing out the baby’s eyes in infantile ophthalmia. Do it yourself. Never forget that wounds of the ciliary region are most ■dangerous, and if they involve the lens, or if they are attended with loss of vitreous, they need excision of the eye. Never put atropine into an eye : 1. Without testing tension. 2. Without examining for locomotor ataxia (for ataxial cases walk by sight). 3. Without due care as to strength in old people. [N.B.—Beware of atropine, ergot, colcliicum in old people.] Fracture. Remember that crepitus may not be obtained in :— 1. Riding of fragments. 2. Impaction of fragments. 3. Entire separation of fragments. 4. Muscle or blood-clot interposed between fragments. Remember that there is a pseudo-crepitus, very like true crepitus, in teno-synovitis, joint effusion, and caries of a joint surface. Do not forget effusion in or around the dislocated head of a bone sometimes leads to a creaking or crepitus closely resembling that produced by a fracture. Do not be anxious to get crepitus in such fractures in old people. Always suspect a bone that is fractured on slight vio- lence, i. e., suspect central sarcoma. Do not forget that in epiphyseal fracture your progno- sis must be guarded, because such injuries in the young are followed sometimes by suspended growth of the bone, producing deformity apparently as the result of degenera- tion of the cartilage after injury, w'hereby it loses its power of ossification. Remember in separation of epiphysis the line of frac- ture is so broad in the upper extremity of the humerus and the lower extremity of the femur, that there will be no shortening, but the fragments will project. In all fractures of limbs always examine the pulse below at once. “ In setting” fractures never neglect to fix the joint aiear-the fracture. 245 Never allow the splint to press on the skin, so as to cause ulceration or oedema, far less gangrene. I>° not, in fracture of the acromion, put a pad in the axilla, or bandage the elbow too slightly to the chest, be- cause the head (the natural splint in such fractures) is thrown outward and the fragments separated. Never forget to examine every case of fracture of hu- merus high up, in order to ascertain if the head be dislo- cated or not. In adapting a sling to the forearm of a patient with fracture through the middle of the shaft, do not let the sling be so short as to press the elbow upward. Nevei delay in fracture involving the elbow-joint to commence passive motion the seventh day—-at least not later than the fourteenth day. Always warn your patient of a probable deformity in a Colies’ fracture. In Colles’ fracture do not splint the palm of the hand ; leave the fingers free, and work them. Remember that the extracapsular is certainly more common in old age than the intracapsular fracture. Do not forget that the so-called absorption and change in the neck of the old femur is not so common as is taught. Never use. violence in injuries to the hip, in order to produce ciepitus ; much injury may be done in separating an impaction. Do not keep your old patients in bed in order to o-et union in liip fracture. They are almost sure to suffer fiom sloughing produced by splints or from bedsores, and will very likely die. Never forget to bandage the entire limb in fractured femur. Remember the danger of traction by an extension weight if a fracture be transverse above the condyle [the popli- teal artery is brought into contact with the sharp edge of the lower fragment.] Always shampoo the quadriceps in a fractured patella, provided the state of the soft parts permits it. Never place fractures in plaster-of-Paris splints, or other splints, which withdraws the seat of fracture from the surgeon’s observation, if there be bruising, or until such has subsided, and guard against subsequent swelling by padding. Never use this treatment without explaining the danger to the patient, and obtaining his consent. In gangrene do not mistake the line of discoloration for the line of demarcation. The former may move : the latter never. Gangrene. 246 Do not neglect the only drug of use—opium. Do not hurry separation of sloughs in frost-bite gan- grene. General.* Never use a hypodermic syringe in a secondary syph- ilitic patient. Never permit a wet-nurse to be employed without examining into her history and state of health. Never permit a healthy wet-nurse to suckle a syphilitic child, or child of syphilitic parents. Never be hasty in suspecting “malingering” in any disease, certainly never in head injuries. Never neglect to carefully bandage the entire limb if you have encircled it at any one point to keep up pressure upon a wound. Always shampoo gradually and with caution, as early as seems prudent, and at lirst with prolonged intervals of rest. Remember three drugs are tolerated well in proportion to their need, viz., opium, mercury, and iodide of potas- sium. Always inject ergotine or mercury into muscle, but morphine or brandy under the skin. Never inject morphine without first testing the urine for albumen or a low S. Gr. Never leave a sprain too long at rest. Too long rest is by far the most frequent cause of delayed recovery after injuries of the joints. Avoid cathartics, deprivation of nourishment, loss of blood by incision in the broken down. Be careful of abstracting blood from a drunkard or a child. Be careful of opium in delirium tremens when the pupils are contracted. Never examine any female under any circumstances without having first obtained her consent, and in the presence of one (or more) reliable witness. Never examine any female prisoner without consent— without cautioning her that the examination will be taken down in evidence, and without a female companion being present. Never administer chloroform without a third person being present, nor allow it to be administered in your house, nor until all artificial teeth have been removed. Do not form hasty opinions, and if you have formed a false opinion, admit your error at once. * I always recommend dressers to read Surgical Disasters in ‘ Pavet’s Clinical Lectures.” 247 Genital—Penis. Never sanction a lengthened or adherent prepuce— •circumcise. Never despise any skin in stitching up scrotal wounds —the worst flap will heal. [Warm a wound of the scrotum before uniting it with sutures.] Always slit the urethra downwards in amputation of the penis, and stitch the angles outward. Always keep a catheter in position continuously in injuries to the penis, if the urethra is divided. Do not tap a hydrocele without examining the position of the testicle with the light. Do not strap a testicle without shaving the scrotum. Do not give a decided prognosis of a solid slow-growing tumor of the testicle in which hydrocele co-exists, before you have tapped the hydrocele and examined the gland carefully. It may be non-malignant. If any doubt exists after this, advise a free incision. Gonorrhoea. Never neglect to warn your patient about his eyes in treating a “'first” attack of gonorrhoea. In giving a “first ” case of gonorrhoea copaiba, always warn your patient of the possibility of the eruption. Never neglect in treating gonorrhoeal rheumatism to cure the discharge as speedily as possible. In examining the cause of a knee synovitis of a young man never omit to examine the penis for gonorrhoea or gleet. In inquiring into a history of syphilis do not hastily judge of the statement of the patient that a rash was syphilitic ; inquire about copaiba. Never