Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, June 13, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS, ? No. 83. 5 I. At a General Court Martial, convened at Shelbyville, Tennessee, by virtue of General Orders, No. 63, March 16, 1863, from the Adjutant and Inspector General’s office, Richmond, was arraigned and tried: Major General John P. McCoun, P. A. C. S., on the following Charge and Specification: Charge, - Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Specification I—ln1—In this, that Major General John P. McCoun, P. A. C. S., being in command of a division serving with “Army of Tennessee,” did, without authority, order, through his staff officer, Major Bradford. Assistant Adjutant General, Capt. Olhson, A. C. S., 4th Ark. Regiment, “ to go to Charleston, S. C. and such other points as may be necessary,” when the said Major General John P. McCoun, P. A. C. S., knew that such details were not authorized. All this at Shelbyville, Tennessee, on or before the 3d day of February 1863. S., commanding division, did, through his Assistant Adjutant General, Major Bradford, issue the said order to Major Olhson, A. C. S., 4th Ark. Regiment, to proceed to Charleston, S. C. and other points, when he the said Major General John P. McCoun, P. A. C. S., had but a short time previous received and acknowledged the receipt of an official communi- Specification 2—ln this, that Major General John P. McCoun, P. A. C. cation from the Commanding General of Department No. 2, requiring an explanation in regard to his detailing officers and enlisted men to go from his (McCoun’s) division, out of the lines of the army. All this at Shel- byville, Tennessee, on or about the 3d day of February 1863. 11. Finding and Sentence of the Court. After maturely considering the evidence adduced, the Court find the accused, Major General John P. McCoun, P. A. C. S., as follows, to wit; Of the Ist Specification, - * * ' Guilty. Of the 2d Specification, ' Of the Charge, - * * * * U1 2 > And do sentence him to be suspended from all rank, pay and emolu- ments for the space of six months; and that he be reprimanded in Gene- ral Orders, by the officer reviewing the proceedings of this Court. 111. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case hav- ing been submitted to the Secretary of War, to be laid before the Presi- dent, and having been duly considered, the same are approved, and the sentence of the Court will be carried into effect. Major General John P. McCoun is therefore suspended from rank, pay, emoluments and com- mand for six months from this date. IV. The General Court Martial, convened by General Orders, Iho. 63, Adjutant and Inspector General’s office, and of which Major General J. M. Withers is president, is hereby dissolved. order. Adjutant and Inspector General. S. COOPEE,