Adjutant and Inspector General's Office* Richmond, August 32, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, \ No. 110. 5 L Tho officers of ordnance duties in the provisional army, appointed under the acts of congress of April 21st and September 18th, 1862, will, until further orders, be distributed into grades, as authorized by the latter act, as follows: 4 lieutenant colonels, 9 majors, 65 captains, 40 first lieu- tenants, and 32 second lieutenants. Appointments to these grades will be made on the report of the Chief of Ordnance. Those officers serving in the field will algo be reported by the Generals commanding tho army or department prior to appointment. 11. Ordnance officers on duty in the field will, as far as practicable bo assigned to command according to rank, as follows: lieutenant colo- nels to armies, majors to army corps, captains to departments and divi- sions, and lieutenants to brigades. No claim to promotion, however, will be recognized in consequence of assignment to any command. 111. Two ordnance officers, not above tho rank of captain, may be allowed as assistants to tho chief ordnance officer of an army, and one, not above the rank of first lieutenant, to the chief ordnance officer of an army corps. One assistant, not above the rank of second lieutenant, may also be allowed to the chief ordnance officer of a department, when absolutely necessary, upon application to the Chief of the Bureau ot Ordnance. IY. The designation of the chief ordnance officer attached to com- mands will correspond with the designation of such commands: as chief ordnance officer of the army of ; chief ordnance officer ot army corps; chief ordnance officer of department; ordnance officer <2 division; ordnance officer of brigade. order S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.