use an injection if there is much pain, scalding, or inflammation, unless it be cocaine. Never forget many gleets are due to slight contractions of the canal, and may be cured by a steel bougie. Hand and Foot. Do not forget that it is wiser in cases of supposed needle in hand or foot, when the patient is not suffering much inconvenience, not to cut down unless the end of the needle is felt. Never estimate the amount of flat foot when your patient is sitting, because the weight is taken off the arch. Do not forget that the foot may be amputated for sup- posed strumous disease of the tarsus when, on examina- tion, the affection might have been nroved to be limited 248 to one of the tarsal bones, and the patient might have- been cured by a less extensive mutilation. Do not despise or neglect corns, bunions, or ulcers of the leg in the aged, or diabetic. They often start gangrene. Head. Do not forget that an injury to the head is never too slight to be despised, and never too severe to be de- spaired of. Never be precipitate in opening a hrematoma of the scalp. Never close a scalp wound until or unless all dirt is or can be removed. Never hesitate to suture contused and lacerated wounds, but in doing so do not forget the drainage. Never put stitches in deeply ; there is no reason to wound the tendon. Beware of cellulitis of the scalp when the dangerous layer of the scalp has been opened. In such cases do not be afraid of incisions, only let them be run from before backwards, be 2 inches in length, and down to the bone. In these cases beware of depletion or deprivation, because they occur in the broken down. Never neglect to examine the sub-occipital glands as an index to :— 1. Erysipelas of scalp. 2. Pediculosis. 3. Syphilis. Do not hesitate to trephine if the skull cap is exposed —if there are definite signs of localized paralysis, and if there is no suspicion of general pysemic infection. Never forget that a blow on one side of the skull often produces its main effects on the opposite side of the skull. Do not mistake the depressed centre of an extravasated blood-clot or congenital malformation, or atrophy, for de- pressed fracture, or the sutures for a linear fracture. Remember that the more a fracture approaches the punctured form the greater the need for the trephine. Do not forget the rule :— If the depression is slight, If the extent is considerable, If no symptoms are present, leave it, or vice versa, operate. Remember that the operation for the removal of frag- ments, which have been pressing on the brain, is rarely complete, spiculse being often left behind. Remember in trephining the skull that you are to con- sider the bone under your instrument to be the thinnest you have encountered. Never undervalue the use of calomel and opium in head iniuries. 249 Hernia. Never treat a case of vomiting without inquiring about hernia and examining abdominal rings. Do not diagnose a “ strangulated” hernia without first feeling, in the male, for each testis. Never be satisfied with the reduction of a hernia with- out putting your finger fairly into and through the ring, and ascertaining by comparison of the two sides that no unnatural fulness is left. Remember that no age is too young for a truss, and that no hernial protrusion should be without one. In cases of strangulated hernia, if you are in doubt as to the advisability of operating, do not hesitate, hut operate. Do not hesitate to return the gut in herniotomy in all stages of inflammation short of gangrene. Never procrastinate in cases which will certainly re- quire colotomy. Joints. Do not be hasty with a knife in dealing with fluctuating swellings near a joint. [There are changes in the synovial membrane which produce thickening and suppurating, which can with difficulty be distinguished from an external circumscribed abscess.] Never forget that synovial tissue of tliecfe embracing tendons, may pour out a considerable amount of fluid or even pus. [The accumulation of fluid in a joint or in the layers of the synovial membrane, or in tendons and bursae, rarely affect the integument. Therefore, unless there is external redness, never use the scalpel hastily. ] Never probe the joint in clean cut wounds opening a joint, unless a foreign body is known to be lodged therein Always persevere with rest and counter-irritation in disease of the shoulder joint as long as there be pain pro- duced by motion, but no longer. [Too long confinement is apt to produce adhesion of the lower part of the capsule, and to permanently deprive the patient of the power to raise the arm.] Always trace all sinuses near the shoulder to their source, because the tendons often direct the pus to some point distant from the joint. Always consider the chance of subacromial bursal disease before you diagnose disease of the shoulder-joint. Do not hesitate to aspirate a joint for diagnosis, but remember it is criminal to do so without strict aseptic precautions. 250 Never neglect to put all strumous joints at rest. [ _ [Rest should be maintained for three months after all signs of disease have vanished, and active exercise must even then be very gradually renewed.] Never neglect early movement in chronic rheumatic at thritis , never allow early movement in strumous arthritis. Never forget to warn your patient about stiffness in ankylosis of joints after strumous disease. Never open a joint without rigid asepsis. Never insist on a lengthy confined position of joints in the treatment of accident or disease of the limb itself. Never forget whilst breaking adhesion down— 1. The atrophy of rest. 2. The buried bacillus. 3. The fragility of the child’s bone. Hence, in breaking down adhesions do not omit to hold the bones as near the joints as possible. Do not do too much at once. Rupture adhesion by short movements in the way of flexion. Divide contracted tendons some days j before breaking down adhesions, and put on ice-ba" in every case afterwards. Beware of employing a Brisement force in tubercular | joints. [Numerous cases are recorded where this pro- | cedure was followed within a few days by general miliarv tuberculosis and a speedy death.] 7 Never attempt to overcome muscular contraction in contraction of joint by forcible extension—tenotomise. Never let a child wearing a Thomas’s splint have a hard bed, for the splint on a hard mattress is thrown out into relief, and causes painful pressure. Never forget that in serious disease of joint the rapid loss of tissue observed about a joint is never seen in hys- terical joint. Beware of the insidious onset of tubercular arthritis. Never treat the case of a limping child lightly. IN ever omit io examine the hip when pain is complained of in apparently healthy knee. Never forged* that proof of knee disease is no proof of the absence of hip disease of the same side. Never leave liare-lip pins, in hare-lip operation, longer, if you use them, than forty-eight hours. Always stop to guard your thumbs before you reduce a dislocation of the jaw. Always use blunt scissors in operating on the frsenum linguae. Do not forget in ranulae to search for stone in the duct. Never think lightly of any ulcer of the tongue or lips, of a patient after middle life. Mouth. 