Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, Sept. 1, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, { No. 118. \ I. All officers of the Quartermaster’s department serving at posts or depots, will report immediately to the Quartermaster General their loca- tion, the character of the duties discharged by them, and by whose order they were so assigned. 11. The principal quartermaster at each post or depot will likewise re- port the names of all quartermasters serving thereat. He will also exa- mine carefully into the occupation of each officer, and will designate such as can he spared for service elsewhere. 111. The chief quartermaster of each separate army will forward to the Quartermaster General, at the earliest practicable day, a complete list of all his spbordinates, stating specifically the regiment, brigade, division or corps to which each may be attached, or when engaged on special duty, the character thereof- order. Adjutant and Inspector General. S. COOPER,