Adjutant and Inspector General’s Officb, Richmond, September 28, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, ) No. 126. 5 I. In order to avoid all difficulty with respect to payment of officers absent from their commands, and who have not received commissions or letters of appointment, it is ordered, that all such officers shall, before leaving their companies, be furnished with a transcript from the muster rolls, or a certificate in lieu thereof, as may be convenient; setting out the full name, rank and date thereof of such officer, and that he is borne on the muster roll as such. These transcripts or certificates will be signed by the commanding officer of the regiment and company, and will be equivalent with the pay officer to the commission or letter of ap- pointment referred to in paragraph I, General Orders, No. 121, of 1863. This provision, however, is not designed to dispense with the require- ments of General Orders, No. 28, pars. II and 111, current series. 11. Paragraph I, General Orders, No. 116, Adjutant and Inspector General’s office, is so modified as to follows : “Generals, or other officers commanding departments, armies in the field, posts or garrisons, will cause all deserters, stragglers or other absen- tees from duty, and all persons liable to military service, found within their lines, and not belonging to their command, to be forthwith arrested and turned over to the nearest enrolling officer, whose duty it shall be to forward such absentees to their proper commands; or in case of con- scripts, to assign them to service, at the discretion of the commandant of conscripts of the state.” order. Adjutant and Inspector General. S. COOPER,