Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, August 1, 18G3. GENERAL ORDERS, I No. 107. I I- V lien conscripts have been sent to camps of instruction, or to regi- ments m the field, after being pronounced, by the district examining boards established under the law, fit for military service, they can there- after be discharged only in accordance with the regulations prescribed for the discharge ot soldiers from the army. 11. In case there is reason to believe that any conscripts to camps of Instruction are disqualified, the commandant will- order a medical exami- nation, and forward a report, fully setting forth the grounds of disability, 11 found to exist, through the Bureau of Conscription, to the Surgeon General, for his approval, and for final action by the War Department. 111. Regimental officers have no discretion but to receive and take up on their rolls conscripts duly assigned them under the provisions of Ge- neral Orders, No. 82, of 1862, from this office. The question*of discharge ftrises subsequently. IV. The compensation of surgeons employed under the act of con- gress, approved October 11, 1802, to examine persons enrolled for mili- tary duty, will be $5 per day for each day they are actually engaged in making such examinations, and will be paid upon their certified accounts, by the quartermaster of the nearest camp of instruction. This order will effect from the 20th February last. V. General Officers who arc provided with aids de camp allowed by law, should they find it necessary to accept supernumerary or volunteer aids, must only receive those exempt from military service. order. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.