Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, July 9, 1863. GENEEAL OEDEES, ? No. 97. \ I. Before a General Court Martial, convened at the Camp of Major General E. H. Anderson’s Division, by virtue of General Orders, No. 133, of 1862, from Head Quarters Department of Northern Virginia, was ar- raigned and tried: Private C. Edgeworth, Company E, 3d Ga. Eegiment, upon the following Charges: Charge 1st—Violation of the 52d Article of War. Charge 2d—Disobedience of orders. (The Specifications being lengthy, are omitted.) FINDING. Of the Specification of the Ist Charge, Guilty. Of the Ist Charge, Guilty. Of the Specification of the 2d Charge, Guilty. Of the 2d Charge, Guilty. SENTENCE. To he shot to death with musketry. The proceedings in the above case having been laid before the Secre- tary of War, for the decision of the President, the following order is made: The Ist Charge is improperly stated to be, “ Violation of the 52d Article of War.” In consideration of which, and df affidavits tending to explain the circumstances which led to his conviction, and the petition of the non-commissioned officers and privates of his company, of the officers of his regiment, and the commanding officer of his division, bearing tes- timony to the gallantry displayed by Private Edgeworth at Malvern Hill, where he was wounded, and at the second battle of Manassas, the sen- tence is remitted. Private Edgeworth will be released from confinement, and returned to duty. order. Adjutant and Inspector General. S. COOPER,