251 Nose. Always suspect a foul discharge in a child to result from a foreign body, if the discharge be from one nostril. CEsophagus. Always remove all artificial teeth before giving an anaesthetic. Never forget that when a foreign body, though only of moderate size, has become fixed in the commencement of the oesophagus or the pharynx, and has resisted a fair trial for its extraction or displacement, an incision should be made at once, and it should be removed, although no urgent symptoms are present. Remember catgut sutures are used for wounds of the oesophagus ; never silk or silver. Always be certain that your tube enters the oesophagus in using the stomach-pump (especially if the patient be under chloroform or insensible in drink). Operations. Never permit a naked light to approach the ether ap- paratus in anaesthetizing. Never neglect in all operations which will produce a shock to the urinary system—e. g., varicocele, fistula, piles, radical cure of hernia—to ascertain, before the operation, if the urethral canal be without stricture, for sometimes stricture is found in relieving retention after operation, and you may be unprepared for the ob- struction. Never neglect to examine the lungs in all cases of ischio-rectal disease and fistula in ano. In inserting plugs or plug appliance for colotomy, gas- trostomy, or drainage tubes for abscesses, wounds, espe- cially in thorax, always see that the end of the plug or drain is properly secured. Never operate without first examining the urine for albumen and sugar. Never apply an elastic (Esmarch) bandage to render a limb bloodless if tuberculosis or gangrene is present. Never forget a patient’s age in years is not the index to his “ vis” or “ last.” Vide “ Errors in Ihe Chronometry of Life,” “ Paget’s Old Note Books.” Never forget to determine the absence of a foreign body in buttock wounds. Always ligature a bleeding vessel in the buttock at once, even at the risk of a deep dissection. Pelvis. 252 In fracture of true pelvis do not carry out passive movements very actively, in order to elicit crepitus. Remember the serious consequences which may ensue from the displacement of a pointed fragment. In falls on the buttock or rump, in fractured pelvis, or blows in the belly, never omit to empty the bladder, if the patient cannot. Rectum. Never forget in fistula in ano to eliminate tertiary syphillitic, strumous, or dysenteric ulceration, stricture and malignant disease of the rectum. Remember the saying, “No internal opening to a fis- tula, or a blind fistula is usually a blind surgeon.” Do not forget the probable need for a catheter after an operation on the rectum. Shock. In shock and collapse never forget that the essence of successful treatment is to obtain time for your patient to rally. Keep the heart going, but do not trade on its exhausted power ; maintain its action, do not force it. Sinus. Never neglect the hint the guardian papillae give of the irritating focus deeper down. Never neglect the therapeutics of rest. Never neglect to slit the forks and the burrows up as well as the sinus. Spine. Never forget that in fracture of the spine the tendency to death is due to pneumonia and complications, if the fracture is situated high up, and to urinary inflammation and bedsore, if lower down. Therefore never forget the atonic bladder or the back. The urethra is insensitive, therefore use your catheter with care and gentleness ; let it be clean and smooth. Never neglect to see for yourself that the back has been kept clean. Never puncture a spina bifida in the median line, always at the side, taking in the skin ; avoid air, and close puncture securely. Never suspend by the head alone in adjusting a Sayre’s jacket for a Pott’s curvature of the spine ; let the toes and armpits help to support the weight. Never forget that the earlier stages of caries are not accompanied by any decided symptoms. When curva- ture exists there is no longer any room for doubt, but do not wait for curvature. 253 Never permit a patient wdio has sustained an injury to the back to quit the casualty department until he has passed water. [Bloody urine will show at once that the kidney has been injured.] Syphilis. Do not adhere to the popular division of “hard” and “soft” sore. Do not forget a sore may become hard four weeks after coition, because it has been inoculated by a mixed secre- tion. Do not forget that no matter what the character of any primary sore may be, the chances are that the sequel will prove that it contained the germ of true syphilis. Do not believe or rely upon sharply defined rules for the diagnosis of chancre; even with sores which are obviously soft and non-infecting until the incubation period (3-5 weeks) is well passed. Do not entertain any confidence that induration will not occur; and it would be acting most unwisely to give an absolute opinion on the matter. Phimosis acquired is so common an accompaniment of the three venereal diseases—acute gonorrhoea, soft sore, hard sore—that you ought never to express a decided opinion until you have got a look at the trouble. Do not hesitate to slit up the prepuce, in order to examine and treat a sloughing sore. If you do not do it, the sloughing most probably will. Always prohibit smoking, and any diet which may lead to diarrhoea while mercury is being given for syphilis. Never forget occasional idiosyncrasy in patients against taking mercury and iodide. Remember the one simple rule for successful treatment of syphilis is, keep inunction and fumigation method for exceptional cases, and give small doses of mercury more or less frequently, but never large doses. Never forget that with a patient confined to bed and on low diet, ptyalism can be produced with half the dose of mercury. [N.B.—Rapid loss of weight means that mercury is dis- agreeing with the patient.] Remember that pot. iod. and mercury, except in the scrofulous and in cachetic patients, are well borne in syphilis if there is need of them. Never neglect to warn your patient of his gums and his tendency to catch cold, when taking mercury. For all cases of phagedsna, mercury ought always to be given. Remember the earlier mercury is exhibited the greater the probability that the symptoms will be wholly pre- vented or delaved. 254 Never exercise a syphilitic testis, however had, even when there is abscess and fungus testis. Remember in tertiary syphilis whenever a case resists the iodide, and whenever it is important to obtain a rapid result, the mercury should be added to the iodide or the mercury should he given alone. Never omit to give opium in all gangrene and slough- ing wounds which do not prove amenable. Remember syphilis may imitate all known forms of skin disease, hut it can produce no originals. (Hutchin- son.) Never forget that lichen ruber and lichen planus are often dusky and copper tinted, and present all the features which to those of limited experience suggests a confident diagnosis of syphilis. Remember that in rare instances syphilis imitates variola closely ; there is, however— 1. Persistence. 