Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, GENERAL ORDERS, ? No. 95. $ Richmond, July 7, 1863. I. Beiore a General Court Martial, convened at the Camp of Brig. Gen. Paxton, by virtue of General Orders, No. 128, of 1862, per Head Quarters Department of Northern Virginia, was arraigned and tried: Private M. Ricket, Company H, 27th Va. Infantry, on the following Charge: ■ Charge—Violation of the 52d Article of War. Of the Specification, Of the Charge, FINDING. Guilty. Guilty. SENTENCE. To be shot to death with musketry. 11. Before a General Court Martial, convened at the Camp of Brig. Gen. F. Lee’s Brigade, by virtue of General Orders, No. 12, current se- ries, from Head Quarters Department of Northern Virginia, were ar- raigned and tried: Privates Wm. G. Clarke and J. R. Humphreys, of Capt. Buathed’s Battery, Stuart’s Horse Artillery, on the following Charge: Charge—Violation of the 23d Article of War. * Of the Specification, Of the Charge, FINDING. Guilty. SENTENCE. Guilty. To be shot to death with musketry. 111. Before a General Court Martial, convened at the Camp of Maj. Gen. R. H. Anderson’s’ Division, by virtue of General Orders, No. 133, of 1862, per Head Quarters Department of Northern Virginia, was ar- raigned and tried: Private John Q. Childres, Company G, sth Fla. Regiment, on the following Charge: 2 Charge—Violation of the 52d Article of War. FINDING. Of the Specification, Of the Charge, Guilty. Guilty. SENTENCE. To be shot to death with musketry. IV. Before a General Court Martial, convened at Savannah, Ga., by virtue of General Orders, No. 61, current series, Head Quarters Depart- ment S. C., Ga. and Fla., was arraigned and tried; Private Henry Smith, Company E, 22d Battalion Ga. Artillery, on the following Charge: Charge—Violation of the 46th Article of War. Of the Specification, Of the Charge, FINDING. Guilty. Guilty. To be shot to death with musketry. SENTENCE. V. The proceedings in the cases of Privates M. Eicket, Company H, 27th Va. Infantry, William G. Clarke and J. E. Humphreys, of Capt. Buathed’s Battery, Stuart’s Horse Artillery; John L. Childres, Company G, sth Fla. Eegiment, and Henry Smith, Company E, 22d Battalion Ga. Artillery, having been laid before the Secretary of War, for the decision of the President, the following orders are made thereon: Tho several Articles of War, with the violation of which the above named are respectively charged, neither prescribe any duty or define and prohibit any offence. They simply pronounce punishments to be im- posed for certain offences. The charge of a violation of such articles is too indefinite to justify punishment under it. The defect is'fatal, and vitiates the whole proceedings; which are therefore set aside. The par- ties will be* released from close confinement, and returned to duty; and it is hoped that their future conduct will be such as to prevent any regret that they should have thus escaped the fate to which they were sentenced. VI. Before a General Court Martial, convened at Shelbyyille, Tenn., by Special Orders, No. 54, from Head Quarters Army of Tennessee, was arraigned and tried: 3 Assistant Surgeon W. T. Lockhart, P. A. C. S., on the following- Charge: Charge—Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. Specification Ist—For that the said Asst. Surg. W. T. Lockhart, at the Hospital of Withers’ Division, in Shelbyville, Tenn., on the 26th day of March 1863, did harshly and capriciously curse and abuse one Private D. F. Halliburton, Company B, 12th Tenn. Regiment, he the said Halli- burton then and there being a sentinel on guard duty. The other Specifications are omitted, being nearly the same as the first. Of the 3d Specification of the Charge, Guilty, except the words “ discharging his duty.” FINDING. Of the 2d Specification, Guilty, except the words “ and knock down.” Of the Ist Specification, Guilty, except the words “ curse and.” Of the Charge, Guilty. SENTENCE. To be dismissed the service. VII. The proceedings in the above case having been laid before the Secretary of War, for the decision of the President, are approved; but in consideration of the mitigating circumstances in the case, and the recom- mendations on file, the sentence of the Court is remitted, and Asst. Surg. Lockhart will return to duty. YIII. Before the General Court Martial, convened at Richmond, Va., by virtue of Special Orders, No. 23, current series, Head Quarters De- partment of Henrico, was arraigned and tried : Captain W. S. Reed, commanding the President’s Guard, on the fol- lowing Charges; CHARGE Ist—Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. Charge 2d—Violation of the 14th Article of War. Charge 3d—Violation of the 42d Article of War. Charge 4th—Violation of orders. The Specifications are omitted, being numerous, and of mere detail FINDING. Of the Ist Specification of the Ist Charge, Not Guilty. Of the 2d Specification of the Ist Charge, Guilty. 4 Of the 3d Specification of the Ist Charge, Guilty, hut attach no criminality thereto. Of the 4th Specification of the Ist Charge, Guilty. Of the sth Specification of the Ist Charge, Not Guilty. Of the Ist Charge, Not Guilty, hut guilty of unofficerlike and improper conduct, Of the Specification of the 2d Charge, Not Guilty. Of the 2d Charge, Not Guilty. Of the Specification of the 3d Charge, Not Guilty. Of the 3d Charge, Not Guilty. Of the Ist Specification of the 4th Charge, Guilty. Of the 2d Specification of the 4th Charge, Guilty. Of the 3d Specification of the 4th Charge, Guilty. Of the 4th Charge, , Guilty. SENTENCE. To be dismissed the service. IX. The proceedings in the above case having been laid before the Secretary of War, for the decision of the President, are approved; but in consideration of some mitigating circumstances, the sentence is com- muted to suspension from rank, pay and emoluments, for ten days. X. Before the Military Court attached to Lieut. General Polk’s Corps, was arraigned and tried: Second Lieut. H. J. Ballentine, 47th Tenn. Regiment, on the fol- lowing Charge: Specification—Charges that the accused did permit a number of pri- soners to leave the guard house, and go t