Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, GENERAL ORDERS, \ No. 87. ) Richmond, June 23, 1863. The following Forms for the enlistment of substitutes, and the dis- charge of soldiers presenting the same, will hereafter be observed : (Duplicates.) Application for discharge on account of having furnished a Substitute. ARMY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. , of Captain Company ( ), of the Regi- ment of the Confederate States Army , was enlisted by , of the Regiment of , at , on the day of 186—, to serve years, and not for the purpose of furnishing a sub- stitute. He was born in ,in the state of ,is years 0f age, ; feet inches high, complexion, eyes, hair, and by occupation when enlisted a I hereby certify that said soldier has furnished an able bodied man, well clothed, in the person of , as his substitute, whom I am willing to receive, being satisfied that the substitute is not now liable to conscrip- tion, by reason of Station : Date: Commanding Company. I certify that I have carefully examined the said , and find him sound, and in all respects fit for military service. Surgeon P. A. C. S. Discharged, this day of 186—, at - Commanding Battalion or Regiment. I hereby declare on oath that I am a resident of the state of , of the Confederate States of America, and a citizen thereof; that I am years of age- have not received from or paid to any agent money in- 2 ducing me to enlist as a substitute, and am not a member of any com- pany whatever. Sworn to before me, on this day of 186—, J. P. or N. P Approved Commanding Regiment. Head Quarters, Discharge approved- •, 186—. General Commanding SOLDIER’S DISCHARGE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Regiment of , who was enlisted the day of Know Ye, That , a of Captain Company, thousand eight hundred and , to serve , is hereby HONORA- BLY discharged from the Army of the Confederate States, by reason of his having furnished a substitute in the person of , a citizen of the Confederate States of America, years of age, as shown by affidavit on tile, who has been examined by a surgeon of the command, and found duly qualified to perform the duties of a soldier. I certify that he is the only substitute received in the company during the present month, and that the principal was not enlisted for the purpose of furnishing a sub- stitute. Said was born in , in the state of , is years of age, feet inches high, complexion, eyes. hair, and by occupation when enlisted a . Given at , this day of 186—. Commanding Regiment. Approved: General Commanding Army {or Department). order. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.