2. Absence of odor. 3. History to guide you. Never let a markedly syphilitic mother suckle her child. Never let a syphilitic child have a wet nurse. In syphilis do not sanction marriage until two years after the date of infection, and then only if the patient is free from gleet, and has thoroughly and successfully been treated with mercury. Never assume, as was formerly done, that mercury should he avoided when syphilitic sores ulcerate ; on the contrary, when used with iron, quinine, and opium, it will always prove the means of cure. Do not forget that the safety of the eye in syphilitic iritis depends, however, mainly upon the promptitude and efficiency with which atropine is employed. Never forget to examine for retinitis and choroiditis if a syphilitic patient complains of failure of sight or muscse, and use mercury smartly if you find either. Never neglect local measures in the lesions of inter- mediate and tertiary stages of syphilis. Remember that a node of secondary syphilis usually disappears or is prone to ossify, but a tertiary like other gummata are more liable to suppuration and caries. Do not open a syphilitic bubo, unless acutely sup- purating, or a node of hone ; they usually absorb. Throat. In cut throats where the trachea has been opened never neglect to remove all small fragments which hang loose in the trachea, or they will swell and eventually stort resniration. 255 Never leave a scald of the glottis a minute without tracheotomy tubes and knife placed at hand. Do not neglect to warn your patient that the food may run away after tracheotomy through the tube for the first few hours. Never neglect or think lightly of stab wounds of the neck. In oedema of glottis due to syphilis, erysipelas, wounds of glottis, scalds, always have the tracheotomy instru- ments by the bedside. Remember that in stab wounds of the upper part of the neck with arterial bleeding, there is an impossibility in many cases of distinguishing the exact source of the hemorrhage, so numerous are the great vessels in that region. Apply a ligature to common carotid or external carotid if excessive. Remember that tracheotomy and insertion of tube is especially necessary in wounded epiglottis or arytenoid cartilages. Always secure your tracheotomy tube by knotting the tape. Little patients are apt to drag at a loop. Remember diffuse cellulitis of the neck is very fatal. Avoid sutures in cut throat, when the windpipe is opened. Never put silk or silver ligatures into a wounded oesophagus ; only use catgut. Never forget that fractures of the laryngeal cartilages are of serious importance ; the nearer the cords, the acuter the symptoms, the more decisive must be the treatment. If the fragments are displaced and the mu- cous membrane lacerated or perforated by the fragments (as testified by emphysema and blood spitting) trache- otomy must immediately be performed. Never neglect in all sudden dyspnoea in a child to pass your finger into the upper part of the larynx to search for a foreign body. Sanction no delay in removing a foreign body known to be in the larynx. Invert. Never hesitate in foreign bodies in trachea to invert the patient after the tracheal incision has been made for the extraction of the foreign body. Never use forceps, rather invert the patient, or use a hook, bent probe, or wire snare, inversion, succussion. But never invert unless you have your tracheotomy instruments ready, for the danger of instant suffocation, through lodging of the foreign body in the glottis, is great Never forget that lung disease invariably ensues on the retention of a foreign body in the bronchus. 256 Warnings to Patients and their Friends. Never forget to warn your patient that a Colles’ frac- ture, even when treated with the greatest care, leaves some deformity. Never forget to warn a case of fracture of the patella, that the fragments tend to separate. Always warn your patient that there may he loss of power of deltoid after dislocation of shoulder if much pain is experienced, i. e., the nerves have been pressed upon. Always warn the patient or his friends of the possi- bility of suspension of growth, in injury to an epiphyseal cartilage. Never forget to warn the parents of a hare-lip that one operation is usually inadequate. Never forget to warn your patient that the loose cuta- neous anal tags swell after an operation for piles, or he may suppose you have overlooked them. Never forget to warn your patient that a Meibomian cyst fills with blood after being scooped out, or he will think that the operation lias been performed slovenly. Always warn the patient’s friends that fluid taken by the mouth may run out through a tracheotomy wound for the first few hours, and that sixch is not due to a wound of the srullet. 257 FORMULAS AND DOSES FOR HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. Apomorphinae. . . . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., .... f3iiss. Solve. One minim = gr. Tig. Dose, 5-20 minims. (Prompt emetic.) ]£. Atropinse sulpliatis, . . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., .... ?3XV> Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 5-20 minims. Caffeinae, gr. x. Alcoliolis, Aq. destillat., . . . aa f3iss. Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 4-18 minims. Camphorse, . . . . gr. v. Alcoholis, ..... ?3j. Solve. Dose, 6-30 minims. Coninae, gr* j* Alcoliolis, Aq. destillat., . . . aa f3v. Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 5-15 minims. Chloral liydratis, . . • 3J* Aq. destillat., .... f3D* Solve. Dose, 4-16 minims. 1$: Daturinae, . . . . gr. ss. Aq. destillat., .... f§j. Solve. One minim = gr. -A-*- Dose, 4-10 minims. 258 !£. Digitalinae, . . . . gr. ss. Alcoliolis, Aq. destillat., . . . aa * Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 4-8 minims. Ergotinse, . . . . . gr. xv. Alcoliolis, Glycerinae, . . . aa f3iiss.—M. One minim = gr. Dose, 5-30 minims. Extracti ergotae fluidi, . . q. s. Filter carefully. Dose, 10 minims. Hydrargyri cliloridi corrosivi, Ammonii cliloridi, . . aa gr. iij. Misce et solve in— Aq. destillat., .... f3iss . Dein. adde— Albuminis ovi, .... f3iss. Aq. destillat., .... fjv. Filtra et adjice— Aq. destillat., . . q. s. ad fjx. One minim = gr. Dose, 3-10 minims. !£. Hydrargyri et sodii iodidi, . gr. iij. Aq. destillat., .... fjiiiss. Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 10 minims every other day. Morphinse sulphatis, . . . gr. xxiv. Atropinse sulphatis, . . . gr. j. 01. amygdalae amarae, . . gtt. j. Aq. destillat., .... f^ij- Solve. Ten minims contain gr. £ of morphina and gr. of atropina. (Didama's solution.) ]£. Pilocarpinae muriatis vel nitratis, gr. iij. Aq. destillat., .... f3iv. Solve. One minim = gr. Dose, 10-20 minims. Potassii iodidi, . . . . 3.1 • Aq. destillat., .... f^iv. Solve. Dose. 6-20 minims. 259 }£. Quininse sulpliatis, . . . gr. xv. Acid, sulphurici aromatici, . q. s. ad sol. Aq. destillat., .... q. s. adf3iiss. Fiat solutio. One minim = gr. -jD. Dose, 5-30 minims. !£. Strychnin® sulpliatis, . . gr. j. Aq. destillat., . . . . fgj. Solve. (Heat in a test-tube, or triturate in a mortar until all the crystals disappear.) One minim = gr. Dose, 4-15 minims. Woorarae, ..... gr. j. Aq. destillat., .... l'5iij. One minim = gr. T|-T. Dose, 5-10 minims. Notes.—After drawing the required amount of fluid into the syringe, expel the small globules of air by evert- ing the syringe and pressing the piston upwards, until a drop of the liquid appears at the point of the needle. Draw the skin up and tense at the required place, and press the needle through into the subcutaneous tissues ; which done, inject the fluid slowly into them. After the needle has been withdrawn place the finger over the puncture for a short time. The veins, inflamed spots, and bony prominences are places to be avoided in puncturing; the arm, thigh, abdomen, back, and calf of the leg are places suitable for puncturing. In hypodermic medication the dose is about one-lialf that required by the mouth, and the effects are more rapid, certain, and exact. 