Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office, GENERAL ORDERS, > No. 61. 5 Richmond., May 15, 1863. I. Farmers upon whose premises horses and mules have been or may hereafter be left by the enemy, are admonished to pursue the require- ments of the lawg of their respective states respecting- estrays, so far as to have the same properly valued, and the valuation thereof duly re- corded ; and where it is not apparent that such property was the property of the United States government, to have advertisement thereof made as required by law. 11. Upon compliance with the above admonition, the government will not assert any adverse claim to such horses and mules, unless they shall exceed in value the property whereof the citizens having possession may have been despoiled by the enemy, and then only to the extent of such excess in value. ( 111. All officers of the army will respect the rights of citizens, as de- fined and conceded in the foregoing sections. order. S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General.