Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, Richmond, May 2‘J, 18G3. GENERAL ORDERS, \ No. 70. ) I. The following; Act of Congress, and Regulations adopted by the Department in pursuance thereof, are published for the information of all : An Act to abolish Supernumerary Officers in the Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the cfficc of regimental commissary be and the same is hereby abolished, and the duties heretofore devolved by law upon said commissary shall be per- formed by the regimental quartermaster; provided, that said quartermas- ter shall, if required by the Secretary of War, execute a new bond, with ,*uch additional penalty as he may require. “ Sec. 2. That the commanding officer of a regiment or battalion shall, when the good of the set vice in his opinion requires it, detail a non-com- niissioned officer or private as commissary sergeant, who shall be assigned to the regimental quartermaster to perform the duties now performed by commissary sergeants; and the non-commissioned officer or private so detailed shall receive, as extra pay, twenty dollars per month. “ SEC. 3. That the regimental quartermasters acting as commissaries, ehall draw supplies for their respective regiments on Provision Returns, Form 14, and not in bulk; and when detached from their brigades, so -that it is impracticable to draw supplies from the brigade commissary, it -shall be the duty of the nearest brigade or post commissary to supply his regiment on Provision Return 14. “ Sec. 4. Sales to officers shall be made by the brigade commissaries to which such officers are attached. “ Sec. 5. That quartermasters and commissaries, assistant quartermas- ters and assistant commissaries, who become permanently detached from .divisions, brigades or regiments to which they are originally appointed und assigned, respectively, whether by resignation or otherwise, shall cease to be officers of the army, and their names shall be dropped from the rolls of the army, unless reassigned by a special order of the Secre- tary of War. “ Sec. 6. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to issue 2 the necessary orders for the earliest practicable enforcement of the provi- sions of this law; and that he shall communicate to the chiefs of the sub- sistence and quartermaster’s bureaux the names of the commissaries and assistant commissaries, quartermasters and assistant quartermasters re- tained and dropped from the rolls under this act. “Sec.J. That all laws and parts of laws contravening the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.” [Approved May 1, 1863.] 1. After ibis date no appointment will be made of regimental or bat- talion commissaries in the provisional anny. Departmental commanders will direct the transfer, by regimental commissaries, of all money, effect I and property in their hands to the proper regimental quartermasters, who will thereafter discharge the duties of the former, in accordance with the provisions of this act. Until such transfer is perfected, regimental com- missaries will continue in the performance of their usual duties; but after the 31st day of July next all quartermasters and commissaries, assistant quartermasters and assistant commissaries, who have not been or may not be, prior to July 31st, specially detailed or assigned to duty, w ill cease to be officers in the confederate service. If. Regulations, 2 Sales to officers will, after the 31st of July next, be made by the brigade commissary, as required in (he 4th section of the net; and to en- able him to do so, the brigade commander will select stud report to the War Department, through the usual channel, the best qualified regimental commissary of his brigade, for assignment to duty with the brigade com- missary. It shall be the special duty of the commissary thus assigned, to receive supplies in bulk, and to make the usually required sales to of- ficers of the army. He will be under the immediate direction of the brigade commissary; will receipt to him for all property received, ajnd make through him the proper reports and returns of his transactions. 3. In cavalry regiments, a lieutenant of cavalry or other competent officer may be detailed, when necessary, to aid the regimental quarter- master }n the discharge of such additional duties as may bo devolved upon him under the operation of this law. 4. Additional bonds will not be required of regimental quartermasters charged with commissary duties, except where directed by the Sect clary of War. order. Adjutant and Jnsjjcclur General. S. COOPER,