1 his manner of medication should be resorted to when immediate and decided results are required; when medi- cines otherwise administered fail to do good ; when medi- cines are required which the patient refuses or cannot swallow ; when there is an irritable state of the stomach precluding exhibition by the mouth. Solutions intended for hypodermic use should be neu- tral, without acid or alkaline reaction, and non-irritating. lhe medicines should be rendered perfectly soluble, and the menstruum perfectly free from foreign matters. Solutions of the alkaloids should be made fresh as required, since they spoil on long keeping. Filtered rain or spring waters are preferable, as a men- struum, to distilled water which has been kept for some days. Barthot.ow. 260 POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. Acetate of Lead. Emetics and stomach pump ; sulphate of magnesia, or the phosphates of soda and magnesia. Acid — Acetic, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Sulphuric, Tartaric. Magnesia, chalk, plaster scraped from the wall, lime- water, whiting, soap, milk, oil, demulcents. Arsenic. Hydrated peroxide of iron, or light magnesia with the tincture of the chloride of iron ; chalk and water; follow with milk and demulcents. Acid, Carbolic. Powdered chalk, Epsom salts, demulcents, white of egg, milk. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Newly precipitated oxide of iron with an alkaline car- bonate, chlorine ; cold to head and neck. Acid, Oxalic. Chalk, whiting, or magnesia suspended in water; active emetics. Aconite. Emetic of sulphate of zinc ; stomach pump ; ammonia and brandy. Alcohol. Stomach pump, emetics, cold to head, carbonate of ammonia. 261 Alkalies — Ammonia, Potash, Soda. Vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid and water, followed by large doses of olive oil, castor oil, emetics. If caustic alkalies have been taken the stomach pump should not be used. Antimony, Tartar Emetic. Tepid water to increase vomiting, vegetable astringents, catechu, tannin, white of egg, magnesia, stimulants. Atropia, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus. Stomach pump, sulphate of zinc, ammonia, and stimu- lants ; tannin ; opiates ; pilocarpine ; cold to head. Baryta, Salts of. ■Stomach pump, emetics, sulphate of soda or magnesia. Chloroform, Chloral, Amyl Nitrite, Ether. Fresh air, cold affusions, ammonia to nostrils, artificial respiration, counter-irritants, cathartics. Conium, Hemlock, Nicotini. Emetics, stomach pump, tannin, stimulants. Copper. Yellow prussiate of potash or soap. Digitalis. Stomach pump, emetics, tannin, stimulants : keep in recumbent position ; cathartics. Hellebore. Opium, stimulants, ammonia. Iodine. Emetics and demulcent drinks, starch or flour mixed in water, opium and external heat. Irritant Gases—Carbonic Acid, Chlorine, Nitrous Acid, Hydrochloric Acid. Fresh air, inhalation of ammonia, ether or vapor of hot water; artificial respiration. 262 Lead Salts. Any soluble sulphate, either magnesia or soda, suc- ceeded hy emetics, and afterwards opium and milk. Lobelia. Stimulants externally and internally, external heat. Mercury, Corrosive Sublimate. Albumen, white of egg, flour, milk. Emetics, stomach pump. Morphia, Opium Preparations. Atropia hypodermically, stomach pump, stimulants, external and internal, brandy and coffee, cold affusion, galvanic shocks, compel patient to move about, inhala- tions of ammonia, artificial respiration. Nux Vomica. Large doses of chloral and bromide of potash, nitrite of amyl. Inhalations of chloroform or ether. Phosphorus. Sulphate of copper as emetic, purgatives. Silver, Salts of. Common salt, white of egg, milk. Strychnia. Same as nux vomica. Zinc, Salts of. Carbonate of soda, emetics, warm demulcent drinks. 263 DIAMETERS OF THE FEMALE PELVIS AND FCETAL HEAD. Diameters of the Plane of the Superior Strait and False Pelvis. A. Antero-Posterior, 11 cm., 4 inches. Extends from the upper part of the posterior surface of the symphysis pubis to the centre of the promontory of the sacrum. * T. Transverse, cm., 5J inches. Extends from a point midway between the sacro-iliac joint and the ilio- pectineal eminence to a corresponding point on the oppo- site side. 0. Oblique, 12| cm., 5 inches. Extends from the sacro- iliac joint to a point of the brim corresponding with the ilio-pectineal eminence. Circumference, 13 inches. FALSE PELVIS. 1. The Transverse Diameter, from the middle part of the crest of the ilium to the opposite point, measures 29 cm., 11 inches. 2. The distance from the Anterior Superior Spinous Process on one side to a corresponding point on the oppo- site is 26 cm., 9 inches. The depth of the False Pelvis, from the top of the crest of the ilium to the level of the Plane of the Superior Strait, is 8.9 cm., 34 inches. 264 Diameters of the Plane of the Inferior Strait. A. Antero-Posterior, cm., 4 inches. Extends from the point of the coccyx to the sub-pubic ligament. T. Transverse, 11 cm., 4 inches. Extends between the tuberosities of the two ischii. 0. Oblique, 11 cm., 4 inches. Extends from the junc- tion of tlie rami of the pubis and ischium to the middle of the inferior sacro-sciatic ligament on the opposite side. Circumference, 12 inches. Anterior Depth, 3.8 cm., inches. Lateral Depth, 8.9 cm., inches. Posterior Depth, 13 cm., inches. Cavity of Pelvis. Diameters of the Foetal Skull. 1 to 2. Occipito-Mental, cm., 5 inches. This, the longest diameter of the head, extends from the point of the chin to the posterior fontanelle or occinut. 265 1 to 3. Pronto-Mental, 7£ cm., 3 inches. Extends from the top of the forehead to the point of the chin. 4 to 5. Cervico-Bregmatic, cm., inches. Ex- tends from a point midway between the foramen mag- num and occipital protuberance to the posterior point of the anterior fontanelle. 5 to 6. Trachelo-Bregmatic, cm., 3£ inches. Ex- tends from the anterior margin of the foramen magnum to the posterior point of the anterior fontanelle. 7 to 8. Occipito-Frontal, Ilf cm., 4 inches. Extends from the occipital protuberance to the os frontis. 1 to 9. Sagitto-Mental, 12£ cm., 4| inches. Extends from the middle of the sagittal suture to the point of the chin. 3 to 4. Cervico-Frontal, 11| cm., 4 inches. Extends from the base of the occiput to the apex of the forehead. B. P. Bi-Parietal, 9£ cm., 3£ inches. Extends be- tween the two parietal protuberances. B. T. Bi-Temporal, 8 cm., inches. Extends from one side of the os frontis to the other. The Vertex is a circle described around the posterior fontanelle. 266 1. Bi-jialar, inches. 2. Bi-Mastoid, 2 inches. 267 D T E T T A B L E. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Fish. Raw oysters, raw clams, fresh fish. Meats. Beef, mutton, chicken, game, salads. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Good bread, hominy, wheaten grits, rice, toast, oatmeal, gruels. Vegetables. Green vegetables generally, spinach, summer cabbage, turnip tops, water-cresses, lettuce, mushrooms, celery. Desserts. Rice and milk puddings. Fruits. All laxative fruits. Liquids. Water abundantly, Poland, Buffalo Lithia, or Vichy water, hot water, milk, skimmed milk, buttermilk. AVOID Soups, fried fish, cooked oysters, pork, corned beef, veal, hashes, stews, turkey, heavy bread, batter cakes, potatoes, gra- vies, lamb, peas, beans. All made dishes, puddings (except as allowed above), pies, cake, ice-cream, all saccharine dishes and starchy foods, except as allowed. All spices and highly seasoned dishes. Alcoholic drinks, malt liquors, coffee, tobacco. 