Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, June 10, 18G3. GENERAL ORDERS, } No. 80. £ I. Contractors with government officers to supply paper, are hereby authorized to send agents to the armies in (lie field, and to military posts, for the purpose of collecting material convertible into paper. 11. Commanding officers of armies and military departments will di- rect suitable facilities to be given to such agents, when coining certified by the officers with whom the contract is made, and will direct the quar- termaster’s department to furnish transportation to the nearest public route, for all material collected, whenever consistent with the interest of the service. 111. Non-commissioned officers and privates, who belonged to compa- nies or regiments which have been disbanded, and who, on account of their absence on detailed duty, were,not mustered out of service with tho commands to which they wore attached, but were continued for detailed duty, will bo paid for the period of such detail, upon descriptive lists prepared and signed by tho officer under whom they may he serving. Clothing will be drawn and issued to them by such officer, who will keep an accurate account of such issues, and endorse them upon said descrip- tive lists. All such non-commissioned officers and soldiers within the conscript age; will be at once reported to the nearest enrolling officer, who w ill take measures to assign them to companies. Those who are not liable to service as conscripts, will he discharged by order from tho Adjutant and Inspector General’s office. IY. In all elections of officers prescribed by law, a majority of all tho votes cast will be necessary to a choice. order. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General