268 CHOLERA INFANTUM. Scraped beef or mutton. Mutton and chicken broth, barley, gruel prepared by long boiling, sago, tapioca. Flour ball: Wheat flour closely packed in a bag, boiled five days, then grated and sifted, and given with boiled milk. Arrowroot and barley flour may be prepared and given in same way. White of egg and water, expressed juice of meat for in- fants above the age of six months, whey, brandy. Pure water abundantly, fresh-boiled milk, plain soda or Vichy water. In some cases avoid milk entirely; use rice-water. Feed at regular and long intervals as possible (two to six hours), according to age. Give small quantities. Always use stimulants freely. AVOID Milk, except that which has been sterilized or boiled, and starchy substances, except as allowed, and unless the starch has been chanyed into dextrin by the action of dry heat. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Fish. All kinds, raw oysters, raw clams. Meats. Beef, mutton (once daily only), eggs, chicken, game. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Wheat, corn, or barley bread, rice, brown breads. Vegetables. Green vegetables, such as spinach, celery, salads, cresses, peas, summer cabbage, radishes, horse-radish. Desserts. Milk puddings, acid fruits. Drinks and Liquids. Tea, water, Poland or Vichy water, buttermilk, cocoa shells, claret well diluted, koumiss, milk with lime- water, lemon and lime juice. An absolute milk diet may be necessary . 269 AVOID Fried .fish, cooked oysters or clams, pork, veal, turkey, pota- toes. All sweets and starchy substances, except as allowed. All gravies and made dishes. Excess of nitrogenous food. All- fried dishes. Beer and all malt liquors, wines. CONSTIPATION. Soups. Clear soups, such as beef, mutton, or chicken broth, oyster and clam soups. Fish. All kinds. Meats. All fresh meats, poultry, game. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Good bread of all sorts, mush, hominy, oatmeal, wlieateu grits, brown bread, corn bread. Vegetables. All vegetables if fresh or watery, vegetables with salad oil, boiled spinach, boiled dandelion. Desserts. Stewed prunes, stewed figs, tamarinds, baked sour apples, dried fruits, melons, grapes, oranges on rising in the morning, plain puddings, ice-cream. Drinks and Liquids. Water abundantly and especially before meals, hot water an hour before meals, buttermilk, koumiss, coffee if half milk, lemonade. AVOID All salt or smoked Jish or meat, milk, peas, beans, nuts. All milk compounds, pickles, pastry, tea, gin, brandy, cheese. DIABETES. Soups. Animal broth, unthickened only. Fish. All kinds, oysters, clams, lobster, shrimps. 270 Meats. All kinds, poultry, game, bacon. Eggs. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Bread and biscuits made with prepared gluten flour. Vegetables. Green vegetables, such as summer cabbage, turnip tops, spinach, water cresses, mustard, sauerkraut, lettuce, sor- rel, mushrooms, celery, string beans, dandelion, chicory, cold slaw, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, olives, asparagus, truffles, radishes, onions, pickles. Desserts. Custards without sugar, eggs, cheese, butter, jellies unsweetened. Nuts, except chestnuts. Drinks and Liquids. Water, Poland or Vichy, koumyss, buttermilk, dry wines in moderation, claret, sherry, burgundy, acid fruits, lemons, currants, tea, cream, coffee sweetened with saccharine. AVOID Sweet milk, liver, bread, biscuits, toast, farinaceous vege- tables, such as potatoes, rice, oatmeal, corn meal, sago, tapioca, arrowroot, etc.; saccharine vegetables, such as turnips, carrots, parsnips, green peas, French beans, beet root, tomatoes, fruits of all kinds; all preserves, syrups, sugars, cocoa, chocolate, cordials, sweet wines; all pastry, puddings, ice cream, honey. DIARRHOEA. Meats. Game, rare meat pulp, sweet breads, fresh meat (spar- ingly), clam juice. Bread and Farinaceous Articles, etc. Bread of all kinds (if stale), dry toast, crackers and butter, macaroni, rice, and rice boiled with milk, flour, long boiled with milk. 271 Eggs. Lightly boiled, poached. Desserts. Milk and egg pudding (not sweet), hasty pudding of Hour and milk. Drinks and Liquids. Boiled milk, claret, tea, brandy, water (sparingly), milk punch. AVOID Soups, fresh bread, vegetables, fruits, fried dishes, fsh, saccharine foods, made dishes, salt meat or fish, veal, lamb, and pork. DYSPEPSIA. Soups, etc. Clear soups, beef, mutton, chicken, or clam broth. Fish. Raw oysters, broiled oysters (omitting the hard parts). Meats. Beef, mutton, lamb, chicken, game, venison, chopped meat, meat pulp. Eggs. Poached, soft boiled, raw. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Bread (one day old), corn bread, rice cakes, stale bread and butter, macaroni, sago, tapioca, cream crackers, dry toast (unbuttered). Vegetables and Fruits. Green vegetables, such as spinach, turnip tops, cresses, salads, celery, sorrel, lettuce, string beans, dandelion, chicory, asparagus ; oranges, ripe peaches and pears, apples roasted, and thoroughly cooked dried fruit. Drinks and Liquids. Water, Vichy or Poland water, hot water an hour before meals, koumyss, buttermilk, milk and lime-water, milk and seltzer, tea, claret, dry wines, whiskey and water. 272 AVOID Rich soups, all fried foods, veal, pork, hashes, stews, turkey, sweet potatoes, all starches and saccharine articles, all gravies, made dishes, sauces, desserts, pies, pastry, puddings, ice cream, sweet wines, malt liquors, cordials, uncooked vegetables. FEVERS. Soups, etc. Beef-tea, clear soup, mutton broth, chicken broth. Farinaceous Articles, etc. Indian gruel, Graham flour gruel and oatmeal gruel (if diarrhoea is absent), milk toast, soaked crackers, flax-seed tea, arrowroot, rice and milk. % Drinks. Water, Vichy, plain soda or Poland water, rice-water, currant jelly-water, lemonade, gum arabic water, orange juice, koumyss, champagne, brandy, whiskey, tea, milk guarded with lime-water. AVOID All solids until after crisis. In typhoid no solid food should be given until two weeks after the temperature has became normal, and remains so. GOUT. Soups. Clear soup, clam or oyster broth. Fish. Fresli fish, raw oysters, raw clams (little neck). Meats. Beef, mutton, chicken, ham, bacon. Meat should be eaten but once daily if possible. Farinaceous Articles. Bread, bread from whole wheat, crackers, rye bread, oatmeal, zweibach, cracked wheat, milk toast, rice. 273 Vegetables. Potatoes, fresh vegetables. Desserts. Milk puddings, fruits of all kinds in moderation if not too acid. Drinks. Water plentifully, plain soda or Vichy w'ater, old whis- key well diluted, dry wines, milk, weak tea. AVOID Soups, eggs, all made dishes, gravies and spices, pork, veal, turkey, all pies, pastries, and rich puddings, patties, confection- ery, sweet wines, burgundy, heavy claret, cordials, malt liquors, tobacco, coffee, asparagus, peas, beans. All acid fruits. MALNUTRITION. Soups. Thick soups, all kinds of broths. Fish. Raw oysters, raw clams. Meats, etc. Beef, chopped or scraped meat, mutton, chicken, game, butter. Eggs. Raw, soft-boiled, poached, and scrambled. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Any amount unless indigestion exists. Vegetables. All kinds of ripe and well-cooked vegetables, such as potatoes, spinach, young peas, rice. Desserts. Egg and milk puddings, ripe fruits. Drinks and Liquids. Pure water, Poland or Vichy water, warm fresh milk, cream, malt preparations, claret, burgundy, port, sherry, iao 274 AVOID Pork, veal, salt meats (except ham), hashes, stews, thin soups, cooked oysters or clams, turkey, pickles and spices, pies, pastry, and preserves, thick gravies, and all made dishes. Soups. Mutton, beef, chicken, oyster, or clam, clear soup. Fish. All kinds, raw oysters, raw clams (little neck). Meats, etc. Beef, mutton, chicken, game, chopped meat, butter, salad oil, eggs. Bread-stuffs. Wheat bread, rice boiled or as hatter cakes, oatmeal, wlieaten grits. Vegetables and Fruits. Baked white potatoes, spinach, greens, summer cab- bage, cresses, lettuce, celery, green peas, asparagus, fresh fruit. Drinks. Water freely, plain soda or Poland water, hot water an hour before meals, cocoa, milk, cream, ale and porter, tea or coffee without milk or sugar. AVOID Soups generally, stews, hashes, potatoes ( white and sweet) starches except as allowed, gravies, macaroni> all made dishes, pies, pastries, and puddings, sweets, distilled liquors, new malt liquors, chocolate, ivines, strawberries, raspberries, currants. NERVOUS DISEASES. Soups, etc. Beef, mutton, and chicken broth, free from fat. Fish. All kinds. OBESITY. 275 Meats. Lean beef, lean mutton, chicken, game. Eggs. Vegetables. Asparagus, cauliflower, onions, celery, cresses, spinach, white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, greens, squash, turnips. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Stale bread and dry toast, gluten biscuits. Desserts, Fruits, etc. Grapes, oranges, cherries, berries, acid fruit. Drinks. Water, Buffalo litliia or Vichy water, tea or coffee without sugar or milk. Wine occasionally. Exercise short of fatigue. AVOID Fat, thick soups, sauces and spices, hominy, oatmeal, mac- caroni, white and sweet potatoes, rice, beets, carrots, starches, parsnips, puddings, pies, cakes, all sweets, milk, water (if urea is in excess), alcoholic drinks, malt liquors. Avoid water in excess. PHTHISIS. Soups, etc. Beef-tea, mutton and chicken broth, clam soup, turtle soup. Pish. Fresh fish, raw oysters, raw clams (little neck). Meats, etc. Beef rare, scraped meat, bacon, mutton roasted, roasted or broiled poultry, game, soft boiled eggs, beef fat, butter, salad oil, sweet breads. Bread and Farinaceous Articles. Wheat bread, Indian bread, rice. 276 Vegetables and Fruits. Spinach, asparagus, lettuce, cresses, celery, tomatoes, greens, green peas ; fruits. Drinks. Water, Vichy or plain soda water, hot water (a pint an hour before meals), brandy, whiskey, milk, milk punch, wines, malt liquors, cream. AVOID Starches and farinaceous foods, as a rule, potatoes, turnips, carrots, all pies and pastries, made dishes, sweets, gravies, puddings. PREGNANCY. Soups. Mutton, chicken, oyster, and clam. Fish. Raw oysters, raw clams. Meats. Beef, mutton, chicken, game, eggs, butter, fat, sweet breads, ham. Bread. Wheat bread, corn bread, oatmeal, wheaten grits, rice. Vegetables and Fruits. Baked potatoes, spinach, macaroni, greens, cresses, -celery, green peas, lettuce, asparagus, green corn, and oranges, grapes, stewed fruit. Drinks. Water (freely), Poland or Vichy water, cocoa, milk, tea and coffee, sour wine. Desserts. Plain puddings. If the stomach should rebel it is well to have the patient breakfast in bed. AVOID Pork, veal, stews, hashes, gravies, made dishes, rich desserts. 277 January . . . 1 i 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 October . •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nov. February . . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 November •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Dec. March . . . . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 December •1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Jan. April.... . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 January . •1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 Feb. May . . . . . 1 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 February ■ 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mar. June . . . . . 1 i 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 March . . •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i 2 3 4 5 6 April. July . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April . . . . | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 May. August . . . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 May . . . . •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 June. 5ept6m ber . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 June .... •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 July. October . . . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July .... •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Aug. November . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August . . •1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sept. . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September _L 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oct. Explanation.—Find in top line the date of menstruation, the figure below will indicate the date when confinement may be expected, i. e. if date of menstruation is June 1st, confinement may be expected on March 8th, or one day earlier if leap year. (Dr. Ely.) TABLE FOR CALCULATING THE PERIOD OF UTERO-GESTATION. 278 DRUGS AND MATERIALS USED IN ANTISEPTIC SURGERY. TOGETHER WITH GENERAL DIRECTIONS CONCERNING PREPARATIONS FOR ANTISEPTIC OPERATIONS. (From Martin’s Surgery.) ANTISEPTIC SOLUTIONS. Acid, carbolic., .... f5v’?' Aquae, . . q. s. ad Oj.—M. Sig.: Solution 1-20 carbolic. Lister. Acid, boric., .... 3iv- Aq. destillat., .... Oj.—M. Sig.: Saturated solution, gr. x to fgj. Potassii permanganat., . •5.0 Aquae, tgj.—M. Sig.: f3J to Oj = 1-1000. Zinci chlorid., .... gr. xl. Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Apply on a swab to fresh septic wounds. Hydrarg. clilor. corros., Sodii clilor., . . . aa 3j- Aquae, . . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: f'3j to Oj = 1 to 1000. IJ: Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . . 3j* Ammon, clilor., . . xxxij. Aquae, . . q. s. ad f^j.—M. Sig.: U5j t0 Oj water = 1 to 1000 solution. Hydrarg. chlor0 corros., . • 3J- Acid, tartaric., .... 3V- Aquae, . . . q. s. ad fgiv.—M. Sig.: to Oj aquae = 1000. 279 B Acidi carbolic., .... f^j. 01. olivse, ..... fgx.—M. Sig.: Carbolized oil. Lister. B Iodoform., . . . . 5j. Collodion, ..... f'5x. M. Sig.: Iodoform collodion. Kuster. B Iodoform • ? • • . . o gr. xxx. fgss. Aq. destillat., . . q. s. ad fgj.—M. Sig.: Iodoform ether. Nussbaum. B Iodoform., . . . . . gj. AUther., gj.—M. Sig.: Iodoform ether. B Creolin, fgj. Sig*s f3i to to Oj. v. Esmarch. B Hydrogen peroxide, . . . fgj. Sig.: Use in liard-rubber atomizer. B Acid, boric., .... Paraffine, ..... "x. Ung. petrol at, .... gv.—M. Sig., I3oric acid salve. Lister. B Acidi salicylic., . . • Paraffine, ..... Cerat. alb., .... '^xv. 01. amyg., .... gxij.—M. Sig.; Salicylic salve. Lister. B Iodoformi rzj. Ung. petrolati, .... gvj. 01. amyg. amar.; . . . gtt. ij.—M. Sig.: Iodoform salve. B Iodoform., *j to iv. Ung. petrolat, .... gj.—M. Sig.: Iodoform ointment. B 01. olivse, .... fgj. Acidi carbolic., . . . gr, xli to xxiv.—M. Sig.: 1-40 or 1-20 carbolized oil. SALVES. 280 ]£. Ung. petrolati, . . • 5J- Acidi carbolic., . . . gr. xxiv toxij.—M. Sig.: 1-20 or 1-40 carbolized vaseline. LIGATURES. Immerse the commercial catgut in a frequently renewed solution made as follows :— Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . . 5b Alcohol., ..... fgiiss. Aq. destillat., .... fgvj.—M. Preserve for use in the following:— Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . . gr. vj. Alcohol., ..... fgx. Aq. destillat., .... fgiiss.—M. From this solution it is taken as needed. TO CHROMACIZE CATGUT. Place catgut in ether for forty-eight hours ; then im- merse in the following for forty-eight hours and put i» antiseptic, dry, tightly-closed vessels :— Acidi chromic., .... gr. j. Acidi carbolic., . . . . gr. cc. Alcohol., ..... i'3ij. Aq. destillat., .... l'3xxij.—M. Soak in carbolic, 1-20, before using. The catgut is usually prepared by soaking it in oil of juniper for one week, then storing it in absolute alcohol, or a 1-1000 alcoholic sublimate solution. SILK (Czerny). The silk should be boiled for one hour in a 1 to 20 car- bolic solution, then kept in a 1 to 50 carbolic solution. Boil in clean water for one hour, then store in an alco- holic solution of sublimate 1-1000. DRAINAGE. Rubber tubes, wash clean and keep in a 1 to 20 car- bolic solution. Rubber tubing may be hardened by immersing for five minutes in concentrated sulphuric acid. The tubes are then washed in alcohol and preserved in 1—20 carbolic solution. Decalcified bones, catgut, horse-hair, silk-worm gut, may all be stored in absolute alcohol containing subli- mate 1-1000. 281 OPERATOR’S HANDS. Pare nails and clean around and under them wi. < knife. Clean arms, hands, and nails for one minut with a brush, very warm water, and potash soap (pearl- ine) ; then wash for one minute in stronger alcohol, and then for one minute in 1-1000 or 1-500 bichloride solu- tion or 1-30 carbolic solution. The hands are then al- lowed to remain wet. OPERATIVE REGION. The patient should have a warm bath before the opera- tion, and the operation region must be shaved and cov- ered with cloths dipped in 1-1000 bichloride or 1-30 car- bolic, and covered with paraffine paper; this dressing must remain for several hours previous to the operation. Immediately before the operation the parts are washed and brushed with potash soap, then rubbed with alcohol, ether, or turpentine, and irrigated with 1-500 bichloride or 1-30 carbolic solution. The environs should be cov- ered with towels wet with 1-500 bichloride or 1-30 car- bolic, and changed during the operation as often as soiled. The region to be operated upon should also be covered with similar towels until the surgeon commences his in- cision, and during the entire operation scrupulous care must be exercised to keep every portion of the wound covered except that part which the surgeon must have exposed for the continuance of his work. INSTRUMENTS. Brush with 1-20 carbolic solution ; sterilize by roast - boiling, or by storing for one hour in 1-20 carbolic solu- tion. During operation keep in a 1-40 carbolic solut on. To prevent rusting boil in one per cent. sod. carb. solution. A very effectual method is to place them in metal box.s and heat in an ordinary oven (200° F.).for one-half to one hour ; they may then be used dry. SPONGES. If new, cleanse in soda solution and immerse for tweiP y • four hours in water to which is added— IJ. Potassii permanganat., . . gr. 15£. This turns them brown ; then wash in a bowl of water, to which add— Acid, hydroclilor., . . . fgv. Sodii hyposulpliit., . . . f^iss.—M. This bleaches them. They are then washed with hot water and potash soap and kept in 1-1000 bichloride or • 1-20 carbolic solution. Keller. 282 Infected sponges. Keep in lukewarm water for twenty four hours, or, better still, in running water for the same time; then wash with potash soap and warm water and ktep’in 1-1000 bichloride or 1-20 carbolic. THE WOUND. Unless it is infected, the wound need not be flushed or irrigated with irritating antiseptic solutions. If the me- chanical effect of irrigation is necessary, sterilized water containing three-quarter per cent, of common salt may be employed. If the wound is probably infected, irrigate with 1-500 bichloride solution, subsequently flushing out with a weaker lotion varying in strength from 1-2000 to 1-5000. In operations about the mouth, bladder, intestines, etc., boric acid solution or the sterilized salt solution may be used. DRESSINGS. Typical Lister dressing. 1. Silk protective, which is made from oiled silk, coated with copal varnish, and then with a mixture prepared as follows:— Dextrine, 3h Starch, . 5U; Carbolic sol., 1-20, . . • f§ij*—'M. 2. Moist compresses. Moist carbolized gauze, six thick- nesses, somewhat larger than the wound, and wrung out of 1-20 carbolic solution. 3. The antiseptic gauze, seven lagers. This gauze is pre- served in parchment paper, and is made as follows :— Take cheese-cloth cut in pieces about six yards long and one yard wide, soak in boiling water for two or three hours, and stretch to dry, after saturating with the fol- lowing :— Carbolic acid, (crystals), . • 3i- Resin, ..... ?)*• Paraffine (solid), . . . 5vib—'M. 4. Mackintosh, which is a cloth made impervious by means of caoutchouc. The eighth layer of gauze. /• dage, made of muslin or gauze saturated with i ...0 carbolic acid. 283 7. Cotton and bandage. The ordinary bichloride dressing is applied as fol- lows :— 1. Protective. 2. Several layers of bichloride gauze wrung out in car- bolic solution 1-20, and large enough to overlap the pro- tective everywhere. 3. Many (10-20) layers of bichloride gauze wrung out in 1-1000, and large enough to overlap the preceding dressing. 4. Bichloride cotton overlapping the preceding dress- ing (No. 3). 5. Wet (1-2000) gauze bandage and dry gauze or mus- lin bandage. BICHLORIDE GAUZE. Boil cheese-cloth in water made alkaline by the addi- tion of washing-soda, wring out in hot water, again boil in water without the addition of the soda, run it through a bichloride solution of 1—200, and pack away moist in jars that have been previously washed in the same solu- tion. This gauze should be wrung out in a solution of bichloride 1-1000 immediately before being applied to the surface of the body. Gauze, .... 15,500 gr. Hydrarg. chlor. corros., . . 77 gr. Sodii chloridi, .... 7750 gr. Glycerinae, .... 1550 gr. Aqure, 68 fj.—M. Maas. LISTER’S DOUBLE CYANIDE GAUZE. Wash all utensils used in preparing this gauze in— Sol. of biclilor., 1-500, Sol. carbol. acid, 1-20, aa equal parts.—M. Then add gr. c. of double cyanide of mercury and zinc (Lister) to four pints of a 1 to 4000 solution of bichloride of mercury. (Keep this well stirred, since it does not form a solu- tion ; the double cyanide is only in suspension in the bichloride solution.) Run plain gauze through it and pack away moist. The double cyanide salt is prepared as follows :— Cyanide of potassium, . . gr. 130. Cyanide of mercury, . . gr. 252. Mix and dissolve in water, . . f^xss. Add this solution to— Zinc sulphate, ... gr. 287. Water, ....'. fSiv.—M. 284 Collect the resulting precipitate and wash with water fgviii divided into two portions. Diffuse the precipitate by means of mortar and pestle in distilled water fgviii containing hsematoxylin gr. 1£, and a drop of a solution made by adding stronger ammonia f'3j to distilled water fgxv; let this mixture stand for several hours. The dyed salt is then drained and dried at a moderate heat. SOLUTION FOR CARBOLIZED GAUZE. Resin, giv. Alcohol, ..... fgxx. Castor oil, ..... fg§. Carbolic acid, .... fgii§.—M. Run gauze though this solution and hang up to dry. University Hospital. 285